What is the Biggest Rodent in the World and where do they Live?

what is the biggest rodent in the world and where do they live

The South American capybara is the biggest rodent in the world, and can reach lengths of up to four feet. They’ve been compared to a guinea pig, a small boar, and have been nicknamed “water pigs.” We think they look more like a mutated rabbit, actually. The capybara is also known as carpincho in Spanish, … Read more

Did Mickey Mouse have any Nephews and what were their Names?

did mickey mouse have any nephews and what were their names

Mickey Mouse’s nephews were Mortie and Ferdie. Mickey Mouse is the most popular cartoon rodent, hands down. But who’s the second most popular cartoon mouse? Just cartoon mice, or all rodents? We’d have to give Rocket J. Squirrel of Rocky and Bullwinkle the thumbs-up if we’re talking about all animated rodents. However, the mouse category … Read more

Who Wrote the Children’s song “Three Blind Mice” and When?

who wrote the childrens song three blind mice and when

Three Blind Mice is an old English nursery rhyme and has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 3753. The English believed that rounds taught children to concentrate, and this was why most scholars believe “Three Blind Mice” was written. The first written mention of it appears in 1609 in a melody book titled Deuteromelia, … Read more

Who Invented Veronica before the Internet and what does it Stand For?

who invented veronica before the internet and what does it stand for

Veronica stands for Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Network wide Index to Computerized Archives. The software was developed specifically to search gopher space. Gopher was the precursor to the World Wide Web and was named after the mascot of the University of Minnesota, the place it was developed. Veronica and another early search engine, Jughead, were used … Read more

What is the Difference between a Jackrabbit, a Rabbit, and a Hare, and how do you tell them Apart?

what is the difference between a jackrabbit a rabbit and a hare and how do you tell them apart

You will be well educated on the subtleties of the order Lagomorpha after we’re done explaining the differences between a Jackrabbit, a Rabbit, and a Hare. Rabbits and Hares are often mistakenly identified, even by the so called experts. For example, the Belgian hare is a cute little domesticated animal that has been credited with … Read more

Who Invented the Playboy Bunny and how did it Originate?

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The original art director for Playboy magazine, Art Paul, drew the bunny for the cover of the second edition. Hugh Hefner liked the furry rabbit because it looked frisky, playful, and had that whole multiply-like-rabbits thing going for it. Hefner was also instantly attached to it because the idea of a bunny in a tuxedo … Read more

How did the Nutria become a Pest in Louisiana and why do they Eat the Swamp Rat which was bred for Fur?

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Rural Louisianans have trapped and eaten the nutria, an orange-toothed rodent that inhabits Louisiana swampland, since its introduction to the bayous in the 1930s. Now the state government is encouraging nutria’s role as the next exotic food out of the swamps by instigating a five-year program that pays trappers and processors by the pelt and … Read more

Who wrote “Beans, beans, they’re good for your heart. The more you eat, the more you fart.” And how do beans make you Fart?

who wrote beans beans theyre good for your heart the more you eat the more you fart and how do beans make you fart

No one person has claimed rights to this literary gem, “Beans, beans, they’re good for your heart. The more you eat, the more you fart.” Some time in the 1600s, though, people began creating haughty, naughty little rhyming couplets to place on lavatory and brothel walls instead of the usual “Ivon woz ‘ere,” and “Georgina’s … Read more

What else can Soybeans be made into besides meat, cheese and milk and why was Henry Ford facinated with it?

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Soybeans can be made into animal feed, oils that go into ice cream, soap, explosives, salad dressing, biodegradable plastic, adhesive, diesel fuel, paint, linoleum, ink, cosmetics, faux leather, and a whole lot more. Henry Ford was so enamored of the soybean that he tried to make an all-vegetable car in the 1930s, and was the … Read more

What is the Difference between Peas and Beans and how do you tell Black-Eyed Peas and Navy Beans apart?

what is the difference between peas and beans and how do you tell black eyed peas and navy beans apart

Peas and Beans are very closely related in that they’re all legumes, a group of plants that are nutritionally beneficial to humans. Legumes, Latin for “seedpods”, include clover, alfalfa, mimosas, rosewood, indigo, peanuts, beans, and peas. All of these plants share the unique ability to glean nitrogen from the air around them, instead of strictly … Read more

How did the word Amphibian Originate and what does Amphibian mean in Greek?

how did the word amphibian originate and what does amphibian mean in greek

The word Amphibian means “Double life” in Greek, referring to the fact that these creatures are both land and aquatic dwellers during the course of their lives. Amphibians such as frogs and salamanders are cold-blooded animals that either metamorphose from a juvenile water-breathing form, to an adult air-breathing form, or paedomorph and retain some juvenile … Read more

How did the Turtle Get its Name and What does it Mean in Latin?

how did the turtle get its name and what does it mean in latin

The turtle got its name from the Latin tortuca, by way of the French word tortue, both meaning “tortoise.” Tortoises are land-dwelling turtles, while turtles live in or near water. The turtle dove gets its name from the Latin turtur, referring to the soft, cuddly, cooing noises the bird makes. Until recently, however, the turtledove … Read more

How did the British Sausage dish “Toad in the Hole” Originate and what does its name mean?

how did the british sausage dish toad in the hole originate and what does its name mean

The British dish, “Toad in the Hole” is similar to the American dish “pig-in-a-blanket”. Sausages are dipped in Yorkshire pudding batter, then baked, and is usually served with vegetables and onion gravy. The origin of the name is not completely clear. The dish itself is at least 250 years old and probably older. Many agree … Read more

Can Touching a Toad give me Warts or is it a Myth?

can touching a toad give me warts or is it a myth

Warts in humans come from an internal virus that some of us carry and some of us don’t. Warts can’t be contracted or passed along by touching any amphibian. Although picking up a toad can be harmful to the toad, and it’s likely to pee on you, it won’t hurt you. In other words, toads … Read more

Why do Frogs Blink their Eyes when they Swallow their Food?

why do frogs blink their eyes when they swallow their food

Frogs blink their eyes when they swallow their food because they don’t have teeth and blinking helps them get their food down. This may not sound like an explanation on the face of it, but it is. Here’s how: a frog’s eyes, not unlike those of a hippopotamus, are bulgy, big, and located on the … Read more

How do Frogs and other Amphibians Drink Water Through Their Skin?

how do frogs and other amphibians drink water through their skin

Frogs do drink water, but not with their mouths. Like all other amphibians, frogs have naked skin, lacking hair, scales, and feathers, making it perfectly suitable for absorbing water. Their skin soaks up what they need, then filters it out through their kidneys, like the rest of us. Some toads don’t even need actual water, … Read more

Why do Carnivorous Plants Eat Insects when they get their Food and Nutrients from the Soil like other Plants?

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Carnivorous plants do get nutrients and energy from the soil and air. However, carnivorous plants live in boggy areas where the soil lacks many nutrients that most plants need to survive. Bug supplements make it possible for these plants to live in their natural habitat. Charles Darwin first wrote about carnivorous plants in 1875. There … Read more

Are Peach Pits Poisonous to Humans and do they Contain Cyanide?

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Yes, it’s true that peach pits, or peach seeds are poisonous. When ingested, peach pits release what’s called hydrogen cyanide, a gas that, in enough quantity, will kill you. Fresh almonds also release hydrogen cyanide gas when digested. Inadvertent cyanide poisoning happens periodically in countries like Turkey where fresh almonds are regularly eaten, roasting eliminates … Read more

How were Tylenol bottles Spiked with Cyanide in Chicago in the 1980s and was the Culprit ever Caught?

how were tylenol bottles spiked with cyanide in chicago in the 1980s and was the culprit ever caught

There’s no supposed about it. It really did happen. Potassium cyanide, a lethal cyanide-based chemical found in photographic darkrooms, among other places, was placed inside Tylenol capsules in and around the Chicago area in 1982. Seven people were murdered, and the culprit was never found. In 1986 a woman in Seattle, Washington, after a failed … Read more

Where can I find a List of Poisonous Plants so I can Grow a Baby and Kid-Safe Garden?

where can i find a list of poisonous plants so i can grow a baby and kid safe garden

There are more poisonous plants on earth than you can imagine. Here’s a partial list of them. Rhubarb—the leaves are fatal. Even cooked, they’ve been known to kill. Buttercups—all of these plants can cause damage to the stomach and intestines. Oleander—the leaves and branches are extremely poisonous. They act as a heart palpitation drug and … Read more

What is the Difference between Mushrooms and Toadstools and are all Mushrooms Toadstools?

what is the difference between mushrooms and toadstools and are all mushrooms toadstools

Not all mushrooms are toadstools, only the ones that’ll kill you. And that’s where the name comes from. The German word for poisonous mushrooms is todesstuhl, meaning “death’s stool.” English speakers heard “toad stool,” and this botched translation stuck. Since many mushrooms do resemble little chairs, it wasn’t too hard to imagine little forest toads … Read more

What Nutritional Value does a Mushroom have and how are they Good for You?

what nutritional value does a mushroom have and how are they good for you

Mushrooms have a lot of nutritional value, but not enough to risk eating one in the wild, for sure, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. Identifying mushrooms is extremely difficult even for the experienced. Store-bought mushrooms are a good source of several vital nutrients, including magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and selenium. They’re also high … Read more

Have Mushrooms always been a Delicacy enjoyed by Royalty and the Rich or is it just the Latest Status Symbol Craze?

have mushrooms always been a delicacy enjoyed by royalty and the rich or is it just the latest status symbol craze

Despite their instant availability to rich and poor alike, mushrooms have long been considered the food of kings. Consider the historical prominence the mushroom has enjoyed on the dinner table of the rich and powerful. In ancient Egypt, mushrooms were considered such a delicacy that only pharaohs were allowed to eat them. And remember ancient … Read more

Are Mushrooms Aphrodisiacs or is the Old Adage a Myth?

are mushrooms aphrodisiacs or is the old adage a myth

There’s no specific one mushroom that we could find that is an aphrodisiac, it’s just an old adage about mushrooms in general being aphrodisiacs. Although many people say they find their shapes and textures erotic and sensual, there’s no evidence whatsoever that mushrooms contain anything that would incite lust upon consumption. As a matter of … Read more

Are all Flowers Bisexual with Both Male and Female Reproductive Parts and Capable of Playing Either Role in Reproduction?

are all flowers bisexual with both male and female reproductive parts and capable of playing either role in reproduction

No, not all flowers are Bisexual with Both Male and Female Reproductive Parts and Capable of Playing Either Role in Reproduction. Here’s a quick flower primer: There are actually three types of flowers. The “perfect” flower, also known as a Bisexual flower, which is what you’re familiar with when it comes to plant reproduction, is … Read more

How is Poison Ivy Beneficial to Anyone besides being the Incessant Pest to Gardeners, Hikers, and Children?

how is poison ivy beneficial to anyone besides being the incessant pest to gardeners hikers and children

Considering how violent some reactions to its oils can be, it’s hard to imagine poison ivy serving any good purpose for anyone. The English colonist John Smith, in 1609, wrote home about his run-in with this dreaded toxic plant: “The poisonous weed, being in shape, but very little different, from our English Yvie; but being … Read more

Which other Reptiles on Earth have no Legs besides Snakes?

which other reptiles on earth have no legs besides snakes

A group of legless lizards erroneously called glass snakes lives in grassy and forested areas all over the world. Although they are called snakes, and even look like snakes with ears, if you pick them up, their bodies are much more rigid, like lizards, than bendable, like snakes. By the way, they get the “glass” … Read more

What kind of Snake is a Pit Viper and do they Live in Pits?

what kind of snake is a pit viper and do they live in pits

The Pit Viper is actually just another name for the common rattlesnake, which has highly sensitive pits located between its eyes and nostrils. These pick up even minute changes in temperature, so that the snake’s ability to locate prey is very good. Viper is just a shortened version of Viperidae, the scientific name for the … Read more

Do Snakes have Ears to Hear us and where are they located?

do snakes have ears to hear us and where are they located

Snakes don’t have ears, they can hear you coming though. They “hear” by being close to the ground, and feeling vibrations move up through their bones. Other than that, their main method of gleaning information from the world around them is by smelling with their tongues. The tongue darts out, picks up chemicals and other … Read more

How do Indian Snake Charmers get King Cobras to Dance and Sway to their Rhythms and what is the Name of the Instrument they use?

how do indian snake charmers get king cobras to dance and sway to their rhythms and what is the name of the instrument they use

It’s a pretty impressive act, those snake charmers. From the cobra basket, the snake rises as the crowd shrinks back. The charmer plays his pungi, swaying to the music, and the snake undulates with him, seemingly entranced. The crowd, equally mesmerized, throws coins into the snake charmer’s basket. Like other street performers with a good … Read more

Are Red-Eared Terrapin Turtles still sold as Pets in Pets Stores or are they only found in Ponds at Local Parks?

are red eared terrapin turtles still sold as pets in pets stores or are they only found in ponds at local parks

The turtles in our local parks are more than likely the same species, the red-eared terrapin, as those little guys everyone kept as a kid. Those kept as pets usually never reach maturity and die while still young, due to poor environment and nutrition. The ones in your local pond are full-grown adults, who may … Read more

Do Tree Monkeys have any Predators that can Catch and Eat them High up in the Trees?

do tree monkeys have any predators that can catch and eat them high up in the trees

Eagles do sometimes catch tree monkeys, swooping down and grabbing them with their powerful talons. That’s about it for predators for monkeys in the trees. Other than ants and bugs, and the occasional snake, nothing really bothers monkeys when they’re hanging out or sleeping in the trees. It’s where they’re safe and seek refuge from … Read more

How is the Pygmy Marmoset the Smallest Monkey in the World?

how is the pygmy marmoset the smallest monkey in the world

The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world, and is about the size of a small squirrel and weighs about as much as a Quarter Pounder, bun and all. In fact, marmosets clamber up trees like squirrels, they’re one of the few monkeys that have claws instead of fingers and toenails. While up … Read more

Why do Male Chimpanzees have Bigger Testicles compared to Humans and Gorillas also have Tiny Ones?

why do male chimpanzees have bigger testicles compared to humans and gorillas also have tiny ones

It’s sad but true, male Chimpanzees have bigger testicles than humans, and they’re even bigger than a Gorillas. Most people think that a gorilla would be hung like an ape, and they’re surprised to find out that they’re wrong. Despite being the largest primate, weighing in at 350 to 450 pounds, the gorilla has testicles … Read more

How did the Mugger Crocodile get its Name and what does it mean in Hindustani?

how did the mugger crocodile get its name and what does it mean in hindustani

Mugger Crocodile, or Mugger for short, is the name of a crocodile species that lives in India and Pakistan. The name eventually got generalized to include human predators, as well. The mugger crocodile’s scientific name, Crocodylus palustris literally means “crocodile of the marsh”. It is also called the Indian, Persian, or Marsh crocodile, and is … Read more

How did the Crocodile get its Name and what does it mean in Greek?

how did the crocodile get its name and what does it mean in greek

The Crocodile’s name comes from the ancient Greek krokodilos, meaning “worm of the pebbles.” Why they thought this was a good name instead of something like “monster lizard of the water” is quite unclear. Maybe the crocodile looked like a worm when it was first discovered, and the name stuck.

What is the Difference between Alligators and Crocodiles and where do they come from?

what is the difference between alligators and crocodiles and where do they come from

Here’s the thing. If you’ve encountered any crocodilian in Florida, chances are it’s an American alligator. While American crocodiles do live in the salty, brackish waters of the southernmost tip of Florida, they are extremely secretive and almost never spotted in the wild. In contrast, alligators live in fresh water along riverbanks and in swamps, … Read more

How Big is an Alligator’s Brain?

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Delve into the fascinating realm of alligator anatomy as we explore the size of an alligator’s brain. Uncover the mysteries behind these reptilian cognitive wonders. Key Takeaways: Understand the relative size of an alligator’s brain compared to its body. Explore the significance of brain size in relation to alligator behavior and survival. Gain insights into … Read more

What kind of Fruit is an Alligator Pear and where does it Grow?

what kind of fruit is an alligator pear and where does it grow

Alligator Pear is another name for an avocado. The avocado, aguacate or palta in Spanish, also known as butter pear, is a tree native to Mexico, the Caribbean, South and Central America. It is technically a berry, and originated in the state of Puebla, Mexico. The oldest evidence of avocado use by man was found … Read more

How many Different Groups of Reptiles are there in the World?

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There are only four main groups of reptiles left on earth: Crocodilians, snakes and lizards, turtles and tortoises, and the tuataras, an old lizard form found in New Zealand. All of them run the risk of extinction due to human encroachment, and due to humans wanting to turn them into pets, food, and ornaments. Of … Read more