What Are Celestial Objects, Where Do They Come From, and What Does the Word Celestial Mean In Latin?

Unless you are blinded by the bright lights of a city, the nighttime sky will show you bright lights of its own.

The lights in the sky are objects emitting electromagnetic waves that we see as light.

Lumped together, these objects, mostly stars, planets, satellites, comets, galaxies, and meteors, are often called celestial objects, or heavenly bodies.

The word celestial comes from the Latin word for heavenly, caelesti.

The heavens is a rather old-fashioned term for that corner of the universe that we can readily see from Earth.

The Triangulum Spiral galaxy, 2.9 million light-years away, is just beyond the point where it can be seen with the naked eye. With the best telescopes, astronomers are able to detect celestial objects 15 billion light-years away.

You can have a star named after you by purchasing the registration at most astronomy or star stores.

But, beware, the registration of the star might not be recognized by the scientific community.