How Hot Does the Planet Mercury Get and Does the Planet Mercury Have an Atmosphere?

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The planet Mercury is too small for its gravity to retain any significant atmosphere over an extended period of time. However, Mercury does have a “tenuous surface-bounded exosphere” containing hydrogen, helium, oxygen, potassium, and other elements. The hydrogen and helium that make up Mercury’s very thin atmosphere don’t actually originate on the planet. The gases … Read more

How Do Astronomers Know So Many Details About Mercury and When Did the First Spacecraft Visit Mercury?

how do astronomers know so many details about mercury and when did the first spacecraft visit mercury

Just looking at the planet Mercury doesn’t give astronomers very much information. Fortunately, electromagnetic waves, mostly radio waves, from Mercury are picked up around the world. They have helped establish the topography and composition of Mercury. Also, twice in 1974 and once in 1975, the spacecraft Mariner flew by Mercury and photographed as much of … Read more

When Was the Planet Mercury First Discovered, How Did It Get Its Name, and What Does Mercury Mean In Latin?

when was the planet mercury first discovered how did it get its name and what does mercury mean in latin

The earliest known recorded observations of Mercury are from the Mul.Apin tablets around the 14th century BC. The ancient Greeks called the planet Στίλβων (Stilbon), which means “the gleaming”. The Romans named the planet Mercury after the swift-footed Roman messenger god, Mercury, or Mercurius in Latin. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system … Read more

Why Are There So Many Impact Craters On the Planet Mercury and How Many Surface Craters Does Mercury Have?

why are there so many impact craters on the planet mercury and how many surface craters does mercury have

The planet Mercury seems to have been hit by a lot of asteroids. Just under 50 percent of Mercury’s surface has been photographed by spacecraft. The photos show an average of one hundred to one thousand 6-mile (10-km) craters per each 600,000 square miles, or 1 million square kilometers. The appearance of so many craters, … Read more

What Is the Largest Crater Photographed On the Planet Mercury and Who Was the Crater Named After?

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The largest crater photographed so far has been named Beethoven, after the famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven. Mercury’s topographic features are named for famous people, such as Shakespeare and Michelangelo; exploration ships, including the Santa Maria; radar installations, such as the Russian (Soviet) Vostok; and other gods, such as the Scandinavian king of gods, Odin. … Read more

What Is the Most Obvious Physical Feature On the Planet Mercury and How Many Impact Craters Does Mercury Have?

what is the most obvious physical feature on the planet mercury and how many impact craters does mercury have

What Is the Most Obvious Physical Feature On the Planet Mercury and How Many Impact Craters Does Mercury Have? The largest topographic feature seen on Mercury is the Carolis Basin, a depression as wide as Texas about 800 miles (1,280 km in diameter). It is bordered on one side by tall mountains, called scarps, which … Read more

Does the Moon Have an Atmosphere and Is the Moon’s Atmosphere Similar To Earth’s Atmosphere?

does the moon have an atmosphere and is the moons atmosphere similar to earths atmosphere

The Moon’s gravity is not strong enough to hold an atmosphere in place like on earth. Although the moon technically has no atmosphere, some elements such as helium-4 have been detected by Chandrayan-1 and found to vary with latitude. Small traces of water vapor have even been detected and is possibly generated from the sublimation … Read more

What Are the Characteristics of the Inner Planets In Our Solar System and How Are the Inner Planets Similar?

what are the characteristics of the inner planets in our solar system and how are the inner planets similar

In comparison to the outer planets, the four planets nearest the Sun are remarkably similar. The inner planets are all basically made of dense rock; they are all relatively small; and they are all situated fairly close together. Astronomers believe that the cores of the inner planets are made out of metals such as iron … Read more

What Are the Inner Planets and What Are the Names Of the Four Inner Planets In Our Solar System?

what are the inner planets and what are the names of the four inner planets in our solar system

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, the first four planets in order from the Sun to the asteroid belt, are called the inner planets or terrestrial planets. The inner planets all have hard, solid surfaces, terra means “earth” in Latin. They share a few other characteristics of Earth that partially result from their proximity to the … Read more

How Do Asteroids Cause Erosion On the Moon and How Much Erosion Do Micrometeorites Cause?

how do asteroids cause erosion on the moon and how much erosion do micrometeorites cause

Though the era of massive meteorite bombardment has been over for some 3.5 billion years, the Moon is constantly hit by micrometeorites. Micro means tiny, and meteorites are matter from space that crash into the surface of a planet or satellite. Micrometeorites are celestial debris, remnants of asteroids, comets, and planets, that hit the Moon … Read more

What Is the Difference Between the Near Side of the Moon and the Far Side of the Moon and Which Side Has Tides?

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One unexpected difference is that there is only one major mare, named Moscoviense, on the far side, but there are many on the near side. Scientists hypothesize that just as the Moon’s gravitational force causes tides on Earth, Earth’s gravitational force probably has an effect on the Moon, especially the side facing Earth. Since there … Read more

What Is the Moon’s Landscape Like and What Other Features Does the Surface of the Moon Have Besides Craters?

what is the moons landscape like and what other features does the surface of the moon have besides craters

The Moon’s surface has highlands and lowlands just like earth. The main feature on the Moon’s surface are the hundreds of thousands of craters, or the remnants of craters, found in both regions, some with crater rays of ejected lunar material emanating out from their edges. Besides craters, there are mountains, mares, rills, and domes. … Read more

What Is the Difference Between the Lunar Highlands and Lowlands and and When Were They Once Filled With Water?

what is the difference between the lunar highlands and lowlands and and when were they once filled with water

The highlands on the moon are areas of mountains and valleys, whereas the lowlands are dominated by mares, or areas of flat plains. The highlands, also known as terrae, have been dated as forming 4.4 billion years ago, are the lighter-colored regions of the Moon. The dark, featureless lunar plains which can clearly be seen … Read more

Why Are There So Many Craters On the Moon and What Caused the Craters On the Moon Shortly After It Was Formed?

why are there so many craters on the moon and what caused the craters on the moon shortly after it was formed

There are hundred of thousands of craters visible on the Moon, measuring from a few feet across (craterlets) to about 150 miles across (basins or walled plains). The craters seem to be the result of both meteorites and volcanic activity. Most scientists agree that the Moon came under a meteorite bombardment some 4.5 billion years … Read more

How Does the Moon Affect Life On Earth and How Does the Moon Cause Tides On Earth With Its Gravitational Pull?

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The Moon’s gravity creates tides here on Earth. As Earth rotates on its axis, different parts of the world face the Moon. The waters in those areas are attracted to the Moon because of the satellite’s gravitational pull. While the Moon passes overhead, water in oceans and large lakes follows it, creating high tides (higher … Read more

What Is the Troposphere, What Is the Temperature of the Troposphere, and How High Is the Troposphere?

what is the troposphere what is the temperature of the troposphere and how high is the troposphere

The troposphere is the lowest section of Earth’s atmosphere and is the atmosphere we breathe. It consists mostly of nitrogen (78 percent) and oxygen (21 percent), with trace amounts of ten other elements. The troposphere contains about 75% of the atmosphere’s mass. Water vapor can account for up to 4 percent of the air, depending … Read more

How Did the Earth’s Atmosphere Form and When Did Oxygen First Form In the Earth’s Atmosphere?

how did the earths atmosphere form and when did oxygen first form in the earths atmosphere

The gravitational force of Earth is sufficient to trap gases and particles around the planet. Without this gravity, the atmosphere would never have formed, as its components would have gone flying off into space. The Earth’s second atmosphere was formed about 3.4 billion years ago, with nitrogen being the major component. During the same period, … Read more

What Is a Magnetosphere, How Big Is the Magnetosphere, and When Was the Earth’s Magnetosphere Discovered?

what is a magnetosphere how big is the magnetosphere and when was the earths magnetosphere discovered

Earth has a natural electromagnetic field of charged particles. These particles essentially allow for the existence of natural electricity. The particles reside in a layer around Earth called the magnetosphere. It is shaped like a teardrop as a result of the solar wind pushing the bulk of it away from the Sun. The area on … Read more

What Is the Sister Theory of the Moon’s Formation and When Did We Discover That the Theory Was Unfeasible?

what is the sister theory of the moons formation and when did we discover that the theory was unfeasible

The sister theory proposes that the Moon may have formed along with Earth as a result of the formation of the solar system. When astronauts retrieved moon rocks in 1969, however, scientists discovered that they were not made of matter from the solar nebula. If they were, they would have matched Earth rocks more closely. … Read more

What Is the Ozone Hole, What Caused the Ozone Hole, and What Are the Consequences Of Ozone Layer Depletion?

what is the ozone hole what caused the ozone hole and what are the consequences of ozone layer depletion

A break, or hole, in the ozone layer in Earth’s stratosphere exists over the southern polar region of Earth. This hole allows ultraviolet light from the Sun to reach Earth undiluted by ozone. There has historically been disagreement over whether this hole is a natural phenomenon or the result of man-made pollutants. But we now … Read more

What Is the Thermosphere, How Cold and High Is the Thermosphere, and What Does Thermosphere Mean In Greek?

what is the thermosphere how cold and high is the thermosphere and what does thermosphere mean in greek

The thermosphere is the biggest layer of the earth’s atmosphere and is located above the mesosphere and below the exosphere. Ultraviolet radiation causes ionization in the thermosphere. The thermosphere is located from about 80 kilometres (50 mi) to 500 kilometres (310 mi) above the earth’s surface. Temperatures rise in the thermosphere because of the presence … Read more

What Is the Mesosphere, How Cold and High Is the Mesosphere, and What Does the Word Mesosphere Mean In Greek?

what is the mesosphere how cold and high is the mesosphere and what does the word mesosphere mean in greek

The Mesosphere is located above the stratosphere and directly below the thermosphere. By the time you reach the mesosphere there is only one-thousandth the amount of breathable air as when you are at sea level. The mesosphere is located about 50 to 85 kilometers, or 30 to 50 miles in the atmosphere above the Earth’s … Read more

What Is the Exosphere, How High and Cold Is the Exosphere, and What Does the Word Exosphere Mean?

what is the exosphere how high and cold is the exosphere and what does the word exosphere mean

The exosphere is the uppermost layer of the Earth’s atmosphere. Only the lightest gases, mainly hydrogen, with some helium and carbon dioxide find their way into the earth’s exosphere. The molecules in the exosphere are so thinly dispersed that they have as good a chance of escaping the atmosphere as colliding with another molecule. If … Read more

What Is the Stratosphere, How High and Cold Is the Stratosphere, and What Does Stratosphere Mean In Latin?

what is the stratosphere how high and cold is the stratosphere and what does stratosphere mean in latin

The stratosphere is the second major layer of Earth’s atmosphere, and just below the mesosphere, and just above the troposphere. The upper part of the stratosphere contains ozone, a gas that absorbs ultraviolet rays from the Sun. The temperature of the earth’s stratosphere ranges from about -67°F (-55°C) to 32°F (0°C). With warmer layers higher … Read more

How Did Land On Planet Earth Develop and How Did Volcanic Activity and Basalt Help Create the Earth’s Crust?

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Volcanic activity led to the creation of land on Earth. Lava that spewed up during eruptions cooled to form first thin layers of the rock called basalt. In time, the layers grew to become the foundations of the landmasses. Chemical reactions between the volcanic materials, the water, and the atmosphere, everything continued to evolve simultaneously, … Read more

How Did Life Appear On Earth and Who Created the First Single Celled Organisms and How Did They Evolve?

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No one knows for sure how life first appeared on earth, but somehow the elements and chemicals on Earth developed into single living cells. These cells ate, reproduced, and died, leaving behind more material from which to make new life. The single plant cells evolved into single animal cells, which not only ate, reproduced, and … Read more

How Were the Minor Planets In the Solar System Discovered and When Was the Missing Planet Ceres Discovered?

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Late in the eighteenth century, a mathematical equation, now called the Titius-Bode law, was formalized to figure out the distance between major planets. It worked like this. This equation shows a remarkably accurate prediction of planets’ distance from the Sun. In fact, Uranus was discovered after the equation was published, right where it should have … Read more

What Is the Titius Bode Law and When Did Johann Bode Plagiarize Johann Titius’s Work On Orbital Systems?

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The Titius–Bode law, also known as Bode’s law, is a hypothesis that the bodies in some orbital systems, including the Solar System, orbit at semi-major axes in an exponential function of planetary sequence. Johann Bode published Johann Titius’s planetary spacing equation in 1772 8 years after Titius worked it out, as his own. It was … Read more

How Many Minor Planets Are There In Our Solar System and Where Are the Main Belt Asteroids Located?

how many minor planets are there in our solar system and where are the main belt asteroids located

More than 5,000 minor planets, or orbiting asteroids have been cataloged since 1801, when the largest, numbered 1 and named Ceres (1 Ceres), was sighted by Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi. Some 200 more are discovered every year. Astronomers estimate that 50 percent of all asteroids that are 6 miles or larger in diameter have been … Read more

What Are the Minor Planets and What Was the First Minor Planet Discovered In Our Solar System?

what are the minor planets and what was the first minor planet discovered in our solar system

In the asteroid belt, between the planets Mars and Jupiter, a band of asteroids, relatively small, irregular, rocky chunks of matter, orbits the Sun. They are also called minor planets. The term “minor planet” has been used since the 19th century to describe astronomical objects in direct orbit around the Sun that is neither a … Read more

Where Did Minor Planets In Our Solar System Come From and What Are the Minor Planets Made Of?

where did minor planets in our solar system come from and what are the minor planets made of

The materials found in the minor planets are similar to those of the major planets. Most meteorites found on Earth are asteroids, composed of the same rocky-metallic materials as planets. Their existence supports eighteenth-century astronomer Johann Titius’s theory that there should have been another major planet. Titius developed a remarkably accurate mathematical calculation to explain … Read more

What Are Minor Planet Asteroids Made of and What Is the Difference Between C-Type and M-Type Asteroids?

what are minor planet asteroids made of and what is the difference between c type and m type asteroids

There are three basic types of these asteroids, based on their physical composition. The rather common C-type asteroids are made mostly of carbon-based matter. They do not reflect much sunlight. S-type asteroids contain metals and silica minerals. They are brighter than C-type asteroids, but not as bright as M-type asteroids. M-type asteroids seem to be … Read more

How Many Different Types of Orbital Patterns Do Planets Have and What Are the Different Orbits Called?

how many different types of orbital patterns do planets have and what are the different orbits called

There are three basic solar orbits: elliptical, parabolic, and hyperbolic. Planets have elliptical orbits, bound by the force of the Sun’s gravity. Elliptical orbits can be anywhere between almost circular and almost flat ovals. If the speed of an object is equal to the Sun’s escape velocity, 380 miles, or 630 km per second, it … Read more

What Are the Inferior and Superior Planets and What Is the Difference Between Superior and Inferior Planets?

what are the inferior and superior planets and what is the difference between superior and inferior planets

Although these terms sound judgmental, the terms Inferior and Superior Planets are not meant that way. Relative to a particular planet, inferior planets are those that are closer to the Sun and superior planets are ones that are farther away from the Sun. For Earth, Mercury and Venus are inferior planets and all the others … Read more

What Is Occultation and What Does Occultation Mean In Astronomy?

what is occultation and what does occultation mean in astronomy

An occultation occurs when any celestial body obscures the sight of another by passing in front of it. The word can be applied to stars, planets, asteroids, comets, and all other space objects. Astronomical events which cause occultation include transits and eclipses. Every time an occultation occurs, an eclipse also occurs. During an “eclipse” of … Read more

Which Planets In the Solar System Are Known As Gas Giants and How Were the Gas Giants Formed?

which planets in the solar system are known as gas giants and how were the gas giants formed

When the sun began its nuclear energy production, the explosion sent gases, dust, and particles flying outward. The lightest matter, such as the gases hydrogen and helium, simply flew farther away. The farther reaches from the Sun were not effected as much by the Sun’s heat, so the gases remained relatively inert, they didn’t change … Read more

What Are the Differences Between Planets and Stars and How Are Stars and Planets Similar?

what are the differences between planets and stars and how are stars and planets similar

The elements that make up stars, mostly hydrogen and helium, are also found on planets. Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus’s atmospheres, for example, are also mostly hydrogen and helium. Earth’s matter is mostly carbon-based, and carbon is found in stars, particularly old-age white dwarfs. Stars, however, grow big enough to spark nuclear fusion and planets don’t. … Read more

How Does a Planet Form, What Is a Protoplanet, and What Is the Protoplanet Theory of Planet Formation?

how does a planet form what is a protoplanet and what is the protoplanet theory of planet formation

Scientists have come up with many different theories about planet formation. The protoplanet theory, or planet formation theory, seems to answer the most questions without raising too many others. When a star bursts into existence, its released energy shoots some gases, dust, and particles outward into rotation around itself. While the matter spins in eddies, … Read more

What Are Meteorites Made of, Are All Meteorites Made of Iron, and Where Do Carbonaceous Chondrites Come From?

what are meteorites made of are all meteorites made of iron and where do carbonaceous chondrites come from

Meteorites are rocks from outer space come in three basic groups, although there are many subgroups: stony, iron, and stony-iron. In general, stony meteorites resemble material from Earth’s crust. Iron meteorites are almost pure iron and nickel-90 percent iron and 10 percent nickel, the same metals that are believed to make up Earth’s core. Stony-iron … Read more

How Are Meteorites Dangerous, How Big Do Meteorites Get, and How Much Damage Do Meteorites Cause?

how are meteorites dangerous how big do meteorites get and how much damage do meteorites cause

Meteorites can fall anywhere on Earth. Depending on where they fall and their size, they could cause considerable damage. But this has rarely happened. Most meteorites weigh only 2.2 pounds, or about 1 kg, and most break into smaller pieces or vaporize on impact. The most destructive meteorite of all time is purely hypothetical. Many … Read more

When Can You See Meteor Showers or Storms and What Is the Best Time of Year To See Meteor Showers?

when can you see meteor showers or storms and what is the best time of year to see meteor showers

Earth passes annually through cometary orbits, which are littered with leftover particles. The consequent meteor showers are plentiful and heavy. The showers known as the Perseids display up to sixty-eight meteors an hour at its peak around August 12. The Eta Aquarids peak around May 5, average about ten an hour, up to a maximum … Read more

What Is the Biggest Meteorite In the World Found and Where Is the Best Place To Look For Meteorites On Earth?

what is the biggest meteorite in the world found and where is the best place to look for meteorites on earth

Meteorites small and large have probably fallen unnoticed almost everywhere on Earth. Thinly populated areas, such as Australia and the Antarctic, are popular hunting grounds for meteorites because the meteorites remain undisturbed. The impact of a large meteorite generally makes a deep impression, called a crater, on Earth’s surface. The most recent large meteorite, with … Read more

What Are Meteorites, Are All Meteors Meteorites, and What Does the Word Meteorite Mean In Greek?

what are meteorites are all meteors meteorites and what does the word meteorite mean in greek

Meteorites are not the same as meteors, but meteors can become meteorites. Not all Meteors are Meteorites, as some Meteors will burn up in the atmosphere. Meteorites are generally small chunks of rock, stone or metal matter, many from asteroids, that enter Earth’s atmosphere and hit the planet’s surface. In September 1969, a meteorite fell … Read more

How Consistent Are the Orbits Of Comets Around the Sun and How Many Comets Have Had Their Paths Tracked?

how consistent are the orbits of comets around the sun and how many comets have had their paths tracked

Comets’ orbits around the Sun are not reliable. While the paths of more than 100 short-period comets have been mapped or tracked, astronomers can suddenly “lose” a comet. Sometimes it is simply gone. Other times, when it is found, it isn’t always as expected. The Wilson-Harrington comet, discovered in 1949, was expected to return in … Read more