When did Nunavut become a new territory of Canada and What does Nunavut mean in the Inuit language?

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On April 1, 1999, Nunavut became a new territory of Canada. This area, which had been the eastern half of the Northwest Territories, is the home of most of Canada’s Inuit, the native group sometimes called Eskimos. With the creation of Nunavut (meaning “our land” in Inuktitut, the Inuit language), the Inuit have been given … Read more

Are Most Native Americans U.S. citizens?

are most native americans u s citizens

Since 1924, any Native American born in the United States has been legally considered a citizen. Native Americans that belong to tribes recognized by the federal government are also citizens of these tribal nations. Many Native Americans, though, consider themselves tribal citizens first, and U.S. citizens second. Some Iroquois travel the globe without a U.S. … Read more

What do most Native Americans do for a living?

what do most native americans do for a living

By and large, Native Americans work at the same types of jobs as all other Americans. A high percentage, though, are factory workers, repair people, and other skilled technicians. Many Native Americans have gone into these fields because, beginning in the 1950s, the government offered them free or low-cost vocational training. A large number of … Read more

Where do most Native Americans in the United States live?

where do most native americans in the united states live

As of 1990 nearly half of all Native Americans in the United States lived west of the Mississippi River. The states with the biggest Native American populations were Oklahoma (13.2 percent), California (12.7 percent), Arizona (10.7 percent), and New Mexico (7.0 percent). Only about one in every five Native Americans lived on one of the … Read more

What is the average income of a Native American family?

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The U.S. census of 1990 found that the average Native American family makes about $21,750, far below the average income of all American families ($35,225). About 27 percent of Native American families live in poverty. Native Americans on reservations are the most impoverished. Just over half of all reservation residents live below the poverty level … Read more

What is federal recognition and Why is federal recognition important to Native American tribes?

what is federal recognition and why is federal recognition important to native american tribes

An Native American group has federal recognition when the U.S. government defines it as a tribe. Having federal recognition is important because only federally recognized tribes can receive certain funds and benefits reserved for Native Americans. Some Native American groups that consider themselves tribes do not have federal recognition because they do not meet the … Read more

What are the largest Native American tribes in the United States?

what are the largest native american tribes in the united states

The 1990 census listed four tribes with populations of more than 100,000: the Cherokee at 308,000, the Navajo at 219,000, the Ojibwa (also known as the Chippewa) at 104,000, and the Sioux at 103,000. In addition to about 31,000 Native Americans, Alaska is the home of people from two other native groups, the Inuit (44,000) … Read more

What language do Native Americans speak and Do Native Americans still speak Indian languages?

what language do native americans speak and do native americans still speak indian languages

Some Native Americans are bilingual. They speak English with non-Native Americans but might use their native language with relatives and other tribe members. In some Native American communities, however, a Native American language is rarely heard. Many Native Americans stopped using their own languages because of pressure from U.S. officials. Until recently, for instance, Native … Read more

Who were the Metis and Where did the Metis in Canada come from?

who were the metis and where did the metis in canada come from

In the 1700s, many Aboriginal women in Canada married white fur traders. From their children emerged a new Subarctic group known as the Metis, after the French word for “mixed.” Mostly of mixed Cree and French ancestry, the Metis developed a unique culture that blended Native and white ways. Beginning in the early nineteenth century, … Read more

When did Subarctic Natives first encounter whites?

when did subarctic natives first encounter whites

Whites first arrived in the eastern Subarctic in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Encounters came later in western regions. Many Subarctic groups did not meet whites until the nineteenth century. The first whites in their lands were traders. They were soon followed by missionaries who wanted to convert the Natives to Christianity. Other whites began … Read more

How did trading with the Europeans change native life for the Inuit?

how did trading with the europeans change native life for the inuit

Aside from new trade goods, non-Native traders brought with them European diseases. Like other native populations, the Inuit suffered many deaths because of these foreign germs. Others were killed in violent encounters with non-natives. The Aleut were particularly threatened by the Russian traders who came to their lands in the 1740s. Over time, trading with … Read more

Where did Native American Flowering Beads come from?

where did native american flowering beads come from

In the mid-1800s, Catholic nuns came to Chipewyan territory to teach the Native Americans about their religion. At the same time, the nuns instructed the Native Americans in a new craft, floral embroidery. Chipew yan women already decorated their clothes with dyed porcupine quills, but they were difficult to work with. They found the thread … Read more

What is a powwow and How long do powwows last?

what is a powwow and how long do powwows last

A powwow is a festival where Native Americans from different tribes come together to celebrate their heritage. The main attraction at powwows are exhibitions of Native American singing and dancing. Especially exciting are fancy dancing competitions, during which elaborately costumed dancers display spectacular movements inspired by traditional dances. Some powwows are small gatherings that last … Read more

What traditional games do participants compete in at the World Eskimo-Indian Olympics?

what traditional games do participants compete in at the world eskimo indian olympics

Every year, at the end of July, Fairbanks, Alaska, hosts the World Eskimo-Indian Olympics, an event that draws Inuit and Indian athletes from throughout the state. The participants compete in traditional games and contests, including: The Ear Pull: A three-foot-long loop of string is placed around the right ear of two competitors sitting on the … Read more

How many Native Americans live in the United States and is the Native American population growing?

how many native americans live in the united states and is the native american population growing

According to the 1990 census, there are about 1,900,000 Native Americans in the United States, approximately .75 percent of the total U.S. population. The Native American population has grown steadily throughout the twentieth century. It now stands at more than four times its lowest point in about 1900. Native Americans then numbered only 400,000, just … Read more

Who are the Natives of Canada and What are the three different native groups?

who are the natives of canada and what are the three different native groups

Canada’s 1996 census found that about 2.75 percent of its citizens belong to three different native groups. It counted approximately 535,000 First Nations, 41,000 Inuit, and 210,000 Metis. The descendants of First Nations and European (mostly French) traders, the Metis developed their own unique culture in western Canada during the nineteenth century.

How did the Inuit spend the long winter and What did the Inuit do indoors when it was cold outside?

how did the inuit spend the long winter and what did the inuit do indoors when it was cold outside

To escape the icy cold, the Inuit had to spend much of the winter indoors, but they made the most of this hardship. Comfortable in their warm homes, winter became the season of socializing. Families gathered for feasts and singing and dancing. Both children and adults also loved telling stories and playing games. Inuit hunters … Read more

Who are the Aleut and Where did the Aleut come from?

who are the aleut and where did the aleut come from

The Aleut are the native people of the 1,400-mile Aleutian Island chain off of Alaska’s southwest coast. The ancestors of the Aleut came to North America from Asia at about the same time as those of the Inuit. Settling on the isolated Aleutians, however, the Aleut (who call themselves the Unangan) developed their own culture, … Read more

When did non-Natives arrive in the Arctic and Where did the Norsemen from Iceland settle?

when did non natives arrive in the arctic and where did the norsemen from iceland settle

Norsemen from Iceland came to Greenland in 986, almost 500 years before Christopher Columbus sailed to North America. They established two settlements along the southwestern part of the island, which probably was uninhabited at the time. About 100 years later, Inuit people from the north moved close to the Norse settlers. At first the two … Read more

Who are the Inuit and Where did the Inuit come from?

who are the inuit and where did the inuit come from

The Inuit are the native peoples of the Arctic land stretching from central Alaska to the northern coast of Canada and onto the island of Greenland. Their ancestors came to North America from Asia in about 3,000 B.C., many thousands of years after the first Indian people arrived on the continent. The Inuit are more … Read more

What is the Arctic and How cold does it get in the Arctic?

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The Arctic is the stretch of land north of the Subarctic forests. The area is one of the harshest environments in the world. For much of the year, the ground is covered with snow and ice. In January, temperatures can fall as low as 35° below zero. Powerful winds make the frigid air feel even … Read more

How did Subarctic Native hunters ensure a good catch?

how did subarctic native hunters ensure a good catch

Subarctic Natives believed that animals would give their lives to humans only if people showed them respect. Different tribes had different rules about how to treat animals properly. The Gwich’in believed that a hunter would insult the animal spirit-world if he counted the animals he killed. Among the Cree, a hunter had to present an … Read more

How many Native Americans live in the City?

how many native americans live in the city

The U.S. cities with the highest Native American populations in 1994 are: Los Angeles, California 87,000 Tulsa, Oklahoma 48,000 New York, New York 46,000 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 46,000 San Francisco, California 41,000

What types of foods did the Inuit traditionally eat?

what types of foods did the inuit traditionally eat

In their territory, very few plants could grow, so almost all of the Inuit’s food came from the fish they caught and the animals they hunted. These animals included whales, seals, walrus, and caribou, a species of deer with huge spiky antlers.

How did the Subarctic Native Peoples live in the cold winter?

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Because it was too cold to farm, Subarctic Natives spent the winter following herds of caribou and moose. Aside from being their main source of food, these animals provided the Natives with skins, from which they made clothes and houses, and bones, which they crafted into tools and weapons. When hunting, people usually traveled in … Read more

When was whaling off the Pacific Coast banned and How was the Makah Whaling Tradition Reborn?

when was whaling off the pacific coast banned and how was the makah whaling tradition reborn

Throughout most of their history, the Makah were great whale hunters. That tradition came to an end in 1926, when the International Whaling Commission banned whaling in the region. Non-Native American hunters had killed so many whales that the commission feared the whales would die out completely unless all hunting stopped. With the ban, the … Read more

Which First Nations people lived in the Subarctic?

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The Innu (also known as the Montagnais-Naskapi) and Beothuk lived in what is now eastern Canada, while present-day central Canada was the home of the Cree and Chipewyan. Farther west were the Beaver and Slavey of present-day western Canada and the Gwich’in and Ingalik of what is now Alaska. People in the Subarctic made snowshoes … Read more

What are Native American treaty fishing rights and When was the Boldt decision ratified?

what are native american treaty fishing rights and when was the boldt decision ratified

In the treaties negotiated with Washington Native Americans in 1855, the Native Americans were guaranteed the right to fish in their “usual and accustomed places.” Dependent on fish for their survival, the Native Americans kept fishing at their favorite sites. But as more non-Native Americans moved into their territory, they tried to force Native American … Read more

Why did Subarctic Inuit fear the Windigo and Where did the Fearsome Windigos come from?

why did subarctic inuit fear the windigo and where did the fearsome windigos come from

A hunter’s greatest fear was that he might encounter a windigo. The Subarctic Inuit believed that windigos were great giants who stalked through the forests, using treetops as snowshoes. Filthy and vicious, windigos had hearts made of ice and great evil powers, including the ability to turn people into cannibals. Hunters, alone and frightened in … Read more

What was Chinook Jargon and How was Chinook Jargon used during the Maritime Fur Trade?

what was chinook jargon and how was chinook jargon used during the maritime fur trade

The Maritime Fur Trade brought together traders from Russia, England, France, and many Indian nations. To make deals, they had to be able to negotiate with one another, but nobody knew everyone else’s language. So that they could speak with one another, at least enough to trade, they developed a special language called Chinook Jargon. … Read more

What was the Shaking Tent Ceremony and How did Native Americans use animal bones to tell the future?

what was the shaking tent ceremony and how did native americans use animal bones to tell the future

When Subarctic Native Americans became sick, lost a valuable object, or otherwise needed help, they hired a religious leader called a shaman to perform the Shaking Tent Ceremony. After nightfall, the shaman entered a special round tent and sang and played the drum to call his helpers from the spirit-world. Suddenly, the tent began to … Read more

What was the Maritime Fur Trade and How did Native Americans bargain for goods?

what was the maritime fur trade and how did native americans bargain for goods

The Maritime Fur Trade refers to a trade network that developed between Northwest Native Americans and foreign non-Native American traders. The non-Native Americans wanted seal furs, which they could resell in China for an enormous profit. In exchange for seal furs, Native American traders received guns, woven cloth, and European metals, especially copper and iron. … Read more

What happened to the Native Americans of Washington after Washington became a territory of the United States?

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In 1853, Washington became a territory of the United States. The new territorial governor, Isaac Stevens, was charged with making treaties with all the state’s Native Americans. In the treaties, the Native Americans were supposed to agree to surrender their land and move to small reservations. In 1855, Stevens met with many Native American groups … Read more

What kind of environment was the Northwest and How were cedar trees used by Native Americans?

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The Native Americans of the Northwest Coast lived in one of the most comfortable environments in North America. The winters were never very cold, and the summers were never hot. Although it rained many months of the year, the damp weather allowed plants and great forests to flourish. From cedar trees, Native Americans could make … Read more

What was a copper and What did coppers symbolize in Northwest Native American culture?

what was a copper and what did coppers symbolize in northwest native american culture

A copper was a flat, shield like object made out of copper metal that the Native Americans obtained through trade with whites. Owned by chiefs, they were usually engraved with an image of an animal that was thought to have a special spiritual connection with the owner’s family. Coppers were treasured because families believed they … Read more

What was a potlatch and What does the word potlatch mean in the Nootka Indian language?

what was a potlatch and what does the word potlatch mean in the nootka indian language

In many Northwest Native American groups, prominent families held great feasts called potlatches. In addition to food, guests enjoyed singing and dancing. They were also treated to giveaways, in which the host family offered gifts to everyone who attended. Traditionally, gifts included blankets, food, wool robes, canoes, and even slaves. Yet, the most extravagant gift … Read more

How were totem poles made and What types of animals were carved on a totem pole?

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Originally, totem poles were carved using bone tools. These were difficult to use, so traditional carvings were fairly simple. But when non-Native Americans came to the Northwest, they gave Native Americans metal tools that sliced through cedar smoothly and easily. These tools freed artists to create more and more elaborate figures. They used them to … Read more

Why were Winter Ceremonials performed by Northwest Native Americans?

why were winter ceremonials performed by northwest native americans

In the spring and summer, most Northwest Native Americans could catch and preserve enough fish to feed them throughout the rest of the year. This left groups such as the Kwakiutl, Bella Bella, and the Tsimshian free to devote winter months to staging elaborate ceremonies. Through these ceremonies, the Native Americans performed dances that told … Read more

Why did Native Americans want to live in Spanish missions and What happened when they were confined?

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A few Native Americans from the villages hardest hit by disease were so desperate and distraught that they welcomed the food and shelter offered by mission priests. Most Native Americans, however, wanted nothing to do with the missions and the Spanish. They came to the missions only after they were rounded up at gunpoint by … Read more

Why did Spanish missionary priests want Native Americans to become Christians?

why did spanish missionary priests want native americans to become christians

The Spanish priests believed they were saving the Native Americans’ souls by converting them to Catholicism. They did not think they were interfering with the Native Americans’ religious life because they thought the Native Americans had no real religion of their own. In fact, California Indians had a complicated set of religious beliefs. To pay … Read more

What was a Spanish mission and Why did Spanish priests move to California?

what was a spanish mission and why did spanish priests move to california

A mission was a complex of buildings that housed Spanish priests of a particular Catholic order. These priests came to California to convert Native Americans to Christianity. The missions included quarters for new converts, which the priests called neophytes. The neophytes were expected to live and work at the mission while the priests schooled them … Read more

How did meeting non-Natives affect California Native American tribes?

how did meeting non natives affect california native american tribes

The most important, and most devastating, effect was the Native Americans’ exposure to European diseases, such as measles, cholera, and smallpox. These diseases killed Native Americans throughout North America, but they were especially deadly in California. Because people lived close together in clusters of villages, disease spread very quickly. Some villages lost as much as … Read more

What is the Nootka Whale House used for and Why did Medicine men perform ceremonies inside?

what is the nootka whale house used for and why did medicine men perform ceremonies inside

Successful whale hunters were highly respected by the Nootka Indians. To honor them, they built a special shrine, now known as the Whale House. The Nootka Whale House contained wooden whale carvings, human skulls, and carved figures of whalers who had died. Medicine men performed ceremonies in the house so that more dead whales would … Read more

What type of houses did Northwest Native Americans build?

what type of houses did northwest native americans build

In the Northwest, great forests of cedar trees provided Native Americans with an ideal building material. The trunks of these trees could be easily split into planks as long as 40 feet. Using these planks, Native Americans built large, sturdy wooden houses that were well suited to their rainy climate. Plank houses were clustered to … Read more

How many Native Americans still live in California?

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In the early twentieth century, the Native American population in California was dwindling away. By 1910, there were only 25,000 Native Americans left in the state. In the middle of the twentieth century, however, the number began to rise. By 1990, California had an Native American population of about 242,000.

Who was Ishi and Where did the last surviving member of the Yahi Native American tribe come from?

who was ishi and where did the last surviving member of the yahi native american tribe come from

In August 1911, a group of non-Native Americans came upon a thin and tired Native American man as he tentatively emerged from the foothills of Mount Lassen in northern California. He was the last surviving member of the Yahi tribe, most of whom had been killed either by non-Native Americans or the diseases they carried. … Read more

What happened to California’s landless Native Americans tribes in the late nineteenth century?

what happened to californias landless native americans tribes in the late nineteenth century

In the late nineteenth century, a few reservations were established for the many California peoples driven off their land. Life at these reservations was difficult, so poor and homeless Indians began looking to relatives for help. Even though their old villages no longer existed, the ties that bound people together still survived. Other Indians tried … Read more

How did Native Americans in California prospect for gold and What was the impact of the Gold Rush?

how did native americans in california prospect for gold and what was the impact of the gold rush

Some white prospectors hired Native Americans to look for gold for them. But most native Californians had little interest in gold, which to them was just a shiny metal. The Gold Rush had its greatest effect on the Indians by bringing ever increasing numbers of non-Indians into their midst. Some of the miners were rough, … Read more

What was the Alcatraz takeover and Why did Native American activists stage a protest?

what was the alcatraz takeover and why did native american activists stage a protest

By the late 1960s, young California Indians (many from relocated families) began to speak out against the U.S. government’s policies toward Indian peoples. Their most dramatic protest was the Alcatraz takeover. Alcatraz is a small island in the Pacific Ocean just off the coast of San Francisco, California. For decades, it was the home of … Read more

What was Toypurina’s Rebellion during the mission period about and How was Toypurina punished?

what was toypurinas rebellion during the mission period about and how was toypurina punished

During the mission period (1769-1834), Native Americans often banded together to rebel against the Spanish. In 1785, one such uprising was organized by a Gabrielino medicine woman named Toypurina. Under her leadership, six villages of Indians tried to overthrow the priests and soldiers at the San Gabriel Mission near present-day Los Angeles. Toypurina’s followers believed … Read more

How did California become part of the United States?

how did california become part of the united states

Beginning in 1846, the United States went to war with Mexico over control of lands in what are now California, Texas, and New Mexico. The Americans won the Mexican War (1846-1848), and, in the peace treaty, the United States was given this territory. Almost immediately, non-Indian Americans flooded into the lands of the California Indians. … Read more

What is Chumash Rock Art and How did Chumash Rock Art originate?

what is chumash rock art and how did chumash rock art originate

Throughout their southern California homeland, the Chumash decorated exposed sandstone and cave walls with brilliant paintings. While other tribes made rock paintings, none were as colorful as those of the Chumash. By crushing colored rocks and mixing the powder with animal fat, they made sticky, thick pigments ranging from sharp yellows to burning reds to … Read more

How many Native American tribes lived in California?

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There were probably more than 100 Native American tribes in California before non-Natives came to the region. In their own minds, however, California Indians probably did not consider themselves part of a tribe. Because their settlements were so isolated, they thought of themselves more as members of a village or of a small group of … Read more

Why were there so many Native Americans in California?

why were there so many native americans in california

California features many different environments, from harsh deserts in the south to great, rainy forests in the north. Nearly every region offered Native Americans a wide variety of wild plants and animals for food and for materials to make clothing, houses, and tools, so many Native American tribes could flourish there.

Which Native American groups lived in the Northwest?

which native american groups lived in the northwest

The Northwest Indians lived in many villages in the lush lands along the Pacific Ocean. This area included the homelands of the Chinook, Makah, and Nootka, who lived along the coasts of what are now the states of Oregon and Washington, and the territory of the Coast Salish tribes, who also lived on the shores … Read more

What were Native American villages in California like and How large were they?

what were native american villages in california like and how large were they

Most Native Americans in California lived in small villages. They tended to stay close to their homes. In their rich environment, they could easily get the necessities of life without traveling far. As a result, many California Indians rarely encountered people from faraway villages or from other tribes. In mountainous areas, villages were sometimes so … Read more