Can Frogs Live Out of Water?

can frogs live out of water

The frog is an amphibian, an animal that stands somewhere between a fish and a reptile because it can live both in water and on land. Toads, newts, and salamanders are also amphibians. Frogs lay their eggs in water. When a young frog is born, it’s very much like a fish: it has gills on … Read more

Do Frogs Die in Winter?

In spring and summer, a country pond is abuzz with the loud croaking of frogs. But when winter comes and the pond freezes over, the sound of frogs disappears. It may seem that all the frogs have died. Actually, when cold weather comes, most frogs bury themselves in the soft mud at the bottom of … Read more

Is a Toad the Same as a Frog?

Frogs and toads are the same in many ways. Both are amphibians, cold-blooded creatures that spend part of their life in water and part on land. Both eat insects, lay their eggs in ponds, and begin their lives as tadpoles, swimming in the water before emerging and beginning their adult lives as lung-breathing creatures. But … Read more

Did Any Dinosaurs Ever Fly?

A creature that lived during the age of the dinosaurs, the pterodactyl, was not really a dinosaur, it was a flying reptile. The pterodactyl flew by means of thin wings made of skin that stretched between its hind legs and one very long finger of each forelimb. Some of these flying reptiles were only the … Read more

What Is the Stupidest Animal That Ever Lived?

It’s hard to say how smart or stupid an animal is, because animals may show their intelligence in ways that we don’t recognize. But if the size of an animal’s brain in relation to the size of its body is any sign of intelligence, then the stupidest animal that ever lived was probably the dinosaur … Read more

What Animal Squirts Blood from Its Eyes?

The creature with this talent is the horned toad, a reptile that isn’t a toad at all, but rather a type of lizard that lives in the deserts of the western United States and Mexico. Most horned toads are from three to six inches long, with sharp hornlike spikes on their head. When one of … Read more

What Animal Has Three Eyes?

The tuatara, a lizard-like reptile that lives only in New Zealand, has those three “eyes.” It belongs to a group of reptiles that once included many other creatures, but today, the tuatara is the only surviving member of that group. To understand where the tuatara’s “third” eye came from, scientists studied a small growth attached … Read more

Why Did Dinosaurs Die Out?

The huge reptiles called dinosaurs began to flourish on earth 180 million ears ago. But all these creatures seemingly died out about 60 million years ago. Why the dinosaurs vanished suddenly, after ruling the earth for some 120 million years, is a question that still puzzles scientists today. The most probable explanation is that the … Read more

How Big Were Dinosaurs?

You probably think of all dinosaurs as huge creatures. But dinosaurs actually existed in a great variety of sizes. Most were from 25 to 35 feet long, and weighed from five to ten tons. Some were the size of a rhinoceros, and a few early forms were no bigger than a chicken. One winged dinosaur … Read more

Were Dinosaurs Really Reptiles?

Until just a few years ago, scientists were convinced that the dinosaurs who lived on earth many millions of years ago were reptiles, related to modern snakes and lizards. But recent discoveries have made these same scientists wonder exactly what kind of creature the dinosaur really was. First of all, they still do not know … Read more

Were All Dinosaurs Dangerous?

Because most dinosaurs were so huge, we think of them as vicious meat-eaters roaming the earth in search of prey. Actually, most dinosaurs were completely harmless to other creatures. Only one dinosaur in 20 was a meat-eater. The rest were vegetarians, eating only plants that they scooped up from swampy water. Some giant dinosaurs didn’t … Read more

What Reptile Locates Its Food by Radar?

Pit vipers are members of a family of poisonous snakes found mostly in the Americas. They include the rattlesnake, copperhead, and cottonmouth. All pit vipers are equipped with a form of “radar” that helps them find their food! A pit viper has two small holes, called pits, just behind its nostrils. These pits look like … Read more

Do Snake Eggs Grow?

When a chicken or any other bird lays an egg, the egg stays the same size (even though the bird inside is growing) until it’s ready to hatch. But a snake egg grows along with the developing unborn snake inside it. The shell of a snake egg is not hard like a bird’s egg; it … Read more

Can Any Snakes Fly?

There is a reptile called the flying snake, but there is no snake that can really fly. The flying snake lives in trees, and when danger threatens, it can flatten its body and leap from the tree, gliding to another tree or to the ground. The snake’s flattened body acts like a parachute, so that … Read more

How Does a Snake Shed Its Skin?

As a snake grows, its skin doesn’t grow with it, so the snake has to shed its skin every now and then, and grow a new one. Some snakes shed once or twice a year; others shed as much as six times in one summer. As the time for shedding grows near, the snake’s outer … Read more

Does a Snake Ever Close Its Eyes?

A snake can’t close its eyes because it has no eyelids. Instead of a movable lid to protect its eyeball, a snake has a hard, transparent shell over its eyes, almost like a pane of glass. This shell protects the eye, yet doesn’t block the snake’s vision. But a snake never closes its eyes. So … Read more

Do All Poisonous Snakes Kill by Biting?

There is one poisonous snake that rarely its victims; instead, it squirts its venom through the air! This snake is the spitting cobra, from Africa. The spitting cobra can shoot its poison from venom glands inside its mouth and strike another animal up to a foot away. And the snake’s aim is very good: It … Read more

Are Most Snakes Poisonous?

are most snakes poisonous

Actually, very few snakes have poison, or venom, with which to kill prey or attackers. Of the 3,000 different kinds of land snakes known to scientists, only about 250 of these have venom. This means that only about one snake in 12 is Poisonous. Of the snakes that are poisonous, many are either very rare, … Read more

What Bird Sews Its Nest Together with Threads?

A small bird that lives in India rightly deserves its name, the tailorbird. When the female tailorbird is ready to lay her eggs, the male tailorbird finds two big leaves hanging together on a branch and uses his bill to poke holes in the edges of the leaves. Then he uses string-like pieces of plants … Read more

How Do Sea Birds Drink When They Fly Across the Ocean?

You’ve probably heard about birds that fly across an entire ocean when they travel to or from their winter homes. But have you ever wondered how these birds get fresh water to drink during their journey? The answer is simple: They don’t have to drink fresh water, but survive well enough on salt water. People … Read more

How Did the Turkey Get Its Name?

Turkeys have never been raised in Turkey. In fact. the turkey wasn’t known in Europe until it was discovered by early colonists in North America. But in a way, the turkey was named after the nation of Turkey! Here’s how it happened: When European settlers first saw the turkey in America, they thought it looked … Read more

Where Do Parakeets Come From?

Although most of the parakeets owned by Americans today were born in pet stores or parakeet nurseries here, long ago, these colorful, noisy birds lived in the jungle. The parakeet belongs to the same large group of birds as the parrot. These birds live in most tropical regions of the world, especially in Africa, India, … Read more

Where Do Swallows Go in the Winter?

“When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano” is the title of a popular old song. These small birds are well known for their winter and summer homes, in South America and in California. When it’s winter in California, these birds live in South America, where winter is the warm season. When summer arrives in South … Read more

Why Does Water Roll Off a Duck’s Back?

why does water roll off a ducks back

This happens because oil and water don’t mix. When a duck is swimming or out in the rain, the bird secretes an oil from glands near its tail. With its bill, the duck rubs the oil over its body. The oil keeps the water from soaking through the duck’s feathers, making the bird “waterproof.”

How Many Eggs Does a Bird Lay?

All female birds lay eggs, but the number of eggs in each laying, or clutch, varies greatly from one kind of bird to another. For example, most sea birds lay only one or two eggs, since the nests of these birds are rarely attacked by enemies. But ducks, geese, and other waterfowl that are often … Read more

Why Does a Young Penguin Stick Its Head in Its Mother’s Mouth?

Almost all young birds get their food directly from their mother, and the penguin is no exception. But the mother penguin not only provides her young with food, she partially digests it for them too! The mother penguin swims through the frigid waters of the Antarctic searching for the fish and shrimp that penguins like … Read more

How Much Do Birds Eat?

how much do birds eat

Considering how small and light they are, birds are very big eaters. Since birds do everything quickly, they fly quickly, they run quickly, even their hearts beat quickly, birds need a lot of food energy to keep going. Most birds eat half their weight in food every day. That’s like a 100-pound person eating 50 … Read more

Do Birds “Hear” Worms?

When a robin is searching for worms in the ground, it turns its head and leans downward. Because of this position, most people believe that the bird is straining to “hear” the worm. But birds have their eyes on the sides of their head, and therefore must turn their head to the side to see … Read more

What Are the Largest and Smallest Birds in the World?

The Helena’s hummingbird, a native of Cuba, is so small that you could mistake it for an insect. This tiny creature is only 21/4 inches long, including the tail and the bill. Of this 21/4 inches, its body is only a half- inch long. It would take 18 of these birds to weigh one ounce, … Read more

How Fast Do Birds Fly?

On land, the fastest creatures in the animal kingdom are the horse, which can run at 50 miles per hour, and the cheetah, which can top 70 miles per hour. But that’s nothing compared to the speed of some birds. Even a common small bird like the sparrow can sail along at 50 miles per … Read more

How High Do Birds Fly?

Most birds don’t fly very high, usually under 3,000 feet, as they go about their business of looking for food and building nests. But some birds fly very high while they’re traveling to or from their winter homes. Geese are the highest-flying birds of all. Those in the Himalaya Mountains in Asia fly at heights … Read more

Is the Eagle Really “Eagle-Eyed”?

Almost all birds have keen vision, and birds of prey have the keenest vision of all. These birds cruise through the air looking for worms, small animals, or other birds on the ground, and must be able to see tiny creatures far below them. Of all birds of prey, the eagle probably has the best … Read more

Can Birds Move Their Eyes?

We can move our eyes back and forth or up and down, but birds cannot move their eyes at all. To make up for this, most birds can turn their head around much farther and much more quickly than people can. Some birds can even turn their head completely around so they can look behind … Read more

Do Roosters Lay Eggs?

do roosters lay eggs

A rooster is, of course, a male chicken, and only hens, or female chickens, lay eggs. But every now and then, a disease may cause a rooster to change its gender and become a hen, or vice-versa. Some of these roosters-turned-hens have actually laid eggs. But this still does not mean that a rooster can … Read more

Can a Baby Bird Breathe Inside Its Egg?

A baby bird doesn’t start breathing until just before it breaks out of its egg. How then does air get inside the egg for the bird’s first few breaths? Though you can’t see them, there are tiny holes in the shell of a bird’s egg. These holes allow air to fill up part of the … Read more

Can All Birds Fly?

The ostrich and the penguin are two familiar birds that cannot fly, but they’re not the only two. The emu and the cassowary, two large birds that live in Australia, and a South American bird called the rhea, are also flightless. And so is a smaller bird, the kiwi, that is found in New Zealand. … Read more

Have Any Creatures Been on Earth for More Than 300 Million Years?

Fossils are the remains of animals or plants that have been preserved in rock formations for many centuries. Scientists know from fossils, for example, that a certain kind of fish, the coelacanth, lived in the ocean more than 350 million years ago. This fish was thought to have disappeared about 70 million A years ago, … Read more

What Is the World’s Largest Rodent?

When we think of a rodent, we usually picture a mouse or a squirrel or maybe a beaver. But did you know there’s a rodent that grows to the size of the largest dog? This creature is called the capybara, and lives in tropical regions of South America. The capybara looks a lot like a … Read more

Where Did Rats Come From?

where did rats come from

Today, rats can be found everywhere in the world. But it wasn’t always like that. The rat is a native of Asia, and was unknown in Europe during ancient times, except in ports where ships from Asia docked. The first kind of rat to reach Europe was the black rat, which came from southern Asia … Read more

Are Barnacles Alive?

are barnacles alive

Have you ever noticed that the bottoms of ships or the supports of piers are often covered with white, shell-like substances with sharp edges? Perhaps you’ve even cut yourself on them while handling a rope or barrel that was in the water. These white substances are produced by tiny sea creatures known as barnacles. Barnacles … Read more

Is the Jellyfish a Fish?

A jellyfish looks like a floating sac of jelly, and if you’ve ever seen one, you know how it got the jelly part of its name. But the fish part of the name is less deserved, for the jellyfish is not a fish at all. Fish have skeletons, blood, and brains, but the jellyfish, like … Read more

What Is a Scallop?

When something is “scalloped,” it is shaped with a series of rounded edges. If you’ve ever eaten the seafood known as scallops, you may have wondered how this creature gave its name to a scallop shape, since the food looks nothing like the shape. Scallops are actually mollusks, related to the clam and oyster, and … Read more

Is the Horseshoe Crab Really a Crab?

You may have seen the odd-looking creature known as the horseshoe crab washed up on a beach. Its body is covered by an armored shell with pointed barbs, and it has a long tail. But the horseshoe crab is not horseshoe-shaped, and it’s not a real crab either! All real crabs are crustaceans, like lobsters … Read more

What Sea Creatures Plant Their Own Gardens?

The spider crab not only plants its own seaweed garden, but it plants the garden right on its own body! This crab snatches pieces of seaweed, cuts them into smaller pieces, and attaches the cuttings to the hairs on its legs and shell. The seaweed cuttings take root on the crab, and eventually grow to … Read more

How Did Goldfish Become Pets?

Goldfish are small, colorful fish related to the carp. In nature, goldfish are usually greenish-brown and not gold. But some fish lack dark pigment, and they’re gold-colored. Originally, goldfish were found in China, mainly in rivers, lakes, and ponds. The Chinese liked the looks of the gold-colored fish, and began to breed them for use … Read more

What Fish Dance on the Beach?

If you were walking along a California beach and saw a group of fish dancing on their tails in the sand, you might think your eyes were playing tricks on you. But a small, sardine-like fish called the grunion performs just such a dance on the beach every year! In spring and summer, schools of … Read more

Is the Guppy the World’s Smallest Fish?

Tropical fish owners may think that the tiny, colorful guppy must be the smallest fish on earth. But there’s a fish that’s even smaller than the guppy, and its name sounds almost the same, the goby. The tiny goby, a very rare fish, lives in lakes in the Philippines. Even the full-grown adult gobies, which … Read more

What Fish Has a Pouch for Its Young?

When you think of creatures with a pouch, you probably think of the kangaroo. But there’s a fish that has a pouch for its young, and even more surprising, the pouch is found on the male! It’s the male sea horse. The male sea horse has a small pouch near his tail. The female sea … Read more

Which Male Sea Creature Lives Off His “Wife”?

Even though the male and female of most animals are the same size, there is one creature that shows such a remarkable difference in size between the male and female that you’d never guess they were even the same fish. The very tiny male angler bites into the skin of the larger female, and soon … Read more

What Fish Uses Its Own “Light Bulb” To See Underwater?

Deep below the ocean, where sunlight cannot reach and where the water pressure is so great that no person could survive, creatures take on weird shapes and develop strange habits. One of the weirdest of these creatures is the deep-sea angler, a small black fish with long, sharp teeth. What makes this fish so weird … Read more

What Fish Has Both Eyes on the Same Side of Its Head?

The large group of fish known as flatfish has a most unusual growth pattern in its eyes. These fish include such common food fish as the flounder, sole, and halibut. When a flatfish is born, it has one eye on each side of its head, just as all other fish do. But as it grows, … Read more

How Do Fish See in the Dark?

how do fish see in the dark

Since sunlight never reaches the deeper parts of the sea, these regions are always totally dark. Yet fish live here and swim about without bumping into each other. How is this so? Well, fish actually “see” without their eyes; they use other sensory organs. The next time you catch a fish, look for a line … Read more

How Do Starfish Eat?

The favorite meal of the starfish is a juicy oyster. But the starfish’s mouth, which is located under its body, present a problem, it is smaller than an oyster. And the oyster presents another problem, it is protected by a hard shell. So when a starfish finds an oyster, it climbs on top of it … Read more

What 12-Inch-Long Sea Creature Can Kill a Huge Shark?

That bold act is accomplished by the sea hedgehog. Getting its name from the land hedgehog, a small insect-eating mammal with sharp spikes on its back, much like a porcupine, the sea hedgehog is a small, roundish sea creature related to the starfish. It has spines on its skin that look like the hedgehog’s spikes, … Read more

What Fish Has Bifocal Eyes?

Many people wear bifocal eyeglasses, which have two different kinds of glass in each eye: the lower half for reading and the upper half for looking at things farther away. But there’s a tiny tropical fish, the anableps, that has eyes which work just like bifocal eyeglasses. The anableps spends a lot of its time … Read more

Can Fish Hear?

To divers, the underwater world is silent, and we call the ocean the “silent deep.” But to a fish, the underwater world isn’t silent at all, for fish can “hear” other fish moving through the water and even “hear” the water itself moving. Fish do not have ears, as animals do, but they do have … Read more

Do Fish Make Noise?

Fish don’t have voices as most animals do, but they can make noise through an organ called an air bladder. The air bladder acts primarily as a “float” to keep the fish at a certain level in the water by filling up with gas from the fish’s blood. When the fish wants to swim toward … Read more

What Is the Most Common Animal on Earth?

what is the most common animal on earth

No one knows for sure how many living things there are on earth. But scientists have estimated that the number of plants and animals alive on our planet today would come to a total of 3 with 33 zeroes after it. And the most common of these creatures one you probably never see, the nematode … Read more

Can Animals Help You Wash Dishes?

Well, yes and no. The sponge you now use in the kitchen to wash dishes is probably made from plastic or rubber, and not from the sea animals called sponges. But before these artificial sponges were invented, people used real sponges which were caught in the sea. Yet even these “sponges” weren’t really animals; they … Read more

What Sea Creature Borrows Its Neighbor’s House?

This underwater borrower is the hermit crab. Because the hermit crab has a soft part on its body that is not protected by its shell, it borrows the shell of another creature to form a “house,” which it carries around on its back! A young hermit crab finds the shell of a dead snail or … Read more

Do Any Fish Swim “Standing Up”?

It’s hard to imagine a fish that doesn’t swim “lying on its side,” with its head in front and its tail behind, moving its body and its fins to glide forward through the water. But there’s one fish that swims “standing up,” with its head above its tail, the sea horse. You never thought that … Read more

Why Is the Lobster Like an Insect?

You probably don’t think of a lobster as anything like an insect . . . especially when you’re eating it. But lobsters and insects are very similar in structure: Both have hard skeletons covering and protecting their soft bodies; both have many legs with movable joints; both have bodies divided into segments; both have antennae; … Read more

What Is the Biggest Fish in the World?

The whale is a mammal, not a fish, so we cannot count it as the world’s largest fish. That honor goes to the whale shark, a fish that often grows to a length of 45 to 50 feet, and weighs over 30,000 pound’s. The biggest whale shark ever caught was 59 feet long and weighed … Read more

What Are the Biggest and Smallest Insects in the World?

Some South American beetles grow over 5 1/2 inches long, and one tropical stick-shaped insect has been known to grow over a foot in length. But the heaviest or “biggest” insect on earth is the African Goliath beetle, which grows up to six inches long and may weigh over 3 1/2 ounces. The body of … Read more

Does a Walking Leaf Really Walk?

In nature, camouflage means a disguise employed by animals or plants to conceal themselves from their enemies. And there is no better camouflage in the animal world than that used by an insect known as the walking leaf. This creature of disguise, which lives on the island of Ceylon, near India, spends its life in … Read more

Can Any Birds Fly Backwards?

Most birds fly like airplanes, soaring straight ahead or swooping from side to side. But there’s one bird that can also move up and down, or hover in the same spot, just like a helicopter. That bird is the hummingbird. It accomplishes this feat by beating its wings 70 times a second! The hummingbird does … Read more

Do Insects Have Red Blood?

A human circulatory system includes a heart, millions of veins and arteries, and other blood vessels. But an insect’s circulatory system is much different, and so is its blood, even though that system also sends blood to all the tissues in its body. An insect has only one major blood vessel, a vein that runs … Read more

What Are Bedbugs?

Bedbugs are wingless, reddish-brown insects about 3/16 of an inch long. They’re called bedbugs because they often live in beds and mattresses, and come out at night to bite sleeping people. During the day, bedbugs may hide in the folds of a mattress, in cracks in a bedstead, beneath loose wallpaper, or wherever else they … Read more

What Spider Builds Its Own Booby-Trap?

Spiders normally build webs to snare their prey, but there’s one kind of spider that has another, and quite an unusual, way to catch its meal. This creature is called the trap-door spider. At home in the deserts of the western United States and Mexico, the trap-door spider spends most of its time in the … Read more

Are Spiders Insects?

We commonly think of all insects and spiders as “bugs.” But spiders aren’t insects at all. All insects have six legs, while spiders have eight. Insects have three body sections: the head, the chest, and the stomach. But the spider has only two, with the head and the chest combined to form one section. Spiders … Read more

What Insects Keep Slaves?

Certain kinds of ants, called sanguinary ants, raid the nests of other ants and carry away their larvae. When the captured ants become adults, the sanguinary ants force them to work as slaves, chewing food for their captors! Another type of sanguinary ants send their queen into the nest of other ants. The queen kills … Read more

Do Centipedes Really Have 100 Legs?

The word cent comes from a Latin word that means “one hundred,” so you might think that the many-legged creature called the centipede has 100 legs. But it’s only a rare centipede that has exactly 100 legs. All centipedes have one pair of legs for each body segment; so if a centipede has 20 body … Read more

How Fast Can an Insect Fly?

Early in this century, a scientist claimed that the tiny insect called the deer botfly was the fastest living thing on earth, flying at speeds of 818 miles per hour. That’s faster then the speed of sound! You may still read about the deer botfly’s tremendous speed in some books, but scientists today know that … Read more

Do Insects Have Lungs?

In order to live, all animals need to take in oxygen and send it into their blood stream. Land creatures use their lungs to take this oxygen from the air, and fish use their gills. But insects have neither lungs nor gills! So how do they breathe? The body of an insect is filled with … Read more

What Insect Air-Conditions Its Home?

Inside a bee hive, there may be more than 50,000 bees crowded together, each busily going about the work of making honey or tending to the young. So you can imagine how hard it is for fresh air to reach all the bees inside the hive. But bees have developed an ingenious way to accomplish … Read more

Can Dragonflies Sting?

The dragonfly, a large airplane-shaped insect that skims across the surface of lakes, ponds, and rivers surely looks dangerous, with a long, thin “stinger” in the back of its body. But the dragonfly cannot sting. The “stinger” is actually the slender rear part of its body. The only creatures that have to worry about the … Read more

Do People Ever Eat Insects?

The idea of eating insects doesn’t sound very appetizing, does it? But insects are actually quite nutritious, and people in some parts of the world do eat them. Primitive people in eastern Asia sometimes mash termites together into a paste and eat them, while roasted locusts or grasshoppers are part of the food supply in … Read more

Do Mosquitoes Die in Winter?

During the summer, mosquitoes seem to be swarming everywhere, but in winter they vanish. It may appear that they’ve all died. But if you think about it, that couldn’t be true, if it were, where would the mosquitoes come from the next spring? Mosquito eggs hatch plant and animal matter in water, and the worm-like … Read more

How Slow Is a Snail’s Pace?

The snail must be the slowest-moving animal on earth. Some snails can crawl more than 150 feet in an hour, but among ordinary land snails, the fastest ever timed took three minutes to crawl just two feet. This equals a speed of only 40 feet per hour, or about 7/1000 of a mile per hour! … Read more

Why Do Earthworms Come Out After a Rain?

Most people think that earthworms come out of the ground after a rain because their burrows are flooded with water. But earthworms aren’t afraid of water; they can live completely submerged in water for many months, and in fact, die if their skin becomes dried out. What worms are actually afraid of is waterlogged soil, … Read more

Are Earthworms Important to Anyone Except Birds?

You might think the lowly earthworm doesn’t benefit anyone except birds and fishermen. But from man’s point of view, the earthworm is one of the most important creatures alive. An acre of soil often contains more than 50,000 worms, and in some soil that same acre may have more than two million worms! When worms … Read more

Do Any Animals Live Longer Than People?

Although man is neither the biggest, strongest, nor fastest creature on earth, he lives longer than almost any other animal. But there are a few animals that sometimes live longer than the 72 years accepted as the average life span of a human being. No, the elephant is not one of these animals, as many … Read more

Are There the Same Number of Male Animals as Females?

Male and female are terms we can use only for more advanced animals, like insects, fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Simpler creatures, such as the earthworm and sponge, usually do not exist in two different sexes, or genders. But among all animals that do exist as male or female, the numbers of males and females … Read more

Why Is the Paramecium an Animal?

The tiny paramecium hardly looks like our idea of an animal. It has no eyes, no ears, no heart, and no brain. Yet despite its size and shape, this one-celled organism can do almost all the things that any animal can do. A paramecium takes in food through a hole on one side of its … Read more

What Is the Smallest Animal on Earth?

Think of the tiniest animal you’ve ever seen. The chances are that animal is millions of times bigger than the paramecium, the smallest earthly creature we can truly call an animal. The paramecium is a one-celled organism found in pond and lake water or in damp earth. Like all one-celled animals, the paramecium is called … Read more

Do Animals Live Everywhere on Earth?

The climate of the earth varies a great deal from place to place, yet animals can adapt and survive under almost all conditions. Some creatures, like the snail, can survive temperatures of 50 degrees below zero, while certain one-celled animals can live in water with a temperature of over 120 degrees. Man can live in … Read more

What Is the Rarest Animal on Earth?

The world’s rarest animal is a kind of Tenrec, a small, burrowing, insect-eating mammal that lives on Madagascar and some other islands in the Indian Ocean. Only one specimen of Tenrec has ever been found!

How Many Different Kinds of Animals Are There?

If Noah took a pair of every animal on earth aboard his ark, then that boat must have been big indeed! For the number of different kinds of animals, or species, is higher than you’d ever imagine. The class of animals that human beings belong to, the mammals, includes close to 5,000 species. The number … Read more