Where does the word “leech” come from and What does leech mean?

where does the word leech come from and what does leech mean

From early English antiquity a physician has been called a leech, and from equally early times physicians have used the aquatic bloodsucking worm, known as leech, for bloodletting under certain conditions. It is impossible to tell which was first to receive the name. Etymologists believe, however, that present identity of spelling is accidental and that, … Read more

Where does the word “ketchup” (catsup) come from and What does ketchup mean in Chinese?

where does the word ketchup catsup come from and what does ketchup mean in chinese

Manufacturers will continue to spell it catchup and catsup, but the spelling here shown is that which best resembles its source, the Chinese term, ke-tsiap. The Dutch, who were heavy importers of this Asiatic condiment in the eighteenth century, spelled it ketjap, indicating a pronunciation very similar to ketchup. The original importation, however, was a … Read more

How did the kangaroo get its name and Where does the word kangaroo come from?

how did the kangaroo get its name and where does the word kangaroo come from scaled

A great controversy arose about the name of the Australian animal known as the kangaroo, a controversy that now may never be settled. Captain James Cook, the British explorer, and his shipmate, the noted naturalist, Sir Joseph Banks, both trained observers, understood that the Australian natives called this strange animal a kangaroo (which each of … Read more

Where does the word “kaleidoscope” (stereoscope) come from and What does kaleidoscope mean in Greek?

where does the word kaleidoscope stereoscope come from and what does kaleidoscope mean in greek

Sir David Brewster, when a young man, had intended to follow his father’s career in the ministry, but found within a few years after entering that field that his greatest interest was in science. Hence, at the age of twenty-seven he had become an editor of the Edinburgh Encyclopedia, writing upon scientific subjects. The study … Read more

Where does the word “lord” come from and What does lord mean?

where does the word lord come from and what does lord mean

Just as “lady” was gradually formed through alterations in the pronunciation of the Old English original hlaefdige, so was “lord” formed from hlaford or hlafweard. The forms in which it appeared were also numerous, including the twelfth century laford, leverd, lauerd, and the fourteenth century louerd, lhord, and lorde. And just as the original meaning … Read more

Where does the word “lottery” (lotto) come from and When was lottery first invented?

where does the word lottery lotto come from and when was lottery first invented scaled

From remote antiquity disputes have been settled, ownership agreed upon, priority established, leadership determined, or the like, by casting or drawing lots. The emperors of Rome introduced a novelty into the old practice when, during the Saturnalia, or feasts to Saturn in mid-December, they awarded elaborate gifts to the person fortunate enough to hold or … Read more

Where does the word “livery” come from and What does livery mean?

where does the word livery come from and what does livery mean

Livery formerly corresponded exactly with our word “rations,” except that it denoted the rations allotted to servants and retainers. The term, from Old French livree, delivered, was taken to England by the Norman conquerors, and was meant to include food, clothing, or other provisions “delivered” to the servants. In time it came to include allowances … Read more

Where do the words libel, liber, library come from and What does libel mean in Latin?

where do the words libel liber library come from and what does libel mean in latin

In legal use, a libel must be published. Otherwise the damaging statement may be slander, but not libel, although the latter word is often popularly used when “slander” should be employed. The legal interpretation emphasized the source of the word, for libel, from the Latin libellus, originally meant a “little book.” Thus a libel, in … Read more

Where does the word “lumber” come from and What does lumber mean?

where does the word lumber come from and what does lumber mean

Originally, the Lombards were a Teutonic people whose earlier name, Langobardi, long beards, was traditionally derived from the appearance, before the god Wotan, of their women with their hair combed over their faces. Startled, as he awoke from sleep, Wotan asked, “Who are the longbeards (longobardi)?” They were a warlike tribe, and in the year … Read more

Where does the word “impede” (expedite) come from and What does impede mean?

where does the word impede expedite come from and what does impede mean

Those who were slaves in ancient Rome were usually left unfettered, their hands and feet unbound for the better performance of work. Severe and sometimes barbarous punishments for those who attempted to run away, involving scourging, mutilation, or even death, Were generally sufficient to make it unnecessary for the owners to chain them. It was … Read more

Where does the word “joke” originate and What does joke mean?

where does the word joke originate and what does joke mean

Like our words bus and mob, contracted by humorists of bygone years from the more pompous Latin terms omnibus and mobile vulgus respectively, the word “joke” came into our language in the seventeenth century as a contraction by some unknown wit of the Latin jocus, a jest. The legend that John Milton originated the contraction … Read more

Where does the word “iconoclast” come from and What does iconoclast mean?

where does the word iconoclast come from and what does iconoclast mean

The word “iconoclast” means “a breaker of images,” from Greek eikon, image, and klastes, breaker. It originated in a great struggle within the Christian Church, beginning in the eighth century and lasting for one hundred and sixteen years. For a number of generations there had been discussion over the appearance of works of art, pictures … Read more