The first organized mail system in America began before our country was born.
In 1639, the city of Boston declared that people who wanted to send mail to or receive mail from England should deposit and pick up their letters at Richard Fairbanks’ tavern. Before that, a person who wanted to send mail to England had to personally arrange delivery with the captain of a ship that was about to sail across the Atlantic.
Mail delivery between cities in America began in 1673, when a postal route was set up between Boston and New York. This route later became a highway, U.S. Route 1, which today stretches from Maine all the way to Florida.
Before the modern service postal carriers relied on horses and wagons to deliver mail. Post Roads provided the earliest transportation, and the Pony Express served rural areas.
In 1775, Benjamin Franklin established the Post Office Department and the Postal Act of 1792 established the foundation of what we have today.
But most people in the United States didn’t have mail delivered to their homes until the 1890s. Before that, they had to go to the post office to pick up their mail.
In 1789, there were only 75 post offices in the United States. Today, there are about 40,000.
The United States Postal Service alone handles about half of the mail in the entire world.

Post Roads were the earliest postal carriers in the U.S.
In the 17th century, the mail routes from New York City to Boston began to follow routes along what would later become the great highways of the country. During the Revolutionary War, Congress started creating post roads by declaring highways as such. By renaming a road a post road, the government would have the sole right to move mail along the route. The primary role of the post office was to transport federal revenue from faraway places. Because postal tariffs were collected in ports and ports, mail had to be transported to the capital. However, some congressmen were against coastal post roads. John Steele, a congressman from North Carolina, argued that post roads were essential to ensure that mail was delivered to the majority of people.
The colonists relied heavily on delivery people such as ship captains, servants, and even friends who traveled from town to town. But one man stepped forward to fill the void – Benjamin Mumford. Through his personal services, Mumford delivered mail under the Crown and at lower costs. As a result, his business was well-known and the cost of delivery remained relatively low.
Although it isn’t clear who started the Post Roads movement there are interesting facts about the pioneers of the postal industry. The first carriers were men who helped to establish the U.S. Post Office. Benjamin Franklin was the first postmaster general of the new nation. He dedicated his life to achieving George Washington’s dream of a free flow of information. He spoke of a nation that was bound by postal roads. Benjamin Franklin wasn’t the first person to propose a U.S. post service. He wanted to provide the latest news and information to the colonial British postal inspectors.
Pony Express was a favorite in rural areas
Pony Express was established in the U.S. as a mail service that was convenient for the people of the community. It offered bread, milk, and other necessities like paper and pen. The stores were located in the Omaha and Winnebago reservation as well as in some towns that were not part of the reservation. Today, most Pony Express stores have restaurants and grab-and-go food options.
Prior to the invention of the telephone, mail was transmitted via horses for 10 days instead of 20. The Pony Express was the most popular means for communication between the east and west. In its initial period, between April 1860 until October 1861, it was a popular mode of transportation in rural areas. It also connected the newly created U.S. State of California with the rest of the country.
The Pony Express was popular in rural areas when it first began. Riders were able to change horses at stations that were about 10 to 16 miles apart. Additionally they also carried a pouch for mail known as mochila. This made the entire process quicker and cheaper. While the Pony Express has been a popular method of sending mail however, it did not adapt to changing times and was deemed obsolete quickly.
Although the Pony Express is now over however its past is still. The reliability and speed of the routes between New York City and San Francisco were popular. The Pony Express was popular in urban areas as well as in large cities for its short existence. The Pony Express had its flaws. The poor economy was among the major issues. Despite the numerous riders it hired it was not financially viable and eventually went under.
Benjamin Franklin founded the Post Office Department in 1775.
Following the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1775, the United States Post Office Department was established. This congress was concerned with the flow of intelligence and correspondence from one state to the next. They established an organization to develop an efficient postal service. The committee, headed by Benjamin Franklin, was established in July 1775. Benjamin Franklin was appointed Postmaster General in July 1775. Franklin was Postmaster General for a short period and was instrumental in improving the postal system across the United States.
Franklin had been appointed Postmaster General of Philadelphia at the age of 47 years old. The British Crown managed the colony’s postal service at a cost of a lot. The service was mostly used for legal documents. During the 1760s, Franklin set up post offices and employed local postmasters to manage these. Franklin’s reforms led to the elimination of the British Crown’s mail service within the colonies. By the time Christmas came around the British mail service was no more in operation in the colony.
The Second Continental Congress is the beginning of the United States Post Office department. Franklin was appointed the first Postmaster General and was paid one thousand dollars per year. Franklin was an elected member in good standing of the first Continental Congress before the establishment of the Post Office Department. In the process, the Post Office Department has evolved to become the U.S. Postal Service. After the Constitutional Congress The Post Office was given the designation of Department of the United States Government.
The foundation of the modern Postal Service was established by the Postal Act of 1792
The Postal Services of the American Revolution served a variety of important functions that included the dissemination of news and information across the nation. The Postal Service enabled newspapers to reach distant places at affordable rates and provided the citizens with an important service. The law also guaranteed individual privacy as postal officials are not allowed to examine mail unless it is not deliverable. This law also prohibited postal officials, unless in the event of a lost or stolen parcel and from opening mail.
In 1792 In 1792, the Postal Office Act was signed by President George Washington and created the United States Post Office Department (1792-1871). The department was led by the Postmaster General. From 1823 to 1829, John McLean was the Postmaster General. Andrew Jackson appointed William T. Barry as his cabinet member. In 1832, the Post Office Department was elevated to cabinet status.
For a long time the USPS has enjoyed monopolies. The legal monopoly it has over mail delivery protects it from competition, and helps to extend its services to rural and poor areas. This monopoly was challenged by private companies that provide parcel delivery. In the COVID-19 pandemic that was sweeping the country, the Postal Service was unable to deliver mail because of the lack of private competition.
Post Office Department
The United States Postal Service is an agency of the public that delivers mail to all corners of the United States. Its place in American life and history can be traced back to the time of the nation’s founding. The postal service was a part of the United States Postal Department, but in 1911 , it was declared an independent agency, creating many challenges for itself today. The United States Postal Service is an integral part of America’s past and will be vital to the future of America.
The United States Postal Service began in the colonies after the American Revolution. On July 4, 1765 the first post office officially opened was established in Boston, Massachusetts. The department was authorized under Article I Section 8 Clause 7 of the newly adopted United States Constitution. The Second Continental Congress established U.S. Post Office. It was a central hub in Philadelphia. The executive branch supervised the operation.
The USPS started delivering mail by horseback, but the agency soon realized the need to invest in better transportation. The railroad was a cost-effective method of transporting mail and made it possible for carriers to travel to many cities several times a day. By the late 19th century 93% of all non-local mail was handled by the railroad mail service. The U.S. was growing, and the U.S. The Postal Service was able to adapt and improve its services.
The delivery of mail in the early days of mail delivery
Prior to the advent of modern mail services mail was delivered on foot or by horseback. In the 19th century, steamboats and stagecoaches were commonplace and mail delivery was feasible even across oceans. In the early days roads were upgraded and highways extended to allow rural delivery. The Pony Express was one of the most famous mail services of its time. Mail carriers were still capable of delivering mail to distant areas in the early days. However there were some delays.
Up until the end of the 1890s home delivery was not available in many rural areas. This service was crucial for many families of farms, where mail was the primary method of communication and news. Rural areas were usually far from a post office that it took a day to collect mail. One farmer traveled 12,000 miles in 15 years to get his mail.
In 1847, the postal service allowed mailers to purchase stamps, which they could purchase at the other end of the line. Despite this convenient system, many people refused to accept mail, due to lack of money or for insufficient funds. Mail collection boxes started to appear in cities with larger populations due to the high cost of multiple daily delivery. Mail collection boxes began to appear in major cities around 1858.