How old is the Mafia and how did the term originate?

how old is the mafia and how did the term originate

Almost everyone agrees that the Mafia started as a shadow organization in Sicily. What’s amazing is that historians can’t seem to agree on what the name means. Most historians also can’t tell us whether it started in the ninth century, the 18th century, or somewhere in between. The Mafia is also known as “Cosa Nostra” … Read more

Why did the ancient Egyptians worship cats and make cat mummies?

why did the ancient egyptians worship cats and make cat mummies

If you’re an avid cat person, the answer to why the ancient Egyptians worshiped cats of course is self-evident: Because cats are divine. Egyptians literally believed that to be true, to the point that if a household cat died, its owners would shave their eyebrows in mourning and lovingly transport the cat carcass to one … Read more

Has anybody tried to remove the phrase “In God We Trust” from U.S. coins?

has anybody tried to remove the phrase in god we trust from u s coins

Considering both the church/state and God/mammon issues, it’s not surprising that some people have objected to the phrase “In God We Trust” on U.S. coins. In 1996, the Freedom from Religion Foundation sued to have the slogan removed from United States money. A federal judge ruled against them, arguing somewhat illogically that ” ‘In God … Read more

How did the phrase “In God We Trust” appear on U.S. coins and when?

how did the phrase in god we trust appear on u s coins and when scaled

The phrase “In God We Trust” first appeared on U.S. coins during the Civil War. The idea came from a letter that Treasury Secretary Salmon Chase got from an influential Pennsylvania minister named Reverend M. R. Watkinson. “You are probably Christian,” Watkinson wrote. “One fact touching our currency has hitherto been seriously overlooked. I mean … Read more

Who was on U.S. President Richard Nixon’s “Enemies List”?

who was on u s president richard nixons enemies list

Literally hundreds of people and organizations were on U.S. President Richard Nixon’s “Enemies List”. The list was given to government agencies, like the IRS, with quiet presidential orders to harass the people on it. He wanted payback. Some of the more famous names on the list included movie stars, politicians, and media folks, including Carol … Read more

Where Did the Phrase “A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand” Come From and What Does the Idiom Mean?

where did the phrase a house divided against itself cannot stand come from and what does the idiom mean

The phrase “A house divided against itself cannot stand” originally came from the Bible. “Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself shall not stand” (Matthew 12:25). Abraham Lincoln popularized the verse in his speech accepting the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate from Illinois in June of … Read more

What happened in the duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr?

what happened in the duel between alexander hamilton and aaron burr

America’s most infamous duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr took place on July 11, 1804, in Weehawken, New Jersey. Burr and Hamilton had become political rivals when Burr won a Senate seat that had belonged to Hamilton’s father-in-law. When Burr left the vice presidency and ran an unsuccessful campaign for New York governor, he … Read more

Which U.S. president received the most Electoral College votes?

which u s president received the most electoral college votes

Well, George Washington won 1000/0 of the electoral votes when his name was put up for election. Second-best was Richard Nixon in 1972, who got 520 electoral votes against George McGovern’s 17. John Hospers of the Libertarian Party also won 1. This took place less than two years before Nixon was forced to resign from … Read more

Who was the most unpopular U.S. president in history?

who was the most unpopular u s president in history

The most unpopular U.S. president in history was probably John Tyler, who took over Harrison’s presidency following his death. After Tyler vetoed key points of his own Whig Party’s program, his entire cabinet resigned, except one member. An armed mob stormed the White House and threw rocks through its windows, and members of his party … Read more

Besides Ulysses S. Grant, is there anyone else buried in Grant’s Tomb?

besides ulysses s grant is there anyone else buried in grants tomb

Yes. Ulysses S. Grant’s wife, Julia Dent Grant, is also buried Grant’s Tomb. The presidential memorial in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City. The General Grant National Memorial was designed by architect John Duncan, and was completed in 1897. The National Park Service claims that it is the largest mausoleum in … Read more

What is Camp David and who is it named after?

what is camp david and who is it named after

No, Camp David was not named after the guy in the Bible who killed Goliath. Camp David is the presidential retreat that was founded by Franklin Roosevelt, who named it Shangri-La. Dwight Eisenhower renamed it in honor of his grandson, David Eisenhower. That name stuck. David’s only other claim to fame since was that he … Read more

Were there any U.S. presidents that were not Christians?

were there any u s presidents that were not christians

If you judge the U.S. presidents by the fruits of their actions, we suppose someone could make a case that a number of them were not Christians, regardless of what faith they claimed. However, Abraham Lincoln was one who specifically rejected Christianity, even writing a pamphlet called Infidelity, which sought to disprove the Bible generally … Read more

Who was the youngest American President in U.S. history?

who was the youngest american president in u s history

Okay, pay attention, because this is confusing if you don’t. Kennedy at 43 was the youngest person elected president, but he wasn’t the youngest president. Roosevelt was vice president when McKinley was assassinated, elevating Teddy to the presidency when he was a mere 42. That makes Teddy Roosevelt the youngest American President in U.S. history. … Read more

How many U.S. presidents have resigned from office and when?

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Only one U.S. president has resigned from office, Richard Nixon. Richard Milhous Nixon was the 37th President of the United States from 1969–1974, and was born in 1913. Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, California and graduated from Duke University School of Law in 1937. Nixon was remembered best for the Watergate scandal, when illegal … Read more

How many U.S. vice presidents have resigned from office?

how many u s vice presidents have resigned from office

Two U.S. vice presidents have resigned from office. John Calhoun resigned in a policy dispute with the president, and Spiro Agnew resigned after it was discovered he’d been taking bribes. Spiro Theodore Agnew was the 39th Vice President of the United States, serving under President Richard Nixon. Agnew was under investigation by the United States … Read more

Who was the first U.S. vice president to officially become acting president when the real president was incapable of performing his duties?

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Believe it or not, George Bush was the first U.S. vice president to officially become acting president when the real president was incapable of performing his duties. On July 13, 1985, while Reagan was having a tumor removed from his colon, he transferred presidential power to his vice president, George Bush. Officially, the switch occurred … Read more

How many of the first five U.S. presidents were born in England?

how many of the first five u s presidents were born in england scaled

Zero of the first five U.S. presidents were born in England. Of the first five, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe, John Adams was the only one not born in the colony of Virginia. He was from the Massachusetts Bay colony. Back then, it was important that U.S presidents were … Read more

Who was the first U.S. President born in a hospital?

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Jimmy Carter was the first U.S. president born in a hospital. Until well into the 20th century, most people were born at home. James Earl “Jimmy” Carter, Jr. was born on October 1, 1924 and served as the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981. President Carter was also the recipient of … Read more

Did any U.S. presidents have adopted kids and what were their names?

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Yes, several U.S. presidents have adopted kids. Including Martha Washington’s children that George Washington adopted, there were two others: Andrew Jackson and Ronald Reagan. Unlike the trend with celebrities today, adopting kids back then wasn’t in vogue. We highly doubt the kids adopted by these Presidents were Chinese or of ethnic decent.

What illnesses and medical conditions did John F. Kennedy have during his presidency?

what illnesses and medical conditions did john f kennedy have during his presidency

John F. Kennedy was quite sick during his presidency. During his childhood, back problems, jaundice, and other ailments kept Kennedy scrawny and weak. He suffered from two other serious problems: Addison’s disease, in which the body can’t produce sufficient amounts of the crucial immunity-boosting hormone cortisol, and a degeneration of the spine, probably due to … Read more

How many U.S. presidents didn’t have kids and what were their names?

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A disproportionate number of U.S. presidents named James didn’t have kids: James Madison, James Polk, and James Buchanan. George Washington had no children of his own, but raised Martha’s children from her previous marriage. Her children certainly considered him a father, as is evidenced by the fact that they allowed him and Martha to raise … Read more

Why did pirates make prisoners walk the plank and what were the other forms of punishment?

why did pirates make prisoners walk the plank and what were the other forms of punishment

You’ve got the instincts of a pirate all right if you’ve asked yourself this question. It turns out that pirates did indeed toss prisoners overboard, and they didn’t really make them walk the plank. The walking-the-plank myth was first introduced in Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic Treasure Island and has since been reinforced by pirate literature … Read more

Was Sir Francis Drake a pirate at some point in his career which was funded by Queen Elizabeth?

was sir francis drake a pirate at some point in his career which was funded by queen elizabeth

Sir Francis Drake was a pirate all through his career, actually. Drake made his living by smuggling slaves and pirating Spanish ships. His entire “voyage around the world” was funded by Queen Elizabeth and was, in essence, a thinly-veiled privateering racket to plunder Spanish ships and settlements. It was only because the British hated the … Read more

Where can I get a stained handkerchief that has gangster John Dillinger’s blood on it?

where can i get a stained handkerchief that has gangster john dillingers blood on it scaled

Gruesome, yes, and also very possible to acquire a stained handkerchief that has gangster John Dillinger’s blood on it. We do know that ghoulish souvenir hunters dipped handkerchiefs and newspapers into the pool of Dillinger’s blood on the sidewalk. It’s possible that your grandmother was one of these ghouls, but we’d rather believe she’s joking. … Read more

Did Bonnie and Clyde work with other bank robbers like John Dillinger?

did bonnie and clyde work with other bank robbers like john dillinger

Bonnie and Clyde didn’t work with any other bank robbers, many whom were true professionals, who weren’t too impressed with them. “They’re giving bank robbery a bad name,” complained John Dillinger. For one thing, Clyde was a little too quick on the trigger finger. The FBI blamed 13 murders on them during their two-year crime … Read more

What gangster wrote a fan letter to Henry Ford about his cars?

what gangster wrote a fan letter to henry ford about his cars

Clyde Barrow the gangster wrote a fan letter to Henry Ford about his cars. On April 10, 1934, Barrow sat down and addressed a letter to Mr. Ford from a hideout where he and Bonnie Parker were holed-up in Florida. The letter, stamped “Received” by the Ford Motor Company three days later, read, mistakes and … Read more

Who was the “Lady in Red” who betrayed John Dillinger?

who was the lady in red who betrayed john dillinger

Immediately after John Dillinger’s death, rumors quickly spread about a mysterious “Lady in Red” who had betrayed Dillinger by pulling out a handkerchief as she left the theater. Ironically, the lady dressed in red wasn’t Anna Sage, Dillinger’s real betrayer, but his unsuspecting date, Polly Hamilton, who was wearing a dark orange dress. Another irony: … Read more

Who ordered the Valentine Day’s Massacre?

who ordered the valentine days massacre

Al Capone ordered the Valentine Day’s Massacre. Here are more questions and answers. What did Al Capone claim was his real business? His business card identified him as a secondhand furniture dealer. Were any of Al Capone’s brothers also gangsters? No. In fact, his brother Vince was a policeman in Omaha. Where did “Scarface” Al … Read more

What did the J. stand for in J. Edgar Hoover?

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The J. in J. Edgar Hoover stood for John. Johnny Hoover chose to go by his middle name. What did the “G” stand for? It is anybody’s guess. Born on January 1, 1895, John Edgar Hoover was the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or FBI. Hoover is credited with building and success … Read more

How did Bugsy Siegal join the Mafia and create Las Vegas when he wasn’t Italian?

how did bugsy siegal join the mafia and create las vegas when he wasnt italian

Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegal, who hated his nickname by the way, was a young Jewish punk when “Lucky” Luciano discovered him. While Siegal wasn’t from any particular crime family originally, Luciano was an equal-opportunity sort of guy. Together with Luciano and another Jewish kid named Meyer Lansky, Siegal formed one of the most powerful crime syndicates … Read more

Why did Kate “Ma” Barker get her boys involved in a gang and who was the Mastermind?

why did kate ma barker get her boys involved in a gang and who was the mastermind

Kate “Ma” Barker, despite a popular myth that emerged after her death, wasn’t really the brains behind the crimes of the Barker boys. Her biggest crime was harboring, excusing, and overindulging her criminal children—Freddy, Herman, Lloyd, and Doc—and their delinquent friends. Elmer H. Inman, a glasses-wearing, professor type, was the real mastermind. Others were Glen … Read more

Who were the first gangsters and how did the word originate?

who were the first gangsters and how did the word originate

Less-evolved people have been acting like thugs and gangsters for most of human history. However, the word “gangster” wasn’t coined until 1896. The word first appeared in a newspaper in Columbus, Ohio, in April of that year. The word “Mobster” didn’t appear until 1917, although the word “mob” first showed up in the 17th century, … Read more

Is the Mafia the biggest criminal organization in the world?

is the mafia the biggest criminal organization in the world

The Mafia doesn’t even come close to being world’s biggest criminal organization. The Mafia has a few thousand active members worldwide. The ancient, even more mysterious Six Great Triads of China has close to 100,000. The Mafia is also known as “Cosa Nostra” is a criminal organization, and is believed to have created in Sicily … Read more

Who were the “assassins” and did the word originate from “hashish”?

who were the assassins and did the word originate from hashish

The word “assassin” comes from hashshashin, meaning hemp-eaters, a name given to a secretive band of Muslims in Persia and Asia Minor in the 11th through the 13th centuries. The shadowy group, officially called the Nizari Isma’ilites, supposedly smoked hashish and killed their enemies while under its influence. Led by Hasan-e Sabbah, who believed that … Read more

Who were the Thugs of India and how did they get their nickname?

who were the thugs of india and how did they get their nickname

The word “Thug”, meaning criminal or gangster in today’s context, has its origins in honor of the Thugs, a centuries-old criminal society in India. Its members robbed and murdered in honor of Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction, who was the wife of Shiva. The Thugs always murdered by strangling because spilling blood was against … Read more

Who were the Kelly Gang of bank robbers who wore suits of armor?

who were the kelly gang of bank robbers who wore suits of armor scaled

That would be the Kelly Gang, four “bushrangers” (outlaws) led by Ned and Dan Kelly, who robbed banks in Australia in 1879 and 1880. Their most interesting contribution to the art of bankrobbing was their suits of armor, fashioned out of plow blades they’d stolen from farmers. Three of the gang were caught by police … Read more

Who was “Bat” Masterson of the American Old West and how did he get his nickname?

who was bat masterson of the american old west and how did he get his nickname

Bat Masterson was also known as Bartholomew Masterson. He later called himself William Barclay. Born in 1853, William Barclay “Bat” Masterson of the American Old West was a buffalo hunter, U.S. Army scout, gambler, frontier lawman, U.S. Marshal, and columnist for the New York Morning Telegraph. Masterson was the brother of lawmen James Masterson and … Read more

When Did Catherine the Great Have Sex With a Horse?

when did catherine the great have sex with a horse

Rumor had it that Catherine the Great accomplished the feat with a special harness. The horse was lowered onto her from above, and that she died when the harness broke and the horse crushed her. It’s one of the naughtier sex stories in history, and it’s completely, entirely untrue. Catherine the Great was the German-born … Read more

Is it true that King Louis XIV of France never bathed?

is it true that king louis xiv of france never bathed

That’s slander and a damnable lie that the king never bathed. Historians tell us King Louis XIV of France bathed once a year, whether he needed it or not. The Sun King probably was ruler of France after all, and could do whatever he wanted.

When did Queen Victoria of England marry her first cousin?

when did queen victoria of england marry her first cousin

“Recent” is relative, no pun intended. The noted Victorian queen, Queen Victoria, married her first cousin. For years she had refused to consider marriage. It was rumored she had a serious crush on the first prime minister, a Whig named Lord Melbourne, during these reluctant years. In 1840, she gave into parental pressure and married … Read more

Why was King Louis XIV of France called “the Sun King”?

why was king louis xiv of france called the sun king

King Louis XIV of France chose the sun as an emblem of his rule over France. He had it incorporated into decorations around the palace, within portraits and emblems, such as royal stamps, his crown, and scepter. He also had a picture of a sun traced into the palace gardens. Why the sun? It was … Read more