How Did Pat Robertson’s Television Show “The 700 Club” Get its Name and What Does it Mean?

how did pat robertsons television show the 700 club get its name and what does it mean

Today, Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network is a multi-million-dollar conglomerate. But when they first went on the air in 1961, Robertson’s refusal to seek commercial revenue meant that only prayer and telethons kept them going. At the time, Robertson told his audience that a club of seven hundred viewers contributing ten dollars each per month … Read more

Why Do Flags of Islamic Countries Have the Same Colors and What Does the Crescent Moon and Star Symbolize?

why do flags of islamic countries have the same colors and what does the crescent moon and star symbolize

The Turkish city of Byzantium was dedicated to the goddess Diana, whose symbol was the crescent moon. In 330 A.D., Constantine rededicated the city to the Virgin Mary and added her symbol, the star. The symbol was common on the arm of Christian soldiers, including Richard I. When Muslims captured the city in 1453, they … Read more

What Happened To the Holy Grail and Why Is the Sacred Cup Used By Jesus At the Last Supper Important?

what happened to the holy grail and why is the sacred cup used by jesus at the last supper important

Today we often refer to anything elusive and sought-after as a “Holy Grail” because from the Crusaders to the present, the search for the original Holy Grail has consumed Christendom. The “grail,” or bowl, in question was used by Christ at the last supper and disappeared after his crucifixion. Legend has it that the Holy … Read more

What Does “Platonic Love” Mean and Where Did the Term For Unconsummated Love Come From?

what does platonic love mean and where did the term for unconsummated love come from

The Greek philosopher Plato observed his teacher Socrates’ great but non-sexual love for young men, and concluded that the purest form of love exists only within the mind. Ideal love’s perfection is spiritual, and that perfection is often destroyed by a sexual act. Eventually, Plato’s philosophy on love was expanded to include women. “Platonic love” … Read more

How Did the Expression “Had the Biscuit” Originate When Someone is Fired and What Does it Mean?

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If someone has “had the biscuit,” they’re definitely done, regardless of the circumstances. The expression has its origins in a Protestant allusion to the Roman Catholic sacrament of Extreme Unction. Biscuit is a contemptuous reference to the host, the sacramental wafer used by Catholics during the issuing of the last rites to a dying person. … Read more

Where Did the Expression “For the Love of Pete” Come From and What Does it Mean?

where did the expression for the love of pete come from and what does it mean

This phrase and others like it, for example “For Pete’s sake”, are euphemisms for the phrases “For the love of God/Christ” or “For God’s/ Christ’s sake” and hail from a time when those phases were considered blasphemous. Nowadays phrases like “For the love of God” are commonly used, but the euphemisms are still used as … Read more

Why Are the Expressions “Holy Mackerel”, “Holy Smokes”, and “Holy Cow” Blasphemous?

why are the expressions holy mackerel holy smokes and holy cow blasphemous

As innocent as it seems today, the expression “holy mackerel” began as a blasphemous Protestant oath against the Friday fish-eating habit of Catholics. The fish was an early symbol of Christianity. Likewise, “holy smokes” is a snide reference to religious incense burning, while “holy cow” is a shot at Hindus who consider cows sacred. “Holy … Read more

What Does it Mean When Europeans Kiss Their Fingertips and Where Did the Gesture Come From?

what does it mean when europeans kiss their fingertips and where did the gesture come from

Latinos and Europeans use hand gestures differently than North Americans. Kissing one’s fingertips before directing them toward the object of esteem can be an appreciation of anything from a good wine to a good soccer play. It simply means something is beautiful. The custom comes from the Romans, who kissed their fingertips and then directed … Read more

What Is the Difference Between a Parlour and a Drawing Room and How Did they Get their Names?

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If you are invited to a stately home for dinner, you are first directed into the parlour. There, through introductions and conversation, you mingle and become acquainted with your host and other guests. The room is called a parlour after the French word “parler”, meaning “to talk.” After the meal, you retire to the drawing … Read more

Why do Jews Place Stones On a Grave When They Visit a Cemetery and What Does the Custom Symbolize?

why do jews place stones on a grave when they visit a cemetery and what does the custom symbolize

At the end of the movie Schindler’s List, the cast and some of the survivors visit the graves of those whom Schindler worked with. Each person places a stone on the headstone, where Christians customarily place flowers. This ancient Jewish custom dates back to Biblical times, when stones adorned graves as markers. Today the stones … Read more

Why Do the Hands of a Clock Move in a Clockwise Direction and Not Counterclockwise?

why do the hands of a clock move in a clockwise direction and not counterclockwise

Early mechanical timepieces didn’t have hands. They signaled time with bells. Then one hand was introduced, indicating the hour only, until eventually sophisticated mechanics introduced the more precise minute and then second hands. Because clocks were invented in the northern hemisphere, the hands followed the same direction as the shadows on a sundial. If they’d … Read more

What Does “Triage” Mean and How Did the Term For the Process of Prioritizing Patients Originate?

what does triage mean and how did the term for the process of prioritizing patients originate

The word “triage” is from the French word “trier”, meaning to compare and select. It was used in reference to sorting livestock for culling or slaughter. Triage entered medicine during the First World War, when battlefield physicians were overwhelmed with the wounded and dying. The least likely to live were treated last. In modern hospitals … Read more

Where Did the Word “Evening” Come From and What is the Difference Between Twilight and Dusk?

where did the word evening come from and what is the difference between twilight and dusk

Twilight is defined by the ancient word twi, which means “half” or “between”. So twilight is the time between light and darkness. Dusk is the final stage of twilight and is from the lost English word dox, which meant “dark” or “darker.” The word “evening” comes from the ancient word “aefen”, meaning “late,” and came … Read more

Why Do Only the Most Intelligent People Graduate From University and Where Did the Myth Originate?

why do only the most intelligent people graduate from university and where did the myth originate

A proper education is an advantage to any mind, but intelligence doesn’t guarantee a formal education. Albert Einstein left school at fifteen after his teacher described him as “retarded”. Thomas Edison dropped out at eight. Up to 50 percent of North Americans born with a genius IQ never graduate high school. They can take comfort … Read more

Why Do So many Scottish and Irish Surnames Begin With “Mac” As In MacDonald and “O” As In O’Connor?

why do so many scottish and irish surnames begin with mac as in macdonald and o as in oconnor

One of the ancient Celtic traditions of Scotland and Ireland was, in much the same manner as for American slaves, that all the serfs who worked his land used the name of the clan chieftain. In Gaelic, the prefix Mac means “son,” while O means “grandson” or “descendant of.” Both were used to keep track … Read more

What Does the Word “YUPPIE” Mean and Where Did “TAFFIE” “DINK” and “DROPPIE” Come From?

YUPPIES are Young Urban Professional People. The U.S. Census Bureau has created many other acronyms to identify other social groups. TAFFIES are Technologically Advanced Families who are wired to the Internet. DINK stands for Dual Income No Kids. And lastly, DROPPIES is from the first letters of Disillusioned, Relatively Ordinary Professionals Preferring Independent Employment Situations.

What Does the Prescription Symbol “Rx” Mean and Where Did the Pharmacist Symbol Originate?

what does the prescription symbol rx mean and where did the pharmacist symbol originate

To the Romans, the pursuit of the healing arts and the distribution of medicine was the highest professional calling possible and therefore could only be ordained by Jupiter. The “R” in “Rx” is from the Latin word recipere, meaning “to have been prescribed” or “to take,” while the small “x” was the god king’s symbol … Read more

Why Do Canadians Pronounce Z as “Zed” and Americans Pronounce Z as “Zee”?

why do canadians pronounce z as zed and americans pronounce z as zee

Delve into the linguistic divergence between Canadians and Americans in the pronunciation of “Z.” Uncover the cultural roots behind this subtle yet significant difference. Key Takeaways: Explore the historical reasons for the distinct pronunciation of “Z” in Canada and the United States. Understand the cultural influences that shaped these linguistic variations. Gain insights into the … Read more

How Did the Word “Trivia” For Useless Information Originate and What Does it Mean?

how did the word trivia for useless information originate and what does it mean

The Romans were well-known for their road building. From their Latin phrase “noun trivium”, meaning a place where three roads meet, there derived a word for insignificant information. At a three-road intersection, traffic would slow and congest, offering a great chance for light gossip and meaningless conversation. So from tri, meaning “three,” and via, meaning … Read more

Where Did the Phrase “Caught Red Handed” Come From and What Does the Expression Mean?

where did the phrase caught red handed come from and what does the expression mean

The word “redhand” goes back to the fifteenth century Scottish people and became “red-handed” within judicial circles in Britain during the eighteenth century. It means that someone has been caught in the act of committing a crime or that there is an irrefutable body of evidence to establish the criminal’s guilt. Its original reference was … Read more

How Did Divorce Originate and How Did the Terms of Divorce Evolve Through History?

how did divorce originate and how did the terms of divorce evolve through history

Divorce to the Athenians and Romans was allowed whenever a man’s like turned to dislike. In the seventh century it was recorded that Anglo-Saxon men could divorce a wife who was barren, rude, oversexed, silly, habitually drunk, overweight, or quarrelsome. Throughout history, in societies where men were paid dowries, divorce favored the husband. However, in … Read more

How Did Jaywalkers Get Their Name, What Does the Word Mean, and Where Did the Term Come From?

how did jaywalkers get their name what does the word mean and where did the term come from

When cars were introduced, crossing city streets became a lot more hazardous than when horse-drawn carriages were the only traffic. New safety laws were introduced, and anyone ignoring them was considered a country bumpkin. In the early part of the twentieth century, unsophisticated rural people were often referred to as “jays,” as in just another … Read more

Where Did the Term “Tariff” For a Charge On Imports and Exports Originate and What Does the Word Mean?

where did the term tariff for a charge on imports and exports originate and what does the word mean

When the Arab Moors invaded Spain in the eighth century they brought with them profound cultural and creative concepts that influence that country to this day. For example, when the matador skirts the bull in their life and death ballet, the Spanish crowd cries ole, which evolved from the Arabic word Allah. Twenty miles from … Read more

Where Did the Terms “Broke” and “Bankrupt” Come From and What Do the Words Mean?

where did the terms broke and bankrupt come from and what do the words mean

The word “bank” comes from the Italian word “banca”, meaning “bench,” over which medieval moneylenders did business in the streets of Venice. If he became insolvent, the law intervened and broke the lender’s bench, which in Italian is banca rotta. the word “rotta” referred to the broken bench, but another figurative word in use for … Read more

Where Did the Expression “Foot the Bill” Come From and What Does the Phrase Mean?

where did the expression foot the bill come from and what does the phrase mean

Embark on a linguistic journey as we unravel the origins and meanings behind the phrase “foot the bill.” Delve into the fascinating history that shaped this common expression. Key Takeaways: Discover the historical roots of the phrase “foot the bill.” Understand the evolution of its meaning in contemporary language. Gain insights into how this expression … Read more

Who Created the Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes and Where Did the Fairy Tales Come From?

who created the mother goose nursery rhymes and where did the fairy tales come from

Most nursery rhymes were never intended for children. For centuries, these ballads came from bawdy folk songs or spoofs on social issues of the day, often sung or recited as limericks in local taverns. “Nursery” wasn’t used to describe them until efforts were made in the nineteenth century to clean them up as children’s lullabies. … Read more

Why Did Yankee Doodle Stick a Feather in His Cap and Call it Macaroni and What Does the Song Mean?

why did yankee doodle stick a feather in his cap and call it macaroni and what does the song mean

The famous American patriotic song “Yankee Doodle” actually began as an English song of derision against the colonists. At the time there was a Macaroni Club in London which catered to foppish, wealthy young men who copied everything Italian, including sticking a feather in their caps, which to many became the sign of a “sissy.” … Read more

Where Did the Phrase “It’s Not Whether You Win or Lose, But How You Play the Game” Originate?

where did the phrase its not whether you win or lose but how you play the game originate

The noble expression about how you play the game is a Greek historian’s fifth-century B.C. reference to the Olympians. He wrote, “Tis not for Money they contend, but for Glory”. The phrase resurfaced in 1927 when the great sportswriter Grantland Rice wrote, “For when the great scorer comes to write against your name, He marks … Read more

Where Did the Nursery Rhyme “Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary” Originate and What Does it Mean?

where did the nursery rhyme mary mary quite contrary originate and what does it mean

The children’s nursery rhyme “Mary, Mary, quite contrary” is about Mary, Queen of Scots, and emerged during her struggle for power with Queen Elizabeth I. The “pretty maids all in a row” were her ladies in waiting, the Marys: Seaton, Fleming, Livingston, and Beaton. The cockleshells were decorations on an elaborate gown given to her … Read more

What Does the Expression “Pot Calling the Kettle Black” Mean and Where Did the Saying Come From?

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The expression “The pot calling the kettle black” first entered a dictionary in 1699 with the explanation, “When one accuses another of what he is as deep in himself.” When kitchen stoves were fired by wood and coal, both the kettle and the pot would become black through time, so both were equally tarnished. Another … Read more

Where Did the Phrase “Variety Is the Spice of Life” Come From and What Did the Expression Mean Originally?

where did the phrase variety is the spice of life come from and what did the expression mean originally

When William Cowper wrote, “Variety’s the very spice of life” in 1785, he was reflecting on the ever-changing fashion of clothes. The idea had been first expressed by ancient writers in different ways, but it was the genius of Cowper that caused “variety is the spice of life” to become an English proverb. Other common … Read more

What Does the Expression “Forty Winks” Mean and Where Did the Phrase Come From?

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In 1571 the Church of England introduced thirty-nine articles which clergymen of the church were required to accept before their ordination. An 1872 publication of the British humor magazine Punch suggested that reading these catechisms was tedious and that their meaning could be missed: “If a man, after reading through the thirty-nine articles were to … Read more

Where Did the Word “Handkerchief” Come From and What Does it Mean In French?

When fifteenth-century French sailors brought back linen head coverings worn by Chinese field workers as protection from the sun, they called them couvrechef, or “head covering,” which when Anglicized became kerchief. Because they were carried in the hand, they became hand kerchiefs. Women began giving scented handkerchiefs to suitors, which the suitors then tucked under … Read more

Where Did the Phrase “Back to Square One” When Starting Over Come From and What Does the Expression Mean?

where did the phrase back to square one when starting over come from and what does the expression mean

During the 1930s, the BBC broadcast soccer, or football, games on the radio. As an aid to listeners they published a map of the playing field, which was divided into numbered squares. The commentators would mention the square number of the action after each description of the play. Square one was near the goaltender, so … Read more

What is the Difference Between “Killing Time” and “Marking Time” and Where Did the Expressions Originate?

what is the difference between killing time and marking time and where did the expressions originate

The phrase “marking time” is a military command for soldiers in close-order drill to stop their forward progress but to keep their feet moving in precision so they can quickly resume marching on command. Marking time means that although your progress has been temporarily stopped you are fully prepared to continue when the time is … Read more

How Did the Phrase “Mad As a Hatter” For Someone Irrational Originate and What Does the Expression Mean?

how did the phrase mad as a hatter for someone irrational originate and what does the expression mean

Years ago, manufacturers of felt hats used mercury to treat the wool, which made it easier to pound the fibers into felt. Mercury poisoning attacks the nervous system, which caused many hatters to develop tremors and then madness. In Alice’s Wonderland tea party, she met not only a Mad Hatter but also another descriptive expression, … Read more