How Do Glow In the Dark Plastic Necklaces and Bracelets Work and What Is the Chemical Reaction Called?

how do glow in the dark plastic necklaces and bracelets work and what is the chemical reaction called

The necklaces and other temporary chemical lights work by imitating the chemical reaction called bioluminescence that allows fireflies to light up. The reaction in the plastic tube is oxidation, as in burning, but the chemicals involved, called luciferins, produce more light than heat. When the proper chemical is mixed with diluted hydrogen peroxide from a … Read more

How Is the Official Standard For the Meter Determined and Is the Prototype Platinum Bar Still In Sèvres France?

how is the official standard for the meter determined and is the prototype platinum bar still in sevres france

For many years, the international standard for defining all units of length was the meter as defined by the distance between two scratches on a platinum-iridium bar. The bar is stored in a vault at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures at Sevres, near Paris. In 1960, the basis of the standard was changed … Read more

Who Invented the Fahrenheit Temperature Scale and How Was Zero Degrees Fahrenheit Determined?

who invented the fahrenheit temperature scale and how was zero degrees fahrenheit determined scaled

Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, who devised the scale, wanted natural reference points, but he did not choose wisely. Fahrenheit, an instrument maker born in Danzig in 1686, developed three different temperature scales as his knowledge of natural phenomena increased. He chose points like the freezing temperature of water and the underarm temperature of a healthy adult … Read more

Why Does Standing In a Certain Spot Near a Radio or Touching It Sometimes Improve the Reception?

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Standing near and touching the radio probably represent two different phenomena. In addition to traveling from one point to another, radio waves are being reflected and absorbed by objects in a room, and the pattern of reflection can cause interference as the spurious signal interferes with the original signal. Standing in the path of the … Read more

What Does Daytime Visibility Mean and How Is Visibility Calculated In Weather Reports At the Airport?

what does daytime visibility mean and how is visibility calculated in weather reports at the airport scaled

Daytime visibility is defined as the greatest distance at which it is possible to see and identify, with the naked eye, a prominent dark object against the sky at the horizon. Daytime visibility reports are estimates based on local landmarks and conditions. Nighttime visibility is the greatest distance at which it is possible to see … Read more

How Do Meteorologists Measure Snowfall and What Do Meteorologists Use To Measure Rainfall?

how do meteorologists measure snowfall and what do meteorologists use to measure rainfall

The measurement of rainfall is fairly straightforward, but snowfall presents problems that make measurements somewhat arbitrary. For rain, the meteorology department at Pennsylvania State uses a simple cylindrical tube to catch it. The amount that falls in a given period is poured into a smaller cylindrical tube that is carefully gradated and measured with something … Read more

How Is Fertilization, Gestation, Birth and Death In Space Different From When It Happens On Earth?

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In effect, a person who died in the icy vacuum of space would be freeze-dried, space experts theorize. The water in the body would freeze and eventually dissipate into space. Ice can evaporate without going through the liquid phase. Because there is no oxygen, there would be no decomposition, and there is little evidence that … Read more

What Is the Best Way To Synchronize a Watch Accurately Besides Using a Radio or Television Station?

what is the best way to synchronize a watch accurately besides using a radio or television station

There are two federal agencies that offer very accurate time signals by telephone, and one of them offers shortwave radio broadcasts of the same information. Dialing the United States Naval Observatory Master Clock at (202) 762-1401 puts you in touch with a time signal in hours, minutes and seconds, on a twenty-four-hour clock in Eastern … Read more

What Is An Astronaut’s Space Suit Made of and Why Doesn’t the Space Suit Explode In the Vacuum of Space?

what is an astronauts space suit made of and why doesnt the space suit explode in the vacuum of space

The space suits worn by United States astronauts are made of several layers of super strong fibers and other materials that are tough enough not to rupture in the vacuum of space. The materials in the nine or ten protective layers include: 1. Orthofabric, which is Teflon with Kevlar ripstop protection. 2. A layer of … Read more

How Do You Weigh a Person or Other Objects In Space When There Is No Gravity For Scales To Work?

how do you weigh a person or other objects in space when there is no gravity for scales to work

Since we can’t actually weigh astronauts in weightlessness, body mass measurements are used to determine any change in weight. Weight, in this case, is what the astronaut would weigh under the influence of earth gravity. Such measurements are made with a spring-like device and a highly accurate timer. By measuring the time, or periodicity, between … Read more

Where Do Astronauts Get Oxygen For Extended Space Missions On the International Space Station?

where do astronauts get oxygen for extended space missions on the international space station

On space flights in the past, the components of breathable air, oxygen and nitrogen, were brought up in canisters. However, when the space station built, plans were announced to have it carry equipment to recover oxygen indirectly from the carbon dioxide crew members exhale. astronauts NASA’s Johnson Space Center tested means to recycle air and … Read more

How Many Galaxies Are There In the Universe and Are There More Grains of Sand On Earth Than Stars?

how many galaxies are there in the universe and are there more grains of sand on earth than stars

There are more grains of sand on earth than stars in the universe. The recently published data from Hubble Space Telescope images help confirm scientists long-held suspicion that the universe has many galaxies invisible to ground-based telescopes, so an increase from ten billion galaxies to fifty billion was not unexpected. Some estimates have gone even … Read more

How Is Latitude and Longitude Different On the Moon and Does the Moon Have an Equator Like Earth?

how is latitude and longitude different on the moon and does the moon have an equator like earth

Latitude and longitude are also used on the moon by the astrogeology department of the United States Geological Survey in Flagstaff, Arizona, which maps extraterrestrial bodies. Like the earth, the moon has an axis of rotation and an equator, so latitude is indicated in degrees of latitude north or south of that equator, just as … Read more

Which Way Does a Compass Point In Outer Space and Do Astronauts Use Compasses In Space or In Orbit?

which way does a compass point in outer space and do astronauts use compasses in space or in orbit

According to NASA, astronauts do not use compasses in space, but near-earth orbit would not change the behavior of the magnetic needle significantly. If the compass were in the cockpit of an orbiter, it would probably behave much as it does on earth. The needle would follow the lines of the planet’s doughnut-shaped magnetic field … Read more

Why Does the Moon Always Show the Same Face To the Earth and Are Moons of Other Planets Similar?

why does the moon always show the same face to the earth and are moons of other planets similar

Many researchers think the phenomenon of the moon showing the same face, called gravitational phase locking, occurs because of the uneven distribution of matter in the bodies involved. Normally, when two bodies join in holy matrimony and decide to go around together forever, their spins would stay what they were beforehand. But because they may … Read more

How Do Scientists Determine the Temperature of Stars and Planets and Who Invented the Spectroscope?

how do scientists determine the temperature of stars and planets and who invented the spectroscope

Astronomical temperatures are usually estimated from spectroscopic measurements. The spectroscope was invented in 1859 by two German scientists, Robert Wilhelm Bunsen of Bunsen burner fame and Gustav Robert Kirchoff. It was first used to analyze the elements in a substance heated to incandescence, each element gave off characteristic wavelengths of visible light. Bunsen used the … Read more

Who Invented the Zodiac, What Does Zodiac Mean in Greek, And Where Did the Zodiac Signs Come From?

who invented the zodiac what does zodiac mean in greek and where did the zodiac signs come from

The zodiacal signs originate in Babylonian astronomy during Neo-Babylonian times around 7th century BC. The real sky that the zodiac corresponds to is simply those constellations through which the sun appears to move during the course of the year as seen from the earth. People living anywhere on the surface of the earth would pretty … Read more

What Are Underwater Volcanoes Called and Can Cold Sea Water Put Out An Erupting Active Volcano?

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No, and in fact there are submarine volcanoes, called guyots or seamounts. Their molten rock spreads on the ocean floor and is eventually cooled by sea water, creating what is called pillow lava. At depths below 6,600 feet high pressure prevents the explosive formation of steam that results when water meets molten rock at higher … Read more

Why Do the Remains of Buildings From Ancient Civilizations Sink So Far Below the Surface of the Earth?

why do the remains of buildings from ancient civilizations sink so far below the surface of the earth

Although archeologists tend to uncover things, that is not necessarily because ruins have sunk beneath the surface of the earth. Instead they are usually covered over with newer buildings or natural deposits of sand and debris. There are exceptions, for example, in Mexico City, the Aztecs built temples on a lake bed, where they did … Read more

Why Is There No Lightning In a Snowstorm and Why Are There More Thunderstorms In the Tropics?

why is there no lightning in a snowstorm and why are there more thunderstorms in the tropics

There is sometimes lightning in a snowstorm, although it is somewhat rare. In fact, the biggest snowstorms are those marked by thunder and lightning, a phenomenon meteorologists call “thunder snow.” Most “regular” thunderstorms are summer events in which warm, moist air in the lower atmosphere has very cold air over it. In this unstable system, … Read more

How Long Do Skyscrapers Last If Properly Maintained and Why Are Old Buildings Demolished?

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If they are properly maintained, structural engineers believe skyscrapers will last forever. After proper design, the key is the integrity of the materials. Steel or concrete can be damaged by things like acid rain, but if damaged material is replaced, the building will survive. If a structure like the World Trade Center were abandoned and … Read more

Why Is Glacier Ice Purer Than Regular Ice and How Is Glacier Ice Formed Without Impurities?

why is glacier ice purer than regular ice and how is glacier ice formed without impurities

Yes, glacier ice purer than regular ice, and it is not surprising that some entrepreneurs have marketed it commercially for drinks. There are several scientific and aesthetic reasons for the superiority of glacier ice. First, the ice in glaciers is relatively pure water because after thousands of years of compression of the tiny snow grains … Read more

How Is Crude Oil Formed In the Earth and How Is Petroleum Still Being Created In the Earth Today?

how is crude oil formed in the earth and how is petroleum still being created in the earth today

New oil is being naturally cracked, or distilled, inside the basins of earth this very minute, petroleum geologists believe. It is believed that petroleum is created when deposits of incompletely oxidated plant and animal sediment are subjected to great heat and pressure from overlying sediments, causing partial distillation. Such deposits and sediments collect in ocean … Read more

Why Does Silver Tarnish, What Causes it, and What Is the Difference Between Tarnish and Rust?

why does silver tarnish what causes it and what is the difference between tarnish and rust

Silver does not oxidize, or rust, on exposure to air. In fact, compared with most other elements, it is not particularly reactive. It does, however, react with sulfur or sulfur compounds, like hydrogen sulfide in the air, forming tarnish, a compound that is chiefly silver sulfide. Silver sulfide, A025, also called argentous sulfide, is 87.06 … Read more

Why Is the Statue of Liberty Green and How Does the Patina That Covers the Surface Protect it From Oxidization?

why is the statue of liberty green and how does the patina that covers the surface protect it from oxidization

On the contrary, it is a thin waterproof protective layer called a patina, that forms when copper is exposed to air. One of the challenges in the 1986 restoration of the Statue of Liberty was maintaining it. Copper and copper-rich alloys used for roofs or statues oxidize slowly to yield an insoluble mixture of hydroxo-carbonate … Read more

Why Is a Black Hole Black, Where Do Black Holes Come From, and When Were Black Holes First Discovered?

why is a black hole black where do black holes come from and when were black holes first discovered

Black holes in space seem to be a recent phenomenon, yet Albert Einstein (1879-1955) predicted them in his theory of relativity in 1915. They are the incredibly dense centres of dead stars. Black holes appear black because their gravitational fields are so huge that even light can’t escape. We find and measure black holes by … Read more