Yes. Water usually freezes at 32 degrees F.
By keeping the water very, very still, it is possible to keep it from freezing until the temperature drops down to 24 degrees F. Of course, this never happens in nature, only in the scientist’s laboratory.
Outside, water is always moving, even when it appears to be still. Another way to lower the freezing point of water is to float a layer of oil on it. This will permit it to be supercooled down to 20 degrees F.
Did you know that a pot of water boils more quickly at the top of a mountain than it does at sea level? If you take the pot of water to a place like Death Valley, California, which is below sea level, the water will take longer to boil.
Water boils more quickly when there is less air pressing down on it. The farther above sea level you climb, the thinner the air and the less weight pressing down on the water’s surface. And the quicker it boils!