Who Invented The Microwriter?

It doesn’t look like a typewriter. It doesn’t sound or feel like a typewriter.

It doesn’t even work like a typewriter, but it does the same job. And it does it just as fast. It is easier to learn how to use. And, perhaps best of all, it will be cheaper. Besides all of that, it fits in your pocket.

Its name: the microwriter. Invented by Cy Endfield, the microwriter looks and behaves like a calculator. It has only five buttons. Using just these five buttons, you can make every letter in the alphabet, every punctuation mark, and every number.

You can learn to “type” with it in less than an hour. The microwriter’s memory holds eight typewritten pages. The microwriter is a tiny but simple computer terminal.

It makes it possible for you to have your own easy to operate word processing machine at a fraction of the usual cost. The microwriter was sold in the early 1980s by Microwriter Ltd, of London, UK.

The Microwriter AgendA was released in 1989 one of the first PDAs.