Why Do Some Spiders Lay Their Eggs On People?

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Spiders don’t lay eggs in human skin. Other insects may do this, like the mites that create the skin disorder scabies, but spiders are far too concerned with the well-being of their offspring to entrust them to the likes of us. Warmth isn’t necessarily what mother spiders are seeking for their egg sacs; security is. … Read more

Who Invented the Comic Strip and Who Was the First Comic Strip Character Ever?

who invented the comic strip and who was the first comic strip character ever

Richard Felton Outcault is widely regarded to have invented the modern comic strip, and was born on January 14, 1863. Outcault’s “Yellow Kid’ is considered the first comic strip character, and appeared in Hearst’s New York Journal in 1896. The Kid was a bald, floppy-eared, buck-toothed, grinning kid in a huge yellow shirt. Barefoot and … Read more

Why Do Millipedes Have More Legs Than Centipedes and Are Millipedes Poisonous?

why do millipedes have more legs than centipedes and are millipedes poisonous

You would think that something named “milli” (thousand) would have more legs than something named “centi” (hundred). Although we think of them as insects, centipedes and millipedes are more closely related to crustaceans, lobsters and shrimp. Millipedes often do have more legs than a centipede, but technically that depends on the varieties you’re talking about. … Read more

Where Does Scott Adams Get His Ideas For the Dilbert Comic Strip and When Was Dilbert First Published?

where does scott adams get his ideas for the dilbert comic strip and when was dilbert first published

Scott Adams gets his ideas for the Dilbert comic strip from a couple of different sources. Adams was first a corporate cog in both the banking and the utilities industries, so a lot of fodder for his strip comes from personal experience. But the “Dilbert” strip is known for soliciting ideas from its readership, and … Read more

What Is the Order of the Colors In a Rainbow From Top To Bottom?

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The order of the colors in a rainbow from top to bottom are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. However, if you see a double rainbow, with a larger but fainter secondary rainbow outside the main rainbow, the colors will be reversed in the second rainbow. A supernumerary rainbow, also also known as a stacker … Read more

What Does the Word Calculus Mean and Where Did Calculus Come From?

what does the word calculus mean and where did calculus come from

The word calculus means “pebble” in Latin. Pythagoreans used pebbles, lined up to form various shapes, to represent numbers. The earliest ideas that led to integral calculus can be found in the Egyptian Moscow papyrus, and described calculations of volumes and areas, one goal of integral calculus. Historically, calculus was known as “infinitesimal calculus”. Archimedes … Read more

How Dangerous Are Microwaves and Can Microwaves Kill You?

how dangerous are microwaves and can microwaves kill you

Microwaves sure won’t do you any good. Even small doses of microwave energy might do long-term damage, and larger doses can cause a dangerous buildup of heat, especially in body parts like eyes, which don’t cool quickly. Having said that, though, it’s also true that people stationed at microwave towers used to stand in front … Read more

Why Is Francis Bacon Considered the Father of Frozen Food Technology?

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English author and philosopher Francis Bacon was the forerunner of the great frozen-food scientists of the early 20th century, such as naturalist and author Clarence Birdseye. Bacon did many experiments with meat and discovered the undeniable connection between meat preservation and subfreezing temperatures. Tragically, his experiments killed him. While on a joumey in March 1626, … Read more

Which Is the Most Landed Space In Monopoly and How Many People In the World Have Played Monopoly?

which is the most landed space in monopoly and how many people in the world have played monopoly

Illinois Avenue is the most landed space in Monopoly. It is followed by B&O Railroad, Free Parking, Tennessee Avenue, New York Avenue, and Reading Railroad. Monopoly is a redesign of an earlier game “The Landlord’s Game”, which was first published by the Quaker and political activist Elizabeth Magie. Monopoly is also the most played commercial … Read more

What Is the Highest Score Ever Recorded In Scrabble and How Did Scrabble Get Its Name?

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According to the folks at Guinness Records, the highest score ever recorded in Scrabble is 1,049, set by Phil Abbleby in 1989. His opponent scored 253. The highest single move score was Dr. Saladin Karl Khoshnaw’s 392 for the word CAZIQUES, which means “native chiefs of West Indian aborigines”, set in a 1982 competition in … Read more

Who Invented Checkers and Where Did the Game of Checkers Originate?

who invented checkers and where did the game of checkers originate

Uncover the origin of checkers, delving into the intriguing history of this timeless game. Explore the inventors and the fascinating journey that led to the creation of checkers. Key Takeaways: Discover the origins of checkers and the inventors behind this classic game. Explore the historical context that shaped the development and popularity of checkers. Gain … Read more

Who Invented Ivory Soap and How Did Ivory Soap Get Its Name?

who invented ivory soap and how did ivory soap get its name

In 1881, a worker at Procter and Gamble forgot to turn off the machine that whipped a little air into the soap mixture. He ran the “ruined” batch through production and packaging anyway instead of pulling it. Consumers went wild. They loved the way the bar floated instead of sinking to the murky bottom of … Read more

What Is a Wombat and Where Do Wombats Come From?

what is a wombat and where do wombats come from

A wombat is a common name for several different rodent-like, ground-burrowing marsupials from Australia. The largest type is the most prevalent and is often domesticated in Australia, as its docile temperament makes it a good pet. The animal has been killed or driven out of many areas, however, because it is thought to damage crops. … Read more

What Do Hippos Eat and Why Do Hippos Leave the Water at Night?

what do hippos eat and why do hippos leave the water at night

Hippos eat mostly grass, and are classified as herbivores. A hippo’s specialized eyes and nose, located on the top of its head, help it stay almost entirely submerged for large portions of the day. Young hippos actually have a specialized tongue that lets them dive down and nurse while under water. That said, during the … Read more

Where Does the Word Kindergarten Come From and What Does Kindergarten Mean In German?

where does the word kindergarten come from and what does kindergarten mean in german

The word kindergarten is German in origin, and means “garden of children.” Educator Friedrich Froebel coined the term, but only after trying to coin another one: Kleinkenderbeschaftigungsanstalt. Although its meaning was clear, “institution where small children are occupied”, its pronunciation was quite a feat. Public rejection of the term persuaded Froebel to make the switch … Read more

What Is the Difference Between Idiots, Imbeciles, and Morons and Where Did the Words Come From?

what is the difference between idiots imbeciles and morons and where did the words come from

The words Idiots, Imbeciles, and Morons were originally designed as legitimate medical classifications to differentiate among different levels of mental retardation. Those classified as morons have the emotional and mental capacity of nine year olds. The word “Moron” was coined by psychologist Henry H. Goddard in 1910, and comes from the Ancient Greek word μωρός … Read more

Where Does the Phrase “Let’s Get Down To Brass Tacks” Come From and Why Are the Tacks Brass?

where does the phrase lets get down to brass tacks come from and why are the tacks brass

There are a couple of theories about the origin of this phrase, both from England. The first comes from Cockney rhyming slang, which uses rhymes instead of the intended word: “the weep and wail” instead of “jail,” for example, or “my struggle and strife” for “wife.” Some say “brass tacks” was a rhyming substitute for … Read more

What Did Mastodons Eat and When Did Mastodons Become Extinct?

what did mastodons eat and when did mastodons become extinct

Mastodons became extinct as recently as 8,000 years ago, along with their Pleistocene cousins, the mammoths. Although mastodons had many similarities to both mammoths and elephants, they were different in one way. Their teeth weren’t flat, but bumpy, perhaps for better tearing and grinding. Mastodons ate shrubs, leaves, and grasses, and some experts say their … Read more

How Big Were Fred Astaire’s Feet and Why Did Fred Astaire Look Tall On Screen?

how big were fred astaires feet and why did fred astaire look tall on screen

Dive into the cinematic world of Fred Astaire as we explore the size of his feet and the illusion that made him appear tall on screen. Uncover the secrets behind his iconic stature. Key Takeaways: Examine the actual size of Fred Astaire’s feet and dispel common misconceptions. Explore the film techniques that contributed to Astaire’s … Read more

How Many Nicknames Did Alfred Hitchcock Have and What Was Hitchcock’s Nickname For Himself?

how many nicknames did alfred hitchcock have and what was hitchcocks nickname for himself

Alfred Hitchcock had several nicknames. His folks called him Fred. His schoolmates and friends called him kooky. He referred to himself as Hitch. Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born on 13 August 1899 and he pioneered many techniques in the suspense and psychological thriller film genres. Hitchcock directed over fifty feature films in a career … Read more

Where Did the Greek Language Come From and Is Greek a Romance Language?

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Delve into the origins of the Greek language, unraveling its roots and discovering whether Greek falls under the umbrella of Romance languages. Key Takeaway: The Greek language, with its rich history, has distinct origins separate from Romance languages, offering a unique linguistic journey. The Greek language has the longest documented history of any Indo-European language. … Read more

How Many Different Ecosystems Are There In the Olympic Peninsula In Western Washington State?

how many different ecosystems are there in the olympic peninsula in western washington state

Three completely different ecosystems can be found in the Olympic Peninsula in western Washington state. Dozens of glacier capped mountains, 60 miles (97 km) of undeveloped Pacific coastline, and old growth and temperate rain forests. Most of this region lies with the boundaries of Olympic National Park, 95 percent of which is designated as wilderness … Read more

How Many Islands Are There In Puget Sound In Washington and Who Is Puget Sound Named After?

how many islands are there in puget sound in washington and who is puget sound named after

About 170 islands make up the San Juan group in Puget Sound. Puget Sound, in northwestern Washington State, is a Pacific Ocean inlet that runs through the state for about 100 miles, (161 km) from Whidbey Island south to Olympia, Washington. Large ships can travel through the sound to several important port cities, including Seattle, … Read more

How Did the Oregon Trail Become the Major Trade and Migration Route For Settlers In the Pacific Northwest?

how did the oregon trail become the major trade and migration route for settlers in the pacific northwest

The Oregon Trail was a 2,000-mile (3,220-km) route through dangerous and rugged land was the “road” settlers took out of Independence, Missouri, to the Columbia River region of Oregon. The end of the trail was Oregon City, south of Portland. To go that distance in the mid-1800s took 4 to 6 months. People heading to … Read more

Why Do Urban Planners Consider Portland, Oregon To Be a Model City?

why do urban planners consider portland oregon to be a model city

Urban planners consider Portland, Oregon to be a model city because Portland has been so successful in revitalizing its downtown area and limiting urban sprawl. Its light-rail transit system has reduced traffic congestion and air pollution, and coordinated land-use planning has kept the city from spreading uncontrolled into the surrounding countryside. Unlike many U.S. cities, … Read more

Why Is Waimea Canyon In Kauai Known As the Grand Canyon of the Pacific?

why is waimea canyon in kauai known as the grand canyon of the pacific

The Hawaiian island of Kauai may be best known for its tropical gardens, but its dramatically beautiful Waimea canyon is the highlight of any visit there. Mark Twain once called this 10-mile (16-km)-long, 2-mile (3.2-km)-wide, and nearly 3,000-foot (914-m)-deep canyon the “Grand Canyon of the Pacific.” Its red rock walls remind visitors of Arizona’s Grand … Read more

What Are the Names of the Eight Main Hawaiian Islands?

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Going from east to west, the names of the eight main Hawaiian Islands are: Hawaii, Maui, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, and Niihau. The Hawaiian Islands were once called the Sandwich Islands. Captain James Cook named them the “Sandwich Islands” in 1778 in honor of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, who was one of … Read more

What Is the Most Isolated Grouping of Islands On Earth and How Did the Hawaiian Islands Form?

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The Hawaiian Island archipelago is the most isolated grouping of islands on earth. The islands are really the tips of ancient volcanoes. They owe their existence to their location over an unusual stationary “hot spot” deep within the Earth in this area. As the Pacific tectonic plate slowly moved northwestward over that hot spot, molten … Read more

Why Does San Francisco Experience So Much Fog In the Summertime?

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When warm, humid air from the Pacific Ocean moves over the cooler water of San Francisco Bay it condenses, producing advection fog. This is the type of fog San Francisco experiences in the summer months, keeping the city cool, at least until it burns off around midday. San Francisco’s climate is characteristic of the cool-summer … Read more

What Was the Worst Earthquake To Hit California In the Twentieth Century?

what was the worst earthquake to hit california in the twentieth century

The 1906 San Francisco earthquake was the worst in California’s history, causing the deaths of more than 3,000 people and the destruction of 28,000 buildings. The fire that resulted made things worse, burning much of the city. Firefighters couldn’t fight the fires because the earthquake caused the water pipes leading into the city to break. … Read more

Why Is the Seagull the State Bird of Utah and How Did the Miracle of the Gulls Save Utah?

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Back in 1848, Utah was invaded by millions of Rocky Mountain crickets that began destroying crops and threatening the people with starvation. Seemingly out of nowhere, flocks of California gulls appeared and began eating the crickets. The people were so grateful that more than a hundred years later this species of gull was selected as … Read more

Why Did the Mormons Settle In Utah and When Did Brigham Young Build a Settlement In Great Salt Lake City?

why did the mormons settle in utah and when did brigham young build a settlement in great salt lake city

Back in New York in 1830, a man named Joseph Smith established the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Over the next 20 years, the church spread to Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois, but everywhere they went, its members were persecuted by people of other denominations. In 1847 they decided to travel west to find … Read more

Why Is Nevada Known As the Battle Born State and How Did Nevada Get Its Nickname?

why is nevada known as the battle born state and how did nevada get its nickname

The words “Battle Born” appear on the Nevada state flag because Nevada was admitted to the Union in 1864, during the Civil War. President Abraham Lincoln needed another Republican state to help support his antislavery policies in Congress. Even though Nevada didn’t have the required number of people to form a state, people in Nevada … Read more

Where Is Silicon Valley Located In California and How Did Silicon Valley Get Its Name?

where is silicon valley located in california and how did silicon valley get its name

Silicon Valley is a 30-mile (48-km) by 10-mile (16-km) area in northern California between San Francisco and San Jose. Its name comes from the many electronics, information technology, and Internet companies that have been locating their offices and manufacturing plants there since the 1950s. The term “Silicon Valley” was first used in 1971, with “silicon” … Read more

Why Is Tucson Arizona Known As the Astronomy Capital of the World and What Does Tucson Mean In Spanish?

why is tucson arizona known as the astronomy capital of the world and what does tucson mean in spanish

The mountain peaks around Tucson have the largest concentration of telescopes anywhere in the world. About 30 optical telescopes, including those at Lowell Observatory and Kitt Peak National Observatory, study the stars and planets from this part of the Arizona desert, where dark night skies and dry desert air give astronomers good views of the … Read more

How Did Petrified Forest National Park In Northeastern Arizona Form and How Did It Get Its Name?

how did petrified forest national park in northeastern arizona form and how did it get its name

More than 225 million years ago, trees then growing in Petrified Forest National Park in northeastern Arizona were buried in volcanic ash, mud, or sand and eventually turned to stone. Today the area, within the Painted Desert, another colorful part of Arizona, contains one of the world’s largest concentrations of petrified wood. The park covers … Read more

How Many Glaciers Are There At Glacier National Park In Montana?

how many glaciers are there at glacier national park in montana

Glacier National Park features more than 50 glaciers and 200 lakes and streams in its 1.4 million mountainous acres (560,000 ha). The park also has more than one thousand different species of plants and animals. The mountains of Glacier National Park began forming about 170 million years ago when ancient rocks were forced over much … Read more

What Makes the Rivers In Montana Unique Among the 50 States?

what makes the rivers in montana unique among the 50 states

Montana’s rivers flow into three widely separated bodies of water: the Gulf of Mexico the Pacific Ocean the Hudson Bay The Missouri River system drains into the Mississippi River and then into the Gulf of Mexico. The Columbia River system drains into the Pacific Ocean. The Belly, St. Mary’s, and Waterton Rivers drain into Hudson … Read more

How Did Grasshopper Glacier In Montana Get Its Name and Where Did the Locusts Come From?

how did grasshopper glacier in montana get its name and where did the locusts come from

Grasshopper Glacier, in the Beartooth Mountains in Montana, is a most unusual natural phenomenon. Huge swarms of grasshoppers have been trapped in the ice of a glacier for more than 300 years. This oddity was discovered in 1898 during a scientific expedition in the northern Rockies near Granite Peak, not far from Yellowstone National Park. … Read more

Why Is Lewiston Idaho Called the Seaport of Idaho and Who Is the City of Lewiston Named After?

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Lewiston, Idaho, sometimes called the Seaport of Idaho, is really a riverport at the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater Rivers. Boats and barges carry farm and forest products down to the Columbia River and through neighboring Washington State to the Pacific Ocean, a journey of 465 miles (749 km). Lewiston was one of Idaho’s … Read more

How Many Different National Flags Have Flown Over Texas?

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Six different national flags have flown over Texas. At various times in its history, parts of the area that now form the state of Texas belonged at different times to Spain, France, and Mexico, its first three flags. After gaining independence from Mexico in 1836, Texas became an independent nation, the Republic of Texas, and … Read more