Where Do Cobwebs Come From and What Does the Word Cobweb Mean?

where do cobwebs come from and what does the word cobweb mean

Cobwebs are made by spiders. The word “cob” is derived from the Middle English word for spider, coppe, and cobweb is often used to refer to any spiderweb. The dusty strings that do not look like the circular Halloween spiderwebs, which are made by only some species, are instead probably an accumulation of abandoned draglines. … Read more

How Much Pollination Do Butterflies and Moths Do and Are They More Important Pollinators Than Bees?

how much pollination do butterflies and moths do and are they more important pollinators than bees

Significant pollination of many plants is done by butterflies and moths, sometimes exclusively, and they are not the only animals other than bees that work at pollination. Bees of various kinds, especially honeybees, and other social insects are the most familiar and important pollen carriers. However, beetles, moths, butterflies and flies are involved in pollinating … Read more

How Are Wasps Useful and Why Are Wasps Bred To Control Pests Like Worms and Weevils?

how are wasps useful and why are wasps bred to control pests like worms and weevils

Usefulness is a subjective term, but wasps, which with bees and ants make up the order Hymenoptera, are extraordinarily well adapted to certain human ends. Almost all are predators or parasites of injurious pests, and some act as pollinators of valuable plants. With varying degrees of success, wasps of different species have been bred, imported … Read more

Are All Dogs Descended From Wolves and How Did the Different Dog Breeds Develop and Evolve?

are all dogs descended from wolves and how did the different dog breeds develop and evolve

The best evidence indicates that all modern dogs are descended from an ancestral wolf species. Darwin originally thought dogs were so diverse that they must have been descended from more than one form. And Konrad Lorenz, the expert on animal behavior, popularized the idea that dogs like huskies and German shepherds were descended from wolves, … Read more

What Is Catnip, Why Do Cats Like Catnip, and What Are the Effects of Catnip On Cats?

what is catnip why do cats like catnip and what are the effects of catnip on cats

The active ingrediant of catnip, Nepeta cataria, is a chemical called nepetalactone that sets off in the cat’s brain the behavioral patterns usually connected with a variety of pleasurable or exciting things. The playing, hunting, feeding or sex neurocircuits are randomly triggered, in no particular order. Lactones are chemicals present in certain body substances, like … Read more

Why Didn’t All the Other Animals On Earth Die When the Dinosaurs Became Extinct 65 Million Years Ago?

why didnt all the other animals on earth die when the dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago

There have been many mass extinctions over the millions of years since life began, each sparing a remnant of living things. Survivors of the extinction that killed the dinosaurs tended to be widespread, adaptable and, perhaps most important, small, paleontologists say. There are many theories about exactly why the dinosaurs died and over what period, … Read more

Where Do Sea Gulls Live and Why Are Sea Gulls Found So Far Inland When They Are Coastal Birds?

where do sea gulls live and why are sea gulls found so far inland when they are coastal birds

First of all, they are gulls, not sea gulls. “Sea gull” is something of a misnomer, while these birds were mostly coastal in the past, there have always been some inland. Now, many gulls’ habitats have shifted inland, primarily because they like to scavenge in garbage dumps. They will eat almost anything, making them goats … Read more

Which Animals Besides People Snore and Why Do People, Dogs, and Bears Snore When They Sleep?

which animals besides people snore and why do people dogs and bears snore when they sleep

Yes, some animals do snore, according to anecdotal reports and personal observations. Just a few snorers that zookeepers and pet owners have observed are dogs, gorillas and bears. The mechanism of snoring in these mammals probably resembles what happens in people. In human beings, snoring is noisy breathing through the open mouth produced by vibration … Read more

How Do Squirrels Find Their Way Back To Their Nests and Do Squirrels Have a Homing Instinct?

how do squirrels find their way back to their nests and do squirrels have a homing instinct

Squirrels do indeed have a homing instinct. It is not well understood by science, but they will often return several miles. For example, an informal experiment was conducted at the Brooklyn Center for the Urban Environment in Prospect Park, which conducts extensive environmental education programs for school children and adults. Some years ago, a classroom … Read more

How Did Dinosaurs Sleep and Did Prehistoric Dinosaurs Sleep Standing Up or Lying Down?

how did dinosaurs sleep and did prehistoric dinosaurs sleep standing up or lying down

Dinosaurs probably did sleep, though it’s all speculation, because scientists don’t know enough about their physiology. The speculations are based on their structures and diets and on the habits of the presumably most similar living species, like crocodiles and birds, which do sleep. Carnivorous dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus rex and Deinonychus would probably have slept a … Read more

How Do Large Marine Mammals Like Seals, Whales, and Manatees Sleep In the Water Without Drowning?

how do large marine mammals like seals whales and manatees sleep in the water without drowning scaled

Some marine mammals sleep out of the water, and some may not sleep at all. The furred or hairy aquatic mammals in the pinniped suborder, seals, etc. have a variety of interesting adaptations that permit them to spend a comparatively long time underwater, sometimes at considerable depths. However, they rise frequently to breathe and emerge … Read more

Where Do Squirrels Build Their Nests and Do Tree Squirrels Hibernate In Their Nests?

where do squirrels build their nests and do tree squirrels hibernate in their nests

There are nearly three hundred species in the squirrel family, and some of them, called tree squirrels, are expert tree nest builders. Some other species dig burrows and build nests there. Tree squirrels belong to the genus Sciurus. Their nests are called dreys. The common gray squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis, is a tree squirrel. Its natural … Read more

What Kills a Fish When a Cormorant Swallows it Alive and Do Pythons Swallow Their Prey Whole?

what kills a fish when a cormorant swallows it alive and do pythons swallow their prey whole scaled

The cause of death when a Cormorant swallows its prey alive is, in all probability, suffocation. If not, the acid in the stomach compartments in the cormorant would interfere with oxygen transport in the gills. Pythons, boas and other constrictors kill their prey before they feed on it, by constricting and suffocating it before they … Read more

What Do Slugs Eat, Why Are Slugs Useful, and Why Are Some Garden Slugs Pests?

what do slugs eat why are slugs useful and why are some garden slugs pests scaled

A few species of slugs are pests of agriculture and can destroy foliage faster than plants can grow. Most garden slugs, however, eat dead leaves, fungus, and decaying plant material. Some slugs are predators and eat earthworms, snails, and even other slugs. It may surprise someone whose vegetable garden has been munched by voracious shell-impaired … Read more

Where Does Mahi-Mahi Come From and What Is the Difference Between a Dolphin and Dolphin Fish?

where does mahi mahi come from and what is the difference between a dolphin and dolphin fish

The true dolphin is a mammal, any one of about thirty-three species of cetacean mammals in the family Delphinidae, characterized by a pronounced beak-shaped mouth. The dolphin on restaurant menus, Coryphaena hippurus, is a fish with gills, iridescent colors and firm flesh. It is called mahi-mahi in Hawaii and dorado in South America. The dolphin … Read more

How Does a Fabric Softener Sheet Work To Make Clothes Softer and What Is Fabric Softener Made Of?

how does a fabric softener sheet work to make clothes softer and what is fabric softener made of

A fabric softener sheet put in the dryer works much the way a liquid fabric softener does. But it includes agents that disperse very small amounts of softening and antistatic components throughout the warm air that permeates the damp fabrics. Fabric softening agents are surfactants, chemicals that reduce the tension at the surface where two … Read more

How Is Counterfeit Money Detected and How Long Does it Take To Tell If a Bill Is Fake?

how is counterfeit money detected and how long does it take to tell if a bill is fake

Many of the specific techniques machines use to detect counterfeit money are closely guarded secrets, since once counterfeiters know how the machines work, they try to foil them. But two common means of identifying paper money are magnetic sensing and optical sensing. Inks used to print notes have certain magnetic properties, which can be sensed … Read more

Who Invented Dry Cleaning Using Chemical Solvent and How Does Dry Cleaning Work To Clean Clothes?

who invented dry cleaning using chemical solvent and how does dry cleaning work to clean clothes

French dye-works owner Jean Baptiste Jolly discovered dry cleaning with petroleum-based solvents in the mid-19th century. Dry cleaning is dry in the sense that the solvents used have no water. Although they are liquid, they have the ability to remove soil without affecting fabric as water would. They also evaporate quickly and leave dry clothes … Read more

Why Do Clothes Shrink and Why Does Cotton and Wool Fabric Shrink More Than Synthetic Fibers?

why do clothes shrink and why does cotton and wool fabric shrink more than synthetic fibers

Clothes shrink because of the chemical and physical properties of fibers from natural sources, especially cotton, wool and linen. The individual fibers in yarns are made of long polymer chains, or strands of giant molecules. In their natural state, the chains are scrolled up or crinkled. In preparing them for spinning and weaving, the first … Read more

When Were the First Sustained-Release Capsules Invented and How Do Time-Release Medications Work?

when were the first sustained release capsules invented and how do time release medications work

The first time-release medication was probably just a sugarcoated pill. The coating did not dissolve and release the bitter medicine until it was safely past the mouth. Many time-release medications, like Contac, introduced in 1961, are based on that fairly simple idea: small amounts of the medication are coated with varying thicknesses of soluble material. … Read more

How Does the Complexity Of the Computation In a Battery Operated Calculator Affect the Power Draw?

how does the complexity of the computation in a battery operated calculator affect the power draw

The central processing unit, the microprocessor that actually performs the calculations, is what takes the most power when the calculator is running. The more calculations the machine is asked to perform, the more power it would draw. Just being turned on would take only enough of the calculator’s battery power to light up the display. … Read more

How Is Aluminum Foil Made and Why Is Aluminum Foil Shiny On One Side and Dull On the Other?

how is aluminum foil made and why is aluminum foil shiny on one side and dull on the other

Aluminum foil is produced by rolling sheet ingots cast from molten aluminum, then re-rolling on sheet rolling mills to the desired thickness. Beta radiation is passed through the foil to a sensor the other side to help maintain a constant thickness in aluminum foil production. The shiny and dull surfaces result from the final rolling … Read more

Why Does Hot Water and Dishwashing Detergent Clean Dirty Dishes Better Than Cold Water?

why does hot water and dishwashing detergent clean dirty dishes better than cold water

Hot water is more effective for cleaning dirty dishes for two reasons. First, hot water melts fats and softens other food particles, making it easier for detergent to penetrate them. The active ingredients in dishwashing detergent, known as surfactants, are chemicals that bind fat and water together so they can be removed from the dish. … Read more