What is the Difference between Brown Eggs and White Eggs and Are Fertilized Eggs More Nutritious?

Unfortunately, we agree with every other printed dissertation on eggs to assure you that no differences in flavor or nutrition have been found between brown eggs and white eggs.

Just as brown-skinned people produce brown-skinned children, brown-feathered chickens lay brown-shelled eggs.

Among the brown-egg layers are the Barred Plymouth Rock and the Red Rock Cross, while the white-feathered White Leghorn lays white eggs. The Columbian Rock, which sports both black and white feathers, is one of several exceptions. It must have flipped a genetic coin at some time in the past and decided to lay brown eggs.

The color of the yolk, incidentally, depends on the hen’s diet; wheat-based diets produce lemon-yellow yolks, while alfalfa-based diets produce orange -yellow yolks.

Then why do brown eggs cost more? They are generally produced by species of larger hens that consume more feed and lay bigger eggs. One might also speculate that people who think brown eggs are superior are willing to pay more for them.

Some people believe that fertilized eggs are more healthful to eat because they contain a “life force” not present in “dead” foods. I shall not express my opinion of that idea because I am a very tolerant, open-minded, and nonjudgmental person who believes that people have the right to think whatever they choose.

No matter how absurd.