When Were Arthur Sullivan and William Gilbert Knighted By Queen Victoria For Their Comic Operas?

when were arthur sullivan and william gilbert knighted by queen victoria for their comic operas

William Gilbert had to wait until Queen Victoria died before he was knighted. It’s true that Gilbert and Sullivan were both talented men and they equally contributed to the operettas that made them famous. However, Victoria “was not amused” at Gilbert’s lyrics, especially the devastating satires of her governmental officials. She didn’t hold Sullivan’s music … Read more

Who Invented the First Keyboard Synthesizer and When Was the First Synthesizer Created?

who invented the first keyboard synthesizer and when was the first synthesizer created

Robert Moog built the first Moog synthesizer in 1964. The electronic instrument was enormous and could play only one note at a time. When Walter Carlos recorded Switched on Bach on it, he had to laboriously build Bach’s chords and counterpoint by repeatedly recording separate tracks on tape. In 1970, advances in electronic miniaturization and … Read more

Which Month Is Most Popular For Suicides and Why Does December Have the Highest Number of Suicides?

which month is most popular for suicides and why does december have the highest number of suicides

The month of December does not have the highest number of suicides, it is a popular misconception. It’s true that many people go through a seasonal depression around the winter holidays for reasons as diverse as sad memories and shortened daylight. Still, statistics show that December and January have the lowest rates of suicide. In … Read more

Why Is Bullfighting Illegal In the United States?

why is bullfighting illegal in the united states

As long as the matador does not harm or kill the bull, bullfighting is legal in the United States. Detroit is one city that has featured bloodless bullfighting, bringing in some of the best Spanish and Mexican bullfighters to demonstrate their skills, speed, and courage without doing overt harm to the animals. In Portugal it … Read more

How Big Is a Polo Ball and What Is a Polo Ball Made Of?

how big is a polo ball and what is a polo ball made of

Traditionally a polo ball is made of willow root, but hard plastic has made significant inroads in the game. The outdoor polo ball is about 3¼ inches in diameter and weighs about four ounces. For indoor polo, players bat around an inflated leather ball 4 1/2 inches in diameter. The oldest polo ground in the … Read more

What Sports Originated In the United States?

what sports originated in the united states

There are at least three sports that originated in the United States. Basketball, Volleyball, invented in Holyoke, Massachusetts, by William Morgan in 1895, for sedentary businessmen who found the new sport of basketball too strenuous. Rodeo, first formalized as a sport in Prescott, Arizona.

What Happened To Shoeless Joe Jackson After the 1919 World Series Scandal?

what happened to shoeless joe jackson after the 1919 world series scandal

Shoeless Joe Jackson and eight other White Sox players were accused of throwing the 1919 World Series against Cincinnati, and were thrown out of baseball forever, even though they were acquitted of criminal charges. For 10 years afterward, Jackson, one of the best baseballers ever, played semipro around the country under various assumed names. When … Read more

What Is the Ceremony That Is Performed Before a Sumo Match Called and How Is dohyō-iri Performed?

what is the ceremony that is performed before a sumo match called and how is dohyo iri performed

Each sumo match is preceded by an elaborate ceremony called dohyō-iri which is based on Shintoist traditions. The judges file into the ring with attendants and sword bearers. Each official is supplied with a small ceremonial dagger, originally provided so that he could disembowel himself if he gave a miscall. They perform a short ritual … Read more

Which Continent Has Most of the Fresh Water On Earth?

which continent has most of the fresh water on earth

Antarctica holds most of the fresh water on earth. About 90% percent of the world’s total fresh water is frozen in Antarctica. Antarctica is the coldest, driest, and windiest continent on earth, and also has the highest average elevation. The first confirmed sighting of Antarctica is believed to have occurred in 1820 by the Russian … Read more

Why Was Robert E. Lee’s Mother Buried Alive In Virginia?

why was robert e lees mother buried alive in virginia

Anne Carter Lee, the Southern general’s mother, suffered from cataleptic spells that caused her to fall unconscious and grow rigid with tremors. As the story goes, she was mistaken for dead during one of these spells and buried in the family plot in Virginia. Hearing a noise a while later, one of the servants called … Read more

How Did the Hearse Funeral Car Get Its Name and What Does Hearse Mean In Norman Language?

how did the hearse funeral car get its name and what does hearse mean in norman language

Here’s how the Hearse funeral car got its name. It all began with the huge, elaborate candelabras that the ancient Normans used in religious ceremonies. Because, upside down, they resembled a type of British plow used under Norman rule, these candlesticks were eventually given the same name, herse. The large candlesticks not only were used … Read more

How Does the Mark-Recapture Method Estimate a Wildlife Population?

how does the mark recapture method estimate a wildlife population

Researchers set traps to capture a population sampling in a given area. The captured animals are “marked” (or tagged) and then released. After a certain amount of time the traps are set again. The second time, both marked and unmarked animals will be captured. The proportion of marked to unmarked animals gives an estimate of … Read more

What Sounds Do Chickens Make In Other Languages Such As French and German?

what sounds do chickens make in other languages such as french and german

A rooster’s crow is so distinctive that there isn’t much variation between “cock a doodle doo!” (English) and “ku ku ri ku!” (Hebrew), “ko ki ko ko!” (Japanese), and “ku ka rzhi ku!” (Russian). However, language differences appear when you start talking chicks and hens. Chicks say “twit twit” in Arabic, “pip pip” in Danish, … Read more

Why Was the Famous Portrait of George Washington Never Finished?

why was the famous portrait of george washington never finished

George Washington hated the tedium of sitting for days at a time when getting his portrait painted. When he retired from public office, he swore he’d never pose again, until his wife, Martha, suggested that both of them pose for portraits to be hung above the mantelpiece in their home. They chose Gilbert Stuart, a … Read more

How Many U.S. Presidents Have Been Related To Each Other?

how many u s presidents have been related to each other scaled

More U.S. presidents are related to each other than one might think. John Adams and John Quincy Adams were father and son. William Harrison and Benjamin Harrison were grandfather and grandson. James Madison and Zachary Taylor were second cousins. And finally, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt were fifth cousins. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the … Read more

Did Any of the Presidents Invent Anything and What Device Did Abraham Lincoln Invent?

did any of the presidents invent anything and what device did abraham lincoln invent

Abraham Lincoln was granted U.S. Patent No. 6,468 12 years before he became the 16th president. The four-digit patent number is a telling indication of just how long ago that was. The device was intended to help grounded steamboats get off shoals and sandbars without jettisoning heavy cargo; it involved inflatable chambers designed to float … Read more

Who Was the Smartest President In the United States and Why?

who was the smartest president in the united states and why

It’s hard to say for sure who the smartest president in the United States was, but James Garfield must be up there in the top percentile. He was a college professor in ancient languages and literature and once published a mathematical proof of the Pythagorean theorem. An ambidextrous man, Garfield also had a nifty trick … Read more

How Many U.S. Presidents Were Gay and Who Was the Only Bachelor President?

how many u s presidents were gay and who was the only bachelor president

Of course, it’s impossible to know for sure if any former U.S. presidents were gay. However, our only bachelor president, James Buchanan, had that reputation in his lifetime. His longtime roommate, Senator and later Vice President William Rufus De Vane King of Alabama, also never married. According to historians, the two had an inseparable relationship … Read more

How Many U.S. Presidents Were Born In a Log Cabin?

how many u s presidents were born in a log cabin

Seven U.S. presidents were born in a log cabin. They included Abe Lincoln, Millard Fillmore, James Buchanan, Andrew Jackson, and James Garfield. A log cabin was the first generation home building erected quickly for frontier shelter. Historically log construction has its roots in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe, and the first log cabins were probably built … Read more

Did Shakespeare Ever Mention America In Any of His Plays?

did shakespeare ever mention america in any of his plays scaled

Shakespeare mentioned America once in his plays. In The Comedy of Errors, during a discussion between Antipholus of Syracuse and Dromio of Syracuse, Dromio describes a woman, a rather large woman, who, in his mind, is globe shaped. During the course of the conversation, Antipholus urges Dromio to keep pinpointing geographic locations on her large … Read more

Where Did the Story of Frankenstein Come From and Why Did Mary Shelley Stay Up To Write the Story?

where did the story of frankenstein come from and why did mary shelley stay up to write the story

The story of Frankenstein came from a ghost story party in 1816. Nineteen-year-old Mary Shelley, her husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley, her pregnant stepsister, Claire Clarement, Lord Byron (father of Claire’s unborn child), and Byron’s physician, John Polidori, were all staying together on holiday in Geneva, Switzerland. To fill the long, rainy nights during this stay, … Read more

What Does the “F” In F. Scott Fitzgerald Stand For and What Was F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Most Famous Book?

what does the f in f scott fitzgerald stand for and what was f scott fitzgeralds most famous book

The “F” in F. Scott Fitzgerald stand for Francis. His full name was Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, and yes, he was the second cousin, three times removed, of the Francis Scott Key who wrote the U.S. national anthem. F. Scott Fitzgerald is widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century, … Read more

What Would Kill You First, a Lack of Sleep Or a Lack of Food and Why?

what would kill you first a lack of sleep or a lack of food and why

Most people can last for nearly a month without food. However, 10 days without being allowed to sleep would kill most humans. Sleep deprivation adversely affects the brain and cognitive function, and may result in hallucinations and memory lapses or loss. Recent studies have suggested that sleep deprivation may be linked to heart disease and … Read more

How Many Different Animals Come In Circus Animal Cracker Boxes?

how many different animals come in circus animal cracker boxes

First introduced as Bamum’s Animals in 1902 by the National Biscuit Company, also known as Nabisco, animal cracker cookies have always come in a circus-wagon package. A century ago, the package was made of tin and designed to hang on a Christmas tree, and the animals were just cookie-cutter silhouettes instead of a more detailed … Read more

How Did the Donut Get Its Name and Where Did Doughnuts Come From?

how did the donut get its name and where did doughnuts come from

The donut wasn’t always called a nut, and when it was first called a nut, the name actually made sense. First of all, let’s dismiss one spurious but widespread legend reported by otherwise reputable sources: that the name was invented during World War I because the fighting “doughboys” went “nuts” over the doughnuts and coffee … Read more

Where Did Mayonnaise Come From, What Is Mayonnaise Made Of, and What Does Mayonnaise Mean?

where did mayonnaise come from what is mayonnaise made of and what does mayonnaise mean

Mayonnaise is typically made from egg yolks, oil, water, vinegar, and some optional sweeteners, preservatives, and thickeners. Mayonnaise got its name from Port Mahon on Minorca, one of the islands of Spain. The word mayonnaise is believed to be a corruption of moyeunaise, from the very old French word moyeu, which means “yolk of egg”. … Read more

What Is Cold Filtered Beer and What Does Cold Filtered Beer Mean?

what is cold filtered beer and what does cold filtered beer mean

Cold filtered beer is just an advertising term and clever marketing. All beer is “cold filtered”, it just means using fine screens to remove particulates, including microbes. If combined with sterile handling, the filtering eliminates bacteria, which means that the beer doesn’t have to be pasteurized. Unpasteurized beer can legally be labeled “draft” beer, even … Read more

What Does the Evil Eye Mean and Where Did the Evil Eye Come From?

what does the evil eye mean and where did the evil eye come from

The superstition of the Evil Eye goes back centuries, and can be found in societies throughout the world. Ancient Romans claiming to possess the Evil Eye could be hired to charm enemies. Ancient India revered and feared the phenomenon, as did cultures in the Near East. For hundreds of years, gypsies were accused of possessing … Read more

How Did the Orchid Get Its Name and What Does the Word Orchid Mean In Greek?

how did the orchid get its name and what does the word orchid mean in greek

Despite its perceived resemblance to the outer female reproductive organs, apparently noticed by very lonely gardeners, the orchid was actually named after male genitalia. The name orchid comes from the Greek orkhis, meaning “testicle.” It was adopted because of the orchid’s testicle shaped root. This resemblance may have led to the belief that orchids were … Read more

How Many Different Varieties of Corn Are There In the World?

how many different varieties of corn are there in the world

There are thousands of corn hybrids, but almost all fall into six general groups. The most common variety grown in the United States is dent corn, used for chemicals and animal feed. Sweet corn is the kind most people consume, on or off the cob; its sugar doesn’t convert to starch, so it is sweeter … Read more

What Is a Cobweb and Where Does the Word Cobweb Come From?

what is a cobweb and where does the word cobweb come from

A cobweb is a spiderweb. The word cob comes from the Middle English word coppe for spider. Apart from that, there is also a group of spiders specifically called “cobweb spiders.” Cobweb spiders build messy webs in corners and usually have a bulblike body and clawlike legs. Black widows fall into this category.

How Is Shellac Made and Where Does the Lac Bug Come From?

how is shellac made and where does the lac bug come from

Shellac is made from bug resin. The lac insect, scientific name Laccifer lacca, related to the scale bug, sticks its mouth into the branches and bark of certain types of trees, then secretes a resin that covers its entire body. After this bug resin is crushed, almost always along with the bug itself, washed, and … Read more

How Do I Raise My Own Crickets and What Do Crickets Eat?

how do i raise my own crickets and what do crickets eat

Crickets need to be raised really carefully. Crickets that get loose can wreak havoc on a house, and it’s almost impossible to get rid of the infestation once it starts. But if you have a secure area and a good aquarium with a tight mesh lid, it’s not too hard. Put a half inch to … Read more

Where Do Killer Bees Come From and Why Are Killer Bees More Poisonous Than Regular Bees?

where do killer bees come from and why are killer bees more poisonous than regular bees

“Killer Bees,” more accurately known as Africanized honeybees, are not more poisonous, but they are much more aggressive. In 1956, a geneticist named Warwick Kerr brought African honeybees to Brazil to crossbreed with European honeybees because they are such prodigious producers of honey. Unfortunately, the offspring turned out to be just as aggressive as the … Read more