What Is the Longest Barrier Island In the World and How Long Is Padre Island On the South Texas Coast?

what is the longest barrier island in the world and how long is padre island on the south texas coast

Padre Island runs along the South Texas coast, and is the longest barrier island in the world. The U.S. National Park Service has designated nearly 70 miles (113 km) of the 130-mile (209-km) island as Padre Island National Seashore. Barrier islands are one of four basic types of islands; the others are continental, oceanic, and … Read more

How Flat Is Texas and Is All of Texas Flat or Are There Mountains In the State?

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Discover the topography of Texas as we delve into its landscapes. From vast plains to hidden peaks, explore the diverse geography shaping the Lone Star State’s unique character. Key Takeaway: Texas boasts a varied terrain, encompassing flat expanses and rugged mountains, providing a captivating blend of landscapes for nature enthusiasts. Most parts of the state … Read more

How Many Diamond Mines Are There In the United States?

how many diamond mines are there in the united states

There is just one diamond mine in the United States, in Murfreesboro, Arkansas. Visitors can hunt for and keep any diamonds they find there. Diamonds were discovered in 1906 in Crater of Diamonds State Park, and by 1933, about 100,000 were found. The 1,000 year old Ka-Do-Ha Indian Village and museum is also located in … Read more

Where Is the City of Texarkana Located and Is the City of Texarkana In Texas Or Arkansas?

where is the city of texarkana located and is the city of texarkana in texas or arkansas

The city of Texarkana in Texas straddles the border of Texas and Arkansas. Although it has two city governments, one in each state, it has just one post office. Its address reads “Texarkana, Arkansas-Texas.” Also known as AR Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), Texarkana was founded in 1873 on the junction of two railroads. The Texarkana … Read more

Which City In the United States Has the Busiest Port and How Big Is the Port of South Louisiana?

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The Port of South Louisiana, outside New Orleans, Louisiana, is the nation’s busiest port and the world’s third busiest, when measured by tonnage handled. The port is huge, extending 54 miles (87 km) along the Mississippi River. More than 4,000 oceangoing vessels call there each year. Most shipments leaving the port are corn, wheat, and … Read more

How Many Native Americans Still Live In Oklahoma and Which Tribes Did They Descend From?

how many native americans still live in oklahoma and which tribes did they descend from

Oklahoma is home to about 272,000 Native Americans, who make up almost 8 percent of the population. Many are descended from the 67 tribes that lived there when the state was Indian Territory. These tribes included the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, Seminole, Osage, Cheyenne, Sac and Fox, Delaware, Apache, and Pawnee. The southwestern states is … Read more

How Far Is Florida From Cuba At Its Closest Point?

how far is florida from cuba at its closest point

The southern tip of Florida is less than 100 miles (161 km) from the island nation of Cuba. Ever since Cuba became a Communist nation in the early 1960s, some of its citizens have tried to escape political oppression by sailing on small boats to the United States. Many Cubans have settled in the cities … Read more

Where Are the Everglades Located and Why Are the Everglades In Florida Endangered?

where are the everglades located and why are the everglades in florida endangered

The Everglades are swampy grasslands that cover southern Florida. Everglades National Park, which covers only a fifth of the Everglades region, was established to preserve this unusual ecosystem, for example, it is the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles live together. The park covers 2,342 square miles (6,090 sq km). It is … Read more

How Much of the Orange Juice We Drink Comes From Florida?

how much of the orange juice we drink comes from florida

Almost all the orange juice we drink in the United States is processed in Florida. The state of Florida grows 80 percent of all oranges and grapefruit in the United States. The second largest industry in Florida is agriculture, and citrus fruit, especially oranges, are a major part of the economy. Florida’s economy has historically … Read more

What Is the Longest Cave System In the World and How Large Is Mammoth Cave In Kentucky?

what is the longest cave system in the world and how large is mammoth cave in kentucky

The longest cave system in the world is the Mammoth–Flint Ridge cave system in central Kentucky, also known as Mammoth Cave. The Mammoth–Flint Ridge cave system is more than 350 miles (563 km) long. Explorers are still discovering new passages in Mammoth Cave. The cave was formed over the past 10 million years by slightly … Read more

How Did the Great Smoky Mountains In Tennessee and North Carolina Get Their Name?

how did the great smoky mountains in tennessee and north carolina get their name

A bluish haze that looks like smoke often covers the Great Smoky Mountains, also called the Smokies or Great Smokies. These mountains are part of the Appalachian Mountains and lie between Knoxville, Tennessee, and Asheville, North Carolina. The Appalachian Trail and the Blue Ridge Parkway both wind through these mountains. Some of the peaks reach … Read more

Why Is Virginia Known As the Mother of Presidents and Which U.S. Presidents Were Born In Virginia?

why is virginia known as the mother of presidents and which u s presidents were born in virginia

More U.S. presidents were born in Virginia than in any other state. The eight presidents were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, and Woodrow Wilson. The largest city in Virginia is not its capital, Richmond, but Virginia Beach. It had a population of 425,257 in 2000, … Read more

Why Have So Many Fossilized Animal Bones Been Discovered In Nebraska?

why have so many fossilized animal bones been discovered in nebraska

About 10 million years ago a volcano erupted in the Rocky Mountains more than 1,000 miles (1,610 km) to the west. The eruption sent tons of volcanic ash into the Nebraska area and buried alive hundreds of ancient animals, in particular, rhinoceros, deer, three-toed horses, and camels. Their skeletons were preserved by volcanic materials. You … Read more

Who Is Washington, D.C. Named After and When Did It Become the Capital of the United States?

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The city of Washington was planned in detail before the first building was constructed, a rarity among world cities at that time. In the late 1700s, northern and southern leaders disagreed strongly about where to build a new permanent national capital, but they finally reached a compromise and agreed on a location along the Potomac … Read more

What Is an Aquifer and How Did the Ogallala Aquifer In Nebraska Get Its Name?

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Aquifers are like huge underground lakes, geologists define them as being a layer of water-bearing rock through which groundwater travels. The Ogallala Aquifer, also known as the High Plains Aquifer, supplies Nebraska and several other states with water for homes, farms, and industry. Almost all of Nebraska sits above this huge aquifer, which extends from … Read more

Why Is Minnesota Called the Land of 10,000 Lakes and How Were the Lakes In Wisconsin and Minnesota Formed?

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Minnesota’s license plate reads “Land of 10,000 Lakes,” but it really has almost 12,000 lakes. And with more than 15,000 lakes, Wisconsin, especially the northern part, is a water lover’s paradise. Lake Winnebago is the largest, covering 215 square miles (559 sq km). Like so many other lakes in this part of the world, these … Read more

Who Carved the Jeffers Petroglyphs In Minnesota and Where Did the Carvings Come From?

who carved the jeffers petroglyphs in minnesota and where did the carvings come from

Archaeologists believe that Native Americans carved pictures of people, deer, elk, turtles, spearthrowers, and other designs into areas of rock in southwestern Minnesota between 5,000 and 2,500 years ago. About 2,000 images can be seen in outcrop of red Sioux quartzite bedrock that juts out of the middle of a wide prairie. More than 50 … Read more

What Does the Gateway Arch In St. Louis, Missouri Symbolize and When Was the Gateway Arch Built?

what does the gateway arch in st louis missouri symbolize and when was the gateway arch built

The Gateway Arch, which sits on the Mississippi riverfront, was constructed in the early 1960s as a monument to the American pioneers who settled the western frontier. The giant stainless steel arch rises 630 feet (192 m) and is the tallest man-made monument in the United States. Visitors can ride trams through the arch to … Read more

What Is the State Rock of Iowa and Where Do Geodes Come From?

what is the state rock of iowa and where do geodes come from

Iowa has an official state rock, the geode. A geode is a round, hollow stone that, when carefully broken in half, reveals an interior of sparkling mineral crystals, usually quartz, that have grown inside. Geodes are found in great numbers in Iowa, especially in the southeastern part of the state. Geodes also are common in … Read more

How Many Caves Are There In the State of Missouri and Where Are They Located?

how many caves are there in the state of missouri and where are they located

The state of Missouri has about 1,450 caves. Most lie below the Ozark Mountains in southern Missouri, where they were formed by underwater streams carving away the rock. Southern Missouri rises to the Ozark Mountains, a dissected plateau surrounding the Precambrian igneous St. Francois Mountains. The Bootheel region of Missouri was the epicenter of the … Read more

Which Is the Correct Pronunciation For Missouri, Missour-ah or Missour-ee?

which is the correct pronunciation for missouri missour ah or missour ee

Unravel the debate over the correct pronunciation of Missouri, exploring the historical and regional factors influencing this linguistic peculiarity and shedding light on the intricacies of regional pronunciation. People in Missouri have been debating this question since the late 1800s, and people can’t seem to agree. Either way is correct, according to most dictionaries. Missouri … Read more

What Is North Dakota’s Most Abundant Natural Resource and When Was Crude Oil Discovered In North Dakota?

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North Dakota leads all the states in the number of coal reserves. Most of the coal is lignite, though, which does not produce as much energy as other types of coal. The state also began producing crude petroleum when reserves were discovered near Tioga in 1951. Farmers in North Dakota produce enough wheat each year … Read more

What Was the Worst Flood In the Mississippi Valley and What Caused the Great Flood of 1993?

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The most devastating flood in recent American history hit the upper and middle Mississippi Valley between late June and mid-August 1993. Flood records were broken along the Mississippi River and most of its tributaries from Minnesota to Missouri. The states worst hit were Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, and Missouri. A wet fall and winter had caused … Read more

Why Did Ohio Become Such An Important Manufacturing State and Why Was Ohio Called the Gateway State?

why did ohio become such an important manufacturing state and why was ohio called the gateway state

Geographic advantages made Ohio an ideal place for making various products. First, it has important minerals used in manufacturing, especially coal. It also has ample supplies of water. Second, products could be easily transported to other parts of the country via Lake Erie and the Erie Canal as well as by other canals, railroads, and … Read more

Why Is There a Town Named Santa Claus In the State of Indiana?

why is there a town named santa claus in the state of indiana

There really is a town named Santa Claus in the state of Indiana. And its post office receives half a million packages, letters, and cards for remailing with the town’s postmark during the winter holiday season. Indiana is the smallest state in land area of any state west of the Appalachian Mountains except Hawaii. Indiana … Read more

Why Is Illinois So Flat and Why Is the Chicago River Known As the River That Flows Backward?

why is illinois so flat and why is the chicago river known as the river that flows backward

The highest point in Illinois, Charles Mound, near Apple River, rises only 1,235 feet (376 m) above sea level. During the last Ice Age, glaciers spread across the region and flattened it. But those same glaciers left behind materials that became the fertile soils that have made Illinois a leading agricultural state. The Chicago River, … Read more