How Many People Live In New Zealand, How Did New Zealand Get Its Name, and Who Are the Maori People?

how many people live in new zealand how did new zealand get its name and who are the maori people

It is estimated that about 4.4 million people live in New Zealand in 2010. Of those, about 78% identify with European ethnic groups, and most the remainder are of Māori decent. The indigenous Māori language name for New Zealand is “Aotearoa”, which means “land of the long white cloud”. Dutch explorer Abel Tasman was the … Read more

What Makes New Zealand Unique and How Many of Its Plants and Animals Are Not Found Anywhere Else On Earth?

what makes new zealand unique and how many of its plants and animals are not found anywhere else on earth

New Zealand is located in the Southern Hemisphere about halfway between the Equator and Antarctica. It sits on top of two tectonic plates, whose movement has resulted in the South Island’s magnificent mountains known as the Southern Alps. Mount Cook is the tallest of these craggy mountains, at 12,310 feet (3,753 m). In an area … Read more

Where Is the Maghreb Region of Africa Located and What Does the Name Maghreb Mean In Arabic?

where is the maghreb region of africa located and what does the name maghreb mean in arabic

The Maghreb, an Arabic word meaning “west” or “place of sunset”, refers to northwestern Africa. This part of the continent was conquered by the Arabs in the seventh century and remains Arabic in culture and religion today. It borders on the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Countries in this region are Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, … Read more

Why Is Africa Called the “Birthplace of the Human Race” and When Was Cattle Domesticated In Africa?

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Africa is called the birthplace of the human race because scientists have found fossilized bones of human ancestors in eastern and southern Africa that are the oldest of any in the world. They believe that humans gradually moved out of Africa to populate the rest of the world. The earliest Homo sapiens, or modern human, … Read more

Where In Africa Did Most of the Slave Trade Take Place and How Many Slaves Were Brought To North America?

where in africa did most of the slave trade take place and how many slaves were brought to north america

A total of about 10 to 12 million Africans were brought by Europeans to North and South America beginning in the 1500s. Most North American slaves came from west Africa, including the area of today’s countries of Gambia, Ghana, the Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. Many South American slaves came from Angola and … Read more

Where Is Oldupai Gorge Located and Why Is the Oldupai Gorge Commonly Referred To As The Cradle of Mankind?

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Oldupai Gorge is in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park, where evidence of early humans dates back about 2 million years. Olduvai Gorge is an important prehistoric site in the world and has played an important role in the understanding of early human evolution. Oldupai is the Maasai word for the wild sisal plant Sansevieria ehrenbergii, which … Read more

Where Is the Ngorongoro Crater Located and How Many Animals Live In the Ngorongoro Crater In Tanzania?

where is the ngorongoro crater located and how many animals live in the ngorongoro crater in tanzania

One of Tanzania’s most interesting places is Ngorongoro, a huge volcanic crater, or caldera. Probably the largest unbroken caldera in the world, Ngorongoro is 20 miles (32 km) wide and nearly 2,000 feet (600 m) deep. More than 30,000 animals live within the crater, including black rhinos, buffaloes, elephants, flamingos, leopards, lions, and zebras. Various … Read more

Why Is South Africa the Richest Country In Africa and How Much Gold Does South Africa Export?

why is south africa the richest country in africa and how much gold does south africa export

Today, South Africa is the most industrialized country on the continent. It grew rich because Dutch colonists discovered gold and diamonds there in the late 1800s. South Africa still supplies about one third of the world’s gold yearly, mining more gold than any other country. Other types of mining are important to the South African … Read more

What Is Apartheid, How Did Apartheid Originate In Africa, and What Does the Word Apartheid Mean In Afrikaan?

what is apartheid how did apartheid originate in africa and what does the word apartheid mean in afrikaan

Apartheid is an Afrikaans word meaning “separateness,” in this case referring to the strict separation of the black and white races. Beginning in the late 1940s, apartheid was the official policy of the South African government. Under this policy, only white people, who formed just 15 percent of the population, had political and economic power. … Read more

What Do the Terms Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia Mean and Where Are the Subregions of Oceania Located?

what do the terms micronesia melanesia and polynesia mean and where are the subregions of oceania located

The names Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia refer to geographic divisions of Oceania. Micronesia refers to the more than 2,000 small islands that mostly lie north of the Equator. They include the Gilbert Islands, Guam, the Mariana Islands, the Marshall Islands, and Nauru. The 1,500 islands of Melanesia lie south of the Equator and include Fiji, … Read more

What Countries Make Up the World Region Called Oceania and How Many Islands Are There In Oceania?

what countries make up the world region called oceania and how many islands are there in oceania

There are 13 independent countries in Oceania: Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. Several other islands are territories of other countries, including the U.S. state of Hawaii. Australia is sometimes considered part of Oceania, but not always. All … Read more

How Far Away Is Australia From the United States and How Did Australia Get Its Name?

how far away is australia from the united states and how did australia get its name

Australia is about 7,000 miles southwest from North America, lying between the South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. A commercial airplane flight to Australia’s largest city, Sydney, takes more than 14 hours nonstop from Los Angeles. Australia is the only country that is also a continent. It is the world’s smallest and flattest continent, … Read more

Why Are Most African Nations So Poor and What Is the Least Developed Continent In the World?

why are most african nations so poor and what is the least developed continent in the world

Africa is the least developed continent in the world, with the exception of Antarctica. Most of its people are uneducated and must farm for a living. But farming is not easy in countries with poor soils, frequent floods and droughts, erratic weather, frequent insect invasions, and primitive tools. Most farmers grow only enough food to … Read more

How Much of Africa Is Covered By Forests and How Much of Africa Is Covered By Desert?

how much of africa is covered by forests and how much of africa is covered by desert

Less than one fifth of the African continent is forested, primarily tropical rain forests. Savannas, or grasslands, cover two-fifths of Africa, the Serengeti Plain is one example. Deserts cover the remaining two fifths of the continent. Deforestation affects Africa at twice the global rate, and some scientists claim that most of West Africa’s original forests … Read more

What Products Does Africa Export To Other Countries and Why Is Africa the Poorest Continent In the World?

what products does africa export to other countries and why is africa the poorest continent in the world

In agriculture, Africa produces most of the world’s yams, cocoa beans, and cassava. It is the leading producer of gold, copper, and diamonds. The country of South Africa is the world’s largest producer of gold. Africa remains the world’s poorest and most underdeveloped continent, even though it has abundant natural resources. A large number of … Read more

Why Are Rain Forests In Africa Disappearing At Such An Alarming Rate and What Are the Trees Used For?

why are rain forests in africa disappearing at such an alarming rate and what are the trees used for

As the population grows, forests are being cleared so that farmers can plant more crops. Trees are also being cut down for use as firewood. Wood is the primary source of fuel in Africa. Deforestation is affecting Africa at twice the global rate, and some environmentalists claim that deforestation has already wiped out about 90% … Read more

What Is the Largest Lake In Africa and Where Are Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika Located?

what is the largest lake in africa and where are lake victoria and lake tanganyika located

Lake Victoria, in the countries of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, is the largest lake in Africa and the world’s second largest freshwater lake, after Lake Superior on the U.S. Canadian border. Lake Victoria covers 26,828 square miles (69,484 sq km), about the same area as the country of Ireland. Lake Tanganyika, also in eastern Africa … Read more

How Many People Drive Cars In Africa and What Is the Most Dangerous Country In the World To Drive a Car In?

how many people drive cars in africa and what is the most dangerous country in the world to drive a car in

Only 2 people out of 100 in Africa own a car. Most roads are unpaved, making driving difficult or impossible during rainy periods. The most dangerous country in the world in which to drive is Malawi, in southeastern Africa. Drivers and their passengers are 30 times more likely to be injured in an accident there … Read more

When Did Hunting Wild Animals In Kenya Become Illegal and How Did Kenya Get Its Name?

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Kenya is located on the east coast of Africa along the Equator. The country has an amazing variety of wild animals, antelope, buffaloes, crocodiles, elephants, giraffes, hippopotamuses, leopards, lions, rhinoceroses, and zebras, to name a few. But hunting has been illegal in Kenya since 1977. Half a million tourists visit Kenya’s many national parks and … Read more

What Makes Liberia Unique Among African Countries and How Many People Live In Liberia?

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Liberia was Africa’s first independent country. It was founded by freed American slaves and settled beginning in the 1800s, with the financial help of private citizens in the United States. Its capital, Monrovia, was named after U.S. president James Monroe. Today its tropical rain forests provide the raw material for the country’s large rubber industry. … Read more

Why Are Children In Some African Countries Sent To Fight In Wars and What Is the Minimum Age To Serve?

why are children in some african countries sent to fight in wars and what is the minimum age to serve

Unfortunately, is it true that children in some African countries are sent to fight in wars. Children as young as seven or eight years old serve in the military in several African countries, and elsewhere in the world, including Sierra Leone, Uganda, Liberia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The United … Read more

What Languages Are Spoken In Africa and What Is the Most Widely Spoken Language In Africa?

what languages are spoken in africa and what is the most widely spoken language in africa

In northern Africa, Arabic and Berber are the most widely spoken languages. In southern Africa, most people speak English or Afrikaans. Afrikaans was developed by the early Dutch settlers. The rest of the continent, more than one third of the people, speak one of the hundreds of Black African languages. For example, about 300 Bantu … Read more

Why Are There So Many Wars Between and Within Countries In Africa and When Did Europe Control Africa?

why are there so many wars between and within countries in africa and when did europe control africa

Africa is home to more than 800 ethnic groups, each of which has its own language, beliefs, and traditions. All of these groups lived in Africa long before Europeans founded colonies there in the 1800s. The Europeans drew boundary lines for their territories without considering traditional regions, and as a result many ethnic groups were … Read more

What Is a Lingua Franca, How Does a Lingua Franca Originate, and What Does Lingua Franca Mean In Italian?

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A lingua franca is a common second language used to communicate among people who speak different native languages. The Swahili language is a lingua franca. Although Swahili is an African tongue, it has many Arabic words because much Arabic trade once took place on Africa’s eastern coast. English is also a lingua franca in Africa. … Read more

What Religions Are Practiced In Africa and What Is the Most Popular Religion Practiced In Africa?

what religions are practiced in africa and what is the most popular religion practiced in africa

About one fourth of all Africans practice local, traditional religions, of which there are several hundred. In northern Africa, most people practice Islam, followed by Christianity. About 130 million Africans are Christians. About 45% of the population in Africa are Muslims, 40% are Christians and less than 15% continue to follow traditional African religions. A … Read more

Where Is Timbuktu Located, How Did Timbuktu Get Its Name, and What Does Timbuktu Mean In African Language?

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Timbuktu does indeed exist, and is the capital city of Mali, a country on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert in Africa. The word Timbuktu itself means “faraway place” in several African languages. It became an important trade center around 1300 for items such as gold, ivory, and slaves. Five hundred years ago, Timbuktu … Read more

Where Is the Shwedagon Pagoda Located and When Was Yangon’s Incredible Jeweled Buddhist Temple Built?

where is the shwedagon pagoda located and when was yangons incredible jeweled buddhist temple built

The Shwedagon Pagoda, a Buddhist temple that sits on a hill in the Myanmar capital of Yangon, has a tall spire that is covered with thousands of plates of gold and topped with more than 5,400 diamonds and 2,300 rubies, sapphires, and other precious stones. The temple dates back more than 2,000 years. Before 1989, … Read more

What Was the Worst Natural Disaster To Hit Japan and Why Does Japan Have So Many Earthquakes?

what was the worst natural disaster to hit japan and why does japan have so many earthquakes

In 1923, an earthquake struck near Tokyo and Yokohama, killing more than 130,000 people and destroying most of both cities. More recently, in 1995, the city of Kobe, Japan, was devastated by a powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake that killed more than 6,400 people. Volcanoes have also caused destruction in Japan. In 1792, the dome of … Read more

What Language Do Most People Speak In the Philippines and How Many People Live In the Philippines?

what language do most people speak in the philippines and how many people live in the philippines

The Philippines became an independent country in 1946. The Philippines had been a U.S. territory since 1898, when the Spanish gave the islands to the United States at the end of the Spanish-American War. Spain had ruled the islands for the previous 300 years. The Philippines consists of more than 7,000 islands, but its people … Read more

How Many Countries Are On the African Continent and Where Did the Name Africa Come From?

how many countries are on the african continent and where did the name africa come from

Africa has 54 independent countries, 48 in sub-Saharan Africa and six in North Africa, as well as several territories and other political units. These include eight territories under French rule, one British island territory (St. Helena), one Norwegian territory (Bouvet Island), one Australian territory (Heard Island and McDonald Islands), and one Spanish territory (the Canary … Read more

What Is the Smallest Country In Africa In Land Area and Population and How Many People Live In Seychelles?

what is the smallest country in africa in land area and population and how many people live in seychelles

Seychelles, a small group of islands in the Indian Ocean, has a land area of just 176 square miles (456 sq km). The island country is an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, approximately 932 miles east of mainland Africa. Arab traders were the first to visit the uninhabited islands, and the earliest … Read more

Where Are the Atlas Mountains Located In Africa and Which Bear Was Once Native to Africa?

where are the atlas mountains located in africa and which bear was once native to africa

The Atlas mountain range is Africa’s longest, extending from Morocco to Tunisia in northern Africa. The Atlas ranges separate the Mediterranean and Atlantic coastlines from the Sahara Desert. The chain is part of the mountain system that includes the Alps in Europe. The mountains are home to a number of plant and animal species unique … Read more

What Is a Monsoon, When Is the Monsoon Season In Asia, and What Does the Word Monsoon Mean In Arabic?

what is a monsoon when is the monsoon season in asia and what does the word monsoon mean in arabic

A monsoon is traditionally defined as a seasonal reversal of wind direction which is accompanied by changes in precipitation. In Asia, the monsoon season runs from May to September, when Southern Hemisphere winds shift direction and blow north and west across the Equator into Asia, bringing moisture from the oceans they pass over on the … Read more

How Long Have The Chinese Used Pictures For Writing and How Many Different Chinese Characters Are There?

how long have the chinese used pictures for writing and how many different chinese characters are there

For at least 3,500 years, the Chinese have used pictures rather than letters to write things down. This type of writing is called pictography. A symbol represents a word in this system, which has about 50,000 different characters. Only about 4,000 are used for everyday writing, though. The interesting thing about the Chinese language is … Read more

How Many Times Zones Are There In China and What Time Is It In China Relative To Coordinated Universal Time?

how many times zones are there in china and what time is it in china relative to coordinated universal time

There is only one time zone in China. China does not use time zones, even though the country does stretch across five of them. Clocks all over China are set to the same time: 8 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time, or Coordinated Universal Time. The People’s Republic of China observed daylight saving time from … Read more

What Is the Largest Hydroelectric Dam In the World and Where Is the Three Gorges Dam Located In China?

what is the largest hydroelectric dam in the world and where is the three gorges dam located in china

The Three Gorges Dam is China’s largest construction project since the Great Wall. The Three Gorges Dam is 1.5 miles wide and 600 feet (183 m) high, stretching across the Yangtze River in the Yiling District of Yichang, in Hubei province. It took six years to completely fill the 350-mile-long (563-km) lake created by the … Read more

How Does Burning Coal In China Kill Trees In Japan and How Does Acid Rain Impact Life On Earth?

how does burning coal in china kill trees in japan and how does acid rain impact life on earth

Most of China’s energy is produced by burning coal, which spews sulfur and nitrogen compounds into the air, where they combine with moisture and become acidic. These particles eventually fall back to Earth, and some are often carried westward for hundreds of miles by wind and rainstorms. Japan, located just a few hundred miles west … Read more

What Is the Difference Between North Korea and South Korea and When Was Korea Split Into Two Countries?

what is the difference between north korea and south korea and when was korea split into two countries

Japan controlled Korea from 1910 until 1945. At the end of World War II, Korea was divided into two countries, one of which had a Communist government. North Korea, formally called the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. South Korea is a non-Communist country that elects its leaders. The two countries have about the same land … Read more

Where Is Siam Located, What Country Was Formally Known As Siam, and What Does the Name Thailand Mean?

where is siam located what country was formally known as siam and what does the name thailand mean

Since 1939, Siam has been called Thailand, which means “Land of the Free.” Siam had been the country’s name for 700 years. In land area, Thailand is about the size of Texas. Thailand’s capital, Bangkok, is sometimes called the “Venice of the East” because of its canals; the city sits on an island in the … Read more

What Was the “Green Revolution” In India and How Did It Help Increase Food Production and Reduce Famine?

what was the green revolution in india and how did it help increase food production and reduce famine

The Green Revolution took place between 1967 and 1978 in India and other parts of the developing world. It refers to improvements in agricultural practices that dramatically increased food production, especially wheat and rice in India. By the 1960s, India was growing so fast that it could not produce enough food to keep up with … Read more

How Many People Live In Bangladesh and Why Does Bangladesh Have So Many Cyclones and Floods?

how many people live in bangladesh and why does bangladesh have so many cyclones and floods

Bangladesh’s geographic location invites destruction from storms and floods. Much of the country is a flat alluvial plain, and most of its land is less than 50 feet (15 m) above sea level. As a result, the country is vulnerable to the full force of cyclones (hurricanes) and tsunami (huge waves caused by earthquakes) that … Read more