What Is the Difference Between a Reverend, Pastor, and Parson and Where Did the Terms Come From?

what is the difference between a reverend pastor and parson and where did the terms come from

The word reverend first appeared in seventeenth-century England and is derived from the Latin “reverendus”, meaning “worthy of respect.” Pastor is from the Latin word for shepherd, which is how Christ referred to himself. On the other hand, parson comes from New England, where because the minister was one of the few who could read … Read more

What Does the Phrase “Got Up On Wrong Side of the Bed” Mean and Where Did The Expression Originate?

what does the phrase got up on wrong side of the bed mean and where did the expression originate

For centuries, to be left-handed was considered evil. Ancient Egyptians drew all the good armies as being right-handed, while the enemies were lefties. Until only recently left-handed children were forced to learn to use their right hands in school. The word ambidextrous means two right hands. Getting up on the wrong side of the bed … Read more

How are Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, and Charlie Chaplin Connected to Adolf Hitler Through Astrology?

how are winston churchill franklin roosevelt and charlie chaplin connected to adolf hitler through astrology

Charlie Chaplin and Hitler were associated astrologically from birth. This is because both men were born within the same hour in the same week of the same year. The date connecting Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt with the German dictator is January 30th. January 30th is the date of President Roosevelt’s birth, Winston Churchill’s death, … Read more

Why is the Hope Diamond Cursed and Where Did the Legend Come From?

why is the hope diamond cursed and where did the legend come from

The Hope diamond is a steel blue, forty-four-and-a-half-carat, walnut-sized diamond that is supposedly cursed, because it was stolen from the statue of a Hindu god in 1642. Since then, its owners, including Marie Antoinette, have all had brushes with madness and violent death. It’s named after a British banking family who were financially ruined. The … Read more

Why is a Rabbit’s Foot Considered a Good Luck Charm and Where Did the Superstition Come From?

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If you realize that primitive societies couldn’t tell the difference between a rabbit and a hare, then you’ll understand this ancient logic as to why the rabbit’s foot is a symbol of good luck. Hares are born with their eyes open, giving them knowledge of prenatal life. The rabbit burrows underground and shares secrets with … Read more

How Did Mistletoe Get its Name, What Does it Mean, and Why Do We Kiss Under the Mistletoe During Christmas?

how did mistletoe get its name what does it mean and why do we kiss under the mistletoe during christmas

Two centuries before Christ’s birth, the Druids celebrated the winter solstice with mistletoe because it enhanced fertility and was a favorite of the gods. The Romans hung it prominently during orgies, which is how it became associated with kissing and also why the church banned it in the fourth century. The name mistletoe is from … Read more

When was the Celebration of Christmas Banned in England and How was William Prynne Punished By King Charles?

when was the celebration of christmas banned in england and how was william prynne punished by king charles

In 1643, the English Puritan parliament frowned on the pagan rituals of Christmas and banned its celebration after William Prynne published his anti-Christmas manifesto. Clergymen were imprisoned for so much as preaching on December 25. After several years of rioting against the ban, King Charles II arrested Prynne and had him pilloried then had both … Read more

How Did the Custom of Serving Turkey For Christmas Dinner Originate and When Did the Tradition Start?

how did the custom of serving turkey for christmas dinner originate and when did the tradition start

Up until the nineteenth century, mincemeat pie was the common Christmas feast in both North America and Europe, with preferred birds being pigeon, peacock, guinea hen, and goose. Turkey was introduced from America to Europe by the Spanish in the sixteenth century. The bird caught on big time in 1843 after Ebenezer Scrooge sent a … Read more

Where Does the Phrase “Chewing the Fat” Come From and What Does the Expression Mean?

where does the phrase chewing the fat come from and what does the expression mean

During the twentieth century, “chewing the fat” came to mean passing time with informal small talk. The phrase originated with the grumbling of nineteenth-century British sailors whose lean diet was often nothing more than the fat from barrels of salt pork. Their whining while chewing the tough meat would expand to include complaints about every … Read more

Where Did the Term “Swashbuckler” Come From and What Does the Phrase “Wide Berth” Mean?

where did the term swashbuckler come from and what does the phrase wide berth mean

Swashbuckler, a word we use for a pirate, was created from the archaic words swash, meaning “to make noise by striking,” and buckler, meaning “shield.” A swaggering brute yelling and banging his sword on his shield was called a swashbuckler. These bullies were given a “wide berth,” which in nautical lingo means to anchor or … Read more

How Much Did it Cost to Liberate Each Kuwaiti Citizen During Operation Desert Storm?

how much did it cost to liberate each kuwaiti citizen during operation desert storm

After Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, an American-led military force liberated the tiny country in 1991, but at what cost? There were 491,000 Kuwaiti citizens, who made up only 28 percent of the country’s population. The rest, or 72 percent, were immigrant laborers. Estimates are that 150,000 Iraqis were killed during the war, while 141 American, … Read more

Where Did the Expression “Sally Forth” Come From and What Does the Phrase Mean?

where did the expression sally forth come from and what does the phrase mean

Today it implies less danger, but to “sally forth” was originally a military term meaning to suddenly rush forward. The Latin derivation of sally is salire, meaning “to leap.” Castles and fortresses had closely guarded openings in the walls designed for mounting a quick counterattack against a siege. These were called sally ports, from which … Read more

How Did the Expression “Rise and Shine” Originate and What Does the Phrase “Shake a Leg” Mean?

how did the expression rise and shine originate and what does the phrase shake a leg mean

The phrase “Rise and shine” comes from a 1916 United States Marine Corps manual that instructed non-commissioned officers to enter the privates’ barracks in the early morning and use the phrase to wake the men. While rise means “get up,” shine means “make sure your boots and brass are ready for inspection.” The Royal Navy … Read more

How Did the Infantry Get its Name, What Does the Word Mean, and How Did it Originate?

how did the infantry get its name what does the word mean and how did it originate

The word soldier is from the Latin word solidus, meaning a gold coin, because it cost money to raise an army of mercenaries. The word infantry is from infant, with a Latin derivative meaning “non speaking,” because, like children, well-disciplined soldiers never talk back or challenge orders. Curiously, another use of the word soldier is … Read more

Where Did the Expression “Face the Music” Come From and What Does the Saying Mean?

where did the expression face the music come from and what does the saying mean

The expression “face the music” comes from the military “drumming out” ceremony for disgraced soldiers. This ritual called for only drums to accompany the dishonored as he was stripped of his rank and colors in front of his assembled unit. For cavalrymen, this humiliation was enhanced by having the offender sit backwards on his horse … Read more

What Does the Term “Muckraker” Mean and Where Did the Word Come From?

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When President Teddy Roosevelt called the reporters who exposed political and corporate corruption “muckrakers,” the term caught on and is now used to describe tabloid journalism. Muck is manure, and the word was borrowed from John Bunyons’s book Pilgrim’s Progress. A man, even though he had been promised a celestial crown, constantly kept his eyes … Read more

How Did the Term “Red Tape” Originate and What Does the Expression Mean?

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English monarchs used to write legal decrees on rolls of parchment and then bind them up with red silk ribbons. To give their work an important appearance, government bureaucrats copied the “red tape” practice. Not to be outdone, lawyers followed with ribbons of their own. The expression took hold after Charles Dickens described the frustration … Read more

What Does the Phrase “Bob’s Your Uncle” Mean and Where Did the Expression Come From?

what does the phrase bobs your uncle mean and where did the expression come from

“Bob’s your uncle” is a common British phrase and now means that you’ve accomplished something without much effort. It originated in 1887 when Prime Minister Robert Cecil appointed his nephew, Arthur Balfour, chief secretary for Ireland. The public was outraged at this blatant act of nepotism and began using “Bob’s your uncle” to describe any … Read more

What Does the Expression “Pork Barrel Politics” Mean and Where Did the Phrase Come From?

what does the expression pork barrel politics mean and where did the phrase come from

Long before refrigeration, North American farmers kept supplies of salt pork stored in barrels, and the amount of meat on hand indicated the family’s prosperity. If the barrel was low on pork, it meant the possibility of disaster through starvation. When a politician sought and gained favoritism for his constituents, he was said to have … Read more

How Did Lacrosse Get its Name, What Does it Mean, and Where Did the Sport Come From?

how did lacrosse get its name what does it mean and where did the sport come from

Lacrosse, “the little brother of war,” was considered good training for Native American warriors. Teams consisting of hundreds of players often involved entire villages in brutal contests that could last as long as three days. To the French explorers who were the first Europeans to see the game, the stick resembled a bishop’s ceremonial staff, … Read more

What Does the Term “Steeplechase” Mean and Where Did the Obstacle-Filled Horse Race Originate?

what does the term steeplechase mean and where did the obstacle filled horse race originate

In early England, the church was the center of a town’s existence and was usually the largest and most prominent structure. For travelers on horseback, the first sign of their destination was the lofty church steeple rising above the trees. To the tired traveler, the sight was exhilarating and inspired the horsemen to quicken their … Read more

Where Did the Term Mascot Come From and What Does the Word Mean?

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A mascot brings good luck, and the name comes from masco, Latin for “witch.” Primitive people believed that every tribe descended from a separate species of animal, which they recognized as their ancestors from what they hoped were their own characteristics of bravery and ferocity. It’s the same reason most sporting teams name themselves after … Read more

Where Did the Pinstripe Baseball Uniforms For the New York Yankees Come From and When?

where did the pinstripe baseball uniforms for the new york yankees come from and when scaled

In 1925, thirty-year-old Babe Ruth was suffering from an intestinal disorder, and his weight ballooned to over 260 pounds. This embarrassed Yankees owner Jacob Rupert so much that he ordered the team to wear pinstripe uniforms in order to make the Bambino look thinner. Limited to 98 games that season because of surgery and suspensions, … Read more

How Did the Montreal Habs Get their Name and and What Does the Hockey Team’s Logo Stand For?

how did the montreal habs get their name and and what does the hockey teams logo stand for

The Montreal Canadiens began as an all–French Canadian hockey team that would be an honest representation of the Province of Quebec. Their nickname, the Habs, is an abbreviation of les habitants, meaning “those who live here.” The C.H. logo on their sweaters stands for “Club de Hockey Canadien.” The Canadiens won their first Stanley Cup … Read more

Why Do Golfers Shout “Fore” As a Warning, What Does it Mean, and Where Did the Term Come From?

why do golfers shout fore as a warning what does it mean and where did the term come from

When early cannons fired a barrage into enemy lines, over the heads of their own charging infantry, the shots were often imprecise. British artillery officers would shout, “Beware before” as a warning for their advancing troops to watch out for a misfired cannon ball. Over time, and in the heat of battle, “beware before” was … Read more

What Does the Phrase “Cook’s Tour” Mean and Where Did the Expression Come From?

what does the phrase cooks tour mean and where did the expression come from

When Thomas Cook founded the world’s first travel agency in 1841 he organized a railway trip for a group of non-drinkers into the British midlands. Soon the safety and security of travelling in groups encouraged the less adventurous to see the world. The more seasoned travelers, enamored of their ideas of individual adventure, scoffed at … Read more

Where Did the Word “Coach” Come From and What Does it Mean in Hungarian?

where did the word coach come from and what does it mean in hungarian

The word coach comes from the Hungarian village of Kocs, pronounced “kotch”, made famous for its large, horse-drawn carriages in the sixteenth century. In Britain, the word became coach, and by the nineteenth century took on the second meaning of a sports trainer or private tutor. The implication is that, through his experience and knowledge, … Read more