How Did G.I. Joe The Pigeon Win The Dickin Medal For Gallantry?

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The Dickin Medal for Gallantry is awarded to brave beasts in Great Britain. Before World War 1I, it had never been given to an animal that wasn’t English. But that was before the English met G. I. Joe. In October 1943, the English and Americans were fighting the Germans. English soldiers were trying to capture … Read more

Why Does The Jackal Stay Home Even As It Gets Older?

why does the jackal stay home even as it gets older

Jackals are fast, wiry little animals that grow to the size of an Irish terrier. Because they are so fast, they are unafraid of animals even six times their size. Jackals live in Africa and are closely related to dogs. They are one of the few mammals that mate for life and share their food … Read more

What Animals Know How to Heal Wounds?

what animals know how to heal wounds

Some female elephants seem to know what to do when a member of their family has a bleeding wound. Two scientists, Oria and lain Douglas-Hamilton, reported seeing an old female elephant being doctored by a young daughter. The mother had been jabbed with a spear, and the would in her side was bleeding badly. The … Read more

Do Tigers Attack People?

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Like many animals, tigers will attack people in self-defense. Otherwise, the only tigers that will attack people are those that have been wounded or are very ill or old. Most of the time, tigers ignore people, even when they intrude on the tiger’s home territory. Although the tiger’s original home was the open, snowy fields … Read more

Would the Savage Tasmanian Devil Make a Good Pet?

would the savage tasmanian devil make a good pet

Tasmanian Devils can make marvelous pets and become very attached to the people they live with. In the wild, Tasmanian devils will allow themselves to be picked up and handled even when they are feeding. This is amazing, for most animals, even a family dog, do not like to be disturbed when eating. Tasmanian devils … Read more

Can Foxes Climb Trees?

can foxes climb trees

The gray fox does it all the time, and the red fox does it occasionally. Although the gray fox lives all over the United States, it is seen most often in the forests of the Southwest and Mexico. The gray fox climbs trees so often it is also called the “tree fox.” The odd thing … Read more

Why Does The Mandrill Baboon Have A Colorful Face?

why does the mandrill baboon have a colorful face

The Mandrill baboon is recognized by its olive-colored fur and the colorful face and rump of males. If you don’t believe it, pay a visit to the zoo and see for yourself. It isn’t a very big ape, just 33 inches long with a tail only four inches long. Scientists are usually able to provide … Read more

What Do Elephants and Cats Have in Common?

what do elephants and cats have in common

Elephants and cats both purr. It was once thought that the purr of an elephant was in some way connected with the way they digest food. Recently, the purring has been proven to be a means of communication. The low, soft sound normally comes when an animal is near but out of eyesight of other … Read more

Where Do Armadillos Live?

where do armadillos live

Although native to the Americas, Armadillos can be found in the central southernmost states, particularly Texas. Right now, there are hundreds of thousands of these animals in the State of Florida. Most of these ant eating diggers are relatives of some that escaped when a circus truck turned over, spilling its cargo. Others are related … Read more

Is The Flying Phalanger The Same As A Flying Squirrel?

is the flying phalanger the same as a flying squirrel

The flying phalanger of Australia is a small, furry marsupial related to the possum. Although it looks like a flying squirrel, it is not. When this small, fuzzy creature wants to collect materials for a nest, it gathers a bundle of leaves together, wraps its tail around them, and takes them home. The phalanger looks … Read more

Is The Tasmanian Wolf Extinct?

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Also known as the Tasmanian Tiger because of its striped back, the Tasmanian Wolf is assumed to have become extinct in the 20th century. Very few people have heard of such an animal, and, in truth, there is no absolute proof that they exist. Some scientists believe them to be extinct. However, there are fossils … Read more

Where do Chesapeake Bay Retrievers Come From?

where do chesapeake bay retrievers come from

Chesapeake Bay retrievers trace their history to two Newfoundland dogs, the male “Sailor” and female “Canton”. In 1807, an English ship found itself in rough seas off the coast of Maryland. The ship was in trouble and would have sunk had another ship, an American vessel called Canton, not come to its rescue. The crew … Read more

What Was The Biggest Crocodile Ever Caught?

what was the biggest crocodile ever caught

Crocodiles and alligators are members of the same family. They range in size from 3 to 25 feet in length. The very largest of these is the saltwater crocodile. Some fishermen in Australia caught one of these monster creatures that was half again as long as most of his relatives. It measured 33 feet. While … Read more

What Did Dr. Jane Goodall Learn About Male Chimpanzees?

what did dr jane goodall learn about male chimpanzees

Chimps use tools more than any other animal except man. One chimpanzee actually used an empty kerosene can as a tool to help him become “king.” In the wild, chimpanzees live in small family groups that are part of a larger community ruled by a male. Dr. Jane Goodall, who spent many years living with … Read more

What is a Wildebeest and Where Do They Live?

what is a wildebeest and where do they live

What is a wildebeest? It is a kind of antelope known as the gnu and has a large head, shaggy mane, pointed beard, and sharp, curved horns. It eats only grass and is what people call a grazing animal. Found on the the grassy plains of Africa, Wildebeest often travel in huge herds of 200,000, … Read more

Why Do Deer Shed Their Antlers?

why do deer shed their antlers

Deer shed their antlers late in the fall or early winter, and a new set of antlers begins to grow in the spring. Deer shed their antlers as they are no longer needed after the mating season. Most of these antlers are eaten by small forest animals, particularly rodents, for their valuable calcium, salt, and … Read more

What is the Smallest Fish in the World?

what is the smallest fish in the world

The tiniest fish in the world known in the 1990s are only one-half-inch long when they are fully grown. They come from the waters of the Philippines and are the pygmy goby and the Luzon goby. Gobies like to live in waters close to shore. The waves would continuously knock them about unless they had … Read more

What Are The Strongest Horses In The World?

what are the strongest horses in the world

They were a team of horses that once pulled a load of 52,000 pounds. This is the world’s record for a team of two horses, and it was set during the summer of 1979 in Hillsdale, Michigan, by a pair of Belgian draft horses. Belgians, Percherons, and Clydesdales are breeds of draft horses descended from … Read more

Why Was The Narwhal Whale Thought To Be A Unicorn?

why was the narwhal whale thought to be a unicorn

The narwhal is a toothed whale that lives year-round in the Arctic. The narwhal is the rarest of all species of whale, and scientists know very little about them. They do know that there are about 20,000 to 30,000 of them and that they cruise the waters of the Arctic Ocean far from shipping lanes … Read more

What is a Burro?

what is a burro

A Burro is a small Donkey, and is the Spanish word for the animal. This extremely intelligent animal, which lives in herds and wanders freely in many national parks, is quite a character. Many of the herds that live in Death Valley enter the campgrounds of visiting tourists and turn on the water faucets. They … Read more

What Is The Purpose Of Birds Anting?

what is the purpose of birds anting

Anting is the name given to the habit certain birds have of putting live or crushed ants into their feathers. It is believed that birds do this to get rid of the lice and mites that get into their feathers and bite and irritate them. Over 200 different kinds of birds are said to practice … Read more

What Does An Elephant Use Its Tusks For?

what does an elephant use its tusks for

The full-grown African elephant carries a big set of tusks, which it uses in several ways. One of the most unusual of these is a digging tool to get at water the elephant knows lies just beneath the surface of the ground. Tusks are also used to debark trees, to dig into baobab trees to … Read more

Why Doesn’t The Bee Eater Bird Die After Eating Honey Bees?

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Before eating its meal, the bee-eater removes the sting by hitting the insect on a hard surface. During this process, most of the venom is extracted. Areas of Africa where there are few trees or bushes is the native habitat of the bee eater. It spends time riding around on the backs of other animals … Read more

Where Is The Heron Island Green Sea Turtle Nesting Ground?

where is the heron island green sea turtle nesting ground

Heron Island is part of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. It is also the location of a hotel that is popular with people who like to snorkel, scuba dive, or just walk among the reefs. Heron Island is also one of the egg laying grounds of the green turtle, that 350-pound giant of the … Read more

How Do Bats Fly And Find Food In The Dark?

how do bats fly and find food in the dark

To find and catch prey, insect eating bats use a technique called echolocation. They emit a series of ultrasonic sounds and detect flying insects by the echoes reflected back to them. Some of these sounds are beyond the range of human hearing. Many species of animal transmit sound signals as a way of “seeing” in … Read more

Why Do Female Alligators Bury Their Eggs?

why do female alligators bury their eggs

An alligator doesn’t bury her babies, she buries the eggs from which they will eventually emerge. Alligators make homes, or dens, for themselves underground. These are always partially filled with water. When it is time to lay the eggs, the female alligator makes a large pile of mud, leaves, and grass, usually about seven feet … Read more

Why Do Lovebirds Kiss Each Other?

why do lovebirds kiss each other

When two lovebirds appear to be kissing, they are actually grooming each other. Male and female lovebirds groom each other with their bills to keep each other clean and neat. It is also a way of showing affection. Other species of birds have interesting ways of caring for one another. During the mating season, bluejays … Read more

Which Snakes Spit Venom?

which snakes spit venom

The black necked cobra is able to spit venom on their prey or if threatened. It is one of several species of cobra that have specially adapted fangs that permit it to spray venom into the eyes of its victim. The poison causes blindness, enabling the snake to kill a predator or intended dinner with … Read more

How Far Must a Honeybee Travel to Make a Pound of Honey?

how far must a honeybee travel to make a pound of honey

Bees build their hives near good sources of the flowers that produce the pollen and nectar they need. When the conditions are good, with plenty of warm weather, rain, and sunshine, distances between the hive and flowers are short. In early spring or late fall, when flowers are scarce, bees have to fly long distances … Read more

Why Does Hinckley Ohio Have An Annual Buzzard Day?

why does hinckley ohio have an annual buzzard day

The yearly return of the buzzards to this small Ohio town began in 1815 when a group of local farmers killed hundreds of groundhogs, foxes, gophers, and other “varmints” that were attacking their crops and stock. The huge birds picked up the scent of the dead and came to town in large numbers. Every year … Read more

Can Monkeys Make Tools?

can monkeys make tools

Monkeys can indeed make tools. The chimpanzee uses a primitive homemade tool when it wants a dinner of termites. First, it must find a branch that is straight. It strips all the leaves and twigs of the branch so that it is smooth and will slide in and out of a small hole. Now, the … Read more

Why Do Giraffes Have Such Long Necks?

why do giraffes have such long necks

It has been widely accepted that the Giraffe evolved a long neck that enables it to reach vegetation other animals are not able to, giving it an advantage. A recent theory suggests that the long necks evolved as a secondary sexual characteristic used to attract female Giraffes. Adult male giraffes bang their long necks together … Read more

What Is The Most Poisonous Fish In The World?

what is the most poisonous fish in the world

The stone with the big surprise is a fish that lives off the coast of Australia. It is called the stonefish. The surprise is that the stonefish is the most poisonous fish in the world. Until very recently, to step on a stonefish meant death. But the Australian government has developed a special medicine for … Read more

Why Do Some Birds Steal Food From Other Birds?

why do some birds steal food from other birds

Nobody likes to think that something as beautiful as a bird can also be a thief, but it is true. Many birds steal food from other birds. Quite a few different kinds of birds steal from other birds. In fact, a good part of the food that a bird needs for survival is obtained by … Read more

Why Do Some Prey Live Close to Their Predators?

why do some prey live close to their predators

Rabbits and foxes have lived very close to each other. This has been known to happen when a rabbit’s home is very close to the home of a fox. Few animals hunt for food near home. Most have an area they use as a regular feeding ground, and it is always a considerable distance from … Read more

What Are the Most Poisonous Snakes in the World?

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The sea snakes are the most poisonous snakes in the world, but they are so gentle toward people that fishermen frequently take them out of their nets with their bare hands! Sea snakes use their venom to kill the fish and eels they eat. They have a truly wonderful tail for swimming. It is flat, … Read more

Why Would You Want to Tickle a Fish?

why would you want to tickle a fish

To catch it, of course. At least, that’s the way the Maori tribesmen of New Zealand do it. It is one of the oldest and most successful ways they know. In the streams and lakes of New Zealand, fish swim in and out of the clumps of coral or rock. Sometimes, they pause for a … Read more

How Did Sea Gulls Save Salt Lake City Utah?

how did sea gulls save salt lake city utah

In the summer of 1844, the Mormon people of Salt Lake City, Utah, thought their troubles were over. They had left the East to come out to the West, where they could practice the Mormon religion without anyone bothering them. They had planted their crops, and the weather was good. It looked as though there … Read more

Which Fish Can Swim Upside Down?

which fish can swim upside down

The upside-down catfish swims upside down because its mouth is under its head. If it wants to eat food that is floating on the surface, it has to swim upside-down. It swims that way a good deal of the time, but when it is feeding at the bottom of a river, it can swim and … Read more

Which Cat Could Predict the Weather?

which cat could predict the weather

A cat by the name of Napoleon Shields could predict the weather. This amazing animal was owned by Mrs. Fanny Shields of Baltimore, Maryland, in the 1930’s. It seems that Baltimore was suffering a terrible dry spell, and everyone was praying it would rain. Unfortunately, all the weather experts said there was no rain in … Read more

Is The Freshwater Eel The Offspring Of A Small Beetle?

is the freshwater eel the offspring of a small beetle

For many years naturalists thought so. Or they thought the eels were made in some mysterious way from a batch of fresh dew on a May morning. Until recently, scientists were puzzled by this eel. They never could find any eggs from which the eels might have been born, nor could they find a mother … Read more

Are Moray Eels Dangerous?

are moray eels dangerous

Moray Eels are not considered dangerous. They will only attack when provoked. It is a scary-looking eel though. These flat, green fish look like a very long belt. They like to hide in cracks or crevices in a coral wall with just their head and a few inches of their body sticking out. They look … Read more

Do Flying Fish Really Fly?

do flying fish really fly

Flying Fish “fly” the same way a glider does, by gliding through the air. Therefore, they can only fly for a limited distance. It used to be thought that they flap their fins very rapidly in order to stay up in the air. But with high-speed photography it was learned that they hold their fins … Read more

How Does The Male Stickleback Build A Nest?

how does the male stickleback build a nest

The threespine stickleback is always as much of a bully as a four-inch fish can be, but in the spring it turns a brilliant red and becomes more of a bully than ever. It is time for it to build a nest and rear some babies. It gathers algae and scraps of plants and begins … Read more

How Does The Female Grouse Find Its Mate?

how does the female grouse find its mate

Grouse are heavily built game birds that are similar to chickens. The female Grouse chooses its mate from a selection of males who put on a display during courtship. Birds that find mates this way are called “arena birds.” The male arena birds start the process by finding a spot to gather. The American grouse … Read more

Who Were the Unsung Heroes of the Pony Express?

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The real heroes of the Pony Express were the California mustangs, the horses that carry their riders so fast that not even the fastest Indian pony could catch them. Had it not been for these wonderful horses, the Pony Express could never have made a single trip through territory often controlled by hostile Indians. The … Read more

How Do Toadfish Catch Its Prey?

The toadfish is never happier than when it is living among the things man throws out, such as an old shoe or a broken bottle. They often hide in rock crevices from which they ambush their prey. It will come out of its home to cruise along the sandy bottom looking for small shellfish, little … Read more

Why Are Locusts Pests?

In 1869, a swarm of locusts flew over the sea from Africa to England, a distance of 1,200 miles. Locusts are actually grasshoppers in a different stage of their life cycle. They are called grasshoppers when they live alone, are green or brown in color, and are wingless. During this time of their lives, if … Read more

What Are Fire Ants And Why Are They A Pest?

Fire ants are social insects that nest in the soil in large colonies that contain tens of thousands of ants. This tiny ant, only one-quarter of an inch long, got its name because of its reddish color. It is considered one of man’s worst enemies. The fire ant lives in most of the southern states … Read more

What Is The Biggest Sea Turtle In The World?

The biggest sea turtle in the world is the Leatherback Turtle, which can be found in most of the oceans of the world. These monsters are sometimes eight feet long and can weigh as much as 1500 pounds. This huge turtle has a smooth, leathery skin to which hard, bony “armor” is attached. They spend … Read more

What do Starfish Eat?

Starfish like to live on the bottom of the ocean, and they don’t care if that means three feet deep or 20,000 feet deep. Starfish are also called sea stars, and while most of them have five arms, which make them look exactly like stars, others have as many as sixteen arms. Some of these … Read more

What Is A Pistol Shrimp And How Does It Catch Its Prey?

There is a small shrimp that can make a noise that sounds exactly like a firecracker. It is the Pistol Shrimp, also called the Snapping Shrimp, and it lives in the Atlantic Ocean from Virginia all the way down to Brazil. This character is only 1.75 inches long, but one of its claws is very … Read more

Why Do Barnacles Attach Themselves To Ships?

The barnacle is a shelled fish, called a crustacean, that spends its life attached to a hard surface. It fastens itself securely and feeds on plankton that drift along with the ocean currents and waves. There are many types of barnacles, but it is the goose barnacle that causes the worst problems for ships. The … Read more

Why Do Penguins Go Tobogganing?

The emperor penguin, which always looks like it is dressed up to go to the opera, loves to go tobogganing. This delightful bird likes the snow and the ice and usually waddles along standing erect. Nature has given the penguin strong wings covered with scale-like feathers. The penguin uses these as flippers when swimming. These … Read more

Are There Lions In America?

Yes, there are, although there used to be quite a few more than there are now. Bobcats and mountain lions both have become rare. They have been hunted and almost wiped out because they were known to attack cattle and sheep. This is too bad, because although the large cats have been known to attack … Read more

What Was The Biggest Lobster In The World?

The record for the biggest Lobster in the world was 34 pounds in 1992. When you remember that the average size is between 1.5 and 2 pounds, you realize how big that is. Most people think that all lobsters are a dull green, but they aren’t. Sometimes the American lobster is a bright blue or … Read more

How Many Birds Are There in the World?

This figure can only be guessed at. Most scientists agree with the bird expert James Fisher, who estimates that there are about 100 billion birds. Of that number, about 6 billion are said to make their home in the United States. When scientists try to estimate how many different kinds of birds there are, they … Read more

What Is The Fastest Bird In The World?

The average speed of a bird’s flight is difficult to determine. One robin can be a much faster flier than another. Some birds fly faster on long journeys than on short flights, and other birds do just the opposite. The figures we have for the speeds birds fly are not as accurate as scientists would … Read more

Do Octopuses Attack Divers?

The octopus does not attack humans unless provoked. The octopus has eight arms, but it is a gentle and timid. It is almost impossible to get one to try to bite you, and it is not at all interested in trying to strangle any human beings. For centuries, people have found the octopus unpleasant to … Read more

Do Birds Fly At Night When They Are Migrating?

Not all birds fly at night when they migrate. Some birds do most of their flying at night, while others get most of their traveling done in the daytime. Scientists believe that stronger birds prefer the day journey and weaker birds feel safer at night. Most of the daytime fliers are birds that capture their … Read more

Why Do Birds Fly in a V Formation?

Birds fly in a V formation because it is more aerodynamic than flying in a scattered formation. When a bird flies, the flapping of its wings disturbs the air, creating an upward current. A bird can use this “updraft” by positioning itself in just the right position behind another bird. Thus it can take advantage … Read more

Does A Hermit Crab Live In The Same Shell Forever?

The hermit crab is famous for never being satisfied with his home and they do not live in the same shell forever. Of course, it really isn’t his home. It is somebody else’s home that he keeps trying to move into. The hermit crab has a hard shell that protects everything but his soft stomach. … Read more

Do Birds Return to the Same Nest Every Year?

Surprisingly enough, most birds return to the same nesting area each year. This rule holds true for those birds that build their own separate homes, as opposed to those birds that live in apartment-like structures and those that nest in blocks. Many of these birds even come back to exactly the same nest, year after … Read more

Which Birds Are Able To Use Tools?

There are some birds that are able to use tools to find food. The Egyptian vulture uses stones to smash open ostrich eggs. Some birds, such as seagulls, drop clams from a great height to open them, but the Egyptian vulture has a better way. The vulture picks up a rock in its beak and … Read more

What Fish Can Live Out of Water for Four Years?

The lung fish is one fish that can live out of water. Over the centuries, nature has equipped these strange creatures with both gills and lungs. They are a species of fish that has changed very little in 390 million years. A long time ago, when streams and ponds started to dry up, the lung … Read more

How Does a Puffer Fish Defend Itself?

how does a puffer fish defend itself

The Puffer Fish, or Blowfish blows itself up to defend itself against its enemies. When it is threatened, the Puffer Fish will turn itself into a large ball covered with sharp spines. Hopefully, the enemy is unable to swallow the inedible ball and swims off. The spines stick out of its body only when it … Read more

What Is The Biggest Prairie Dog Town In The US?

Incredible as it may seem, there was such a town built by animals. It was in the state of Texas. The early settlers discovered this amazing place and wrote about it. It was a prairie dog town. Prairie dogs are small rodents. They are about the size of a squirrel, but they don’t have fluffy … Read more

How Far Can A Bird Fly In A Day?

how far can a bird fly in a day

The information scientists have about how many miles a bird flies in a day comes from birds that have been banded or tagged. This banding usually takes place when birds are migrating from one place to another. A bird is caught at some point on its journey, and a metal band is fitted around its … Read more

What Is The Biggest Egg In The World Laid By A Bird?

The biggest egg In the world was laid millions of years ago by a flightless bird sometimes called the Roc, or the elephant bird, of Madagascar. No one has ever seen one of these eggs whole, but pieces have been found permitting scientists to make an accurate estimate of their size. This great egg is … Read more

What Is The Difference Between A Clam And A Scallop?

what is the difference between a clam and a scallop

When it swims with jet-propelled speed by clapping its shell open and shut, it is called a scallop. Other types of clams swim only at very early stages of their lives. Scallop shells are beautiful. The Shell Oil Company uses a scallop shell as its symbol. Most scallops are only two to three inches across. … Read more

How Did Geese Help Save Ancient Rome From An Attack?

Everybody knows that birds hear much better than humans do, and a long time ago this helped the ancient Romans very much, and the wonderful hearing of the geese saved the city from attack. The Romans kept geese as domesticated animals. In the middle of the night, an army of Goths approached the city. Although … Read more

Do All Birds Build Nests in Trees?

Not all birds build nests in trees. Certain birds wouldn’t even consider building a nest in a tree. There are quite a few birds that nest in underground burrows and cracks in rocks. Birds that like this type of home often use the abandoned tunnels of moles and rats. Some birds that will nest only … Read more

Can A Fiddler Crab Regrow Its Claw?

The fiddler crab can’t play the violin, but it can grow a new claw when it loses one of its own. Fiddlers are from one to three inches across, and they have one large claw and another much smaller one. The crab can use the big claw to defend itself against attackers. It is also … Read more

How Did A Sheep Discover Coffee?

Legend has it, almost a thousand years ago, a shepherd named Kali was grazing his flock in the high, almost barren hills of what is now Yemen in the Middle East. He was surprised to see his sheep running and playing. This was unusual because his animals were usually too busy trying to find grass … Read more

What Is The Difference Between Guanacos And Llamas?

The Guanaco is the largest mammal in South America and the Llama’s closest relative. Although related, Guanacos are wild animals while Llamas are domesticated. The Guanaco’s wool is prized for its soft warm feel and is found in luxury fabric. When they are babies, two youngsters run toward each other until their puffed out chests … Read more

Can The Hammerhead Shark Get A Sun Tan?

The Hammerhead shark is indeed one of the few animals that can get a tan from being in the sun. Tanning occurs when Hammerheads swim close to the water surface for long periods. During mating season, the Hammerhead shark, with its unique extended head, joins other members of its species in an unusual, silent parade. … Read more

What Animal Has Feet That Are Like Boots?

They aren’t real boots, but the guanaco of South America has pads on its feet that work like boots do to keep their feet from burning on desert sand or freezing in mountain snow. Did you know that the guanaco, the vicuna, the alpaca, and the llama are all related South American animals and that … Read more

Why Do Foxes Nip At The Heels Of Cattle?

There have been many reports of foxes traveling along with herds of grazing cattle and sheep. These reports tell of how the small foxes, which don’t even reach the knee of a cow, romp playfully within the herds and very gently nip at the cows’ legs and flanks. This causes the larger animals to move … Read more

What Do Birds Do When They Get Angry?

Scientists once watched a nesting falcon who was furious because a human had come too near its nest. The falcon wanted to attack the human but was too frightened to do so. Instead, it took its anger out on birds nearby. It flew into a tree and attacked peaceful birds. Science calls this type of … Read more

How Are Penguins Similar To Dolphins?

how are penguins similar to dolphins

Penguins are similar to Dolphins when they are “porpoising.” Most people are used to seeing dolphins perform wonderful leaps in and out of the water. They seem to be pretending that they are a roller coaster. Penguins are capable of doing the same thing, but they do not leap up as high or dive as … Read more

Was The Dodo Bird A Myth?

Although there were paintings of dodos, apparently done from life, there were never any bones or fossils of this extinct creature to be found. Over a period of years, people began to believe that the dodo, like the unicorn, was just a fanciful legend. One individual who didn’t feel this way was George Clark, a … Read more

How Does A Seahorse Swim?

The Seahorse is a very special fish because its head is attached to its body similar to the way a mammal’s is. This, plus the shape of its head, makes it look like a horse. Adult Seahorses frequently use this to advantage, using their “chins” to pull themselves forward through weeds. These delightfully unusual creatures … Read more

Do Vultures Eat Humans?

Vultures are big birds and are primarily scavengers that live on the remains of dead animals, vultures are extremely valuable because they clean the land and keep it free from disease. When soaring high in the sky, vultures may be identified by the way they hold their large wings in a deep “V” shape. They … Read more

Why Does The Dipper Bird Walk Underwater?

To find his dinner. This amazing little bird will dive right into a stream and walk in water over its head hunting for food. When the dipper does this, it is protected from enemies, although the bird does have to come up for air every minute or so. The dipper has another very interesting habit. … Read more

Where Is the Windiest Place In The World?

The highest wind speed ever recorded on earth was 231 miles per hour. It was recorded at Mount Washington, New Hampshire. But that was a very unusual reading, and winds even half that high are rare everywhere in the United Stated, but not in one place in Antarctica. In Commonwealth Bay, along the coast of … Read more

Where Is the Loneliest Place on Earth?

The continent of Antarctica contains about 10 percent of all the land on earth. Yet Antarctica is the most remote, hard-to-get-to place on our planet. Its possible to visit every continent except Antarctica without ever crossing more than about 100 miles of sea. But Antarctica is everywhere at least 600 miles from the nearest continent! … Read more

Where Is the Largest Glacier on Earth?

A glacier is a large mass of ice and snow that forms where snow falls at a greater rate than it melts. Glaciers usually move slowly down the slopes of mountains or through valleys. They break up into icebergs when they reach the sea. It shouldn’t be surprising that the largest glacier on earth is … Read more