Where does the term “devil’s darning needle” come from and What does devil’s-darning-needle mean?

where does the term devils darning needle come from and what does devils darning needle mean

Devil’s-darning-needle is the common name in the United States of the dragonfly (which see). We abridge it sometimes to darning-needle, and, a hundred years ago, Thoreau and others spoke of the insect as devil’s-needle. The name is fairly obvious: large staring eyes which remind one of Satan himself, and an extremely slender and long body, … Read more

Where does the word “haversack” come from and What does haversack mean in German?

where does the word haversack come from and what does haversack mean in german

Just think, as far as original meaning of the word “haversack” is concerned, this soldier’s carryall might just as properly have been called a “gunny sack.” That is, the original German term was haber sack, literally “sack for oats,” and it referred especially to the bag, usually of canvas, in which a cavalryman carried oats … Read more

Where does the word “subtle” originate and What does subtle mean in Latin?

where does the word subtle originate and what does subtle mean in latin

Light as a feather, or better, thin as gossamer. Either of these expressions describes fairly accurately the gentleness which is characteristic of true subtlety, but “gossamer” is a close translation of the Latin word from which subtle originates. Subtle was brought into English from the Old French soutil (alternately spelled soul or sutil) with the … Read more

Where do the words thingum, thingumajig, thingumbob, thingummy come from and What do they mean?

where do the words thingum thingumajig thingumbob thingummy come from and what do they mean

The words thingum, thingumajig, thingumbob, thingummy are meaningless extensions of the word thing in its special use as a term to denote an object or person which the speaker cannot or will not name specifically. Thingum was first recorded in the late seventeenth century, the other forms followed (not in order) in the eighteenth and … Read more

Where does the word “Hiccup” come from and What does Hiccup mean in Spanish and French?

where does the word hiccup come from and what does hiccup mean in spanish and french

We say, somewhat fatuously, that the hiccup is an echo of the sound, yet, strangely, the French idea of the same sound, written hoquet, is pronounced “aw’keh,” and the Spanish idea, written hipo, is pronounced “ee’po.” We also spell our term hiccough, though without affecting the pronunciation. Prior to the seventeenth century our English ancestors … Read more

Where does the phrase “Shilly Shally” come from and What does shilly-shally mean?

where does the phrase shilly shally come from and what does shilly shally mean

When first recorded (1674), the air of indecision expressed by the term shilly-shally was rendered in much more recognizable form. The picture we have is of some Caspar Milquetoast of the day standing irresolutely and murmuring, “Shall I? Shall I?” In the course of literary evolution, the question became reduced to shally-shally, but was accompanied … Read more

Where does the term “sheet anchor” come from and What does sheet anchor mean?

where does the term sheet anchor come from and what does sheet anchor mean

The derivation is somewhat obscure, although some authorities believe that the name for this emergency anchor comes from shot-anchor, or shoot-anchor, since, if an emergency actually came about, it would have been “shot” (dropped quickly) from its supports. To bolster this theory, attention is called to the derivation of shoot, which came into the language … Read more

How did the Belladonna get its name and Where does the word Belladonna come from?

how did the belladonna get its name and where does the word belladonna come from

Belladonna means “Beautiful lady,” but why this name for the deadly nightshade? Two highly contradictory accounts have been given. The English naturalist John Ray (1627-1705) said that a cosmetic made from the juice of this plant was used by, especially, Venetian ladies to enhance their beauty. This is probably the true origin of the name. … Read more

How did the Daisy get its name and Where does the word “Daisy” come from?

how did the daisy get its name and where does the word daisy come from

One wonders whether coming generations will think that we, in this day of countless new inventions, have shown like imagination and poetry in the coining of names as that given to our early forebears. It does not so appear. Certainly not in such words as telephone, automobile, airplane, radio, television, electric refrigerator. But consider the … Read more

Where does the word “Clapboard” come from and What does Clapboard mean in German?

where does the word clapboard come from and what does clapboard mean in german scaled

Our English forebears just partly anglicized a German term back in the sixteenth century. The word that came to them was klappholt, in which holt (modern Holz) meant “wood, board,” and klapp apparently referred to the clacking sound from boards smacking together. This klappholt and the early clapboard was used by coopers in making casks … Read more

Where does the word “Shenanigan” come from and What does Shenanigans mean in German?

where does the word shenanigan come from and what does shenanigans mean in german

Many sources have been suggested for the Americanism “Shenanigan”, which seems to have been originated in California during or soon after the Gold Rush. The first recorded use was in that state in 1855. As the word has the sense of “trickery, deceit,” most possible sources suggested have had similar meanings, such as the Spanish … Read more