How are Pencils Made and How do they Put Lead Into a Pencil?

How are Pencils Made and How do they Put Lead Into a Pencil?

You might think that lead gets into a pencil by being inserted into a hole drilled the length of a cylindrical piece of wood, for if you look closely at a pencil, it certainly appears that the wood is all one piece. “That’s the sign of a good pencil,” says a salesman for the Joseph … Read more

How did publishers and editors write the 15th Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica ?

how did publishers and editors write the 15th edition of the encyclopaedia britannica

The accumulation of knowledge that went into the making of the fifteenth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica is astounding, for the ambitious publishers and editors of this edition actually started from scratch, a feat to give even the most knowledgeable scholar reason for misgivings. The first Encyclopaedia Britannica, published in 1771 and comprising only 2,659 … Read more

How do street lights turn on automatically when it gets dark?

how do street lights turn on automatically when it gets dark

The magic lies in a little metal box with a glass top perched high up on the pole of one light in a given area. Inside is a highly sensitive photoelectric cell which reacts to the absence of light. When it gets dark, the cell automatically closes the circuits, allowing electricity to run through and … Read more

How do meteorologists predict the path of storms and hurricanes?

how do meteorologists predict the path of storms and hurricanes

In order to safeguard against unforeseen destruction by hurricane winds and floods, the National Weather Service, after detecting a storm, tries to predict its course. Forecasting, in actual practice, is very technical, but it rests on several methods that may be described broadly. According to a theory of persistence, forecasters assume a storm will persist … Read more

How does a steel ship float if it is heavier than water?

how does a steel ship float if it is heavier than water

Archimedes’ principle states that a body immersed or partially immersed in water loses an amount of weight that is equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. Whether or not an object can float depends on the density (weight ÷ volume) of both the object and the water. If the density of the object … Read more

How do homing pigeons find their way home and navigate in flight?

how do homing pigeons find their way home and navigate in flight

Scientists have long been baffled by the uncanny ability of these small one pound birds to make precise point to point flights over great distances and to hold their course whether the skies be overcast or clear. The answer to how pigeons home would undoubtedly provide a clue to the related mystery of how birds … Read more

How does an artificial pacemaker help a weak or damaged heart pump blood?

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Artificial pacemakers are able to correct low cardiac output primarily because of the remarkable qualities of the heart itself. Ever since the experiments of the prominent Italian physician Luigi Galvani in the eighteenth century, men have known about the ability of muscle to respond to electrical stimulation. The fibers of the myocardium (the middle muscular … Read more

How do doctors determine a baby’s gender before birth?

how do doctors determine a babys gender before birth

Cells present in the amniotic fluid within the fetal sac are largely of fetal origin, and they contain the secret of a baby’s sex. In the procedure called amniocentesis, a sample of this fluid is examined and the baby’s sex revealed. Because of a minimal but nevertheless real risk to the health of the fetus … Read more

How do NASA and the USDA predict future crop yields using weather satellites?

how do nasa and the usda predict future crop yields using weather satellites

Global crop forecasting, still very much in the experimental stage, is a massive undertaking that calls on the research facilities and technologies of such organizations as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). There is no magical system by which … Read more

How does the Nobel Foundation pick Nobel Prize winners?

how does the nobel foundation pick nobel prize winners

Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a shy, reclusive man with a fondness for English poetry, and a passion for explosives. Even after killing his youngest brother and four other men in his experiments with nitroglycerin, he persisted: he invented dynamite, the detonating cap, and later blasting gelatin, an even more powerful explosive. Not a very peaceful … Read more

How does a high speed elevator take you 60 floors in 30 seconds?

how does a high speed elevator take you 60 floors in 30 seconds

When an elevator lifts you almost instantaneously to the 60th floor, you feel you must be traveling at a tremendous speed. Actually, the elevator rises 800 feet in 30 seconds, or only 18 miles an hour. Compared with the slow hydraulic elevators used in buildings of five stories and less, however, this speed is indeed … Read more

How do window cleaners wash the windows of the World Trade Center?

how do window cleaners wash the windows of the world trade center

During the spring, summer, and fall, the windows of the World Trade Center from the 9th to the 106th floor are always being washed. The winter season is prohibitive because of heavy winds and freezing temperatures. A huge automatic window washer for each tower, resembling a crane, is operated by one man standing on the … Read more

How do baseball teams measure the speed of a fastball?

how do baseball teams measure the speed of a fastball

The game is tied, the crowd hushed with anticipation, as “Goose” Gossage winds up for one of his famous fastballs. The batter swings, misses, strike three, the inning is over and Howard Cosell tells us Gossage’s deadly pitch went 98 miles an hour. How does he know? Just as the police use radar to trap … Read more

How is instant coffee made and Where does instant coffee come from?

how is instant coffee made and where does instant coffee come from

Whether you agree with the ads that freeze dried instant coffee packs in more flavor, or stand by the powdered brand you’ve been using for years, the manufacturing process for both is similar, at least until the final step. When coffee arrives at a factory that will turn it into instant, it already looks like … Read more

How do cigarette companies remove and reduce tar from cigarettes?

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Cigarette companies keep talking about reducing the “tar” in their latest brands, as though it were a single ingredient, easily removed for better health, easily replaced for more taste. Actually, “tar” is not tar at all but a combination of some 2,000 to 10,000 elements, including alkaloids, ammonia, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen cyanide, … Read more

Where did Andy Garcia come from and Is Andy Garcia Italian?

where did andy garcia come from and is andy garcia italian

Andy Garcia is not Italian, but the actor played Italians in two of his biggest film roles: a rookie G-man in The Untouchables (1987) and the heir to a Mafia family in The Godfather, Part III (1990). Garcia is a Cuban American. Born in Havana in 1956, he fled with his family to Miami after … Read more

What is a guayabera shirt and Where do guayaberas come from?

what is a guayabera shirt and where do guayaberas come from

Those shirts with the two stripes down the front that you often see in Florida are called guayabera shirts. They are popular in warm parts of Latin America and among many Hispanic American men, especially in Florida. They have pleated stripes down the front, four pockets, and side vents. No need to tuck them in; … Read more

Who founded Goya Foods and Where did Goya beans come from?

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Based in Secaucus, New Jersey, Goya Foods specializes in foods for the U.S. Latino population. It was founded in 1936 by Prudencio Unanue, a Spanish businessman who moved to Puerto Rico before settling in New York. Still headed by a Unanue family member, Goya is now one of the five hundred largest private companies, according … Read more

Which major Spanish language TV networks in the United States are owned by Hispanic Americans?

which major spanish language tv networks in the united states are owned by hispanic americans

Univision and Telemundo are both owned by Anglo companies. The cable network Galavision is Mexican-owned. Management and performing talent tend to be white Cubans and South Americans. Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Hispanics of mixed race are severely underrepresented. Many newspapers, magazines, radio stations, and web sites are devoted to Latinos. Some are in Spanish, some … Read more

Why do so many people want to crack down on illegal immigrants in the United States?

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Critics of undocumented immigrants say they take jobs from “real” Americans and burden the welfare system. But supporters say undocumented immigrants take menial, low-paying jobs that Americans would be unlikely to take. Supporters also say that undocumented immigrants are less likely than American citizens to apply for welfare benefits. Why would someone who fears capture … Read more

When did Antonio Banderas get his first Hollywood Breakthrough?

when did antonio banderas get his first hollywood breakthrough

Americans first started noticing Antonio Banderas in a 1988 film called Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. This dark comedy from Spain played to great acclaim in the United States. Its director, Pedro Almodovar, became internationally known, as did Banderas, a star of this and other AlmodOvar films. The actor has since come … Read more

Why are Hispanic Americans one big happy family?

why are hispanic americans one big happy family

Hispanic immigrants to the United States often think of themselves first as nationals of a particular country, Mexico, Cuba, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador. Their U.S. born children or grandchildren may become so assimilated to Anglo culture that they think of themselves as Americans rather than Hispanic Americans. There is considerable discord between Hispanic … Read more

How many Hispanic Americans marry outside their national group?

how many hispanic americans marry outside their national group

Hispanic Americans marry outside their national group often. In this, they show the willingness to mix that has always been part of Hispanic culture. The practice tends to break down walls between communities. When a Mexican American marries a Puerto Rican, the common bond between Hispanics is strengthened. When their child marries an Anglo, the … Read more

What are remesas and What does remesas mean in Spanish?

what are remesas and what does remesas mean in spanish

Remesas are “remittances”, money that immigrants to the United States send home to their families in Latin America. The immigrants save up the money from their jobs and send it home, often via one of several courier agencies that specialize in the task. For many Latin American countries, remesas are an important source of foreign … Read more

Who was the first Latino to break into major league baseball?

who was the first latino to break into major league baseball

The first Latino to break into major league baseball was Esteban Bellan in 1871. But Hispanics did not become a major force in baseball until after 1947, when Jackie Robinson made it possible for players to be nonwhite. Since then, people from many parts of Latin America have come to make up a large percentage … Read more

What nationality is Julio Iglesias and Where did he come from?

what nationality is julio iglesias and where did he come from

The singer Julio Iglesias, born in 1943, is from Spain, but he is highly popular throughout Latin America and among Hispanic Americans. His early albums were all in Spanish, but he has recorded songs in other languages as well, including English and French. That practice has made him an international star, appreciated by people of … Read more

What Spanish speaking country does the samba come from?

what spanish speaking country does the samba come from

The samba did not come from any Spanish speaking country. The dance called the samba comes from Portuguese-speaking Brazil, where it evolved as a folk dance among people of African descent. It became a dance for urban Brazilian couples in the late nineteenth century, and became internationally popular in the 1920s and 1930s. It was … Read more

What are Pseudo Hispanics and Where do Pseudo Hispanics come from?

what are pseudo hispanics and where do pseudo hispanics come from

Hollywood has a long tradition of using non-Hispanics to play Hispanic roles. Silent-screen “Latin” lover Rudolph Valentino was Italian. Tyrone Power practically made a living playing suave Spaniards in films such as The Mark of Zorro (1940). Blond, blue-eyed Charlton Heston played a Mexican detective in Touch of Evil (1958). Things hadn’t changed that much … Read more

How many American businesses are owned by Hispanic Americans?

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Belying the common image of the Hispanic American as a hired hand in someone’s factory or field, Latinos are more likely than ever to run their own companies. As of 1992, Hispanic Americans owned 862,605 businesses-5 percent of all the businesses in the country. California, Texas, and Florida have especially high numbers of Hispanic-owned business. … Read more

What kind of a background did Rosie Perez come from?

what kind of a background did rosie perez come from

The Puerto Rican actress Rosie Perez, born circa 1968, grew up in troubled circumstances in Brooklyn. At twelve, she was put in a group home for cutting a woman’s neck. Moving to Los Angeles, she found a constructive way to channel her frenetic energy: as a star of such movies as Do the Right Thing … Read more

What kind of game is futbol?

what kind of game is futbol

Futbol is the Latin American name for soccer, one of the region’s favorite sports. Another favorite pastime is beisbol, or baseball. American football has not really caught on in Latin America. But tennis, golf, and boxing have long been crowd-pleasers. Soccer, known as football outside North America, has become increasingly popular in the United States, … Read more

Who was Rita Hayworth and Where did Rita Hayworth come from?

who was rita hayworth and where did rita hayworth come from

Latino performers were rare in the 1930s and 1940s, the Golden Era of Hollywood. Mexican-born Lupe Velez was popular for her “Mexican Spitfire” comedies. Dominican American Maria Montez appeared in adventure films. Mexican American Anthony Quinn played minor villains until the 1950s, when he became a full-fledged star. The greatest exception was the sex goddess … Read more

What Nobel Prize did biologist Severo Ochoa win in 1959?

what nobel prize did biologist severo ochoa win in 1959

Born in 1905, the Spanish-born molecular biologist fled war in Europe to come to the United States in 1941. For thirty-two years, beginning in 1942, he taught at New York University. One of his interests was RNA (ribonucleic acid), a compound found in living cells that is important in cell reproduction. Ochoa isolated an enzyme … Read more

Who was Truman Capote and Where did Truman Capote come from?

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The last name of American writer Truman Capote (1924-1984) is Spanish. Of Spanish American descent, he was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. He became well known for his novella Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1958) and his “nonfiction novel” In Cold Blood (1966), an account of the real-life mass murder of a rural Kansas family. Celebrated in … Read more

What was the Abraham Lincoln Battalion and Where did the Lincoln Brigade come from?

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The Abraham Lincoln Battalion was a battalion of about 2,800 volunteers from the United States who traveled to Spain to fight for the Republican cause in the Spanish civil war (1936-1939). With similar volunteer units from more than fifty other countries, it was part of the International Brigades. The Abraham Lincoln Battalion, also known as … Read more

Are Hispanic Americans Democrats or Republicans?

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Sixty-five percent of Hispanic Americans call themselves Democrats, and most elected Latinos in Congress are Democrats. But Democratic candidates should not assume that Latinos vote strictly by party. Traditional Democratic issues, civil rights, immigrants’ rights, social programs to aid the poor, are important to Latinos. But so are such Republican watchwords as law and order, … Read more

Where do most Basque Americans live?

where do most basque americans live

Basque Americans settled mainly in Nevada, Idaho, and Oregon, along with some other parts of the West, including California and Wyoming. They first came to the United States in the 1800s. Skilled as shepherds, Basque immigrants found work in that business and came to dominate the sheepherding industry of the West. Most were poor when … Read more

Who are the Basques and Where do the Basques come from?

who are the basques and where do the basques come from

Basques are a people with an unusual distinction: they are Europe’s oldest known ethnic group. To look at them, you might think they are Spanish, but their homeland, known as the Basque country, straddles both southwest France and northern Spain. Their native language is not Spanish but Basque, which has no known ties to any … Read more

How many Hispanics are in public office in the United States?

how many hispanics are in public office in the united states

There are more than five thousand Hispanic elected officials in the United States, including about twenty members of the U.S. House of Representatives. President Bill Clinton’s first-term cabinet included two Hispanics: Henry Cisneros, secretary of housing and urban development, and Federico Pena, secretary of transportation. Of the two, only Pena stayed on in Clinton’s second … Read more

What was the fighting about in the Spanish civil war and How did it start?

what was the fighting about in the spanish civil war and how did it start

The Spanish civil war started in 1936 when General Francisco Franco (1892-1975) led a revolt against the Spanish Republic. Franco was a fascist, which meant he believed in a dictatorial, militaristic form of government. Germany and Italy, both fascist states at the time, sent arms and advisers to support Franco’s group, known as the Nationalists, … Read more

How many Hispanic Americans are poor and live below the poverty level?

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As of 1994, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 30.7 percent, nearly a third, of Hispanic Americans lived below the poverty level. That means that a family of four would make under $15,141 per year. Poverty is more widespread among Hispanic Americans than among white Americans. The proportion of white Americans living under the poverty … Read more

Why are so many Hispanic Americans poor?

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Many Hispanic Americans are recent immigrants from impoverished countries. Many can only find work in unskilled jobs. With effort and education, they or their children may yet achieve middle-class prosperity. Others have been here a long time but suffer from generations of discrimination, notably the Chicanos of the West and Southwest. With poverty come such … Read more

Why do advocates for immigrants prefer the term “undocumented worker” rather than “illegal alien”?

why do advocates for immigrants prefer the term undocumented worker rather than illegal alien

The term “illegal alien” is loaded with a presumption of criminal guilt. In contrast, “undocumented worker” is a neutral description of the situation of people who are in the United States without papers proving their legal status. If an immigration court were to hear their cases, it might conceivably uphold their right to be here. … Read more

What is Spanglish and Where did Spanglish come from?

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Spanglish is the informal name for a brand of Spanish peppered with borrowed words or phrases from English. Even in Latin America, some Hispanics routinely use words like lonche (for “lunch”) or jonron (for “home run”) because the word pleases the ear or best expresses a certain shade of meaning. Puerto Ricans like to throw … Read more

How many Spanish dialects are there and Do all Hispanic Americans speak Spanish the same way?

how many spanish dialects are there and do all hispanic americans speak spanish the same way

There are many variations in Spanish dialect. In New Mexico, a relatively pure form of sixteenth and seventeenth-century Spanish has been preserved from the days before the region was conquered by the United States. Many Chicanos of Texas and California speak Pachuco, a slang that includes Mexican expressions and English-derived terms. The fast-paced Cuban dialect … Read more

What is the Hispanic American stand on bilingual education?

what is the hispanic american stand on bilingual education

There is no single stand on bilingual education for most Hispanic Americans. Many agree that children who have just immigrated should be allowed to pursue some studies in Spanish until English mastery is achieved. Children who speak no English cannot reasonably be expected to just pick it up without having their grades suffer. On the … Read more

What stereotypes do some Hispanic Americans have about Anglos?

what stereotypes do some hispanic americans have about anglos

Anglo prejudice against Hispanic Americans is matched only by Hispanic American prejudice against Anglos. Many Latinos think of Anglos as cold, materialistic, and money-grubbing. By contrast, Latinos see themselves as warm, family-oriented, community-minded people. One Colombian said of Anglos: “They don’t care for their fellow man, be it their father, son, or neighbor. They only … Read more

What is the origin of the term “gringo” and What does it mean?

what is the origin of the term gringo and what does it mean

Many possible origins have been suggested for the term gringo, a disparaging name used by Latinos to refer to Anglos. Some people think it originated in the phrase Mexicans used to yell to green-coated U.S. troops during the Mexican War: “Green, go.” But the phrase is found all over Latin America, not just in Mexico. … Read more

Why don’t you see the Chiquita Banana girl on TV much anymore?

why dont you see the chiquita banana girl on tv much anymore

For the same reason you don’t see the Frito Bandido anymore. These character trademarks were staples of TV commercials of the 1960s. They were popular with Anglo American audiences but offended many Hispanic Americans. The Fritos corn chip bandit suggested a sterotype of Mexicans as sleazy criminals. The Chiquita Banana girl made Latinos seem silly … Read more

How easy is it to immigrate legally to the United States?

how easy is it to immigrate legally to the united states

Under U.S. immigration laws enacted in 1965 and afterward, no more than 270,000 visas permitting immigration can be issued in any given year. No more than 20,000 visas can be issued to any single country per year. Some categories are exempt from this limitation, such as children of U.S. citizens and political refugees. Even so, … Read more

How do Latina women feel about machismo?

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For Latin American women, the ideology of machismo has often meant oppression and second-class status. Many accept the authority of men as an inescapable part of life, whether it is legitimate or not. Latinas in the United States have greater freedom than in their home countries to earn a living and be respected as equals … Read more

What is the racial makeup of Hispanics in South America?

what is the racial makeup of hispanics in south america

The racial makeup of South America’s Hispanics varies greatly. Many are mestizos, a mix of European and Native American, but there are also mulattoes, blacks, pure whites, and pure Native Americans. In the highlands of Andean nations live many Native Americans, representing 45 percent of Peru’s population and 55 percent of Bolivia’s. In Argentina and … Read more

Why do some South Americans travel illegally to the United States?

why do some south americans travel illegally to the united states

South Americans use the same methods as other undocumented immigrants from Latin America. Some first travel to Mexico and are smuggled into the United States over the border. Others visit the United States on tourist visas, then quietly stay after the visas expire. In the heavily Hispanic section of New York City called Jackson Heights, … Read more

Why do South Americans emigrate to the United States instead of other South American countries?

why do south americans emigrate to the united states instead of other south american countries

Many South Americans seeking a better life go to other countries on the continent. Colombians, for example, often move to neighboring Venezuela, Ecuador, or Panama. Peruvians may emigrate to Chile, Paraguay, or Argentina. Some feel they will have an easier time in a foreign country that shares their language and some common elements of Latino … Read more

Why are many South American immigrants poor and uneducated?

why are many south american immigrants poor and uneducated

On the whole, South American immigrants to the United States tend to be better educated and more prosperous than other Hispanic newcomers. They tend to be middle-class people with technical skills and a strong belief in education. Many come from cities rather than rural areas. One reason: travel to the United States is expensive. It … Read more

Why do many Hispanics have two last names?

why do many hispanics have two last names

In Spain and Latin America, a child is given both its father’s last name and its mother’s maiden name. For example, Anita Castillo Sanchez would be the daughter of a father named Castillo and a mother whose maiden name was Sanchez. The mother is thereby honored along with the father, though her name will drop … Read more

How has the political situation in South America improved in recent years?

how has the political situation in south america improved in recent years

During the 1980s and 1990s, the military dictatorships and juntas fell by the wayside. For the moment, democratically elected governments prevail across the continent. But in every country there is always the danger of a return to military rule. Problems continue. In the 1980s and ’90s, both Peru and Colombia fought wars against guerrilla armies. … Read more

What kind of political trouble did South America have since achieving independence?

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Political instability has plagued the continent throughout its history. Ever since achieving independence, the nations of South America have been famous for their frequent revolutions and coups. Constitutions and elected presidents give way to dictators and juntas and new constitutions and presidents. The 1960s and 1970s were a particularly stormy time. The military took power … Read more

How many South Americans have immigrated to the United States?

how many south americans have immigrated to the united states

According to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1.5 million South Americans have come to the United States from 1820 to 1995. Most of them have come from South America’s Hispanic nations. Ninety-one percent have come just since 1950, and 85 percent since 1960. In the 1980s alone, 456,000 South Americans were admitted to the United … Read more