What are curanderas and How do curanderas cure the sick?

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Many Mexican Americans believe Curanderas can cure the sick. Curanderas are folk healers, usually women, who combine Catholic faith-healing with herbology and ancient Aztec and Mayan beliefs. Many people swear by their powers to cure illness, and some southwestern clinics keep them on staff. Some are also parteras, or midwives, who assist at births. Mexican … Read more

Where do most Mexican Americans live and What does the word Posada mean in Spanish?

where do most mexican americans live and what does the word posada mean in spanish

There are Chicano communities all over the United States, but the majority of the nation’s 13.5 million Mexican Americans still live in California, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, the states that border, and once belonged to, Mexico. Their culture forms an important part of that area’s character. A posada is a Mexican American Christmas pageant … Read more

What is a mariachi band and Where did mariachi bands originate?

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A mariachi band is a Mexican or Mexican American band that walks around playing traditional Mexican songs on guitars, violins, and sometimes trumpets. The musicians wear brightly sequined Spanish costumes and large-brimmed sombreros, or hats. Evolving from rural Mexican origins, mariachi bands became internationally popular in the mid-twentieth century as a musical emblem of Mexico.

Why did Chicano activists use armed force to take back the lost land in the 1960s?

why did chicano activists use armed force to take back the lost land in the 1960s

Some Chicanos activists did use armed force. Reies Lopez Tijerina, who founded the Alianza Federal de Mercedes (Federal Alliance of Grants) in 1963, believed that Chicanos should take back the “lost land” that had belonged to them before the Mexican War. When legal appeals failed, his group of 20,000 Alianza members, aliancistas–turned to direct action. … Read more

Who were the Brown Berets and Where did the Brown Berets come from?

who were the brown berets and where did the brown berets come from

Founded in East Los Angeles in 1967, the Brown Berets were one of many Chicano groups in the 1960s who went even further than Chavez in demanding change. Such groups embraced the name “Chicano”, originally a derogatory term for Mexican Americans, as a badge of honor. They spoke of themselves as brown rather than black … Read more

How are sweet red peppers and red hot chili peppers related and What is a Mexican barbacoa?

how are sweet red peppers and red hot chili peppers related and what is a mexican barbacoa

The big, sweet fruits found on pizzas and salads and the long, skinny, mouth-burning peppers found in Mexican restaurants both belong to the genus Capsicum. Both are native to Latin America. Chili peppers are especially popular in Mexico, which is home to about two hundred varieties. Ground into powder or stirred into chili sauce, the … Read more

Why do so many Chicano artists paint murals and Where did the tradition come from?

why do so many chicano artists paint murals and where did the tradition come from

Painting on walls has a rich history in Mexico, whose world-famous mural painters include Diego Rivera (1886-1957) and Jose Clemente Orozco (1883-1949). Mural painting is seen as a form of public education and inspiration. Mexican American artists have carried on the tradition, often depicting images such as Our Lady of Guadalupe, Aztec symbols, and historical … Read more

Where is there a wall or fence along the border that separates Mexico from the United States?

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In some places along the border there is a barrier that separates Mexico from the United States. At Tijuana, Mexico, a ten-foot-high steel wall separates the two countries, a wall that people climb over every day. There has been talk of building a barrier across the entire two-thousand-mile border, something like the Great Wall of … Read more

Why are many Mexican American immigrants still poor?

why are many mexican american immigrants still poor

As of 1998, the World Almanac reported that 28 percent of Mexican Americans, more than one out of four, lived below the poverty level. Many of these are recent immigrants, and it is possible that education will help raise them from poverty. But the high school dropout rate among Mexican Americans is 50 percent, a … Read more

How many Mexicans have immigrated to the United States during the 1900s?

how many mexicans have immigrated to the united states during the 1900s

From 1900 to 1990 about 3.5 million Mexicans immigrated legally to the United States. Many more are believed to have come illegally. Because unemployment and destitution are perennial problems in Mexico, it is expected that Mexicans will continue to immigrate in large numbers. Some Mexicans migrate back and forth between the two countries, going wherever … Read more

How many people are caught each year trying to cross into the United States from Mexico without proper documents?

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The U.S. Border Patrol catches about one million people each year without documents proving their legal status, sending most of them back to Mexico. Most are Mexicans, though some come from other parts of Latin America, particularly Central America. Those who are caught and sent back to Mexico often return to try another day. Although … Read more

Why did Henry David Thoreau oppose the Mexican American War and did all Americans support the Mexican War?

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The Mexican American War in 1846 was popular, especially in the South. As in the case of Texas, southerners hoped that slavery would expand into newly conquered territories, giving them more votes in Congress. But many Americans opposed the war, including then congressman Abraham Lincoln. Abolitionists, people who wanted to end slavery, were against the … Read more

How many Americans died in the Mexican American War and Was the Mexican American War easy to win?

how many americans died in the mexican american war and was the mexican american war easy to win

The Mexican American War was not easy for the 13,000 Americans who died fighting it, most of them succumbing to disease in unhealthy camp conditions. Over a year’s worth of battles were fought, most of them American victories, but some won at a high cost in casualties. Mexican troops were usually poorly disciplined and poorly … Read more

Why was the Bear Flag Republic formed and When did John C. Fremont led a revolt against Mexico?

why was the bear flag republic formed and when did john c fremont led a revolt against mexico

During the Mexican War, American explorer John C. Fremont (1813-1890) led a revolt against Mexico in Sonoma, California. With no support from the rest of the province, Fremont and other American settlers declared California an independent republic on July 4, 1846. The republic, which flew a bear flag, was short-lived. A few days later, the … Read more

Who founded the Mexican American political party La Raza Unida and When?

who founded the mexican american political party la raza unida and when

The Mexican American political party La Raza Unida was founded in 1970 by Jose Angel Gutierrez. Less radical than Gonzalez, Gutierrez wanted to work within the American political system to elect Chicano candidates to public office. To some extent, the efforts of La Raza Unida and similar organizations have succeeded. By now, hundreds of Mexican … Read more

How did Mexico react to the annexation of Texas in 1845?

how did mexico react to the annexation of texas in 1845

Mexico’s congress never recognized Texan independence, arguing that General Santa Anna had granted it under duress. When the United States moved to annex Texas in 1845, Mexico cut off diplomatic relations, which is often a first step toward war. Mexican general and dictator Santa Anna led an eventful career. He gained power as leader of … Read more

What happened to the desperadoes in Texas after the Mexican War of Independence?

what happened to the desperadoes in texas after the mexican war of independence

Aided by rich Mexican Americans, Anglo settlers organized posses and vigilante groups to hunt down the bandits known as desperadoes. The effort was successful: by the 1870s, most of the bandits had been captured and executed. But the vigilantes were also indiscriminate, shooting and hanging people for no better reason than that they spoke Spanish. … Read more

Why was the Texas Revolution a Blow for Slavery and How did Mexico try to keep control of Texas?

why was the texas revolution a blow for slavery and how did mexico try to keep control of texas

The Texas Revolution is remembered as a blow for freedom. What is often forgotten is that many Texan Americans were southerners who owned slaves. In fact, Mexico’s antislavery policy was one of the irritants that provoked the revolution. When Mexico abolished slavery in 1829, an outcry from Texans forced Mexico to take back the decree. … Read more

When did Texas become part of the United States?

when did texas become part of the united states

Many Americans in Texas were not satisfied with independence. They wanted to be reunited with their native country, the United States. Slave-owning American southerners wanted to annex Texas because it would enter the Union as a slave state, lending support to their side in the growing congressional disputes over slavery. In 1845, the United States … Read more

Why did Texas revolt against Mexico in 1835 and What was the Texas Revolution about?

why did texas revolt against mexico in 1835 and what was the texas revolution about

In 1835, Mexican president Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna (1794-1876) threw out the nation’s constitution and made himself dictator. Many Americans in Texas, as well as Tejanos (Mexicans in Texas), hated this blow to their liberty. While most Tejanos wanted to remain part of Mexico, Texan Americans demanded full independence. In the Texas Revolution (1835-1836), … Read more

Why did Americans want to go to Texas and why did Mexico want them there before Texas won its independence?

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American cotton farmers and cattle ranchers felt crowded as the population grew and cheap real estate became hard to find. They saw a promised land in the wide open spaces of Texas. As for Mexico, it did not so much desire Americans as it feared Europeans. Because Texas was thinly populated, Mexico worried that Britain … Read more

How did the Lost Land get lost and How did Mexico lose its northern provinces to the United States?

how did the lost land get lost and how did mexico lose its northern provinces to the united states

Mexico lost its northern provinces to the United States in a three-step process: the Texas Revolution, the Mexican War, and the Gadsden Purchase. The story begins with the first U.S. citizens in Texas. In 1822, Stephen E Austin (1793-1836) led a group of American families to settle in the fertile region between the Brazos and … Read more

When is Cinco de Mayo and Why do Mexican Americans celebrate the Fifth of May with parades?

when is cinco de mayo and why do mexican americans celebrate the fifth of may with parades

On Cinco de Mayo, or the Fifth of May, Mexican Americans celebrate their ethnic heritage with parades and parties. You might think it is the anniversary of Mexico’s independence, but it isn’t. That day is September 16, known as Diez y Seis, which commemorates the beginning of Mexico’s war of independence from Spain in 1810. … Read more

When did Florida become part of the United States?

when did florida become part of the united states

Florida, with the Gulf Coast strip of land called West Florida, was the next chunk of Spanish America to be lost. In 1819, Spain ceded the Floridas to the United States, partly in return for American acknowledgment that Texas was part of New Spain. That acknowledgment was short-lived.

What happened after the Mexican Revolution in 1910 and Why did many Mexicans struggle with poverty?

what happened after the mexican revolution in 1910 and why did many mexicans struggle with poverty

Porfirio Diaz ruled Mexico as a dictator for thirty-five years, from 1876 to 1911. Under his politically repressive reign, Mexico was modernized and business boomed. Foreign investors, including many from the United States, bought up Mexico’s resources. But the vast majority of Mexicans remained poor, while the small circle of the rich got richer. In … Read more

Why was the agricultural industry important to Mexican Americans during the early 1900s?

why was the agricultural industry important to mexican americans during the early 1900s

In the early twentieth century, commercial agriculture was booming in the West and Southwest. Small family farms were giving way to agribusiness, large, mechanized operations that could sell produce at low prices. New dams opened deserts to irrigation and planting. The invention of refrigerated train cars made it possible to ship fresh fruits and vegetables … Read more

What is a barrio and What does the word barrio mean in Spanish?

what is a barrio and what does the word barrio mean in spanish

Barrio is Spanish for “neighborhood.” In the United States, it refers to a section of a city where Mexican Americans and other Latinos live. In the early part of this century, segregation often forced Mexican immigrants to settle in the barrios, even though these ghettos were dirty and dangerous. The one benefit was that Mexican … Read more

Did bandidos really exist in nineteenth century southwest America or are they a myth?

did bandidos really exist in nineteenth century southwest america or are they a myth

Bandidos existed in the 1800s, but the modern caricature of these nineteenth-century southwestern bandits as mere criminals is not quite accurate. To some, the bandidos were heroes. Also known as desperadoes, from the Spanish word desesperado (“desperate man”) they began their outlaw careers in the 1850s. They included Juan Cortina in Texas and Joaquin Murieta, … Read more

Why were Mexican Americans hired to build the railroads in the southwest during the 1880s?

why were mexican americans hired to build the railroads in the southwest during the 1880s

Large stretches of the railroads crisscrossing our nation were built or maintained by Mexican Americans. The Southern Pacific and Santa Fe lines hired Mexican Americans to build new desert lines in the 1880s. One reason the jobs were available was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. This law, put in place by anti-Asian prejudice, halted … Read more

Why didn’t the law protect Mexican American property during the 1800s?

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Although Mexican Americans were equal under the law to English-speaking Americans, they discovered that the law and reality were two different things. Laws were written only in English, with Spanish banned from the courtroom. Spanish and Mexican land grants were often not honored. Sometimes the owner could not prove the exact boundaries of his land; … Read more

What is the difference between a Colonia and a Barrio and What do the words mean in Spanish?

what is the difference between a colonia and a barrio and what do the words mean in spanish

A colonia was literally a colony of Mexican Americans, a Hispanic community founded close to the farms, mines, or railroads where the immigrants worked. A colonia of boxcars and shacks would spring up every so often along the tracks that Mexican Americans were laying down. These settlements became the basis for some modern communities of … Read more

Who said “Go west, young man” and Where did the phrase come from?

who said go west young man and where did the phrase come from

An Indiana journalist named John Soule (1815-1891) was the first to print the phrase, “Go west, young man” in 1851. But New York newspaper editor Horace Greeley (1811-1872) popularized the expression until people came to think he invented it. The West, said Greeley, was the place to “build up a home and fortune.” After the … Read more

What does the word “buckaroo” mean in Spanish and Where did the term come from?

what does the word buckaroo mean in spanish and where did the term come from

The English word “buckaroo” for cowboy is a corrupt form of the Spanish word “vaquero.” The name fits, because Anglo cowboys learned a lot of their trade from Mexican Americans, who were experts in western-style ranching long before the Anglos arrived. Many of the cowboy techniques, equipment, and apparel we think of as distinctively American … Read more

When did the American Indians of the Great Plains start riding horses?

when did the american indians of the great plains start riding horses

The image of the American Indian hunting buffalo on horseback may seem eternal, but it isn’t. There were no horses at all in the Americas until the Spanish conquistadors brought them. In 1540, Spanish explorer Francisco de Coronado, traveling through Kansas, let most of his 260 horses escape. The Great Plains Indians tamed the wild … Read more

Which Spanish Explorer discovered the Grand Canyon and When?

which spanish explorer discovered the grand canyon and when

Spanish explorer, Francisco de Coronado (c. 1510-1554) discovered the Grand Canyon. He too came in search of rumored treasure, in this case, the fabulously wealthy Seven Cities of Cibola and another legendary realm named Quivira. Leading an expedition overland from Mexico in 1540, he explored what are now Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. … Read more

Which Spanish explorer discovered the Mississippi River in 1541?

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Hernando de Soto (c. 1500-1542) was the Spanish explorer discovered the Mississippi River. Lured by false reports of gold and silver treasures in the wilderness, he landed in Florida in 1539 and slogged through much of what is now the American South. He passed through present-day North and South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. In … Read more

Who was the first European Explorer to see American Buffalo or Bison during the 1500s?

who was the first european explorer to see american buffalo or bison during the 1500s

The first European explorer to see American buffalo was probably Spanish explorer Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca (c. 1490-c. 1560), who survived one of the most incredible adventures any Spaniard underwent. Cabeza de Vaca originally sailed to Tampa Bay, Florida, as treasurer for the expedition of conquistador Panfilo de Narvaez (c. 1480-1528) in 1528. The … Read more

What was the first region of the present day United States that the Spanish claimed in the 1500s?

what was the first region of the present day united states that the spanish claimed in the 1500s

Florida was the first region of present day United States that the Spanish claimed during the Spanish colonization of the Americas. Now a favorite spot for vacationers and retirees, this region was claimed for Spain in 1513. The discoverer was Juan Ponce de Leon, conqueror of Puerto Rico. Discovering it in the Easter season, he … Read more

What is the oldest surviving town founded by Europeans in the mainland United States?

what is the oldest surviving town founded by europeans in the mainland united states

The oldest surviving town founded by Europeans in the mainland United States is Saint Augustine, Florida, settled in 1565. The founder was Spanish colonizer Pedro Menendez de Aviles (1519-1574), who brought five hundred colonists with him. The city contains the oldest public square and oldest church in the United States. Off the mainland, the United … Read more

Why did the Spanish Empire lose all its American colonies in the 1800s if Spain was so powerful?

why did the spanish empire lose all its american colonies in the 1800s if spain was so powerful

In the sixteenth century, Spain was the most powerful nation in the world. It had a strong monarchy and a fearsome military, funded by gold and silver from the American colonies. Then, like empires throughout history, Spain began to decline. England defeated the Spanish Armada, or naval fleet, in 1588. Endless wars and civil turmoil … Read more

How many Hispanics lived in the thirteen English colonies in North America during the fifteenth century?

how many hispanics lived in the thirteen english colonies in north america during the fifteenth century

A few Hispanics live in the thirteen English colonies. Hispanics made up a small percentage of the colonial population. For example, New York contained a number of Jews descended from people who fled persecution in Spain and Portugal in the fifteenth century. New York’s first Hispanic Jews had settled there in 1654, when it was … Read more

How did the city of Galveston, Texas get its name and When did Bernardo de Galvez become governor of Louisiana?

how did the city of galveston texas get its name and when did bernardo de galvez become governor of louisiana

Even before Spain entered the American War of Independence, one Spanish official was an amigo, or friend, to the rebels: Bernardo de Galvez (1746-1786), who became governor of Louisiana in 1777. While Spain was still officially neutral, Galvez saw to it that arms and supplies were sent to the rebels from New Orleans. After Spain … Read more

What was the first colony in the Americas that Spain lost to France?

what was the first colony in the americas that spain lost to france

The first colony to go was the first permanent colony Spain had founded: Santo Domingo, on the island of Hispaniola. In 1795, Spain ceded Santo Domingo to France. It would eventually become the Dominican Republic. The second colony to be lost was Spain’s most recent prize: Louisiana, acquired from France in 1763. In 1800, the … Read more

Which came first: England’s thirteen colonies on the Atlantic coast or Spain’s colonies in the American Southwest?

which came first englands thirteen colonies on the atlantic coast or spains colonies in the american southwest

The thirteen colonies that later became the United States began with the founding of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607, England’s first permanent settlement in North America. By that time, Juan de Ofiate had already been living in New Mexico for nine years. However, Spanish colonization was slow. By the time San Francisco, California, was founded in … Read more

Who lived in Central America before the Spanish colonists arrived in 1519?

who lived in central america before the spanish colonists arrived in 1519

Central America and southern Mexico were inhabited from ancient times by several Native American peoples, most notably the Maya. The Maya had a long history of advanced civilization. They developed their own forms of writing, mathematics, and astronomy. They carved cities and farms out of jungle wilderness. In the classic Mayan period, from 300 to … Read more

When did the Spanish conquer Central America and What was the first long term Spanish colony?

when did the spanish conquer central america and what was the first long term spanish colony

The Spanish conquered Central America around the same time they were conquering South America. Spanish conquistador Vasco Nutiez de Balboa (1475-1519) founded the first lasting Spanish colony in Central America at Darien, in what is now Panama, in 1510. Later that century, the Spanish pushed north from Panama and south from Mexico. They conquered most … Read more

Why did the Spanish want to settle in the American Southwest if there was no great wealth to claim?

why did the spanish want to settle in the american southwest if there was no great wealth to claim

In the game of colonization, the rule was “use it or lose it.” Getting there first allowed you to claim possession, but if you didn’t establish a colony, other countries could take it away from you. In 1579, English navigator Francis Drake (c. 1540-1596) explored North America’s Pacific Coast, reaching the vicinity of present-day San … Read more

When was Belize settled by English buccaneers and When did Belize gain independence from Britain?

when was belize settled by english buccaneers and when did belize gain independence from britain

Belize is a tiny country on Central America’s east coast and was founded by English buccaneers in the early seventeenth century. These pirates lurked on its cays, or small islands, waiting to pounce on Spanish ships bearing gold and silver bound for Spain. Britain kept possession of Belize until 1981, when the colony became independent. … Read more

Who said “Damn the Torpedoes, full speed ahead” and Where did Jorge Farragut come from?

who said damn the torpedoes full speed ahead and where did jorge farragut come from

“Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.” is one of the best-known battle cries in American history. It was uttered by a Hispanic American of Minorcan descent: U.S. naval officer David Farragut (1801-1870). His Spanish father, Jorge Farragut, immigrated from Minorca in 1772 and fought in the Revolutionary War. David exclaimed his famous line in 1864, … Read more

What is a presidio and What does the word “presidio” mean in Spanish?

what is a presidio and what does the word presidio mean in spanish

The word presidio is Spanish for “fort.” Spanish settlements in the Far North during the Spanish colonization of the Americas usually centered on a mission church protected by soldiers in a presidio. The priests of the mission would try to convert the local Native Americans. One of the best-known mission priests was Junipero Serra (1713-1784), … Read more

Who were the Spanish settlers who came to the Far North of Mexico during the colonization of the Americas?

who were the spanish settlers who came to the far north of mexico during the colonization of the americas

Although they came from New Spain, most were not of pure Spanish descent. Many were Native Americans of the Nahua group; others were mestizos. Most were poor people enticed to relocate in the Far North by offers of land. They eked out a difficult living farming and ranching, often in arid places that required irrigation. … Read more

How many U.S. States have Spanish names and Where did the American dollar come from?

how many u s states have spanish names and where did the american dollar come from

Nine U.S. states have Spanish names: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, and Texas. Spanish place names can be found in North American localities from El Paso, Texas, to Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada. But perhaps the most intimate sign of the Spanish presence in early American history can be found in … Read more

What do the Canary Islands and Balearic Islands have to do with Spanish colonization of the Americas?

what do the canary islands and balearic islands have to do with spanish colonization of the americas

The Canary Islands and Balearic Islands, both owned by Spain, contributed colonists to the New World. In the eighteenth century, the Canary Islands, located off northwest Africa, sent colonists to San Antonio and San Saba, Texas; Louisiana; and Florida. When Florida was held by the British (1763-1783), the British recruited colonists for Florida from the … Read more

When did Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica become Spanish Colonies and What happened to the Natives?

when did cuba puerto rico and jamaica become spanish colonies and what happened to the natives

Two men who had sailed with Columbus conquered the islands of Cuba and Puerto Rico soon after Columbus’s death. In 1511, Spanish soldier Diego de Velazquez (c. 1465, c. 1524) began his conquest of Cuba by founding Baracoa, the first Spanish colony on the island. Appointed governor of Cuba, he founded Havana, the present-day capital … Read more

When did Louisiana belong to France and How did Spain claim possession of Louisiana in the 1700s?

when did louisiana belong to france and how did spain claim possession of louisiana in the 1700s

Although Louisiana was named for French king Louis XIV, this colony once belonged to Spain. The territory was first claimed for France in 1682. The French colony was vast, comprising the entire valley of the Mississippi River and its tributaries. It stretched from Montana to Ohio to Alabama to the present-day state of Louisiana. However, … Read more

How did Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan prove Columbus Right by circumnavigating the earth?

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Christopher Columbus’s geography was wrong, but his basic idea was right. It was possible to reach Asia by sailing west from Spain. Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan (c. 1480-1521) provided the proof with his final expedition. Working for the Spanish crown, Magellan set sail from Spain in 1519. His fleet traveled to the southern tip of … Read more