Tips to Get Emotionally Attached to Your Dog

Dogs are not just pets; they are part of our family. They are our constant companions, our confidants, and our loyal friends. It is easy to get emotionally attached to our dogs because they provide us with unconditional love and support. 

Research has shown that owning a dog can positively impact our mental health, reducing stress and increasing feelings of happiness and well-being. If you are considering getting a dog or are already a proud dog owner, embrace the emotional attachment and enjoy all the benefits of having a furry companion.

couple walking the dogs on a rainy day

How to Get Emotionally Attached to Your Dog?

Getting emotionally attached to your dog can be a wonderful thing, but it can also be challenging. For example, balancing your love for your dog with your other responsibilities, such as work and family, can be difficult. Additionally, emotional attachment can make it hard to deal with the inevitable challenges of owning a dog, such as illness or behavioral issues. 

You must get your dog from a reliable breeder, so you don’t have to face any troubles after you bring your dog home. You can check out toy poodle breeders across the United States if you consider bringing home a toy poodle. Some ways to make emotional attachments to your dog after bringing them home are given below: 

1. Reward Good Behavior with Treats, Toys, or Praise.

To get emotionally attached to your dog, it’s important to spend quality time with them and engage in activities you enjoy, such as going for walks, playing fetch, or cuddling on the couch. 

When using rewards, choosing something your dog finds motivating is important, whether it’s treats, or verbal praise. Always be patient and positive with your dog during training and interactions, as this will help them feel more comfortable and confident around you.

2. Learn Your Dog’s Likes and Dislikes.

Every dog is unique and has preferences, so taking the time to learn what your dog enjoys can help you create a more positive and enjoyable experience for both of you. You can easily learn your dog’s likes and dislikes by observing the dog’s behavior.

You can also take note of their reactions, spend quality time with them, etc. Building an emotional attachment with your dog takes time and effort, so be patient and enjoy getting to know your furry friend.

3. Include Your Dog in Family Activities.

Dogs are social animals and enjoy being part of a pack, so involving them in family activities can help them feel more connected to you and your family. You can include your dog in family activities through family outings, family meals, game nights, movie nights, outdoor activities, etc. 

You should always remember to consider your dog’s comfort and safety, such as they have plenty of water, a comfortable place to rest, and being allowed in areas that are safe for them. 

4. Take Your Dog on Trips and Adventures.

Dogs love to explore new places and experience new things, and including them in your travels can be a fun and rewarding experience for both of you. However, before you take your dog on trips and adventures, you must consider some things like proper planning about accommodations, restaurants, and activities. 

You should also consider your dog’s temperament and take frequent breaks to stretch their legs, use the bathroom, and get fresh air. Make sure to clean up after your dog and keep them on a leash in public places.

5. Speak to Your Dog in a Positive Tone.

Speaking to your dog in a positive tone can be a great way to build an emotional attachment with them. Dogs are connected with our emotions and respond well to positive reinforcement and affection. 

While speaking to your dog in a positive tone, you should use a cheerful tone instead of a harsh tone, use positive reinforcement, and talk to your dog regularly. You must remember that dogs respond appropriately to positive reinforcement and affection. 

6. Provide Your Dog with a Comfortable Place to Sleep.

As social animals, dogs always love to stay close to their owners. Therefore, having a comfortable and safe place to rest can help your dog feel secure and relaxed, strengthening your emotional bond with them. 

Some tips for providing a comfortable place for your dog to sleep are choosing the right bed, considering their age and health, adding cozy touches, and keeping it clean regularly.

7. Be Patient and Understand When Your Dog Makes Mistakes.

Dogs learn things constantly and adapt to their surroundings. So you must keep patience and try to understand when they are making mistakes and how to correct them without punishment. 

You should remember that your dog is learning, focus on positive reinforcement, avoid punishment, be clear and consistent, and seek professional help if needed. Remember, your dog is your loyal companion; they rely on you for guidance and support.

8. Groom Your Dog Regularly.

Grooming helps maintain your dog’s health and hygiene and can also be a bonding experience between you and your furry friend. You can groom your dog by brushing its coat, bathing it, cleaning its ears, trimming its nails, and brushing its teeth. 

You should always remember that you must be patient and gentle when grooming your dog, and use positive reinforcement techniques to help them feel comfortable and relaxed.

9. Make Time for Cuddles and Snuggles.

Making time for cuddles and snuggles with your dog is a great way to strengthen the emotional attachment between you and your furry friend. Some tips for cuddling with your dog are finding a comfortable spot, getting down to their level, and speaking calmly.

You must also use a soothing tone, gently petting and stroking your dog, watching for signs of discomfort, and enjoying the moment. Remember, every dog has their unique personality and preferences. For example, some dogs may love to cuddle, while others may prefer to be near you but not necessarily touched.

10. Establish a Routine and Stick to it.

Establishing a routine is crucial for a dog’s well-being, as it helps them feel secure and reduces stress and anxiety. For example, you can set a regular feeding schedule, establish a consistent exercise routine, set a consistent bedtime, establish a bathroom routine, and stick to a regular daily schedule. 

Remember, the routine may vary depending on your dog’s breed, age, and individual needs. Be flexible and adjust your routine to ensure your dog is happy, healthy, and well-cared for.

11. Spend Time Training Your Dog to do New Tricks and Activities.

Training your dog to do new tricks and activities is a great way to strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend. You can start with simple tricks such as “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” You can also use positive reinforcement. 

Break the trick or activity into small, manageable steps, be patient and consistent, make it fun, and gradually increase difficulty. The training process may vary depending on your dog’s temperament, breed, and individual needs. 

12. Spend Quality Time with Your Dog Every Day.

Spending quality time with your dog daily can help build a stronger emotional attachment between you and your furry friend. You can play with your dog, go for a walk, provide training, give your dog attention, have a designated bonding time, etc. Through this you can build a strong emotional attachment that will benefit both of you.

13. Get to Know Your Dog’s Personality and Preferences.

Knowing your dog’s personality and preferences is crucial in building a strong and healthy relationship with your furry friend. Some tips to help you understand your dog’s personality and preferences are observing your dog, socializing your dog, experimenting with toys, trying different types of food, paying attention to body language, etc. 

By getting to know your dog’s personality and preferences, you can tailor your interactions and activities to their needs and desires. This will help build a stronger bond and a happier and healthier relationship between you and your furry friend.


Being emotionally attached to your dog can bring numerous benefits, including increased happiness, reduced stress, and a sense of purpose and responsibility. While it may come with some challenges, such as balancing your time and dealing with difficult situations, the rewards of forming a strong bond with your dog are well worth it. 

By nurturing a strong emotional connection with your dog, you can experience the joy and fulfillment of having a furry friend by your side. So, embrace the love and companionship your dog has to offer and enjoy all the benefits of having a loyal and devoted companion in your life.