Who Discovered the relationship between matter and energy and What is the most famous equation in the history of humankind?

who discovered the relationship between matter and energy and what is the most famous equation in the history of humankind

For all of history, matter was matter and energy was energy. The two were separate, unrelated concepts. Then Albert Einstein established the relationship between matter and energy by creating the most famous equation in the history of humankind, E = mc2. (The second most famous is the Pythagorean Theorem for a right triangle, A2 = … Read more

Who Discovered Neutrons and Where do Neutrons come from?

who discovered neutrons and where do neutrons come from

A neutron is a subatomic particle located in the nucleus of an atom with the mass of a proton but no electrical charge. The discovery of neutrons has been hailed as a major landmark of twentieth-century science. First, this discovery completed our understanding of the structure of atoms. Second, because they have no electrical charge, … Read more

Who Discovered Hormones and How do the chemical messengers trigger action in various organs in the body?

who discovered hormones and how do the chemical messengers trigger action in various organs in the body

At the dawn of the twentieth century, scientists thought that all control signals in the human body were sent electrically along nerve fibers. Then William Bayliss and Ernst Starling discovered that chemical messengers (called hormones) as well as electric signals trigger body organs to function. This startling discovery started a whole new field of medical … Read more

Who Discovered Atmospheric Layers and What is the difference between the troposphere and the stratosphere?

who discovered atmospheric layers and what is the difference between the troposphere and the stratosphere

What could be more basic to understanding planet Earth than to know what lies between the surface and Earth’s center, or between the surface and outer space? Yet the twentieth century dawned with science having virtually no concept of what the atmosphere was like more than two miles above the earth’s surface. Teisserenc de Bort … Read more

Who Discovered Mitochondria and What does the word Mitochondria mean in Greek?

who discovered mitochondria and what does the word mitochondria mean in greek

Mitochondria are tiny energy producers in every cell. One of many tiny structures floating in the cell’s cytoplasm (fluid) that are collectively called organelles, mitochondria are considered the most important of all cell parts, besides the nucleus. Amazingly, mitochondria have their own separate DNA. You depend on them. They depend on you. And yet they … Read more

Who Discovered Cell Structures and What was the first accurate map of the structures that make up a living cell?

who discovered cell structures and what was the first accurate map of the structures that make up a living cell

Albert Claude was the first scientist to develop procedures for isolating and studying individual structures within a cell. He is the one who mapped the inner organization and activity of a cell and its many components. He is rightly called the founder of modern cell biology. Although he never graduated from high school, Claude pioneered … Read more

Who Discovered the Theory of Relativity and How does space and time merge to form the fabric of the universe?

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Albert Einstein is one of only three or four scientists in history who have changed the fundamental ways in which humans view the universe. Einstein’s theory of relativity changed humankind’s core assumptions concerning the nature of the universe and of Earth’s and of humans’ place in it. The twentieth century’s developments in technology, science, and … Read more

Who Discovered Antibiotics and How do Antibiotics kill infectious organisms without harming the human host?

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The word “antibiotic” comes from the Greek words meaning “against life.” Early folk medicine relied on some natural compounds that cured certain diseases, the ground bark of a tree, certain cheese molds, certain fungi. Doctors knew that these natural compounds worked, but had no idea of how or why they worked. Paul Ehrlich conducted the … Read more

Who Discovered Quantum Theory and How does the mathematical system describe the behavior of the subatomic world?

who discovered quantum theory and how does the mathematical system describe the behavior of the subatomic world

In the first 20 years of the twentieth century, physics buzzed with the incredible discovery of the subatomic world. Long before microscopes were powerful enough to allow researchers to see an atom, scientists used mathematics to probe into the subatomic world of electrons, protons, and alpha and beta particles. Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Max Planck, … Read more

Who Discovered Atomic Bonding and How do electrons gain, lose, and hold energy?

who discovered atomic bonding and how do electrons gain lose and hold energy

Marie Curie opened the century by proving that there was a subatomic world. Einstein, Dirac, Heisenberg, Born, Rutherford, and others provided the new theoretical descriptions of this subatomic world. But proving what lurked within an atom’s shell, and what governed its behavior, lingered as the great physics challenges of the early twentieth century. It was … Read more

Who Discovered Black Holes and Where do Black Holes come from?

who discovered black holes and where do black holes come from

A black hole is a collapsed star that is so dense, and whose gravitational pull is so great, that not even light can escape it. Such stars would look like black holes in a black universe. Many consider black holes to be the ultimate wonder of the universe, the strangest of all stellar objects. Black … Read more

Who Discovered Neurotransmitters and How do they transmit nerve impulses between individual neuron fibers?

who discovered neurotransmitters and how do they transmit nerve impulses between individual neuron fibers

Like cracking the genetic code, like the creation of the atomic bomb, the discovery of how the brain’s system of neurons communicates is one of the fundamental science developments of the twentieth century. Nerves signal sensations to the brain; the brain flashes back commands to muscles and organs through nerves. But how? Otto Loewi’s discovery … Read more

Who Discovered the Electron and When was the first subatomic particle discovered?

who discovered the electron and when was the first subatomic particle discovered

Atoms had never been seen before. Defined as the smallest particles possible and the basic building blocks of all matter, they were invisibly small, in the late nineteenth century still more theoretical than real. How could someone claim to have found something smaller? How could particles get any smaller? J. J. Thomson discovered the electron … Read more

Who Discovered that the Universe is Expanding and millions of galaxies move away from its center?

who discovered that the universe is expanding and millions of galaxies move away from its center

Edwin Hubble’s twin discoveries (that there are many galaxies in the universe, not just the Milky Way, and that all of those galaxies are traveling outward, expanding the universe) rank as the most important astronomical discoveries of the twentieth century. These discoveries radically changed science’s view of the cosmos and of our place in it. … Read more

Who Discovered that the Earth is shaped by erosion and geologic forces over millions of years?

who discovered that the earth is shaped by erosion and geologic forces over millions of years

In the eighteenth century scientists still believed that Earth’s surface had remained unchanged until cataclysmic events (the great flood of Noah’s ark fame was the most often sited example) radically and suddenly changed the face of our planet. They tried to understand the planet’s surface structures by searching for those few explosive events. Attempts to … Read more

Where does Heat come from and Who Discovered that friction causes heat?

where does heat come from and who discovered that friction causes heat

Scientists once believed that heat was an invisible, weightless liquid called caloric. Things that were hot were stuffed with caloric. Caloric flowed from hot to cold. They also believed that fire (combustion) came from another invisible substance called phlogiston, a vital essence of combustible substances. As a substance burned, it lost phlogiston to air. The … Read more

Who Discovered the Uncertainty Principle and Why is it impossible to know the position and motion of a particle?

who discovered the uncertainty principle and why is it impossible to know the position and motion of a particle

Werner Heisenberg is famed worldwide for discovering the Uncertainty Principle, which states that it is impossible to determine both the position and momentum (motion) of an elementary particle at the same time since the effort to determine either would change the other in unpredictable ways. This pivotal theorem marked a fundamental turning point in science. … Read more

Who Discovered the Speed of Light and How was the universal constant measured accurately?

who discovered the speed of light and how was the universal constant measured accurately

In the late 1800s discovering the true the speed of light had only minor importance because astronomers were the only ones who used this number. Distances across space are measured in light-years, how far light travels in one year’s time. Since their measurements were only approximations anyway, they could accept a 5 percent (or even … Read more

Who Discovered Blood Types and How Humans have different types of blood that are not all compatible?

who discovered blood types and how humans have different types of blood that are not all compatible

Blood was blood, or so the world thought. Then Austrian physician Karl Landsteiner discovered that there were four types of blood. Some could be safely mixed and some could not. That discovery has saved millions of lives. The day that Karl Landsteiner’s results were published, blood transfusions became a safe and risk-free part of surgery. … Read more

Who Discovered Electromagnetism and How does an electric current create a magnetic field?

who discovered electromagnetism and how does an electric current create a magnetic field

Before 1820, the only known magnetism was the naturally occurring magnetism of iron magnets and of lodestones, small, weak direction finders. Yet the modern world of electric motors and electric generating power plants is muscled by powerful electromagnets. So is every hair dryer, mixer, and washing machine. Our industry, homes, and lives depend on electric … Read more

Who Discovered Heredity and How does Heredity pass traits and characteristics from one generation to the next?

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Gregor Mendel conducted the first serious study of heredity. His findings, his methods, and his discoveries laid the foundation for the field of genetics and the study of genes and heredity. The discoveries of genes, chromosomes, DNA, and the decoding of the human genome (completed in 2003) are all direct descendents of Mendel’s work. The … Read more

Who Discovered the Existence of Molecules and How different atoms are attached to form a Molecule?

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If atoms are the basic building block of each element, then molecules are the basic building blocks of each substance on Earth. Scientists were stalled by their inability to accurately imagine, let alone detect, particles as small as an atom or a molecule. Many had theorized that some tiny particle (that they called an atom) … Read more

Who Discovered Electrochemical Bonding and How Molecular Bonds between chemical elements are electrical in nature?

who discovered electrochemical bonding and how molecular bonds between chemical elements are electrical in nature

Humphry Davy discovered that the chemical bonds between individual atoms in a molecule are electrical in nature. We now know that chemical bonds are created by the sharing or transfer of electrically charged particles, electrons, between atoms. In 1800, the idea that chemistry somehow involved electricity was a radical discovery. Davy’s discovery started the modern … Read more

Who Discovered Infrared and Ultraviolet Radiation and When?

who discovered infrared and ultraviolet radiation and when

Infrared and ultraviolet radiation are key parts of our scientific development over the past 200 years. Yet until 1800 it never occurred to anyone that radiation could exist outside the narrow band that human eyes detect. The discovery of infrared and ultraviolet light expanded science’s view beyond the visible light to the whole radiation spectrum, … Read more

Who Discovered Vaccination and What does the word Vaccination mean in Latin?

who discovered vaccination and what does the word vaccination mean in latin

Have you had smallpox? Polio? Typhoid? Probably not. However, such infectious diseases used to plague humankind. The word plague comes from one of these killer diseases, the bubonic plague. Throughout the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the plague killed nearly half of the population of Europe. Smallpox killed over 100,000 people a year for a century … Read more

Who Discovered Cell Division and How do chromosomes split so that cells can divide to produce new cells?

who discovered cell division and how do chromosomes split so that cells can divide to produce new cells

Chromosomes carry genes that hold the blueprints for building, operating, and maintaining the cells of your body. Genetics and heredity research could not advance until these physical structures inside the nucleus of each cell had been discovered and studied. Our basic understanding of biology also depends, in part, on our knowledge of how cells divide, … Read more

Who First Discovered Oxygen and When was the gaseous element isolated?

who first discovered oxygen and when was the gaseous element isolated

Joseph Priestley’s discovery of oxygen sparked a chemical revolution. He was the first person to isolate a single gaseous element in the mixture of gasses we call “air.” Before Priestley’s discovery, scientific study had focused on metals. By discovering that air wasn’t a uniform thing, Priestley created a new interest in the study of gasses … Read more

Who Discovered the Nature of Electricity and that all forms of electricity are the same?

who discovered the nature of electricity and that all forms of electricity are the same

Electricity is one of our greatest energy resources and one of the few natural energy sources. Benjamin Franklin’s electricity experiments were the first scientific ventures into the nature and use of electricity and uncovered its true nature. They set the stage for much of the scientific and engineering development in the nineteenth century and for … Read more

Who Discovered Conservation of Matter and the law of conservation of mass and When?

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Antoine Lavoisier was the first chemist to believe in measurement during and after experiments. All chemists before had focused on observation and description of the reactions during an experiment. By carefully measuring the weight of each substance, Lavoisier discovered that matter is neither created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction. It may change from one … Read more

Who Discovered Taxonomy and How are organisms grouped and organized into a simple hierarchy?

who discovered taxonomy and how are organisms grouped and organized into a simple hierarchy

Until the eighteenth century, nature was viewed as a wild profusion of life. Carl Linnaeus discovered order and organization in that seeming randomness. His system for naming, grouping, and conceptually organizing plants and animals provided insights into botany, biology, ecosystems, and biological structure that scientists still rely on almost 300 years later. For his discovery, … Read more

Who Discovered the Theory of Evolution and the concept of survival of the fittest and When?

who discovered the theory of evolution and the concept of survival of the fittest and when

Darwin’s theory of evolution and its concept of survival of the fittest is the most fundamental and important discovery of modern biology and ecology. Darwin’s discoveries are 150 years old and are still the foundation of our understanding of the history and evolution of plant and animal life. Darwin’s discovery answered countless mysteries for anthropology … Read more

Who Discovered Atomic Light Signatures and How each element radiates light at specific frequencies?

who discovered atomic light signatures and how each element radiates light at specific frequencies

Twenty new elements (beginning with the discovery of cesium in 1860) were discovered using one chemical analysis technique. That same technique allows astronomers to determine the chemical composition of stars millions of light years away. It also allowed physicists to understand our sun’s atomic fires that produce heat and light. That same technique allows other … Read more

Who Discovered Ice Ages and that the Earth’s climate was radically different millions of years ago?

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It was a revolutionary idea: Earth’s climate had not always been the same. Every scientist for thousands of years had assumed that Earth’s climate had remained unchanging for all time. Then Louis Agassiz discovered proof that all Europe had once been covered by crushing glaciers. Earth’s climate had not always been as it was now. … Read more

Who Discovered the First Dinosaur Fossil proving that giant dinosaurs once walked the earth and When?

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Most people and scientists assumed that the world and its mix of plants and animals had always been as it was when these scientists lived. The discovery of dinosaur fossils destroyed that belief. This discovery represented the first proof that entire groups of ancient, and now extinct, animals once roamed Earth. It was the first … Read more

Who Discovered that the absolute volume and pressure of a gas are inversely proportional at a constant temperature?

who discovered that the absolute volume and pressure of a gas are inversely proportional at a constant temperature

The concept Robert Boyle discovered (now called Boyle’s Law) laid the foundation for all quantitative study and chemical analysis of gasses. It was the first quantitative formula to describe the behavior of gasses. Boyle’s Law is so basic to understanding chemistry that it is taught to every student in beginning chemistry classes. A genius experimenter, … Read more

Who Discovered Electromagnetic Radiation, Radio Waves, and Electromagnetic Spectrum?

who discovered electromagnetic radiation radio waves and electromagnetic spectrum

Throughout most of the nineteenth century, people thought that electricity, magnetism, and light were three separate, unrelated things. Research proceeded from that assumption. Then Maxwell discovered that they are all the same, forms of electromagnetic radiation. It was a startlingly grand discovery, often called the greatest discovery in physics in the nineteenth century. Maxwell did … Read more

Who Discovered how the Human Circulatory System works and When?

who discovered how the human circulatory system works and when

The human circulatory system represents the virtual definition of life. No system is more critical to our existence. Yet only 400 years ago, no one understood our circulatory system. Many seriously thought that the thumping inside the chest was the voice of the conscience trying to be heard. Most thought that blood was created in … Read more

Who Discovered that other planets in the Solar System besides Earth have Moons and When?

who discovered that other planets in the solar system besides earth have moons and when

Galileo discovered that other planets have moons and thus extended human understanding beyond our own planet. His careful work with the telescopes he built launched modern astronomy. His discoveries were the first astronomical discoveries using the telescope. Galileo proved that Earth is not unique among planets of the universe. He turned specks of light in … Read more

Who Discovered that all Objects fall at the same speed regardless of their weight and When?

who discovered that all objects fall at the same speed regardless of their weight and when

It seems a simple and obvious discovery. Heavier objects don’t fall faster. Why does it qualify as one of the great discoveries? Because it ended the practice of science based on the ancient Greek theories of Aristotle and Ptolemy and launched modern science. Galileo’s discovery brought physics into the Renaissance and the modern age. It … Read more

Who Discovered Human Anatomy and created the first scientific guide to the structure of the human body?

who discovered human anatomy and created the first scientific guide to the structure of the human body

The human anatomy references used by doctors through the year A.D. 1500 were actually based mostly on animal studies, more myth and error than truth. Andreas Vesalius was the first to insist on dissections, on exact physiological experiment and direct observation, scientific methods, to create his anatomy guides. His were the first reliable, accurate books … Read more

Who first Discovered that the Sun Is the Center of the Solar System and the earth rotates around it and When?

who first discovered that the sun is the center of the solar system and the earth rotates around it and when

Copernicus measured and observed the planets and stars. He gathered, compiled, and compared the observations of dozens of other astronomers. In so doing Copernicus challenged a 2,000-year-old belief that the earth sat motionless at the center of the universe and that planets, sun, and stars rotated around it. His work represents the beginning point for … Read more

Who Discovered the Three Laws of Motion which are the foundation of physics and engineering and When?

who discovered the three laws of motion which are the foundation of physics and engineering and when

Newton’s three laws of motion form the very the foundation of physics and engineering. They are the underlying theorems that our physical sciences are built upon, just as Euclid’s basic theorems form the foundation of our modern geometry. For the creation of these laws, combined with his discovery of gravity and his creation of calculus, … Read more

Who Discovered that Gravity is a Universal force exerted by all objects in the Universe and When?

who discovered that gravity is a universal force exerted by all objects in the universe and when

By the early seventeenth century, many forces had been identified: friction, gravity, air resistance, electrical, forces people exerted, etc. Newton’s mathematical concept of gravity was the first step in joining these seemingly different forces into a single, unified concept. An apple fell; people had weight; the moon orbited Earth, all for the same reason. Newton’s … Read more

Who discovered the Distance from the Earth to the Sun and the size of the solar system and Universe?

who discovered the distance from the earth to the sun and the size of the solar system and universe

Our understanding of the universe depends on two foundations, our ability to measure the distances to faraway stars, and our ability to measure the chemical composition of stars. The discovery that allowed scientists to determine the composition of stars is described in the 1859 entry on spectrographs. The distance to the sun has always been … Read more

Who Discovered that Cells are the basic building blocks of all living organisms and When?

who discovered that cells are the basic building blocks of all living organisms and when

The cell is the basic unit of anatomy. Countless millions of cells build living plants and animals. The functions of a body can be studied by studying individual cells. Just as the discovery of the molecule and atom allowed scientists to better understand chemical substances, Hooke’s discovery of the cell has allowed biologists to better … Read more

Who first discovered that Dinosaurs were warm blooded, colorful, intelligent, ancient ancestors of birds and When?

who first discovered that dinosaurs were warm blooded colorful intelligent ancient ancestors of birds and when

The classical view of dinosaurs through the first half of the twentieth century was that they were plodding, cold-blooded monsters. Dinosaurs were also were depicted as sluggish, dull-gray, and so dumb that they weren’t capable of decent parenting. That was what expert paleontologists believed. Robert Bakker shattered those beliefs. Robert Bakker was the first to … Read more

How is the Universe expanding and Who discovered that the expansion of the universe is accelerating?

how is the universe expanding and who discovered that the expansion of the universe is accelerating

A great debate began after Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding: Is that expansion slowing so that it will eventually stop and the universe will begin to collapse? Saul Perlmutter discovered that the expansion of the universe is actually accelerating, shattering all existing scientific models of the motion of the universe. The universe … Read more

How was the Human Genome discovered and When was Genetics invented?

how was the human genome discovered and when was genetics invented

Austrian monk Gregor Mendel discovered the concept of heredity in 1865, launching the field of genetics. In 1953 Francis Crick and James Watson discovered the double helix shape of the DNA molecule that carried all genetic instructions. The problem was that there were billions of genetic instructions carried on the complete human genetic code, or … Read more

What Do Snakes Eat and Do Snakes Have Any Predators?

what do snakes eat and do snakes have any predators

Although the smallest snakes are no larger than worms, they are all predators. Small snakes eat insects. Larger snakes eat rats or squirrels or rabbits. The huge pythons and anacondas can swallow a deer. Some snakes use poison called venom to catch animals. They deliver their poison with a bite. Others are constrictors, which means … Read more

Who is Buffy Sainte-Marie and Where did the Canadian Cree singer-songwriter come from?

who is buffy sainte marie and where did the canadian cree singer songwriter come from

In the 60s, Cree singer-songwriter Buffy Sainte-Marie was one of America’s favorite folk artists. With her passionate lyrics and dynamic singing style, she electrified audiences with her songs of protest. In many of her most popular songs, such as “Native American Child,” “Now That the Buffalo’s Gone,” and “My Country ‘Tis of Thy People You’re … Read more

When did the Foxwoods Casino and Resort in Connecticut open?

when did the foxwoods casino and resort in connecticut open

In 1992, the small Mashantucket Pequot tribe opened the Foxwoods Casino and Resort in Connecticut. The business was such a success that, within a few years, it was bringing in almost $1 billion a year. In addition to helping other tribes establish their own businesses, the tribe has used its profits to build a $193 … Read more

Why do so many Native American tribes run casinos?

why do so many native american tribes run casinos

Reservation residents have to follow laws made by the U.S. government, but not those made by states. Many states outlaw casinos or at least place complicated rules on how they can be run. But because tribes do not have to follow state laws, they can establish casinos on reservations with little interference. Aside from some … Read more

What are Native Americans doing to improve living conditions on reservations?

what are native americans doing to improve living conditions on reservations

Across North America, tribal governments and activist groups are trying to help make the lives of reservation Native Americans better. They have created many programs dedicated to improving the housing, education, and employment opportunities available on reservations. Many of these programs are funded by the federal government, but others are financed by business concerns run … Read more

What was Red Power and How did the Red Power movement get its name?

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In the late 1960s and early 1970s, many young Indians joined together to protest the way Indians were treated by non-Indians and the U.S. government. Their efforts became known as the Red Power movement. The name was drawn from the Black Power movement, a similar fight that was then being waged by African American activists. … Read more

What is self determination and How does self determination empower Native Americans?

what is self determination and how does self determination empower native americans

In the past, the U.S. government had always dictated to Native Americans how they should behave, what they should learn in school, what jobs they should work, and how their lands should be used. The policy of self-determination of the 1970s reversed this thinking. Self determination meant that Native Americans should determine for themselves how … Read more

What is repatriation and When was the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act passed?

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Repatriation refers to one of the issues most important to Native Americans today, the return to tribes of ancient Indian bones and artifacts. In the past, non-Natives freely dug up Indian burial sites, and many of the remains they uncovered ended up in museums. To Native Americans, museum displays of their ancestors’ skeletons were deeply … Read more

What are Indian land claims and How much did the United States offer the Lakota for the Black Hills region?

what are indian land claims and how much did the united states offer the lakota for the black hills region

Throughout American history, the United States has taken over lands claimed by Indians without consulting the peoples who lived there. As a result, in the twentieth century many Native Americans took the United States to court, insisting that the country give them their land back or at least pay them fairly for it. Some Indian … Read more

Who was Kennewick Man and Where did Kennewick Man come from?

who was kennewick man and where did kennewick man come from

In July 1996, a college student stumbled upon something remarkable on the banks of the Columbia River in Washington State: a human skeleton that was more than 9,000 years old. Named Kennewick Man after a nearby town, five tribes in the region claim the skeleton as an ancestor. While non-Native scientists made plans to study … Read more

What are some examples of Famous Native American Writers?

what are some examples of famous native american writers

Louise Erdrich (Chippewa, born 1954): In best-sellers such as Love Medicine and Tracks, Erdrich writes stories about three generations of Indians living in North Dakota. Joy Harjo (Creek, born 1951): Harjo is an acclaimed poet whose books include She Had Some Horses and In Mad Love and War. With her band Poetic Justice, she also … Read more

What are some examples of Famous Native American Performers in the Arts?

what are some examples of famous native american performers in the arts

Director Chris Eyre (left) and writer Sherman Alexie discuss a scene in Smoke Signals (1998), the first feature film written, produced, and directed by Native Americans. Tantoo Cardinal (Metis, born 1950): One of Canada’s most celebrated actresses, Cardinal has appeared it the films Black Robe and Legends of the Fall and the television movies Lakota … Read more

How is the depiction of Native American in movies changing?

how is the depiction of native american in movies changing

Soon after the film was invented, an entire industry grew up around westerns, films about Indian-white conflicts on the Plains. These movies almost always depicted Plains Indians as villainous, bloodthirsty savages. Audiences were encouraged to cheer when whites killed them and took over their lands. Beginning in the late 1960s, non-Native American filmmakers began to … Read more

What was the Case of Leonard Peltier and When was Leonard Peltier sentenced to life in prison?

what was the case of leonard peltier and when was leonard peltier sentenced to life in prison

An activist belonging to the American Indian Movement, Leonard Peltier was convicted in 1976 of murdering two FBI agents on South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. He was sentenced to two consecutive life terms in prison. Many people around the world believe that Peltier is innocent. Seeing him as a political prisoner of the U.S. … Read more

What is the most common misconception about Native Americans today?

what is the most common misconception about native americans today

Many non-Native Americans believe that Native Americans are a “vanishing race,” a group of people rooted so firmly in the past that they are doomed to die out. In fact, the opposite is true. The Native American population throughout the continent is on the rise. Native Americans, too, are working harder than ever to make … Read more

What are some examples of Famous Native American Artists?

what are some examples of famous native american artists

Ben Nighthorse Campbell (Northern Cheyenne, born 1933): Campbell’s jewelry combines Native American and Japanese traditions. In addition to being a well-known jewelry designer, he is a distinguished U.S. Senator from Montana. Harry Fonseca (Maidu, born 1946): Fonseca is best known for his humorous paintings of Coyote, a character in many Native American myths whose misadventures … Read more