How Many Names Has Istanbul Had Throughout History and How Many People Live In the City of Istanbul?

how many names has istanbul had throughout history and how many people live in the city of istanbul

Istanbul, Turkey’s largest city, sits at a strategic location on the Bosporus Strait, where it has long controlled access to the Mediterranean and Black Seas. It was called Byzantium in its early years. In A.D. 196, the Romans captured the city and renamed it Augusta Antonina. About 150 years later, it was called New Rome … Read more

Why Is the Israeli City of Jerusalem the Center of Conflict Between the Israelis and the Palestinians?

why is the israeli city of jerusalem the center of conflict between the israelis and the palestinians

Jerusalem has long been considered a holy city by three religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. People of each religion have been struggling for control of the city for hundreds of years. Jerusalem was founded by the Jewish king David about 3,100 years ago. About 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ was born nearby and spent much … Read more

Why Do Most People In South Asian Countries Drive On the Left Side of the Road and Not On the Right Side?

why do most people in south asian countries drive on the left side of the road and not on the right side

People in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Thailand drive on the left, as they do in the United Kingdom. The practice originated when most of the countries mentioned were part of the British empire during the 19th century. Everyone else drives on the right, as … Read more

How Did Pakistan Get Its Name and and What Does the Name Pakistan Mean In Urdu and Persian?

how did pakistan get its name and and what does the name pakistan mean in urdu and persian

Pakistan is a relatively new country, and many believe it got its name in an unusual way. Its letters come from the first letters of the country’s homelands: Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Iran, Sindh, Tukharistan, Afghanistan, and Balochistan (not for its first letter but for the last). The countries of East and West Pakistan were carved … Read more

Where Is the Khyber Pass and Why Is the Link Between Pakistan and Afghanistan an Important Military Location?

where is the khyber pass and why is the link between pakistan and afghanistan an important military location

The Khyber Pass is a mountain pass that cuts through the mountains on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan, and links both countries. It’s been used for hundreds of years by traders as well as by invaders. The pass is about 33 miles (53 km) long. According to some versions of the Aryan migration theory, … Read more

What Language Do People Speak In India and How Many People In India Speak Hindi?

what language do people speak in india and how many people in india speak hindi

India has 18 official languages, but its people speak nearly 100 other languages and hundreds more dialects. Most Indians, about 40 percent, speak Hindi. The other Indian languages are largely regional. For example, most people in the Punjab state speak Punjabi. English is officially the “associate national language” and is widely used in business and … Read more

Where Was the Kingdom of Prussia Located and Where Did the Name Prussia Come From?

where was the kingdom of prussia located and where did the name prussia come from

Although there once was a country named Prussia, it doesn’t exist anymore. Prussia was a German kingdom and historic state that had significant influence on German and European history. During the 18th century, Prussia was a powerful European kingdom under the reign of Frederick the Great. After World War II, Poland, Germany, and Russia each … Read more

How Did the Fall of Communism In Eastern Europe Impact Countries Such As Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia?

how did the fall of communism in eastern europe impact countries such as germany poland and czechoslovakia

The year 1989 was the beginning of the end of Communist governments in several eastern European countries. People in Poland, Hungary, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Romania, the German Democratic Republic, and elsewhere began demanding rights and freedoms that had been suppressed under Communism. In 1989, the Berlin Wall, the symbolic structure separating Communist East Germany … Read more

What Countries Make Up the Baltic States, What Does the Word Baltic Mean, and Where Did It Originate?

what countries make up the baltic states what does the word baltic mean and where did it originate

Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania all touch the Baltic Sea, and are members of the European Union. After World War I, the Baltic countries were established as independent nations, following centuries of foreign rule. These three countries declared their independence from the Soviet Union in 1990. The people living in the Baltic states have inhabited the … Read more

Which Countries Make Up the Balkan States and What Does the Word Balkan Mean In Turkish?

which countries make up the balkan states and what does the word balkan mean in turkish

Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia, and Yugoslavia, as well as a small part of Turkey, all lie on the Balkan Peninsula. The region has a population of about 55 million people. The Balkans are sometimes referred to as Southeastern Europe. Part of Greece is also on the Balkan Peninsula but … Read more

Which Countries Make Up the Middle East and Where Did the Term “Middle East” Come From?

which countries make up the middle east and where did the term middle east come from

Geographers sometimes disagree on this point, but most place the following countries in the Middle East: Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. The Middle East is often used as a synonym for Near East, as opposed to the Far … Read more

Which Part of the Middle East Is Known As the Cradle of Civilization and Where Is Mesopotamia Located?

which part of the middle east is known as the cradle of civilization and where is mesopotamia located

In ancient times, the fertile valley between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in the area of today’s Iraq was called Mesopotamia. It is often called the cradle of civilization because the development of agriculture there meant that people could live in one place year round. This stability eventually led to the creation of cities and … Read more

How Do People Manage To Grow Crops In An Arid Environment Such As the Middle East?

how do people manage to grow crops in an arid environment such as the middle east

Irrigation has long been necessary for farming in the Middle East. Water from the region’s two major river systems, the Nile and the Tigris-Euphrates, has made agriculture possible. One unusual source of water for irrigation is the qanat system. For at least 2,000 years, people in the Middle East have dug underground tunnels that funnel … Read more

Who Are the Arab People and Which Countries Do Most Arab People Come From?

who are the arab people and which countries do most arab people come from

Geographers define Arabs as people who speak the Arabic language and who usually, though not always, practice the Islamic religion. About 90 percent of the people who live in Middle Eastern countries and northern Africa are Arabic. Non-Arabs include Iranians, who speak Farsi (the ancient Persian language); Turks, who speak Turkish; and Kurds, who speak … Read more

Which Countries Are the Leading Producers of Oil In the World?

which countries are the leading producers of oil in the world

The leading producers of oil in the world are Saudi Arabia, the United States, Russia, Iraq, Iran, and Venezuela. All of these countries are members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, also known as OPEC. The goals of OPEC are to ensure the stabilization of prices in international oil markets and eliminate harmful … Read more

How Much Oil From the Middle East Does the United States Depend On and How Much Oil Does the U.S. Import?

how much oil from the middle east does the united states depend on and how much oil does the u s import

The United States imports about half of all the oil it needs. Of that amount, about one-fifth comes from the Middle Eastern countries of Bahrain, Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The United States is the largest consumer of oil in the world and is the 3rd largest oil producing country … Read more

What Is the Difference Between Holland and the Netherlands and What Is the Proper Name of the Dutch Country?

what is the difference between holland and the netherlands and what is the proper name of the dutch country

Netherlands, or the Netherlands, is the proper name of the country on the North Sea that borders Belgium and Germany. “Holland” is sometimes used to mean the Netherlands, but technically it is the name of a region in the western part of the country. About one-fourth of the Netherlands lies below sea level. For nearly … Read more

How Does France Compare In Size and Economy With Other Countries In Europe and the World?

how does france compare in size and economy with other countries in europe and the world

France is the third largest European country in land area, behind Russia and Ukraine. From a U.S. perspective, it’s somewhat smaller than Texas. It is the world’s fourth largest economy, after the United States, Japan, and Germany. France is the top tourist destination in the world, followed by Spain, the United States, and Italy. It … Read more

Where Did the Legend of Atlantis Come From and Was There Really Such a Place As the Island Atlantis?

where did the legend of atlantis come from and was there really such a place as the island atlantis

Atlantis is a legendary island that was first mentioned in Plato’s dialogues Timaeus and Critias. In Plato’s account, Atlantis was a naval power that conquered many parts of Western Europe and Africa in 9600 B.C. Atlantis sank into the ocean “in a single day and night of misfortune” after a failed attempt to invade Athens. … Read more

Why Is the City of Venice In Italy Slowly Sinking Into the Sea and How Do People In Venice Get Around?

why is the city of venice in italy slowly sinking into the sea and how do people in venice get around

Venice is slowly sinking, or subsiding, into the marshy ground on which it was built beginning more than a thousand years ago. Some U.S. scientists believe that it has subsided about 9.3 inches (24 cm) in the past century. Frequent flooding caused by storms and high tides is causing building foundations to erode, making matters … Read more

Where Are the Alps Located and Which Countries In Europe Does the Alps Mountain Range Cross?

where are the alps located and which countries in europe does the alps mountain range cross

Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Germany, Italy, and Slovenia are the major countries that lie within the 660-mile (1,060-m) crescent of the Alps mountain range, Europe’s largest. The countries of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, and Albania also have portions of the Alps, called the Dinaric Alps, within their boundaries. For thousands of years, travelers had a … Read more

Where Is Transylvania Located and Is There Really a Place Called Transylvania Where Count Dracula Lives?

where is transylvania located and is there really a place called transylvania where count dracula lives

Transylvania is a province of Romania that sits atop a plateau in the central part of the country. Transylvania is often associated with the legendary Count Dracula, Vlad Tepes, also known as Vlad the Impaler. Vlad the Impaler was a real Wallachian prince, and carried out his atrocities in this region in the 1400s. Transylvania … Read more

Which Countries Made Up the Old Soviet Union Before the Collapse of Its Communist Government In 1991?

which countries made up the old soviet union before the collapse of its communist government in 1991

The Soviet Union, which dissolved in 1991 after the collapse of its Communist government, was officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The Soviet Union contained Russia and today’s independent countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. The Soviet economy was the second … Read more

What is the Russian Federation and When Did the Soviet Union Collapse and Form 15 Independent Republics?

what is the russian federation and when did the soviet union collapse and form 15 independent republics

The Russian Federation is Russia’s offical name. The Russian Federation, which occupies about three-fourths of the land that once was the Soviet Union, is made up of 21 autonomous republics, 50 oblasts (or regions), 6 krays (or provinces), 2 federal cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg), 1 autonomous oblast, and 10 autonomous okrugs (or autonomous territories). … Read more

What Is the Longest Tunnel In Europe and How Long Is the Gotthard Base Tunnel In Switzerland?

what is the longest tunnel in europe and how long is the gotthard base tunnel in switzerland

For many years, Europe’s, and the world’s, longest road tunnel was the 10.5-mile (16.9-km) St. Gotthard road tunnel in central Switzerland. But in 2000, Norway opened the 15.3-mile (24.5-km) Laerdal road tunnel that cuts through mountains to connect the capital, Oslo, with the port city of Bergen. Switzerland is now building what will become the … Read more

What Is the Difference Between Ireland and Northern Ireland and Why Was There Conflict Between the Two?

what is the difference between ireland and northern ireland and why was there conflict between the two

Ireland has been home to the Republic of Ireland, an independent country, since 1921, when it broke away from the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland occupies about 83 percent of the whole island, which is about the size of West Virginia, while Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, takes up the … Read more

How Much of the World Did the United Kingdom Rule and Why Did the British Empire Decline After World War I?

how much of the world did the united kingdom rule and why did the british empire decline after world war i

In 1900, the United Kingdom ruled an empire that covered one-fourth of the world’s land area. By 1922, the British Empire rules over a population of about 458 million people, or about one-quarter of the world’s population at the time. The empire slowly broke up, the result of two devastating world wars and the desire … Read more

What Languages Do Most People Speak In United Kingdom and Does Everyone In the United Kingdom Speak English?

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Just about everyone in the United Kingdom speaks English. But several thousand people in Scotland also speak Scottish Gaelic, and some people in Northern Ireland speak Irish Gaelic. About one in five people in Wales speaks both Welsh and English, and a handful speak only Welsh. Welsh and Gaelic developed from the ancient Celtic language, … Read more

Where Is Hadrian’s Wall and Why Was Hadrian’s Wall In Northern England Built By Roman Emperor Hadrian?

where is hadrians wall and why was hadrians wall in northern england built by roman emperor hadrian

What’s left of Hadrian’s wall, originally about 73 miles (117 km) long, is in northern England, south of the Scottish border. This massive stone wall was ordered built by the Roman emperor Hadrian almost 2,000 years ago to mark the northern boundary of the Roman empire. Built in AD 122 during the rule of emperor … Read more

How Many Different Languages Are Spoken In Europe and What Is the Most Widely Spoken Language In Europe?

how many different languages are spoken in europe and what is the most widely spoken language in europe

People in the 47 European countries speak about 50 languages and more than 100 dialects, which are the regional variations of a language. Within the 15 countries of the European Union, the most widely spoken language is English. About 16 percent speak English as a first language and another 31 percent speak it well enough … Read more

What Is the Most Widely Practiced Religion In Europe and How Many Christians In Europe Are Roman Catholic?

what is the most widely practiced religion in europe and how many christians in europe are roman catholic

Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in Europe. More than half of European Christians are Roman Catholic; the rest are Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, or Anglican. Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in the Bible. Christianity has three major branches: Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, and … Read more

What Is a Euro and When Were Euro Bills and Coins Introduced As Official Currency In Europe?

what is a euro and when were euro bills and coins introduced as official currency in europe

The euro is a new form of official currency in 12 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. In 2002, these countries began using euro bills and coins instead of their own currencies. The three remaining European Union countries, Denmark, Sweden, and Great Britain, still use … Read more

What Language Do People In Iceland Speak and Do People In Iceland Speak Danish?

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People in Iceland do not speak Danish, they speak their own Scandinavian language called Icelandic. It’s one of the most unchanged languages in the world, thanks to Iceland’s geographic isolation. It is similar to Old Norse, which was spoken by the original settlers. According to Landnámabók, the settlement of Iceland began in AD 874 when … Read more

Why Was the Euro Introduced As a Currency In Europe and How Many Countries Are Part of the Eurozone?

why was the euro introduced as a currency in europe and how many countries are part of the eurozone

The euro makes it easy to conduct business with other EU member countries and among world nations. For example, travelers visiting EU countries no longer have to carry different national currencies for each country they visit. 16 of the 27 Member States of the European Union are part of the eurozone in 2010, and they … Read more

Where Did the Name Scandinavia Come From and Is Scandinavia a Country or a Region?

where did the name scandinavia come from and is scandinavia a country or a region

Scandinavia is a region that comprises the countries of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Finland and Iceland are sometimes considered part of Scandinavia. Scandinavia extends into the Arctic Circle, but has mild weather because of the Gulf Stream. Most of the people who live in Scandinavia are Scandinavians, and belong to the group of Germanic peoples. … Read more

What Is the Difference Between the United Kingdom and Great Britain and Is Ireland Part of Great Britain?

what is the difference between the united kingdom and great britain and is ireland part of great britain

The United Kingdom is almost the same as Great Britain, but not quite. Great Britain refers to the island that contains England, Wales, and Scotland. It’s the eighth largest island in the world. The United Kingdom is the short name of the country that includes those three regions, plus Northern Ireland, the northeastern corner of … Read more

What Is the European Union and How Many Countries Are Part of the European Union?

what is the european union and how many countries are part of the european union

The European Union, the EU for short, is made up of 27 western European countries that cooperate on certain political matters and that are working together to form a united European economy. As of 2010, the EU members are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, … Read more

How Did Bolivia Get Its Name and Which Famous Person Is Bolivia Named After?

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Bolivia is named after the Venezuelan general Simon Bolivar, who helped the former Spanish colony gain its independence in 1825. Simon Bolivar is considered to be a great liberator in South America, and he inspired many leaders to fight to free the continent from Spanish control. Bolivia has struggled through periods of political instability, dictatorships … Read more

Why Is Europe Considered a Continent and Which Other Traditional Continent Is Part of Eurasia?

why is europe considered a continent and which other traditional continent is part of eurasia

Europe is considered a continent because Europe is a principal division of land, which is how geographers have traditionally defined a continent. In reality, Europe is part of one huge landmass known as Eurasia. But because the cultures of Asia and Europe are so different, geographers have historically considered Europe a separate continent. Eurasia is … Read more

Why Are Rain Forests Important In Sustaining Life On Earth and How Do Trees Help Reduce Global Warming?

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Tropical rain forests play a major role in sustaining all the earth’s living things, both plants and animals. Trees take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Fewer trees mean that more carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming as well as to destruction of places for plants and animals to live. … Read more

Where Are the Highest and Lowest Points In South America and How Tall Is Mount Aconcagua In the Andes?

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Both extremes, the highest and lowest points in South America, are in Argentina. Mount Aconcagua in the Andes, the highest point in South America, is 22,834 feet (6,960 m) high. Located in in the Argentine province of Mendoza, Mount Aconcagua is also the highest mountain outside Asia. Many people believe that the name Aconcagua comes … Read more

Who Are the Portenos and What Does the Word Porteños Mean In Spanish?

who are the portenos and what does the word portenos mean in spanish

The word Porteños means “people of the port” in Spanish. Portenos are citizens of Argentina’s capital and largest city, Buenos Aires. They represent people of various cultures, including Italian, German, and Spanish. Buenos Aires is considered to be the most European city in South America, and is the second largest metropolitan area in South America, … Read more

How Did Argentina Get Its Name and What Does the Word Argentina Mean In Latin?

how did argentina get its name and what does the word argentina mean in latin

Argentina’s name comes from the Latin word for “silver,” argentum. Silver is the precious metal that attracted Spanish settlers there in the 1500s. They didn’t find silver, but they found fertile soils that brought the citizens riches from the production of grains and cattle centuries later. Argentina is the second largest country in South America, … Read more

What Types of Natural Resources Are Found In South America and Which Country Has Copper Mines?

what types of natural resources are found in south america and which country has copper mines

South America is rich in natural resources of all kinds. Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru produce petroleum products. Brazil has tin, iron ore, and manganese mines. Tin is also mined in Bolivia. Bauxite, an ore used to make aluminum, comes from mines in Brazil, Guyana, and Suriname. Chile is the world’s top producer … Read more

What Is the Biggest Threat To South America’s Forests and How Does Deforestation Accelerate Global Warming?

what is the biggest threat to south americas forests and how does deforestation accelerate global warming

Logging activites are the biggest destroyer of South American forests, but mining, energy exploration, and road building are also major threats. The main sources of deforestation in the Amazon are human settlement and development of the land. Many environmentalists are concerned about loss of biodiversity, and the release of the carbon contained within the vegetation, … Read more

What Types of Food Come From South America and When Were Potatoes First Cultivated In South America?

what types of food come from south america and when were potatoes first cultivated in south america

Many of the food items that people all over the world enjoy originated in South America. For example, potatoes were first cultivated about 7,000 years ago in the Andes mountains. Tomatoes were also first grown in South America, in the area of today’s Peru and Ecuador. Also native to the continent are peanuts, yams, pineapples, … Read more

What Is the Smallest Country In South America In Population and What Is the Official Language of Suriname?

what is the smallest country in south america in population and what is the official language of suriname

Suriname, on South America’s northeast coast, is the smallest in both land area and population. Most people live in the port city of Paramaribo. Suriname was a colony of the Netherlands until 1975. Dutch is still the official language, but 10 other languages are spoken there, the most common of which is Sranan Tongo. In … Read more

What Language Do People In Peru Speak and How Many Official Languages Does Peru Have?

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Peru has two official languages: Spanish and Quechua, the native Inca language. Most Peruvian people speak Spanish. Peru’s main economic activities include agriculture, fishing, mining, and manufacturing. About 29.5 million people live in Peru and the earliest evidence of human civilizations in Peru is dated to about 10,560 B.C. The word Peru is comes from … Read more

What Makes the Inca Ruins At Machu Picchu In Peru So Unusual and When Was Machu Picchu Built?

what makes the inca ruins at machu picchu in peru so unusual and when was machu picchu built

Archaeologists aren’t sure why the Incas built this city with its terraced gardens so high (7,710 feet/2,350 m) in the Andes Mountains. But they have noted that it sits in a unique geographic location. On the days of the spring and fall equinoxes and the winter and summer solstices, the sun rises directly behind certain … Read more