Why Does the Water Level Rise When a Lit Candle Standing in Water Is Covered By an Upturned Glass Jar?

why does the water level rise when a lit candle standing in water is covered by an upturned glass jar

The seemingly well-understood candle experiment demonstrates how young and inquisitive minds are able to demolish false explanations propagated through school physics over the decades. The consumption of oxygen may well contribute to the rising water level to a certain extent, because a given mole volume of oxygen will burn the wax’s carbon into roughly the … Read more

How Many People Have Lived On Earth Since the Beginning of Time and Why Do the Living Outnumber the Dead?

how many people have lived on earth since the beginning of time and why do the living outnumber the dead

The answer is based on some calculations which were published by the International Statistical Institute. If the world population had always been increasing at its present rate, doubling within an average human lifespan, then the living would indeed outnumber the dead. However, this is not what has happened. There have been very long periods in … Read more

Why Does Lightning Fork and Form Branches and How Large Is the Diameter of a Bolt of Lightning?

why does lightning fork and form branches and how large is the diameter of a bolt of lightning

Lightning usually brings the negative charge from a thunderstorm down to the ground. A negatively charged leader precedes the visible lightning, moving downwards below the clouds and through air containing pockets of positive charge. These are caused by point discharge ions released from the ground by the thunderstorm’s high electric field. The leader branches in … Read more

How Much Mass Does the Sun Lose As It Burns and How Will the Loss of Gravity Affect the Orbit of Earth?

how much mass does the sun lose as it burns and how will the loss of gravity affect the orbit of earth

The sun loses about 4 million tonnes per second, which is the mass equivalent of the energy it produces through thermonuclear reactions. Another few million tonnes are lost in solar wind and other particle emissions. However, even after 2 billion years, this loss constitutes only one 10-thousandth of the sun’s mass. So the change in … Read more

How Is It Possible To Reduce the Greenhouse Effect By Painting Roofs of Buildings White To Reflect Sunlight?

how is it possible to reduce the greenhouse effect by painting roofs of buildings white to reflect sunlight

Painting roofs white would reflect more sunlight and it might also compensate for global warming. The Global Rural Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), undertaken by the Earth Institute at Columbia University in New York, shows that roughly 3 per cent of the Earth’s land surface is covered with buildings. The Earth has an albedo of 0.29, … Read more

Why Are Traffic Lights Arranged Red Yellow Green From the Top and Why Are Railway Signal Colors Different?

why are traffic lights arranged red yellow green from the top and why are railway signal colors different scaled

The difference between road and rail signal color usage comes from the history of railways and the primacy of safety. The old mechanical railway signalling arms were designed so that failure, which would be in the “down” position, meant stop. The illuminated part of the signal consisted of two colored glass panels in the far … Read more

Why Do Clouds Darken To a Very Deep Grey Just Before It Is About To Rain or Before a Heavy Thunderstorm?

why do clouds darken to a very deep grey just before it is about to rain or before a heavy thunderstorm

Clouds darken from a pleasant fluffy white just before rain begins to fall because they absorb more light. Clouds normally appear white when the light which strikes them is scattered by the small ice or water particles from which they are composed. However, as the size of these ice and water particles increases, as it … Read more

How Does Wind Create Waves In the Sea and What Determines the Amplitude and Frequency of Ocean Swells?

how does wind create waves in the sea and what determines the amplitude and frequency of ocean swells

When the wind blows over a flat sea surface, small ripples form. These probably correspond to individual strong gusts, are disorganised and have no fixed direction or frequency. However, as the wind continues to blow, two things happen. First, the waves interact with each other to produce longer waves which means lower frequency. Secondly, the … Read more

Why Are the Windows of Old Wooden Ships Square and Why Are the Windows of Modern Steel Hulled Ships Round?

why are the windows of old wooden ships square and why are the windows of modern steel hulled ships round

Many old pictures and prints of wooden ships, show portholes, usually gun ports, that are square or rectangular, but ports are round in steel-hulled ships. When ships were made of wood, the architectural material was fibrous and fairly flexible, wooden ships really did creak and this was caused by timber flexure from wave action. However, … Read more

Why Does the Steering Wheel of a Car Straighten Itself If You Remove Your Hands After Turning It When Driving?

why does the steering wheel of a car straighten itself if you remove your hands after turning it when driving

The tendency of the steering wheel to return to the straight-on position is caused by the caster action of the front wheels. This effect is more clearly seen on a shopping trolley where the vertical swivel axis of each wheel is in front of the wheel-to-ground contact point. If you start pushing the trolley when … Read more

Why Does the Adhesive of Some Tape and Envelopes Have a Purple Fluorescent Effect When You Pull Them Apart?

why does the adhesive of some tape and envelopes have a purple fluorescent effect when you pull them apart scaled

The fluorescent effect of some adhesives is well known, but there is insufficient energy in the sparks to ignite gas such as methane. The colored glow is a form of chemiluminescence. Separating the gummed surfaces requires energy that breaks the attractive forces between the molecules of gum. Presumably, the act of pulling apart the surfaces … Read more

Why Are the Numbers On a Keyboard Arranged With the Lowest Numbers On the Bottom and Phones Are the Opposite?

why are the numbers on a keyboard arranged with the lowest numbers on the bottom and phones are the opposite

Mechanical adding machines, based on rotating wheels, always have the 0 button adjacent to the 1 button. By convention, most old adding machines had the numbers increasing in value from the bottom and this may be a hangover from when the machines had levers on the wheels rather than buttons. When the numbers were put … Read more

How Is It Possible That We Consume Some of the Atoms Breathed By Leonardo da Vinci Every Time We Inhale?

how is it possible that we consume some of the atoms breathed by leonardo da vinci every time we inhale

We do indeed breathe in a considerable number of molecules that once passed through Leonardo’s lungs and, unfortunately, Adolf Hitler’s or anyone else’s for that matter. The calculation is not too difficult and is as follows. The total mass of the Earth’s atmosphere is about 5 x 10^21 grams. If we take air to be … Read more

Why Is There a Simultaneous High Tide On Both Sides of the Earth and What Causes the Tide Generating Force?

why is there a simultaneous high tide on both sides of the earth and what causes the tide generating force

In considering the origin of tides we must disregard the Earth’s daily rotation around its axis and concentrate only on the revolution of the Earth-Moon system. This revolution takes place around the system’s common centre of gravity, which is about halfway from the surface to the centre of the Earth, and causes every point in … Read more

Why Does a Kettle Whistle or Sing and What Causes the Note To Rise In Pitch, Then Fade and Fall In Frequency?

why does a kettle whistle or sing and what causes the note to rise in pitch then fade and fall in frequency

If you leave the lid off your electric kettle and switch on, you can see what is happening. The heating element quickly becomes covered with small silvery bubbles, each about 1 millimeter in diameter. These are air bubbles, forced out of solution by heat from the element. Rough parts of the element’s metal surface provide … Read more

Why Doesn’t Super Glue Stick To the Inside of the Tube and How Does Super Glue Use Moisture To Stick To Skin?

why doesnt super glue stick to the inside of the tube and how does super glue use moisture to stick to skin

Super Glue will not stick to the inside of its tube because the tube contains oxygen in the form of air but excludes water. Oxygen inhibits whereas water catalyzes. Super Glue doesn’t stick to the inside of the tube because, being based on a cyano-acrylate monomer, it requires moisture in the form of water or … Read more

Why Does Milk and Other Liquids Flow Out of Containers In a Spiral and What Causes the Coriolis Effect?

why does milk and other liquids flow out of containers in a spiral and what causes the coriolis effect

The corkscrew effect you may notice is the bottom end of the whirlpool that is occurring inside the container as the milk exits. The force that causes liquid to corkscrew or spiral is usually called the Coriolis force, or Coriolis effect. This is responsible for all whirlpooly stuff you might find. Milk cartons and bottles … Read more

Why Do Honeycomb Shapes Appear When Cooking Oil Is Heated On a Pan and What Are Bénard Convection Cells?

why do honeycomb shapes appear when cooking oil is heated on a pan and what are benard convection cells

The honeycomb cells observed in heated cooking oil are known as Rayleigh-Benard convection cells. At low temperature differences between the bottom and the top of the oil, the heat is dissipated through ordinary thermal transport, or collision of individual molecules, and no macroscopic motion can be observed. At greater temperature differences, convection, a collective phenomenon … Read more

Why Does Liquid Flow Down the Side of a Container If You Pour It Too Slowly and What Is the Coanda Effect?

why does liquid flow down the side of a container if you pour it too slowly and what is the coanda effect

When a carton of liquid is tipped during pouring, the free surface of the liquid in the container is raised relative to the opening. This creates a pressure difference between the free surface and the opening, which forces fluid from the carton. In addition to this pressure force, there are also surface tension forces acting … Read more

Where Does Black Mold Come From and What Is the Best Way To Remove Black Mold That Grows On Damp Walls?

where does black mold come from and what is the best way to remove black mold that grows on damp walls

The infamous black mold is the fungus Aspergillus niger. The reason it seems so difficult to eradicate is that the visible black manifestation is merely the exposed structure of the fungus, which is mainly comprised of the fruiting bodies. In addition to this visible material, there is invariably an insidious network of hyphae or mycelia … Read more

Why Does Fresh Beer or Lager Taste Better and How Does Conditioned, Matured, or Aged Beer Have Better Flavor?

why does fresh beer or lager taste better and how does conditioned matured or aged beer have better flavor scaled

Many keen home brewers feel qualified to answer the question on the ageing of lagers. All true lagers are aged before consumption. The word Lager, in fact, comes from the German word meaning “to store”. After fermentation, the beer undergoes a storage, or lagering, process at low temperature to allow the beer to mature and … Read more

How Does Temperature Affect the Taste of Food and Drink and Why Does Coffee and Soup Taste Better When Hot?

how does temperature affect the taste of food and drink and why does coffee and soup taste better when hot

What we normally refer to as “taste” is more correctly termed flavor, which is made up of taste, irritation and aroma. Taste per se consists only of the five sensations that can be detected by the tongue: salt, sweet, sour, bitter and umami. These are not affected by temperature and nor is irritation from, for … Read more

Why Does a Scrambled Egg Turn From Liquid To Solid When Cooked and How Does Denaturation Solidify Protein?

why does a scrambled egg turn from liquid to solid when cooked and how does denaturation solidify protein

Not all changes between solid and liquid are to do with melting or cooling, including congealing scrambled eggs and polymerisation of plastics. Yolk and albumen, egg white, get their textures from globular proteins dissolved in them. The globules form because the chain-like protein molecules curl up into balls. Electric charges at particular positions on the … Read more

Why Does Hot Water Put In the Freezer Freeze Faster Than Cold Water and How Is Convection a Factor?

why does hot water put in the freezer freeze faster than cold water and how is convection a factor

Counter-intuitive though it may be, it does appear that hot water can freeze more quickly in a refrigerator. Better thermal contact if the water container is placed into an iced-up freezer compartment and a different pattern of convection currents which allow hot water to freeze faster seem the best explanations. Which effect predominates depends on … Read more

Why Is Red Meat Red and White Meat White and What Is the Difference Between Red Meat and White Meat?

why is red meat red and white meat white and what is the difference between red meat and white meat

Red meat is red because the muscle fibers which make up the bulk of the meat contain a high content of myoglobin and mitochondria, which are colored red. Myoglobin, a protein similar to haemoglobin in red blood cells, acts as a store for oxygen within the muscle fibers. Mitochondria are organelles within cells which use … Read more

Why Is Bird Poop White In Color, What Is Bird Poop Made of, and How Do Birds Pee When Flying?

why is bird poop white in color what is bird poop made of and how do birds pee when flying

It is a common misconception that the white droppings produced by birds are feces. In fact, they are urine. Birds excrete uric acid rather than urea because it is an insoluble solid. This way they avoid wasting water when urinating, just one of their adaptations for a good power-to-weight ratio. The white material that comprises … Read more

Why Do Bananas Turn Brown Faster In the Fridge and What Is the Best Way To Store Bananas To Keep Them Fresh?

why do bananas turn brown faster in the fridge and what is the best way to store bananas to keep them fresh

We wouldn’t recommend putting bananas in the fridge to keep them fresh. Like all living organisms bananas adjust the composition of their cell membranes to give the right degree of membrane fluidity for the temperature at which they normally live. They do this by varying the amount of unsaturated fatty acids in the membrane lipids: … Read more

How Would Penguins Survive In the Arctic and Would Polar Bears Survive In Antarctica If They Moved There?

how would penguins survive in the arctic and would polar bears survive in antarctica if they moved there

Polar bears would probably survive in the Antarctic, and the Southern Ocean around it, but they could devastate the native wildlife. In the Arctic polar bears feed mainly on seals, especially young pups born on ice floes or beaches. Many of the differences in breeding habits between Arctic and Antarctic seals can be interpreted as … Read more

Why Do My Eyes Water When Cutting Onions and What Is the Best Way To Prevent Crying When Slicing Onions?

why do my eyes water when cutting onions and what is the best way to prevent crying when slicing onions

Onions and garlic both contain derivatives of sulphur-containing amino acids. When an onion is sliced, one of these compounds, S-propenyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide, is decomposed by an enzyme to form the volatile propanthial S-oxide, which is the irritant. Upon contact with water, in this case your eyes, the irritant hydrolyses to propanol, sulphuric acid and hydrogen sulphide. … Read more

Why Does a Beer or a Coke Poured Into a Dry Glass Froth Up Faster Than When Poured Into a Wet Glass?

why does a beer or a coke poured into a dry glass froth up faster than when poured into a wet glass

Beer, sparkling wine, a Coke, and other fizzy drinks are liquids which are supersaturated with gas. Although thermodynamics favours the gas bubbling out of the dissolved state, bubble formation is unlikely since bubbles must start small. The pressure of these tiny bubbles can reach about 30 atmospheres in a bubble only 0.1 micrometres in diameter. … Read more

How Does Letting Red Wine Breathe Improve the Flavor and What Was the Original Reason For Decanting Wine?

how does letting red wine breathe improve the flavor and what was the original reason for decanting wine

Wine is left to breathe to allow the volatile and aroma-bearing substances to start evaporating, so that we may enjoy the bouquet. Shaking a drink is completely different. An agitated drink incorporates gas, letting oxygen reach as much liquid as possible. This oxidised liquid provides a very different taste. For some drinks this taste may … Read more

Why Does Touching a Tooth Filling With a Piece of Silver Foil Cause Pain and How Is the Nerve Stimulated?

Touching a tooth filling with a piece of silver foil was a famous experiment first performed by Luigi Galvani in 1762. When two dissimilar metals are separated by a conducting liquid, a current will flow between them, and this current can be used to stimulate nerves. This is exactly what happens when silver foil appears … Read more

Why Is Snot Green, What Is Nasal Mucus Made of, and Where Does Snot From Your Nose Come From?

why is snot green what is nasal mucus made of and where does snot from your nose come from

Of all the body cavities in contact with the outside world, the nose is probably one of the most hospitable. The nose is warm, very well aerated, moist and supplies unlimited quantities of bacterial food secreted continuously by the nasal mucosa, mucus contains quantities of glycoprotein and dissolved salts. In other words it is an … Read more

Why Do My Knees and Joints Hurt Before It Rains and How Does the Weather Affect Arthritis Pain?

why do my knees and joints hurt before it rains and how does the weather affect arthritis pain

Plenty of studies have looked at pain associated with the weather, especially in people suffering from arthritis. These show that there is a real effect, but oddly there has been little research into what causes the pain. The human body can be viewed schematically as a clump of gelatin-filled balloons mounted on a stick. Undamaged … Read more

When Lightning Strikes Water Do All the Fish Die and What Happens When Lightning Strikes a Ship at Sea?

when lightning strikes water do all the fish die and what happens when lightning strikes a ship at sea

When a bolt of electricity, such as a lightning bolt, hits a watery surface, the electricity can run to earth in a myriad of directions. Because of this, electricity is conducted away over a hemispheroid shape which rapidly diffuses any frying power possessed by the original bolt. Obviously, if a fish was directly hit by … Read more

Why Do Flying Fish Fly and Do Flying Fish Fly To Help Them Find Food, Escape Predators, or Because They Can?

why do flying fish fly and do flying fish fly to help them find food escape predators or because they can

The usual explanation for flight in flying fish is as a way to escape predation, particularly from fast-swimming dolphin-fish. Flying fish do not fly to catch insects, flying fish are largely oceanic and flying insects are rare over the open sea. It has been suggested that their flights, which are actually glides, because flying fish … Read more

How Do Toadstools Grow Through the Pavement and Why Do Mushrooms Push Up Through the Sidewalk?

how do toadstools grow through the pavement and why do mushrooms push up through the sidewalk

Toadstools that force their way up through asphalt are probably ink-cap mushrooms (Coprinus) growing on buried plant debris. They are pushing upwards because their stalks function as vertical hydraulic jacks. The upward pressure comes from the turgor pressure of the individual cells making up the wall of the hollow stalk of the mushroom. Each individual … Read more

Why Are Left Handed People More Accident Prone and How Are Left Handers At a Bigger Risk of Accidental Death?

why are left handed people more accident prone and how are left handers at a bigger risk of accidental death scaled

When approaching obstacles, right-handed people will, in most cases, avoid them by going to the right, while left-handed people will go to the left. If two same-handed people approach an obstacle from the opposite direction they will walk safely around it without bumping into one another en route. If two people of different handedness approach … Read more

Why Do People In Movies Get Thrown Across the Room When They Get Electrocuted After Touching a Live Wire?

why do people in movies get thrown across the room when they get electrocuted after touching a live wire

It doesn’t just happen in movies. When you are thrown horizontally across a room after touching a live electrical connection, the force comes from your own muscles. When a large electrical current runs through your body, your muscles are stimulated to contract powerfully, often much harder than they can be made to contract voluntarily. Normally … Read more

Why Do Some People Stick Out Their Tongue and Clamp It Between Their Lips When Concentrating On a Difficult Job?

why do some people stick out their tongue and clamp it between their lips when concentrating on a difficult job

When you need to concentrate on something, like a crossword puzzle, you are using the hemisphere of the brain also used for processing motor input. It is pretty funny to see people slow down when they are thinking of something difficult while walking. This is caused by interference from the two activities fighting for the … Read more

What Causes Dandruff, Where Does Dandruff Come From, and How Does Anti Dandruff Shampoo Work To Stop Flakes?

what causes dandruff where does dandruff come from and how does anti dandruff shampoo work to stop flakes

Dandruff is believed to be caused by overgrowth of yeasts such as Pityrosporum ovale which live on normal healthy human skin. Also known as pityriasis simplex capillitii, dandruff is sometimes caused by frequent exposure to extreme heat and cold. The scalp specific fungus, Malassezia globosa, causes local irritation resulting in hyperproliferation of the cells, or … Read more

Why Do Some Dead Bodies Get Preserved When They Are Buried and How Does Adipose Tissue Turn Into Adipocere?

why do some dead bodies get preserved when they are buried and how does adipose tissue turn into adipocere

Non-decay of a dead body is more common than most people think. Many saints have had their claim to sainthood upheld by the nifty trick of not going off after burial. More mortal examples include the wife of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, who troubled him somewhat by being revealed in all her undecayed glory when, short … Read more