What Is the Most Popular Dog in America?

If you are a dog owner, you probably think the answer would be your particular breed. And if you own a poodle, you’d be correct. There are hundreds of thousands of dogs registered with the American Kennel Club, and the poodle is the most popular, with the German shepherd taking second place. Poodles are intelligent, … Read more

Can All Dogs Bark?

Surprisingly, the answer is no. There is one breed of dog, the basenji, who cannot bark. This strange little dog with wrinkles on its cheeks and forehead, perky ears, and a tightly curled tail can make other sounds common to dogs, like whines or cries or growls, but it cannot bark. However, it can make … Read more

What Are the Different Groups of Dogs?

Of the 122 different breeds of purebred dogs known today, there are six main groups into which they are divided by the American Kennel Club. This grouping is based on the dog’s original use by man. First, there are the sporting dogs. These are the dogs who follow a scent in the air to hunt … Read more

How Did the Dog Become Man’s Best Friend?

Long before history was written down, dog and man formed a friendship that was to continue throughout the ages. This friendship existed as early as 50,000 years ago, as proven by cave paintings that show prehistoric hunters with dogs at their sides. In these early times, dogs, wolves, and jackals hunted food for themselves and … Read more

How Do We Know So Much About Extinct Mammoths?

The wooly mammoth, which is an ancestor of our modern elephant, lived on earth for 3,000,000 years, and became extinct only 10,000 years ago. However, we know a great deal about these creatures, more probably than about any other creature that lived at the same time. Some of these mammoths made their home in the … Read more

How Far Do Animals Travel from Their Homes?

Many small rodents live their entire lives without traveling more than 20 feet from their birthplaces. Yet there are some types of whales, humpback whales for example, who travel across the oceans of the world and cover more than 4,000 miles in one year! However, that record would not impress the Arctic terns, who are … Read more

What Is the Most Mixed Up Animal in the World?

This strange creature has fangs that squirt poison, just like snakes. It lays eggs, just like chickens. It has a bill and webbed feet, just like ducks. It burrows tunnels in the ground, just like moles. And it nurses its young just like dogs, cats, and humans. What is this mixed-up creature? It’s the duckbill … Read more

Can Animals See Colors?

Because we can easily see colors around us every day, we might assume that every creature does too. But that is not so. The question of whether animals can distinguish between colors has long, puzzled scientists. However, they have come up with some interesting answers as a result of thousands of experiments. Dogs, for example, … Read more

How Do Worms Get Into Apples?

how do worms get into apples

Worms can infest apples through a variety of means, but the most common way is by eating the moths that feed on young fruit. Although worms can be difficult to eradicate, the following strategy can significantly reduce your chances of a successful worm control program. However, if the infestation is extensive, it will probably take … Read more

Can Worms Be Educated?

What? The lowly earthworm, educated? Well, the answer is yes! This amazing feat was accomplished at the University of Michigan, where scientists used the common flatworm that you are likely to see in streams and ponds. These scientists taught the worms to crawl through a series of very difficult mazes, and the worms learned how … Read more

What Are Tails For?

Creatures with backbones, like birds, fish, lions, and man, usually have a tail at the end of that backbone. Even man had a tail at one time. Tails are useful to many animals, but their use differs according to whose tail it is. Kangaroos and woodpeckers use their tails to prop themselves up and rest … Read more

Are Alligators the Same as Crocodiles?

No, but it often takes a very close look to see the difference, and who wants to get that close to either one of them! Alligators and crocodiles are both long, cigar-shaped reptiles, with four short legs, powerful tails, long snouts, and scales, or plates, covering their bodies. If you see a broad, rounded snout … Read more

Which Insect Spends Most of Its Life Sleeping?

One species of cicadas, small dark insects about 1 to 2 inches long with heavy bodies and thin wings, holds the insect record for the most unusual life cycle. The cicada, also called the 17 year-locust, spends 17 years sleeping in the ground, comes out for five weeks in the sun, then it dies! Scientists … Read more

Are Sponges Plants or Animals?

For many years that question puzzled scientists, but in 1825 a scientist studied sponges under a microscope and saw water enter them through some openings and come out others, looking different. This was evidence that the sponge was an animal which captured tiny plants and animals from the water to use as food, digested them, … Read more

How Did Animals Get Their Names?

Really in many different ways, from many different places, and from many different languages! Ducks, for example, are birds who “duck” in the water. Their name comes from an old English word duce, which means a “diver.” The Arabic word zirafoh, which means “long neck,” gave the long-necked giraffe its name. Two Greek words, hippos, … Read more

Do Laughing Hyenas Really Laugh?

The spotted hyena, which is the largest member of the hyena family, is appropriately named the laughing hyena. But don’t think that this creature laughs as you do, because of something funny or because it is tickled. The hyena’s laugh is more of a mixture of a weird howl and a chuckling gurgle. But these … Read more

Was the Phoenix Ever a Real Bird?

was the phoenix ever a real bird

The phoenix never existed. It was a large bird, much like an eagle, written about in Greek mythology and based on ancient Egyptian legends. Only one phoenix was said to have lived at a time. This gold and red bird, always a male, lived in Arabia. Each phoenix lived for exactly 500 years, and when … Read more

What Bird Eats with Its Head Upside Down?

The odd-looking flamingo, which appears to be all legs and all neck, has a boat-shaped beak which gives it the most unusual habit of eating with its head upside down. The flamingo lives near muddy lakes and lagoons, and gets its food from the waters there. When the flamingo feels hungry, it lowers its beak … Read more

Why Is the Owl Considered Wise?

The owl is not a wise animal. For its size, the owl has a small brain, and in fact, is not as smart as geese, crows, and ravens. However, from ancient times, people have used the owl as a symbol of wisdom. The very serious look on the owl’s face might have given people the … Read more

How Does a Snail Move?

The snail has an unusual body sticking out from the underside of its coiled shell. This body is actually a strong muscle called a foot. A snail’s foot is made up of many tiny muscles which help it to crawl about in an up-and-down, or wavelike, motion. The waves start at the front of the … Read more

Why Does an Octopus Change Color?

Even though octopuses belong to a group of shellfish called mollusks, they have no outside shell. A tough skin, called a mantle, covers the octopus’ body. This mantle contains small bags of pigment, or coloring matter, which are connected to the animal’s nervous system. Any outside stimulus that excites the octopus makes its skin change … Read more

How Does an Octopus Swim?

Although an octopus has eight arms, or tentacles, it does not use them for swimming. These tentacles are only for crawling along the ocean floor and for catching food. In order to move through the water, the octopus draws water into a cavity in its body, then squirts it out in jets through a tube, … Read more

Which Animals Build Their Own Islands?

Tiny, jellylike sea creatures, called polyps, have actually built reefs and entire islands. These cylinder-shaped, 1-inch wide polyps live in large colonies on the ocean floor and attach themselves to each other. Polyps remove a chemical called calcium from the sea water and use it to build a shell, or outer skeleton, of limestone around … Read more

What Strange Partnerships Exist in the Animal World?

Many large grazing animals, such as rhinoceroses and buffaloes, form strange partnerships with small birds. These birds, cattle egrets and tick birds are carried about on the backs of larger animals. There, they perform an important service by eating ticks and fleas that otherwise would suck the blood from the animal and cause dangerous diseases. … Read more

Can A Cow Always Give Milk?

No. Cows do not start producing milk until after they have given birth to their calves. Until that time, they are called heifers. When heifers reach the age of 2-2.5 years, they are then mature enough to produce their young. A cow carries her unborn young for 283 days. This is called the gestation period. … Read more

Why Does a Cow Chew Its Cud?

why does a cow chew its cud

Chewing a cud is a process by which some animals, called ruminants (camels, goats, sheep, deer, and cattle), thoroughly digest their food. The cow, for example, has a stomach organized into sections to take care of hard-to-digest food. When the cow first takes in food, it chews it just enough to moisten it. Once swallowed, … Read more

Can a Hummingbird Hum?

Yes and no. If you mean does it hum with its voice like a person, then the answer is no. But the hummingbird does produce a humming that comes from the rapid movement of its wings in the air. Even though this bird is the smallest in the world, it can move its wings so … Read more

What Animal Can Lift 50 Times Its Own Weight?

Perhaps you think it might be the ferocious lion or the enormous elephant, but guess again. It’s actually the tiny ant, which may be as small as 1/16 of an inch or as long as 2 inches. Whatever its size, this tiny insect can carry up to 50 times its own weight. What is probably … Read more

How Many Different Kinds of Insects Are There in the World?

Scientists have discovered and named about 1,000,000 different creatures in the animal world, from insects and worms to reptiles and humans. Of these, more than 800,000 are insects! Each year, from 7,100 to 10,000 new insects are discovered, but scientists believe that anywhere from 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 are still waiting to be discovered. These small, … Read more

How Far Can A Pigeon Travel and Return Home?

The amazing, well-trained homing pigeon has been known to travel more than 1,500 miles from its home over strange territory, yet it always returns to its home loft. The pigeon has a natural homing instinct, but it does get special training from the time it is three months old. Its keeper releases it a short … Read more

What Bird Can Outrun a Racehorse?

Even though the ostrich is the largest bird in the world, weighing up to 350 pounds and standing about 8 feet tall, it has an amazing ability to run. Because a bird this size cannot fly, nature has given it the power to reach top speeds of nearly 60 miles an hour when trying to … Read more

Which Animal Colony Has Its Own Air Raid Warden?

The small hairy rodents known as marmots that live on the slopes of the Rocky Mountains have an amazing warning system against attack from the sky. These rabbit-sized rodents live in family groups in colonies, with each family digging out and living in its own burrow on the slope of the mountain. Marmots lead busy, … Read more

Why Does a Snake Always Stick Out Its Tongue?

A snake’s tongue looks like a long, sharp, slender forked finger. People have long believed that when a snake flicks its tongue in and out of its mouth rapidly, it is preparing to attack. But this is not so. Actually, the snake’s tongue is harmless. The flicking is only a snake’s way of feeling, touching, … Read more

How Does an Electric Ray Catch Its Food?

The strange-looking round fish called the electric ray has a method of catching its food that is unlike any other fish. On each side of its soft head, the ray has two organs which give off electrical shocks. The ray butts, or hits against its prey, other fish, with these organs and either stuns them … Read more

Can a Snake Kill an Elephant?

The giant king cobra is one of the deadliest creatures in the world. The adult has enormous poison sacs and its venom kills in a very short time. The king cobra will attack even if it hasn’t been provoked. In Asia, where these snakes are found, king cobras have been known to kill huge elephants. … Read more

Which Snake Can Swallow a Pig Whole?

The giant anaconda snake of South America, a 200-pound member of the boa family, can swallow a pig or even a deer whole at one meal. The snake coils its 28-foot-long body around the animal and squeezes tightly to stop its victim’s heart. Once the victim is dead, the snake swallows it whole. During the … Read more

How Can You Tell a Clam’s Age?

Have you ever collected shells at the beach, especially the large, flat, rounded ones that many people use as ashtrays? Well, those shells once belonged to the sea creature known as the clam. At one time, two of those shells were fastened together and formed the home of the fleshy creature that lived inside. For … Read more

How Does a Clam Eat?

how does a clam eat

Clams, like oysters, have no eyes, ears, or noses, so they cannot see, hear, or smell. But they do have a large number of feelers, or tiny hairy projections on their gills. When the clam’s shell is open, these hairs fan the water, which is rich with small organisms, into the clam’s small mouth. From … Read more

What Is the Difference Between Oysters and Clams?

what is the difference between oysters and clams

Both clams and oysters are a class of mollusks, called bivalves. All bivalves have two shells held together by hinges. One big difference between oysters and clams is that the oyster spends all of its life except its first few weeks attached to one spot. The clam moves itself around throughout its life by means … Read more

How Does an Oyster Make a Pearl?

The inside shells of oysters and other shell-forming mollusks are covered with a shiny, lustrous substance called nacre, or mother-of-pearl. Only tropical sea pearl oysters have the beautifully colored nacre necessary to make valuable pearls. Other edible clams and oysters also make pearls. But we would not recognize them as pearls, and they have no … Read more

What Fish Travels Up to 1000 Miles Just To Lay Its Eggs?

The salmon is this determined navigator. Not only will it travel great distances to reach the place where it was born, but it swims against strong currents while doing so. After salmon are spawned, or hatched from their eggs, in a stream, they swim out to the ocean, where within a year or two, they … Read more

Can You Catch a Fish By Tickling It?

One of the oldest and strangest ways of fishing is still used today by the Maori tribe of New Zealand. The fishermen wade out into the clear waters of streams or lakes, making sure that they move quietly so the water doesn’t ripple. The fish in these waters dart in and out of rocks or … Read more

Can Fish Really Fly?

The family of fish commonly known as “flying fish” have very strange powers indeed! When these fish are trying to escape their enemies, they throw themselves out of the water through the motion of their strong tails. Once they are in the air, they spread out their large fins which carry them through the air … Read more

What Is the Deadliest Fish in the World?

The harmless-looking silver and brown speckled piranha is the deadliest fish in the world. This blood-thirsty fish of South America’s Amazon River has jaws containing triangular-shaped teeth as sharp as razor blades. A school of these meat-eaters can strip an animal or a human being down to a skeleton in just a few minutes. Because … Read more

What Is Amazing About Eels?

Hundreds of species of eels are found in streams and rivers of North America and Europe, but the amazing thing about them is that all these eels were born in the same place and will die in the same place! That place is a calm area of the Atlantic Ocean called the Sargasso Sea. Once … Read more

How Does the Squid Escape from Its Enemies?

The ten-armed squid, which is a cousin of the octopus, has an unusual way of escaping from its enemies. If the discs on its arms cannot hold onto its enemy through suction, the squid spurts out a dark fluid from its “ink sac” and sets up an underwater smoke screen. With its enemy in the … Read more

Is There a Fish That Can Climb Trees?

The Australian walking fish is most unusual. In the water, it swims just like any other ordinary fish. But on land, this fish behaves as if it belongs there, for it actually walks! Its gills are bent in such a way that it can stroll out of the water and even climb up into the … Read more

How Do Fish Eggs Change Into Fish?

Some fish, like guppies, give birth to live young, but most fish lay eggs. In spring and summer, when the water is warm enough for eggs to hatch, the male and female fish send signals to each other with their fins or their body. At this signal, the female lays her eggs in the water … Read more

What Fish Cannot Close Its Mouth?

The lamprey is a long, fishlike creature which resembles an eel. Lampreys differ from fish in that they have no limbs (fish have fins) and practically no scales. The lamprey secretes a slime, which makes it almost impossible to grasp. The most outstanding feature of the lamprey, however, is its mouth. This animal has no … Read more

Why Do Jellyfish Sting?

However, it is these tentacles that make them so dangerous, for on them are stinging cells called nematocysts. When the umbrella-like jellyfish moves through the water, its tentacles drift along behind it. Jellyfish do not attack their prey rapidly like sharks and other fish. They might slowly propel themselves along, but usually they lie in … Read more

How Does the Lungfish Live Out of Water?

Most fish die very quickly if they are taken out of water, but the unusual eel-shaped lungfish, also called the mudfish, can survive for many months out of water. The lungfish has gills, like other fish, that it uses to breathe while in the water. But it also has an air bladder, which works very … Read more

Do Fish Ever Sleep?

When you think of sleep, you think of eyelids closing over your eyes. But fish have no eyelids, so they have nothing to close over their eyes. Yet fish DO sleep. Most fish sleep by keeping very still in the water. In this way, their bodies rest, just as yours does while you are asleep. … Read more

How Did the Vampire Bat Get Its Name?

how did the vampire bat get its name

Because bats like to roost in dark caves and come out at night, they are greatly feared and misunderstood animals. The bat that is probably feared the most is the so-called vampire bat, which is native to South and Central America. This bat is only three inches long, but it feeds on the blood of … Read more

Why Do Birds Have Feathers?

Billions of years ago, birds were part of the reptile family and had scales covering their body. Over the ages, the scales evolved into the feathers that help birds fly and keep them warm. Feathers come in different sizes and textures. An owl’s feathers are soft and long, so it can fly quietly but slowly. … Read more

Which Animal Wears a Suit of Armor?

The armadillo is a small mammal whose upper body is encased in armor. In fact, armadillo means “little armored thing” in Spanish. The armor is composed of many bony plates which overlap. These bony plates are covered with scales. Armadillos use their armor for protection since they cannot run fast, bite hard, or fight well. … Read more

How Does the Pelican Use Its Pouch?

The pelican has a long beak and an enormous elastic pouch connected to its underside. The pelican uses its pouch to feed itself and its young. Living by the shore, this bird’s diet consists mainly of fish. The pouch is a very efficient fish net. If the pelican passes a shoal of fish, it puts … Read more

Is the Bald Eagle Really Bald?

is the bald eagle really bald

The bald eagle is not bald, but is so called because it has a head of pure white feathers. Its tail is also white, but the rest of its feathers are dark brown, and the wings may have silver tips. Known as the “king of birds,” the bald eagle looks majestic and proud, and seems … Read more

What Bird Flies Underwater?

Penguins are birds who lost the ability to fly millions of years ago. These birds are such good swimmers that they seem to fly along in the water. They are as graceful and swift underwater as other birds are in the air. Penguins can attain speeds of 15 miles an hour, using their flippers as … Read more

Does an Ostrich Really Hide Its Head in the Sand?

does an ostrich really hide its head in the sand

The ostrich, the largest bird in the world, does not hide its head in the sand. Although ostriches are not among the more intelligent species of animals, they are not stupid enough to hide their heads, thinking they cannot be seen. Actually, ostriches have very keen eyesight, and they constantly watch what is going on. … Read more

How Do Crickets Chirp?

how do crickets chirp

Male crickets rub their wings together to attract female crickets, and the result is the “chirping” noise we hear. Male crickets are equipped with their own built-in fiddle system, and both male and females have their “ears” in their front legs below the knee. Each of the male’s wings has a rough surface on its … Read more

How High Can a Flea Jump?

how high can a flea jump

Fleas are the best jumpers in the insect world. They can jump eight to ten inches high, many times their own height. The tiny flea is a parasitic insect, one that lives on other animals. It is best known for living on dogs and cats, but fleas also live on other animals, such as rats, … Read more

Why Do Lemmings Go on a Death March?

Lemmings are small rodents, only 4 – 5 inches long, that live in most Arctic and Subarctic regions of the world. Legend has made them famous for their death plunge into the sea. In Norway and other Scandinavian countries, large numbers of these animals make periodic migrations from their mountain homes, eating everything edible in … Read more

Why Do Snowshoe Rabbits Turn White in the Winter?

Different animals have different ways of protecting themselves from their enemies. The snowshoe rabbit is protected by its coloring. This animal is brown like the earth in summer, then becomes white like the snow in winter. Actually, the snowshoe rabbit is really a hare; its correct name is the varying hare. Its varying, or changing, … Read more

Who Is the Boss of a Beehive?

There are anywhere from 50,000 to 80,000 bees in a hive. Of these, 25,000 to 40,000 are female worker bees. There is only one queen in a hive. The rest of the bees are drones, or male bees. Each group of bees has certain tasks within the colony. The queen’s only responsibility is to lay … Read more

Why Do Bees Die After They Sting You?

Bees sting in self-defense. Stinging is their only means of protecting themselves. Female, or worker, bees have barbed stingers at the end of their bodies. When a female thrusts her stinger into flesh, barbs hold her onto the flesh and the stinger pulls out of her body. The bee dies several hours after stinging. Thus, … Read more

How Do Bees Make Honey?

All bees live on honey, which they make themselves. Only honeybees make honey that people can use. These bees are the only insects which provide food for humans. Bees also make wax to build their nests, and help nature by pollinating flowers as they fly from one to another. Making honey is the most important … Read more

Do Bears Really Give Bear Hugs?

Many species of bears are scattered throughout the world. Since they are the largest of the carnivores, or flesh-eating mammals, they do not have too many enemies, except man. Bears avoid people and are not ordinarily considered to be as dangerous as other groups of animals. But bears will kill, though not by hugging. It … Read more

Why Is the Lion Known as the King of Beasts?

The lion is probably the most famous member of the cat family, and the male most likely became known as the “King of Beasts” because of his royal appearance and bearing. The adult male is the only member of the cat family to have a mane, the long hair on the neck and head which … Read more

Why Do Elephants Have Trunks?

why do elephants have trunks

The elephant uses its trunk in more ways than any animal uses any part of its body. The trunk is both amazingly strong and very delicate. With it, an elephant can pull down a mighty tree or gently take a peanut from a child’s hand. The elephant smells, drinks, and feeds itself with its trunk. … Read more

What Are White Elephants?

People who buy or own something that costs a great deal of money to keep up, without serving any useful purpose, are said to own a “white elephant.” But there are actual Asian elephants whose skin is so light that that they are considered white. These white elephants were worshipped as gods by the people … Read more

Are Elephants Really Afraid of Mice?

are elephants really afraid of mice

Elephants are the largest living land animal, and they have no reason to fear mice. In fact, elephants do not fear mice. A healthy elephant does not fear any animals. Danger comes only from man and, when elephants are in the wild, from natural disasters such as drought or fire. Why then is it commonly … Read more

Do Elephants Really Have Good Memories?

The elephant’s memory has been greatly exaggerated. It does remember many things, but the statement, “An elephant never forgets,” is not true. Some people used to think that elephants particularly remembered an injury, but this does not seem to be true either. Well-trained elephants can learn and remember about thirty spoken orders. Once they have … Read more

Where Does Ivory Come From?

Ivory comes from the tusks of elephants and from mastadons and mammoths, ancient ancestors of our modern-day elephant. Mastadons lived until the end of the last Ice Age, about 8,000 years ago. Many mammoths lived in Siberia, and for a long time, most of the ivory came from there. Men dug up the skeletons of … Read more

Why Do Zebras Have Stripes?

Zebras have stripes to make them blend in with the scenery and to keep them safe from attack. This is very much like what soldiers do in wartime, as they cover their helmets with leaves and attempt to hide their artillery by drawing leaf-covered nets over them to blend them in with the scenery. This … Read more

How Do Beavers Build Dams?

how do beavers build dams

Beavers are water animals whose diet is tree bark. They are excellent swimmers and wood cutters, and they use the trees they chew down not only for food, but also for building lodges and dams. Beavers live together in groups. They cut down trees together, one beaver chews while the other rests, and then the … Read more

Which Animal Helped To Settle North America?

Don’t think of an animal that Europeans brought with them when they landed on the East Coast. Think, instead, of an animal those people hunted. The animal which helped to settle many areas on the North American continent was the beaver. Its soft, shiny, durable fur was an item that became the basis of a … Read more

From What Animal Do We Get Cashmere?

The goat may be the most laughed-at animal, but people do not laugh at the cashmere goat, for it gives us the softest, most expensive wool in the world! The cashmere goat, named for Kashmir, a region of India, lives in the Himalaya Mountains of Tibet, India, and China. People have tried to bring it … Read more

How Long Can a Camel Go Without Drinking Water?

how long can a camel go without drinking water

The camel is well suited to its life on the desert. It is one of the few animals who can go without water for fairly long periods of time. Exactly how long depends on several factors: the temperature, the kind of work the camel is doing, and the food it is eating. A camel in … Read more

Did Centaurs Ever Live?

A centaur is an imaginary animal which existed only in the mythology of the ancient Greeks. It was a kind of monster which was half-human, half-horse. The top half of the centaur’s body was that of a human, and the bottom part was the body of a horse. According to the myths, centaurs lived in … Read more

What Is an Iguana?

Iguanas are a kind of lizard. They live in the hot portions of North and South America. Iguanas are very fierce-looking whether they are large or small, but they are actually peaceful, timid creatures. They like to lie in the sun and eat flowers, berries, and insects. Some iguanas grow to be 6.5 feet long, … Read more

Can Parrots Really Talk?

Although some parrots have been known to learn to speak as many as 50 words, the fact is that parrots are excellent mimics. When they speak, they are really only mimicking words and do not understand what they are saying. Don’t be fooled by the parrot who shrieks “Hello” when you come in, it might … Read more

Why Does a Woodpecker Peck Wood?

why does a woodpecker peck wood

The woodpecker pecks, or beats its strong bill, into tree trunks or limbs for several reasons. First, this rapid drumming is used as a mating call. Second, the pecking creates a hole for a nest, with the wood chips it leaves forming a cushion for the woodpecker’s eggs. But most of the woodpecker’s pecking is … Read more

Which Animal Plays Dead?

Playing Possum is a common expression which has its origin in fact. When faced with danger, the opossum, the animal’s real name, sinks to the ground and closes its eyes, as if dead. In this temporary coma, its breathing slows and it appears dead. But the opossum is not playing. That is the way it … Read more

Why Does the Kangaroo Have a Pouch?

The kangaroo, now the national symbol of Australia, belongs to the group of mammals called marsupials, meaning “pouched.” Female kangaroos have a pouch, like a bag with an elastic top, in which they keep their young for eight to nine months after they are born. Marsupials are mammals; all female mammals give birth to living … Read more

Can Ground Hogs Predict Weather?

Even though the ground hog, or woodchuck, has been given a special day, February 2, on which to make a weather prediction, this member of the squirrel family cannot predict the weather. In fact, the ground hog probably would rather not be awakened from its winter sleep. There is a widely held belief that the … Read more

Was There Ever Such a Bird as a Dodo?

The dodo was a large, handsome bird, about the size of a large turkey. It once lived on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. The dodo had a large, rounded beak and a silly plumelike tail. Portuguese sailors discovered the dodo on the island in the early 1500s, but as a species, it … Read more

Does the Giraffe Have a Voice?

Most people think the giraffe is mute. But the giraffe does have a larynx, or voice box. Compared to other animals, though, the giraffe’s larynx is not very well developed. However, sometimes giraffes will grunt or bleat, or make other soft sounds. Giraffes in zoos have been heard to moo. Females sometimes moo when they … Read more

Why Do Tigers Have Stripes?

why do tigers have stripes

Along with lions, tigers are the largest members of the cat family. One of the most feared animals of the jungle, the tiger has no enemies except man. Tigers are native to the Asian continent. Although many peoples have legends to explain the tiger’s stripes, the reason is really the animal’s adaptation to its environment. … Read more