4 Ways Technology Can Aid Your Child’s Development

Do you have a child who has a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder? 

For many parents who have children who have a diagnosis of ASD, every day is full of concern. You want your child to be happy and to thrive, but as far as many traditional options for helping to manage ASD go, there is quite a lot to be desired, depending on where your child is on the spectrum. 

In 2024, lots of technology-based advances have been made to help children who have ASD to develop better, as well as learn how to communicate and regulate their emotions without having a meltdown. So, here, you will be guided through some of the ways that technology can help your child to develop, irrespective of where they are on the autism spectrum.

1. Communication

A key struggle for many children who have a diagnosis of ASD is communication.

It may be that your child is not able to verbalise what they want or need, or they may have selective mutism. They may be completely mute, meaning it can be nearly impossible to know what they need. 

There are many ways to overcome this with ease; some of the best autism apps can allow children to press buttons, which will vocalise what they need, such as juice, food and sleep. This will help them to be heard, with the push of a button, allowing you to better care for them, and will also prevent them from becoming frustrated.

2. Emotional Regulation

A lot of people with mental health issues, let alone children with ASD, may struggle to regulate their emotions. 

There has been a rise in the number of wearable tech devices that can help your child with autism to better regulate themselves, with some of the most popular options being smartwatches. These are affordable for many people and can help your child to identify when their body is showing signs of stress via measuring heart rate and skin conductivity. This can allow them to identify anxiety or anger and will help with more effective de-escalation.

3. Safety

Many children who have ASD may struggle with feeling safe.

The world can be loud, unpredictable, and difficult to navigate, which can be overwhelming for them. This can lead children who have ASD to require strict routines, which, if broken, can lead to meltdowns.

As before, smart watches and apps can help you and your child to better plan each day, with alarms indicating the start or end of a set time block. This will help your child to feel more in control, and can allow them to concentrate on activities, rather than fixating on time and anxiety.

4. Creative Outlet

All children love creative outlets, and while it may seem easy to just break out some paint and paper, some children with ASD may struggle with this due to texture or odor.

So, it can be worth looking at music apps, painting apps, and other programs to help your child have a fun and simple creative outlet. If your child struggles with step-by-step instructions, having an app on hand for painting or playing music can be a more effective option than having to wait to open paint pots, get water, etc. 

Before using any technology to help your child with ASD, always talk to a doctor or other medical professional so they and you can assess suitability together.