Where does the word “caucus” come from and What does caucus mean?

where does the word caucus come from and what does caucus mean

A group of men, meeting in Boston in colonial Massachusetts for political purposes, called themselves the “Caucus Club.” Very little is known about this Club beyond a statement made by the historian, William Gordon. Gordon had lived in Massachusetts for sixteen years, returned to England in 1786, and then wrote a four-volume History of the … Read more

Where do the words candidate, candid, candor come from and What do they mean?

where do the words candidate candid candor come from and what do they mean

The Latin source of the word “candidate”, candidatus, originally meant “clothed in white.” But the whiteness indicated by this word differed from ordinary white, for which the Romans used albus, because it meant a glistening or shining whiteness, the whiteness of newly fallen snow in brilliant sunshine; hence, spotless purity, stainlessness. Now it was the … Read more

Where does the word “bulldozer” originate and What does bulldozer mean?

where does the word bulldozer originate and what does bulldozer mean

After the American War between the States and the abolition of slavery, there was a natural tendency for the newly enfranchised Negroes of the South to vote for the political party represented by their emancipator, Abe Lincoln. Southern whites objected. Violence and threats of violence sprang up toward the eve of all elections, continuing for … Read more

Where does the word “Barmecide” come from and What does it mean?

where does the word barmecide come from and what does it mean

This occurs usually in the expression “Barmecide feast” or “Barmecide banquet.” It comes from the “Story of the Barber’s Sixth Brother” in Arabian Nights. A poor man who had been without food for several days, it relates, begged for bread at the door of the rich Persian noble, Barmecide. To his amazement he was invited … Read more

Where does the word “ballot” come from and What does ballot mean?

where does the word ballot come from and what does ballot mean scaled

Originally, the word “ballot” meant “little ball,” contracted from the Italian, ballotta. It may be easy to recall this original meaning if we remember that, formerly, the method of voting was through the use of a small ball, white or black, according as one voted affirmatively or negatively, dropped secretly into a receptacle. The method, … Read more

Where Does the Word “Auspice” Come From and What Does Auspice Mean?

where does the word auspice come from and what does it mean

Ancient peoples held the firm belief that future events and the purposes of their gods were revealed by certain signs. These signs, however, could be understood only by the very devout, especially trained to observe and to interpret. Different nations had different beliefs in the way these signs were delivered, but among the forerunners of … Read more

Where does the word “beggar” come from and What does it mean?

where does the word beggar come from and what does it mean

Because proof is lacking, the dictionaries play safe by saying that the word “beggar” is probably just a derivative of beg, which in turn may have come from an unusual Old English term, bedecian. But some scholars flout that theory; they believe that beggar was first in the language, with the verb, beg, derived from … Read more

How did the belfry get its name and Where does the word “belfry” come from?

how did the belfry get its name and where does the word belfry come from scaled

While besieging a fortified place, in the early Middle Ages, German soldiery sometimes protected themselves under the shelter of a movable wooden tower. This protection they called a bergfrid, literally, shelter shed. The device was soon borrowed by the armies of other countries, and the soldiers probably thought that they were still using its German … Read more

Who is the Bessemer process named after and Where did it come from?

who is the bessemer process named after and where did it come from

Henry Bessemer, though of English birth, was the son of a French artist, and was dependent almost entirely upon himself for his education. Metallurgy was his chief interest, and while still a young man he invented a highly successful machine to replace the former cumbersome hand method of reducing gold and bronze to powders. Later, … Read more

How did the basilisk lizard get its name and Where does the word “basilisk” come from?

how did the basilisk lizard get its name and where does the word basilisk come from

Although we apply the name “basilisk” now to a South American lizard, which grows to a length of about two feet, this harmless animal only faintly resembles the fabulous reptile that terrified the people of medieval. and ancient times. The name was originally Greek, basiliskos, little king, from basil, a crown, because the monster was … Read more

How Did the Alligator Get its Name and Where did the Word Alligator Come From?

how did the alligator get its name and where did the word alligator come from

English writers of the sixteenth century correctly called this American creature a lagarto, for that was the Spanish name for this huge saurian, “lizard.” But because Spaniards, like Arabs, are accustomed to put the definite article al before a noun, al lagarto, the lizard, careless English writers assumed that this was a single word, allagarto. … Read more

Where does the word “atropine” come from and What does it mean?

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Three goddesses were in control of all human destinies, according to ancient Greek belief. They determined when a man should be born, what his activities should be during his life, and when and under what circumstances he should die. These three beautiful sisters were known, therefore, as the goddesses of Fate, or the Three Fates. … Read more

Where does the word “alert” come from and What does it mean?

where does the word alert come from and what does it mean

Literally, the word alert means “on the watchtower.” It came from an Italian military expression of the sixteenth century, all’ erta, in which all’ is a common contraction of alla, on. The original phrase was stare all’ erta, “to stand on the watchtower.” As conditions changed, the phrase merely meant “to stand watch.” Ultimately, with … Read more

Where does the word “auburn” come from and What does it mean?

where does the word auburn come from and what does it mean

Strangely enough, when the word “auburn” first came into the language, after the Norman Conquest, it was used as a perfect description of the color of the flaxen hair of the Saxons, a yellowish hue. The Old French spelling was alborne or auborne. But after being taken into English the spelling began to vary, taking … Read more

Where does the word “alkali” come from and What does it mean?

where does the word alkali come from and what does it mean

Like our mathematics, we owe much of the early study of chemistry to Arabic scholars of the so-called Dark Ages. Thus the word alkali is but a transliteration of the Arabic al-qaliy, which means “the ashes of saltwort.” Saltwort is a marine plant used in the production of sodium carbonate, formerly called soda ash. As … Read more

How did the word “alarm” originate and What does it mean?

how did the word alarm originate and what does it mean

The Norman-French military call when, for example, a sentinel spied an enemy force approaching, was “As armes! as armes!” That summons was introduced into England where it was used for a while, but eventually it was translated into the equivalent English, “at arms!” which became the modern “to arms!” Similar calls were employed at the … Read more

Where does the word “aisle” come from and What does it mean?

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One wonders how we acquired such the curiously formed word “aisle”. By way of answer, we shouldn’t have it. The spelling is the result of confusion; its present common meaning, a passageway, as in a church or theater, arose from still another confusion. The English word was originally ele, borrowed from the French in the … Read more