What Causes an Itch and Why Does Scratching Help Relieve the Itching Sensation?

what causes an itch and why does scratching help relieve the itching sensation

Itching, which doctors call pruritic, can have many causes, and the exact mechanism is still a matter of controversy. Most researchers believe the common itch starts with the release of a substance called histamine, and possibly other chemicals, from special cells called mast cells in the skin. The release can be triggered by allergies, contact … Read more

Why Do Mosquito Bites Itch So Much and What Is the Best Way To Stop the Itching Of a Mosquito Bite?

why do mosquito bites itch so much and what is the best way to stop the itching of a mosquito bite

A trace of mosquito saliva is injected when the mosquito bites. The saliva contains an enzyme that prevents the victim’s blood from clotting while the mosquito feeds. In humans, the enzyme prompts an immune reaction that brings mast cells to the wound. The mast cells release histamine, which produces the itching and red rash. There … Read more

How Does Cyanide Kill, Why Is Cyanide So Poisonous, and How Does Cyanide Work To Asphyxiate Cells?

how does cyanide kill why is cyanide so poisonous and how does cyanide work to asphyxiate cells scaled

Cyanide kills by asphyxiating the cells of the body. Cyanide competes with oxygen in the body’s cells. The enzyme responsible for using oxygen has more affinity for cyanide than it does for oxygen, so the presence of cyanide starves a cell for oxygen. Cells’ respiratory pathways use the oxygen in a complex process to break … Read more

What Is the Best Way To Speed Up Elimination Of Lactic Acid That Builds Up In Muscles With Exercise?

what is the best way to speed up elimination of lactic acid that builds up in muscles with exercise

According to exercise physiologists, there are ways to accelerate elimination of the lactic acid that builds up in muscles. Lactic acid is removed most effectively from muscle by having an active recovery period, like walking after running, rather than a passive recovery, like lying down after the end of exercise. Lactic acid is a product … Read more

Do Drunk Drivers Survive Car Crashes Because They’re More Relaxed and How Do Seat Belts Save Lives?

do drunk drivers survive car crashes because theyre more relaxed and how do seat belts save lives

In a car crash, it makes no difference whether you are relaxed or tense. In fact, drunken drivers have a greater chance of being injured or killed. Checking the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration accident files, researchers compared survival rates and serious injury rates in serious crashes for drinkers and nondrinkers and found that the … Read more

What Do Recurring Dreams and Nightmares Mean and Why Does Anxiety Trigger Old Childhood Dreams?

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The dream about an exam echoes the first time such an anxiety emerged in your thinking, many psychologists and psychoanalysts believe. This is a dream that everyone has at some time in some form. Both Freud and Adler talked about the examination dream, and though they had different interpretations, they recognized it as one of … Read more

What Does Ambidextrous Mean and Why Do Some People Write Left-Handed But Play Sports Right-Handed?

what does ambidextrous mean and why do some people write left handed but play sports right handed

The notion of ambidexterity is valid, and some people do show equal proficiency in various manual skills with both hands. However, hand-use preferences are on a continuum, and a mere three categories of left-handed, right-handed and ambidextrous are artificial divisions. One researcher calls ambidextrous people ambilateral, and further divides them into the ambidextral, those with … Read more

Is It Possible For One Identical Twin To Be Left-Handed and the Other Twin Right-Handed?

is it possible for one identical twin to be left handed and the other twin right handed

About 10 percent of identical twins have different dominant hands. Nobody knows the causes of handedness. Left-handedness tends to run in families, but because many identical twins have different handedness, we know that is not the whole story. Other factors are presumed to be involved, such as perhaps position in the womb, but there are … Read more

Is There a Relationship Between Breast Size and Volume Of Lactation and How is Milk Production Controlled?

is there a relationship between breast size and volume of lactation and how is milk production controlled

There is no relationship between breast size and volume of milk. The female breast contains fifteen to twenty lobes of milk-secreting glands embedded in various amounts of fatty tissue, which is not involved in milk production. Instead, it is controlled by hormones produced during and after pregnancy that stimulate the milk-secreting glands, and the nursing … Read more

Are People Getting Taller On Average Over Time and What Does the Secular Trend Mean?

are people getting taller on average over time and what does the secular trend mean

Whether humans are getting taller or not depends on what people you’re talking about. In a given population, physical anthropologists and public health experts believe, the trend could go either way. Physical anthropologists point to a trend toward increasing height over time, which they call the “secular trend.” The trend is borne out by measurements … Read more

Why Does the Stomach Shrink When You Eat Less and When You Eat More Does Your Stomach Expand?

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New research has shown that there is a significant reduction in stomach capacity when someone reduces food intake. However, stomach capacity can also be increased by someone who eats more, which has implications for someone facing a big Thanksgiving dinner. The research involved obese people on a formula diet of six hundred calories a day, … Read more

How Poisonous Is the Nightshade Family Of Plants Like Potatoes, Peppers, Eggplants and Tomatoes?

how poisonous is the nightshade family of plants like potatoes peppers eggplants and tomatoes

Some members of the deadly nightshade family, Solanaceae, produce chemicals called glycoalkaloids, which are toxins. Normal amounts of the parts of these plants that are normally consumed are not ordinarily toxic to human beings, though the potato plant itself is very toxic, as is the tomato plant. Consuming very large quantities of potato skins, 2.4 … Read more

Where Are Pineapple Seeds, Do Pineapples Have Seeds, and How Do You Grow a Pineapple As a Houseplant?

where are pineapple seeds do pineapples have seeds and how do you grow a pineapple as a houseplant

The modern commercial pineapple is seedless, thanks to English greenhouse breeders of the early 1700s who turned a small, seedy tropical fruit into a large, fleshy object. Over generations of breeding, most of the reproductive organs of the pineapple’s tight cluster of flowers were persuaded to clump into one sterile mass called a syncarp. It … Read more

How Is Scandinavian Blue Cheese Toxic In Large Quantities and Is Mold On Cheese Poisonous?

how is scandinavian blue cheese toxic in large quantities and is mold on cheese poisonous

The mold that normally produces blue cheese produces traces of toxic substances, but not enough to hurt a human being in the quantities normally consumed. Almost all blue cheeses are ripened by the mold Penicillium roqueforti, which does make about six alkaloid toxins, called mycotoxins. However, two of the six, the most potentially harmful, are … Read more

What Is the Chemical Change When a Green Pepper Becomes Red and What Causes the Ripening Process?

what is the chemical change when a green pepper becomes red and what causes the ripening process

The change in color in a green pepper is the same kind that occurs in any other ripening fruit that changes color. Chlorophyll breaks down or degrades, and other pigments are exposed or formed. The complex ripening process is under the control of plant hormones like ethylene, a growth regulator that makes chlorophyll break clown, … Read more

Why Do Peaches Seem To Go Bad Faster Than Other Fruits and How Is Temperature a Factor?

why do peaches seem to go bad faster than other fruits and how is temperature a factor

Peaches spoil faster than fruits like apples or pears for several reasons. First, they have a different surface structure, with no natural waxy coating or thick epidermis to protect them from bruises. Second, unless a fruit is completely dried out, normal metabolism continues and the fruit burns up sugar reserves; the peach respires at a … Read more

How Is It Possible For Vegetarian Children To Get Enough Calcium From a Diet With No Eggs, Fish or Milk?

how is it possible for vegetarian children to get enough calcium from a diet with no eggs fish or milk

It might be difficult, but it is not impossible for the child of strict vegetarians to get enough calcium from a diet that does not include eggs, meat, fish or milk products. The recommended daily allowance of calcium for children is 600 to 1,000 milligrams, depending on age. Many fruits and vegetables contain significant and … Read more

How Do Vitamins and Minerals Interact With Each Other and Must Some Vitamins Be Taken Separately?

how do vitamins and minerals interact with each other and must some vitamins be taken separately

Any vitamin or mineral taken in excess could interfere with the absorption, metabolism or storage of some other component of the diet, but interactions are usually not a problem. Nutritionists basically recommend that people should derive their nutrition from food, not food supplements, and that they should choose a well-balanced diet including a variety of … Read more

Why Do Beans Make You Fart and How Do the Sugars In Beans and Legumes Increase Flatulence?

why do beans make you fart and how do the sugars in beans and legumes increase flatulence

The problem is oligosaccharides, or “several-unit” sugars, which are produced by legumes, especially in the final stages of seed development. The oligosaccharides, called raffinose, stachyose and verbascose, are used by the seeds to store energy. The human body lacks enzymes to break them down, and so cannot digest and absorb them as it does the … Read more

Why Is Vitamin E Used To Preserve Food and How Does the Fat Soluble Antioxidant Protect Cell Membranes?

why is vitamin e used to preserve food and how does the fat soluble antioxidant protect cell membranes

Vitamin E is an antioxidant, interfering with the chemistry of oxygen interacting with other chemicals. Both human bodies and food are degraded by oxidation, so the same chemistry that helps protect humans can protect foods. Vitamin E is a broad term for a member of a group of chemicals called tocopherols, which have vitamin E … Read more

What Is Gelatin and Why Does Gelatin Gel?

what is gelatin and why does gelatin gel

Gelatin is a tasteless, odorless substance extracted by boiling collagen, a jelly-like fibrous protein found in animal bones, tendons, hoofs and connective tissues. When dried gelatin is mixed in warm water, the fine-grained particles do not actually dissolve, but rather become evenly dispersed and remain suspended in the liquid. When cooled to 95 degrees Fahrenheit … Read more

How Much Of a Food’s Vitamin and Mineral Content Is Lost In Cooking and Why?

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Some but not all vitamins are lost in cooking, and the amount varies widely. Minerals are fairly stable in cooking, but different vitamins are susceptible in different degrees to various factors, including heat, light and air. Generally, water-soluble vitamins like riboflavin, thiamine and especially vitamin C are more susceptible to losses in heat and water … Read more

How Long Does It Take For All Alcohol To Be Removed From the Body After a Person Stops Drinking?

how long does it take for all alcohol to be removed from the body after a person stops drinking

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health estimates that alcohol is cleared at a rate of approximately one hundred milligrams per kilogram of body weight per hour. That’s about half an ounce of pure alcohol every two hours. So if a person ingested approximately three drinks in a … Read more

Why Does Popcorn Pop and Which Other Foods Pop?

why does popcorn pop and which other foods pop

Popcorn pops because of a delicate balance between a moist interior and a dry coating. The exterior cells, the pericarp, are hard and relatively impermeable. The interior cells are soft and contain moisture. When the seed is heated, the moisture turns to steam. The pressure builds up to the point where the hard outside pops, … Read more

How Does Toadstool Poison Kill Humans and What Is the Most Poisonous Mushroom In the World?

how does toadstool poison kill humans and what is the most poisonous mushroom in the world

There are several types of poison associated with different kinds of poisonous mushrooms. The chief mechanism is the destruction of the liver, the filtering system for poisons in the body. The toadstool toxin inhibits an enzyme called RNA polymerase, which synthesizes the genetic material messenger RNA. Without the messenger KNA, the liver cells stop synthesizing … Read more

How Do Lights For Growing Indoors Plants Work and Is the Ultraviolet Radiation Harmful To Plants?

how do lights for growing indoors plants work and is the ultraviolet radiation harmful to plants

All plant functions, from germination to photosynthesis to blooming, can be accomplished under light in wavelengths ranging from 300 to 700 manometers, or billionths of a meter. Therefore, indoor gardeners need either incandescent “grow lights” or a combination of “cool” and “warm” fluorescent bulbs that give off light in that range. Regular incandescent lights give … Read more

How Do Viruses Kill a Plant and How Are Plant Cells Used By Viruses To Help Reproduce Themselves?

how do viruses kill a plant and how are plant cells used by viruses to help reproduce themselves

Viruses attack living cells like soldiers taking over a factory. The processes a plant relies on to survive, like growth, metabolism and photosynthesis, take place in cells. Viruses can subvert the cells’ functions to their own ends, eventually killing the tissues that the cells make up. First, the virus attaches itself to the external wall … Read more

What Is a Deer Tick, Where Do Deer Ticks Come From, and How Long Do Deer Ticks Live For Indoors?

what is a deer tick where do deer ticks come from and how long do deer ticks live for indoors

The deer tick, which often carries the Lyme disease microbe, requires very humid surroundings and would probably not survive longer than forty-eight hours in the dry air of a house. The deer tick belongs to the hard-bodied tick group, but certain other kinds of ticks can live for long periods under adverse conditions. Deer ticks … Read more