Total Nuisance Averted: Mastering Critter Removal Techniques

Critter infestations can be a nuisance for homeowners, but with the right techniques, they can be effectively managed and prevented. In this article, we will explore common critter infestations, effective removal strategies, and preventative measures to maintain a critter-free environment in your home. Key Takeaways Recognize the signs of critter presence early to take timely … Read more

Armadillo Dilemmas: How to Handle Yard Holes with Care

Armadillos are fascinating creatures that can cause dilemmas in yards with their burrowing habits and impact on vegetation. Understanding their behavior, control measures, health concerns, and population dynamics is essential for effectively managing armadillo presence. In this article, we will explore key takeaways from each aspect to help you handle yard holes with care and … Read more

The Unmistakable Trace: Understanding Squirrel Droppings

Squirrel droppings can provide valuable insights into the presence and behavior of these furry creatures. Understanding how to identify squirrel droppings and the associated health risks is crucial for maintaining a safe and healthy environment. This article delves into the unmistakable trace that squirrel droppings leave behind and sheds light on the importance of proper … Read more

Deciphering Wildlife Visits: A Guide to Skunk Prints

Skunks are fascinating creatures with unique behaviors and characteristics. Understanding their behavior and identifying their prints can help you coexist peacefully with these wildlife visitors. Here is a guide to deciphering skunk prints and preventing unwanted encounters with skunks in your environment. Key Takeaways Understanding skunk behavior is essential for peaceful coexistence with these wildlife … Read more

Understanding the Impact of Squirrel Feces on Urban Ecosystems

Squirrel feces play a significant role in urban ecosystems, impacting soil quality, serving as a food source for wildlife, and posing health risks to humans. Understanding these effects is crucial for managing urban environments and promoting ecosystem health. Key Takeaways Squirrel feces contribute to nutrient enrichment in soil, enhancing plant growth and ecosystem productivity. The … Read more

Slithering Suburbs: Coping with Snakes in Houston, Texas

Living in Houston, Texas, means dealing with the presence of snakes in suburban areas. Whether venomous or non-venomous, encountering snakes can be a common occurrence. In this article, we will explore how to identify common snakes in Houston, preventive measures to avoid snake encounters, and how to safely deal with snake encounters when they arise. … Read more

Safe and Effective Methods for Removing a Dead Animal from Your Property

Removing a dead animal from your property can be a challenging and unpleasant task. Whether you choose to hire professional services or tackle the removal yourself, it’s important to consider the costs, environmental impact, and ethical considerations. This article explores safe and effective methods for removing dead animals, including professional services, DIY techniques, and humane … Read more

5 Surprising Facts About Armadillo Poop You Probably Didn’t Know

Armadillos are fascinating creatures, and their poop can reveal some surprising facts about their behavior and impact on the environment. In this article, we will explore five intriguing facts about armadillo poop that you probably didn’t know before! Key Takeaways Armadillo poop can provide insight into the armadillo’s diet and eating habits. Armadillo poop plays … Read more

What Goes into a Reptile Diet?

Did you know that the Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard? Or that the toad is a type of amphibian? You might wonder about their eating habits if you like lizards, toads, or even Komodo dragons. This interest won’t manifest in a craving for iguana now and then. Or in having a special crush … Read more

How to Take Care of a Leopard Gecko That Won’t Eat

Leopard geckos are interesting animals that make wonderful pets. But as a pet owner, it can be scary if your gecko stops eating suddenly. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for leopard geckos to go on hunger strikes, and there could be several reasons behind this behavior.  As a responsible owner, you should figure out what’s wrong … Read more

4 Smart Reasons to Buy Pet Insurance

All of us who are pet parents just want what is best for our pets. The expense of maintaining a pet, from food and entertainment to regular checkups and unexpected hospitalizations, can pile up rapidly. Every pet owner is at least once faced with a tough choice concerning their furry friend’s health.  According to a … Read more

Tips to Get Emotionally Attached to Your Dog

couple walking the dogs on a rainy day

Dogs are not just pets; they are part of our family. They are our constant companions, our confidants, and our loyal friends. It is easy to get emotionally attached to our dogs because they provide us with unconditional love and support.  Research has shown that owning a dog can positively impact our mental health, reducing … Read more

How to Help a Stressed Dog: Understanding the Signs and Solutions


There are over 76.8 million dogs in the US, and they’re spread out across 48.2 million households. It’s clear that these canines are immensely popular as pets, especially since they provide companionship and comfort in our times of need. Dogs can get stressed out though, which can upset both you and your pet. It won’t … Read more

How Do You Make And Clean A Snake Terrarium?

person holding snake

Making and cleaning a snake terrarium can be a daunting task, but it is doable! In this blog post, we will walk you through creating and maintaining a beautiful terrarium for your snake. We will also discuss the importance of keeping your terrarium clean and how to do so effectively. Let’s get started! How big … Read more

Top 10 Cat Breeds That Your Kids Will Swoon Over


Cats are amazing creatures. They’re curious, playful and often very affectionate, making them the perfect pet for kids. But with so many different cat breeds to choose from, it can be hard to decide which one is right for your family. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of the top 10 cat … Read more

Why Do Dingoes Eat Babies?

why do dingoes eat babies

The question “Why Dingoes Eat Babies?” has been asked many times. Few Americans are aware that it’s an absurdity and is actually based on an actual incident. The joke was popularized by television shows such as Seinfeld, The Simpsons, etc. Many Americans may have heard it before. It’s better to find out the truth than … Read more

What is the Rarest Whale in the World?

what is the rarest whale in the world scaled

The world’s rarest whale, the spade-toothed beaked whale, has been retroactively discovered by researchers in New Zealand and the USA. The pair of skeletons were correctly identified in a lab recently after conservation workers found the bodies of a 5.2-metre (17-foot) whale and her calf washed up on a beach in New Zealand two years … Read more

What Do Snakes Eat and Do Snakes Have Any Predators?

what do snakes eat and do snakes have any predators

Although the smallest snakes are no larger than worms, they are all predators. Small snakes eat insects. Larger snakes eat rats or squirrels or rabbits. The huge pythons and anacondas can swallow a deer. Some snakes use poison called venom to catch animals. They deliver their poison with a bite. Others are constrictors, which means … Read more

Where do goats come from and how long do goats live for?

where do goats come from and how long do goats live for

The domestic goat is a subspecies from the wild goat that came from Eastern Europe and Asia. One of the oldest domesticated species of animals, goats have been bred by humans for their milk, meat, skin, and fur. There are over three hundred different breeds of goat, and they are closely related to sheep. The … Read more

What is the structure of an insect’s central nervous system?

what is the structure of an insects central nervous system

Typically, it is a chain of ganglia (aggregations of nerve cells) that extends from the head to the end of the abdomen, one ganglion per segment. The ganglia are joined by paired, longitudinal connectives that consist mainly of nerve fibers. The three most complex ganglia constitute the brain, located in the head above the esophagus. … Read more

Can parasites of insects prevent their hosts from encapsulating them?

can parasites of insects prevent their hosts from encapsulating them

Parasites of insects have evolved several ways, mainly biochemical mechanisms, to prevent their hosts from encapsulating them. It was also recently discovered that certain parasitic wasps that live in the body cavity of an insect as larvae have enlisted an outside agent, a virus, to do this job for them. This virus, specifically known as … Read more

What is an instar?

what is an instar

Molts divide an insect’s life into stages that are known as stadia. Between hatching from its egg and its first molt, an insect is in the first stadium and is known as the first instar. Between the first and second molts, the second stadium, it is known as the second instar, and so on until … Read more

What do adult honey bees eat?

what do adult honey bees eat

As do all other bees, including the solitary, subsocial, and eusocial species, adult honey bees eat pollen, nectar, and occasionally the honeydew produced by aphids and other species of Homoptera. They store both pollen and nectar, the latter in the form of honey, in their nests for future use. Pollen is their source of proteins, … Read more

How are monarch butterflies protected against predators?

how are monarch butterflies protected against predators scaled

Most of them, like many other insects, are poisonous and make any animal that eats them ill. While some insects synthesize their own poisons, monarchs sequester poisons, cardiac glycosides, from the milkweed plants that they eat in their caterpillar stage. Cardiac glycosides, which are related to digitalis, a drug used to treat heart problems, are … Read more

How do poisonous butterflies benefit when they must be eaten before their poison has an effect?

how do poisonous butterflies benefit when they must be eaten before their poison has an effect

The individual butterfly that is eaten does not, of course, benefit directly from its toxicity, but other members of a victim’s species do benefit from its sacrifice. Poisonous species are generally warningly colored, as is the orange and black monarch butterfly, and may present other warning signals that predators learn to associate with an unpleasant … Read more

How was the effect of toxic monarch butterflies on birds demonstrated?

how was the effect of toxic monarch butterflies on birds demonstrated

In a series of masterful experiments, Lincoln Brower and his colleagues proved that monarchs obtain poisons (cardiac glycosides) from their food plants, that these poisons make birds ill, and that birds that have been sickened by eating a monarch thereafter reject monarchs on sight. He raised some monarchs on a species of milkweed that does … Read more

What Sounds Do Chickens Make In Other Languages Such As French and German?

what sounds do chickens make in other languages such as french and german

A rooster’s crow is so distinctive that there isn’t much variation between “cock a doodle doo!” (English) and “ku ku ri ku!” (Hebrew), “ko ki ko ko!” (Japanese), and “ku ka rzhi ku!” (Russian). However, language differences appear when you start talking chicks and hens. Chicks say “twit twit” in Arabic, “pip pip” in Danish, … Read more

What Is a Cobweb and Where Does the Word Cobweb Come From?

what is a cobweb and where does the word cobweb come from

A cobweb is a spiderweb. The word cob comes from the Middle English word coppe for spider. Apart from that, there is also a group of spiders specifically called “cobweb spiders.” Cobweb spiders build messy webs in corners and usually have a bulblike body and clawlike legs. Black widows fall into this category.

How Is Shellac Made and Where Does the Lac Bug Come From?

how is shellac made and where does the lac bug come from

Shellac is made from bug resin. The lac insect, scientific name Laccifer lacca, related to the scale bug, sticks its mouth into the branches and bark of certain types of trees, then secretes a resin that covers its entire body. After this bug resin is crushed, almost always along with the bug itself, washed, and … Read more

How Do I Raise My Own Crickets and What Do Crickets Eat?

how do i raise my own crickets and what do crickets eat

Crickets need to be raised really carefully. Crickets that get loose can wreak havoc on a house, and it’s almost impossible to get rid of the infestation once it starts. But if you have a secure area and a good aquarium with a tight mesh lid, it’s not too hard. Put a half inch to … Read more

Where Do Killer Bees Come From and Why Are Killer Bees More Poisonous Than Regular Bees?

where do killer bees come from and why are killer bees more poisonous than regular bees

“Killer Bees,” more accurately known as Africanized honeybees, are not more poisonous, but they are much more aggressive. In 1956, a geneticist named Warwick Kerr brought African honeybees to Brazil to crossbreed with European honeybees because they are such prodigious producers of honey. Unfortunately, the offspring turned out to be just as aggressive as the … Read more

Why Do Some Spiders Lay Their Eggs On People?

why do some spiders lay their eggs on people scaled

Spiders don’t lay eggs in human skin. Other insects may do this, like the mites that create the skin disorder scabies, but spiders are far too concerned with the well-being of their offspring to entrust them to the likes of us. Warmth isn’t necessarily what mother spiders are seeking for their egg sacs; security is. … Read more

Why Do Millipedes Have More Legs Than Centipedes and Are Millipedes Poisonous?

why do millipedes have more legs than centipedes and are millipedes poisonous

You would think that something named “milli” (thousand) would have more legs than something named “centi” (hundred). Although we think of them as insects, centipedes and millipedes are more closely related to crustaceans, lobsters and shrimp. Millipedes often do have more legs than a centipede, but technically that depends on the varieties you’re talking about. … Read more

What Is a Wombat and Where Do Wombats Come From?

what is a wombat and where do wombats come from

A wombat is a common name for several different rodent-like, ground-burrowing marsupials from Australia. The largest type is the most prevalent and is often domesticated in Australia, as its docile temperament makes it a good pet. The animal has been killed or driven out of many areas, however, because it is thought to damage crops. … Read more

What Do Hippos Eat and Why Do Hippos Leave the Water at Night?

what do hippos eat and why do hippos leave the water at night

Hippos eat mostly grass, and are classified as herbivores. A hippo’s specialized eyes and nose, located on the top of its head, help it stay almost entirely submerged for large portions of the day. Young hippos actually have a specialized tongue that lets them dive down and nurse while under water. That said, during the … Read more

What Did Mastodons Eat and When Did Mastodons Become Extinct?

what did mastodons eat and when did mastodons become extinct

Mastodons became extinct as recently as 8,000 years ago, along with their Pleistocene cousins, the mammoths. Although mastodons had many similarities to both mammoths and elephants, they were different in one way. Their teeth weren’t flat, but bumpy, perhaps for better tearing and grinding. Mastodons ate shrubs, leaves, and grasses, and some experts say their … Read more

How Did the Mustang Get its Name, What Does Mustang Mean In Spanish, and Where Did the Wild Horses Come From?

how did the mustang get its name what does mustang mean in spanish and where did the wild horses come from

A mustang is a half-wild horse descended from the Arabian horses brought to the Americas by Spanish explorers in the sixteenth century. The word mustang comes from the Mexican-Spanish word mestengo meaning “stray animals that are ownerless.” Today’s mustangs are the offspring of generations of runaways and those horses stolen or recaptured by aboriginals. By … Read more

How Did the Chicken Get its Name and What Does the Word Chicken Mean in Old English?

how did the chicken get its name and what does the word chicken mean in old english

The domestic chicken descended mostly from the Red Junglefowl, or “Gallus gallus”, and is classified as the same species. The name chicken comes from the Old English word “cycen”, which means “young fowl”. It later evolved to mean “young chicken” in Middle English, which then was used to refer to any chicken, adult or juvenile. … Read more

Why Are Armadillos the Most Common Roadkill In the United States When They Have Armor To Protect Them?

why are armadillos the most common roadkill in the united states when they have armor to protect them

Armadillos are small placental mammals that can be found throughout the Americas. Unfortunately, most of the armadillo’s defenses are completely unsuitable for dealing with cars. One of its strategies is to roll up into a protective ball completely surrounded by its armor, which can save it from a variety of natural things, but not an … Read more

Where Do Black Bears Live and Are all Black Bears Black?

where do black bears live and are all black bears black

The black bear is the smallest and most common species of bear native to North America. Many black bears are, in fact, black. However, black bears come in many colors, and even the black ones often have a star-shaped white mark on their chests. For the record, black bears can also be brown, bluish, cinnamon, … Read more

How Did the Bear Get its Name, What Does it Mean, And How Do Bears Mate and Reproduce?

how did the bear get its name what does it mean and how do bears mate and reproduce

Bears are mammals of the Ursidae family, and can be found in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Bears are usually solitary animals and diurnal, meaning they are active during the day and sleep at night. The English name “bear” comes from Old English word “bera”, which means “brown” in Germanic languages. The ancient … Read more

What is Bear-Baiting, How Did it Originate, and What Kind of Bear Did They Use For Bear-Baiting?

what is bear baiting how did it originate and what kind of bear did they use for bear baiting

Bear-baiting was popular in England for several centuries, from about the 16th century, and was practiced till the 19th century. Herds of bears were often maintained for bear-baiting, and arenas for spectators called bear-gardens were constructed, with a circular high fenced area called the “pit”, and raised seating for spectators. It’s sometimes difficult to understand … Read more

What Do Giant Panda Bears Eat and Are Pandas Carnivorous Meat Eaters?

what do giant panda bears eat and are pandas carnivorous meat eaters

The giant panda bear’s diet is almost exclusively bamboo, but they will eat honey, eggs, fish, bananas and oranges when available. Giant pandas, although cute and cuddly, are related to carnivorous bears, and in fact have a digestive system, a simple stomach and short intestines, designed for meat eating. How and why they became bamboo … Read more

How Did the Badger Get its Name, Where do Badgers Come From, and What Do They Eat?

how did the badger get its name where do badgers come from and what do they eat

Badgers, also known as brocks, are short-legged, heavy-set omnivores in the weasel family, and the 8 species can be found throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. The name badger probably came from the French word “bêcheur”, which means “digger”, introduced during the reign of William the Conqueror. The less common name brock is from the … Read more

Where Do Gophers Come From, What Do Gophers Eat, and How Do Gophers See Underground?

where do gophers come from what do gophers eat and how do gophers see underground

Gophers, also known as pocket gophers, are small burrowing rodents native to North America. Unlike ground squirrels, pocket gophers are the “true” gophers, Gophers are burrowers and create a large networks of subterranean tunnels called gopher towns which can be extremely destructive to commercial agriculture. Most species of gophers love to feed on shrubs and … Read more

Why is Wisconsin Called the Badger State and What Does the Name Have to Do With Mining?

why is wisconsin called the badger state and what does the name have to do with mining

The state of Wisconsin definitely has badgers, but it’s not why it’s called the badger state. Wisconsin doesn’t have many more badgers than any other state, but you have to admit that Wisconsin has one up on Michigan. However, the state wasn’t really called that because of its badgers, surprise, surprise, except indirectly. “Badgers” became … Read more

What is a Gnu, Where Does it Come From, and How Do Gnus Defend Themsleves Against Predators?

what is a gnu where does it come from and how do gnus defend themsleves against predators

Gnu is another name for the wildebeest that is native to Africa. Gnus are antelopes, and otherwise known as hooved, or ungulate mammals. They are prey for lions, hyenas, cheetahs, leopards, and crocodiles. The primary defensive tactic against these predators is herding where the young are protected by the older larger ones while the herd … Read more

How Did the Wildebeest Get its Name and What Does it Mean?

how did the wildebeest get its name and what does it mean

The name Wildebeest means “wild beast” in Dutch, but you can’t believe every tag the Europeans gave animals, see gophers, aardvarks, groundhogs, etc. Also called the gnu, the wildebeest a hooved, or ungulate mammal. The wildebeest is a large antelope that roams through grassy plains of southern Africa, grazing in huge, usually placid herds. They … Read more

What Do Armadillos Eat and What Does Armadillo Poop Look Like?

what do armadillos eat and what does armadillo poop look like

Armadillos are very good diggers, and use their sharp claws to dig for food, which is is mostly insects, grubs, and other invertebrates. Some Armadillos prefer to build burrows near creeks and streams, close to food sources, making meal time quick and easy. Other Armadillo species eat just ants and not much else. Armadillo poop … Read more

Are Armadillos Poisonous and Are Armadillo Bites Painful?

are armadillos poisonous and are armadillo bites painful

To a bug or snail, armadillo bites are painful and deadly most of the time. However, to anything bigger like humans, armadillo bites aren’t really painful, unless you’re a wuss. Armadillos aren’t poisonous either, so there’s no need for a trip to the hospital. An armadillo’s teeth are located at the back of its mouth, … Read more

Where Do Armadillos Come From and Can Armadillos Swim?

where do armadillos come from and can armadillos swim

Armadillos are small placental mammals that have leathery armored shells. There are about 20 extant species of armadillo, and there are native to the Americas, where they live in many types of environments. Armadillos can swim, despite what has been commonly reported elsewhere. The bony plates that protect an armadillo weigh it down, but it … Read more

What Does the Word Scapegoat Mean and Where Did the Word Scapegoat Come From?

what does the word scapegoat mean and where did the word scapegoat come from

A Scapegoat is a member of a group singled out for undeserved blame or negative treatment. The word “scapegoat” is a mistranslation of the word Azazel. An early Greek translation of the Old Testament incorrectly translated the word Azazel as “ez ozel”, which means “the goat that departs”, and translated the word as “tragos apopompaios”, … Read more

What Else are Pigs Used For Besides Bacon, Sausages, and Footballs, and How are Pigs Useful in Medicine?

what else are pigs used for besides bacon sausages and footballs and how are pigs useful in medicine

Footballs aren’t really made of pigskin anymore. However, pigs are used for a wide variety of products beneficial to humans, particularly in the field of medicine. Pigskin, for instance, is placed as bandages on severe burns to protect skin while it grows and heals. The valves from pig arteries can be transplanted into humans with … Read more

Who Created the Cartoon Character Porky Pig and Who did Porky Pig’s Voice Before Mel Blanc Took Over?

who created the cartoon character porky pig and who did porky pigs voice before mel blanc took over

Porky Pig is an animated cartoon character in the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of cartoons. The character was designed by animator Bob Clampett and introduced in the short “I Haven’t Got a Hat” which was released on March 2, 1935. The unmistakable voice of Porky Pig was originally done by Joe Dougherty, who … Read more

What are the Benefits of Wool as a Fabric and Why is Wool Better Than Cotton?

what are the benefits of wool as a fabric and why is wool better than cotton

Although the popularity of wool has declined somewhat since the introduction of synthetic fabrics, wool is still a wonderful material for clothing and blankets. It’s warm, and it’s soft, and it comes from sheep. It’s naturally flame resistant, so it’s safer than many other materials used in clothing. And unlike goose down, which many jackets … Read more