How Did the Abacus Get its Name, What Does Abacus Mean In Greek, and Where Did the Abacus Come From?

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The abacus is an ancient counting device with movable counters strung on rods and is used to solve arithmetic problems. Computers and calculators have made the apparatus obsolete. The word abacus has Semitic roots and came to English through the Greek word abax, meaning “dust” or “sand.” Before the board with the beads, the ancients … Read more

Where Did the Expression “Garbage In Garbage Out” Come From and What Does the Phrase Mean?

where did the expression garbage in garbage out come from and what does the phrase mean

The expression “Garbage in, garbage out” became famous when used by the brilliant lawyer Johnnie Cochran (1937-2005) during the O.J. Simpson trial. Its source is the computer abbreviated GIGO, which surfaced during the early 1960s. The acronym means that computers can only give you what has been put into them. Unfortunately, in spite of this … Read more

How Did the Toilet Get its Name, What Does Toilet Mean In French, and Where Did the Toilet Come From?

how did the toilet get its name what does toilet mean in french and where did the toilet come from

Toilet seems an odd name for the bathroom’s chief plumbing fixture, but it makes sense when you consider that since the seventeenth century, “toilette” meant a lady’s dressing room. The chief purpose of the room was for cleaning up or changing clothes. The other business was done in an “outhouse.” When a lavatory became attached … Read more

Who Invented the First Baseball Catcher’s Mask and When Did Protective Masks Become Mandatory For All Catchers?

who invented the first baseball catchers mask and when did protective masks become mandatory for all catchers

James Alexander “Jim” Tyng was the first baseball player to wear a catcher’s mask while playing for Harvard in 1877. The first baseball catcher’s mask was a fencer’s mask introduced by Harvard University’s Fred Thayer who received a patent for the mask in 1878. It wasn’t until 1890 that the major leagues adopted the idea … Read more

Who Invented Hand Signals For Baseball and How Did William “Dummy” Hoy Make It To the Major Leagues?

who invented hand signals for baseball and how did william dummy hoy make it to the major leagues

In 1869 the Cincinnati Red Stockings began utilizing a system of hand signals based on military flag signals that soldiers had used while playing baseball during the Civil War. Baseball’s hand signals evolved from the earliest days of the game. Consequently, there are many moments and persons involved in their development, but none more important … Read more

Where Did the Term “Shortstop” Come From For the Position Between Second Base and Third Base?

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Uncover the origin of the term “shortstop” and its role in baseball. Explore the intriguing history behind this pivotal position, bridging second base and third base. Key Takeaways: Examine the historical evolution of the term “shortstop” in baseball. Discover the pivotal role and unique responsibilities of players in this position. Gain insights into how language … Read more

Why Did Canada Plan To Invade the United States and When Did James Sutherland Brown Draft Defense Scheme Number One?

why did canada plan to invade the united states and when did james sutherland brown draft defense scheme number one

It seems more than mildly absurd, but during the 1920s, while serving as the director of Canadian Military Operations and Intelligence, a man named James Sutherland Brown drew up “Defense Scheme Number One.” Brown had heard that the Americans had drafted a similar plan for Canada’s invasion. As a descendant of United Empire Loyalists and … Read more

When Did the United States Have Secret Plans To Invade Canada and Why Was War Plan Red Created?

when did the united states have secret plans to invade canada and why was war plan red created

In 1974 it became public that in 1930 the United States had drawn up a strategic plan that included a successful invasion of Canada. The scheme was called “Plan Red.” It involved attacks on Montreal and Quebec, Winnipeg’s railway centre, Ontario’s nickel mines and power generation, and the Great Lakes. Naval blockades were to be … Read more

How Much Oil and Water Does the United States Import From Canada Every Day and Why?

how much oil and water does the united states import from canada every day and why

The Alberta tar sands have attracted the interest of the United States. Although Canada already accounts for 16 percent of U.S. oil consumption, new technology may someday diminish the Americans’ need for carbon-based fossil fuels. Water is another matter. Each day 4,755 billion gallons of water are funnelled through water pipes, turbines, and irrigation systems … Read more

What Is an “Almanac”, How Did the Almanac Originate, and What Does Almanac Mean in Arabic?

what is an almanac how did the almanac originate and what does almanac mean in arabic

An almanac is an annual publication forecasting weather and providing other miscellaneous information relative to a calendar year. The earliest almanacs were largely preoccupied with astronomical and astrological information as well as dates for feasts and festivals. The seventeenth century saw almanacs begin to broaden their scope to include stories, poems, remedies, statistics, and jokes. … Read more

How Did Pumpkin Pie Become Associated With Thanksgiving and Where Did the Tradition Come From?

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There was no pumpkin pie at the first Thanksgiving. But because the plant’s season coincides with the celebration and because it was Native Americans who taught the Pilgrims the pumpkin’s value, the melon has become a traditional Thanksgiving dish. At first pumpkin was customarily served stewed as a custard or sweet pudding and was presented … Read more

When Is Mother-In-Law’s Day and When Was the Holiday For Spouses’ Mothers Created?

According to a resolution passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in 1981, the fourth Sunday in October is set aside to honor mothers by marriage. Although the U.S. Senate hasn’t adopted the resolution making the occasion official, the greeting-card industry continues to lobby for Mother-in-Law’s Day and each year about 800,000 cards are sent … Read more

When Is National Grandparent’s Day and Who Created the Secular Holiday Celebrated In the United States?

when is national grandparents day and who created the secular holiday celebrated in the united states

In 1969 a sixty-five-year-old Atlanta man named Michael Goldgar returned home from visiting an aunt confined to a nursing home and realized that most of the elderly were treated as burdens by their children and grandchildren. He thought of earlier times when the elderly were a source of wisdom and the nucleus of a family. … Read more

Where Do Monarch Butterflies Migrate To Every Year and How Did the Monarch Butterfly Get its Name?

where do monarch butterflies migrate to every year and how did the monarch butterfly get its name

The monarch butterfly is the only North American butterfly known to migrate. Scientists believed monarchs migrated for quite a long time, but it wasn’t until 1975 that Cathy and Ken Brugger found the butterfly’s wintering grounds in Mexico’s Sierra Madre. There they discovered that the aboriginal peoples who lived in the area thought the butterflies … Read more

How Did the Mustang Get its Name, What Does Mustang Mean In Spanish, and Where Did the Wild Horses Come From?

how did the mustang get its name what does mustang mean in spanish and where did the wild horses come from

A mustang is a half-wild horse descended from the Arabian horses brought to the Americas by Spanish explorers in the sixteenth century. The word mustang comes from the Mexican-Spanish word mestengo meaning “stray animals that are ownerless.” Today’s mustangs are the offspring of generations of runaways and those horses stolen or recaptured by aboriginals. By … Read more

Where Do Siamese Cats Come From and Why Are They So Fussy?

where do siamese cats come from and why are they so fussy

If you have ever wondered why Siamese cats are always “talking” or bossing you around, it may be because they are descendants of royalty. Cats were revered in Siam where they were often selected to become receptacles of the souls of departed royals and senior government officials. When such a regal person died, a chosen … Read more

How Many Wild Rabbits Are There In North America and Where Did the Term Rabbit Punch Come From?

how many wild rabbits are there in north america and where did the term rabbit punch come from

There are no rabbits native to North America and there never were. The North American animal is properly called a hare, so the answer to the question is zero rabbits. Early North American settlers dropped the word hare from their vocabulary. The American term jack rabbit is an abbreviation of the original name jackass-rabbit, so … Read more

What Does the Expression “A Leopard Can’t Change His Spots” Mean and Where Did the Idiom Come From?

what does the expression a leopard cant change his spots mean and where did the idiom come from

Much like “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” we sometimes say “a leopard can’t change his spots” to underline that mature people can’t alter who or what they are. Such a person’s character is too indelible. The phrase about the leopard’s spots comes from Jeremiah 13:23 in the Bible: “Can the Ethiopian change … Read more

What Does the Expression “Earn Brownie Points” Mean and Where Did Scottish Brownies Come From?

what does the expression earn brownie points mean and where did scottish brownies come from

The original “brownies” are little Scottish elves, wee brown men, who are believed to fix things and help out around farms when everyone is asleep. They were the inspiration for the name Lord Baden-Powell’s sister, Agnes, gave to the branch of Scouts that serves younger girls from six through eight years of age. Brownie points … Read more

Why Do Some People Fast, What Does “Fasting” Mean, and Where Did the Word “Fast” Come From?

why do some people fast what does fasting mean and where did the word fast come from

The original meaning of fast was “hold firmly,” as in “she held fast to her principles.” As a practice of not eating, fasting is all about maintaining firm self-control. Today fasting can take many forms and is practiced by the religious and non-religious. As a protest, prisoners use it to demonstrate that their captors don’t … Read more

Where Did the Term “Zealot” For an Extreme Fanatic Come From and What Does Zealot Mean In Greek?

where did the term zealot for an extreme fanatic come from and what does zealot mean in greek

A zealot is a supreme fanatic, often a bigot, and perhaps unfairly is best known in history as a radical Jewish political movement called the Zealots. This sect joined with several other Jewish groups to launch a rebellion in Palestine against the Roman Empire in the first century AD. Known for being aggressive, intolerant, and … Read more

What Does the Word “Martyr” Mean In Latin and Who Was the First Christian Jewish Islamic Martyr?

what does the word martyr mean in latin and who was the first christian jewish islamic martyr

Martyrs are people who choose torture or death rather than renounce their beliefs or principles. The English word derives through Latin from the Greek martur, meaning “witness.” The first Christian martyr is said to have been St. Stephen, who was stoned to death after being convicted of blasphemy by a Jewish court around 33 AD. … Read more

What Is a Patron Saint, What Purpose Do Patron Saints Serve, and How Are Patron Saints Chosen?

what is a patron saint what purpose do patron saints serve and how are patron saints chosen

Patron saints are chosen as guardians or protectors over specific areas of life. These can be chosen by people or groups without papal consent simply because the saint’s interest or life experience relates to a group or individual. The church has, however, chosen many patron saints such as the writer Francis de Sales, who was … Read more

Who Is The Patron Saint of Canada and When Is Her Roman Catholic Feast Day?

who is the patron saint of canada and when is her roman catholic feast day

Canada has two patron saints. Since French Catholics were the first Europeans to settle Canada, they brought their religion and customs with them, including the assignment of patron saints. St. Anne, the Virgin Mary’s mother, shares patronage of Canada with Mary’s husband, St. Joseph. St. Anne is also the patron saint of housewives, cabinet makers, … Read more

What Does the Expression “Three on a Match” Mean and Why Is it Considered Bad Luck?

what does the expression three on a match mean and why is it considered bad luck

Lighting three cigarettes in a row with one match was common practice among smokers until the advent of lighters. It was especially practical to outdoorsmen or soldiers who needed to ration their matches. “Three on a match” became bad luck during the Boer War (1899-1902). Commonwealth soldiers discovered the hard way that an enemy sniper … Read more

How Did Amethyst Get its Name, What Does Amethyst Mean in Greek, and Where Did the Gemstone Come From?

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An amethyst is a pale blue to dark purple crystallized quartz and is a precious stone found in modern-day Iran, Iraq, Brazil, India, and some parts of Europe. It was worn on the breastplates of high priests because the ancients believed that wearing or even touching an amethyst kept people from getting intoxicated no matter … Read more

What is a Saint, How Many Saints Are There In Christianity, and How Did All Saints Day Originate?

what is a saint how many saints are there in christianity and how did all saints day originate

Saints are individuals of exceptional holiness and are important in many religions, including Christianity. The first official canonization took place in 993 AD when Pope John XV (died 996 AD) declared Bishop Ulrich of Augsburg a saint. Butler’s Lives of the Saints, published in 1759, had 1,486 entries. The revised edition in 1956 listed 2,565 … Read more

What Does the H In “Jesus H. Christ” Stand For and Where Did the Initial Come From?

what does the h in jesus h christ stand for and where did the initial come from

The exclamation “Jesus H. Christ!” is often used as an attempt to avoid a blasphemous curse. In our quest to unveil the origins of the ‘H’ in ‘Jesus H. Christ,’ we embark on a journey exploring Jesus’ life, tracing historical threads to understand the significance of this enigmatic initial within the context of his identity. … Read more

What Does the Expression “Straight and Narrow” Mean and Where Did the Idiom Come From?

what does the expression straight and narrow mean and where did the idiom come from

Someone on the “straight and narrow” is living a legal, moral, and disciplined life. The expression was referred to in The Pilgrim’s Progress by English writer John Bunyan (1628-1688). In that inspirational book, Pilgrim, the representative of everyman, must follow the “straight and narrow.” The phrase has a biblical origin in Matthew 7:14: “Broad is … Read more

How Did Cape Canaveral Get its Name, What Does it Mean In Spanish, and Where is Cape Kennedy?

how did cape canaveral get its name what does it mean in spanish and where is cape kennedy

Cape Canaveral, Florida, was named by the Spanish and began to appear on maps around 1564. After the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) and because he had been such a driving force behind the space program, Jacqueline Kennedy (1929-1994), his widow, asked President Lyndon Johnson (1908-1973) to rename the space facility located … Read more

How Did Calgary Get its Name, What Does Calgary Mean in Gaelic, and When Was the Canadian City Founded?

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In 1875, during trouble with the First Nations, the local North-West Mounted Police sent E troop under Inspector E.A. Brisebois to erect a barracks on the Bow River. When Brisebois wanted to name the new structure after himself, his commander, Lieutenant-Colonel James Macleod, overruled him and named the settlement Fort Calgary, after the ancestral estate … Read more

What Does the Word “Scallywag” Mean and Where Did the Term For a Young Scamp Rascal Come From?

what does the word scallywag mean and where did the term for a young scamp rascal come from

A “scallywag” is usually a reference to a mischievous, youthful little scamp who seems to cause trouble continually. The original English spelling of scallywag was scalawag and is a reference to Scalloway, one of the Shetland Islands, where the famous Shetland ponies are bred. The word was created as an insult to the residents of … Read more

What Is the Biggest City In the World and How Many People Live In the World’s Largest Cities?

what is the biggest city in the world and how many people live in the worlds largest cities

The population of the world’s cities is measured in two ways. One is by population within metropolitan boundaries. By that measure, Mumbai, formerly Bombay, India, is the world’s largest city with almost twelve million people in 2005. Measuring by urban agglomeration, which means the city plus surrounding communities, Tokyo, Japan, leads with a staggering thirty-five … Read more

How Did Toronto Get its Name, What Does Toronto Mean, and When Was the Largest City in Canada Founded?

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There are those who say that “Toronto” was a First Nations chief, while others insist the name refers to a Native tribe. Still others contend the name was derived from the Huron word toronton, meaning “meeting place.” Research into early French explorers’ maps from the 1670s, however, has uncovered the truth. These maps show present-day … Read more

Why Are Company Shares Called “Stock”, What Does the Word Mean, and How Did the Stock Market Originate?

why are company shares called stock what does the word mean and how did the stock market originate

The modern concept of sharing capital ownership was initiated by the Dutch East India Company in 1612, which raised money by selling pieces of the business to the public. This process gave the Dutch East India Company the ability to grow and share its profits with its “shareholders.” The original meaning of the word stock … Read more

What Does the Term “Grey Market” Mean and What Is the Difference Between the Black Market and Grey Market?

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“Grey market” goods are legally sold through channels other than those authorized by the manufacturer. Unlike black market products, which may be counterfeits, grey market goods are the real thing. Entrepreneurs simply buy a product in one country where the item is significantly cheaper than another, then import it to the target market and legally … Read more

How Did England Get its Name, What Does England Mean In Latin, and Where Did the Name Originate?

how did england get its name what does england mean in latin and where did the name originate

The country of England got its name from a Germanic tribe that migrated there in the fifth century AD. These Germans called themselves Anguls or Anglas, which became Angles around the fourteenth century. The Angle invaders called their new home Land of the Angles or Engla Land, which through time became England. The German invaders … Read more

What Does the Word “Touchstone” Mean and Where Did the Stone Tablet For Assaying Precious Metals Come From?

what does the word touchstone mean and where did the stone tablet for assaying precious metals come from

A “touchstone” is a figurative standard of value or quality against which something is measured. The word comes from ancient times when a special stone was used to guard against counterfeit money. The gold or silver content of coins wasn’t well governed, so phony money was often mixed with other metals and passed off as … Read more

What Is the Difference In Function Between the Left Side of the Brain and the Right Side of the Brain?

what is the difference in function between the left side of the brain and the right side of the brain

Most people tend to emphasize characteristics of the left side of the brain, which controls verbal and analytical skills such as speech, language, and grammar. Lawyers, accountants, politicians, business executives, salespeople, and teachers depend on these skills. On the other hand, the right brain is visual, it jumps easily to conclusions and it gets the … Read more

What Does the Phrase “Curry Favor” Mean and Where Did the Saying For Seeking Gain Come From?

what does the phrase curry favor mean and where did the saying for seeking gain come from

If you are trying to get on someone’s good side with insincere behavior, your actions are “currying favor” from that person. Curry is a horse-grooming term for cleaning and rubbing down an animal. Within this expression, favor was originally Favel, the name of the half-man, half-horse centaur in the fourteenth-century satire Le Roman de Fauvel. … Read more

What Does the Word “Boondoggle” Mean and How Did the Term For a Useless Project Originate?

what does the word boondoggle mean and how did the term for a useless project originate

The word boondoggle was first used in 1935 to describe “make-work” projects during the New Deal of American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945). It meant any useless task created simply to give men employment during the Great Depression. Surprisingly, the word comes from the Boy Scouts whose braided leather lanyard is simply cosmetic with no … Read more

What Does the Word “Equestrian” Mean in Latin and How Did the Term For a Horseback Rider Originate?

what does the word equestrian mean in latin and how did the term for a horseback rider originate

Equestrian is a word used to describe a competitive horseback rider and entered English in 1656 as meaning a “knight on horseback.” The horse has evolved over fifty million years to become the majestic animal exhibited at various competitions today. Equestrian is from the Latin word for horse, which is equus. The Detroit Tigers baseball … Read more

When Was the First Jock Strap Invented and How Did the Athletic Supporter Get its Name?

when was the first jock strap invented and how did the athletic supporter get its name

It is difficult to imagine men competing in today’s high-contact sports without that essential piece of equipment informally referred to as a “jock.” Officially known as an athletic supporter, the device was introduced in 1874 to protect bicycle riders, who were called “bicycle jockeys,” from hurting themselves on the crossbar after slipping off the pedals … Read more

When Was Cheerleading Invented and Who Was the First Cheerleader in the United States?

when was cheerleading invented and who was the first cheerleader in the united states

Cheerleaders have become a major attraction at football and basketball games. We can thank the enthusiasm of University of Minnesota student Johnny Campbell, who stood during a football game in November 1898 and started leading the crowd in “rah, rah, rah” cheers. Since then the culture of cheerleading has often become larger than the game. … Read more

Where Did the Term “Kitchen Cabinet” For Unofficial Government Advisers Come From and What Does it Mean?

where did the term kitchen cabinet for unofficial government advisers come from and what does it mean

Most government leaders have unofficial non-elected advisers outside their legitimate cabinet and these people have been labelled a “kitchen cabinet.” The expression was coined in 1832 when Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) was president of the United States. He used to hold frequent unofficial private meetings with three close friends, and in order to avoid scrutiny or … Read more

What Does the Word “Minister” Mean and Why Are Church Leaders and Cabinet Chiefs Called Ministers?

what does the word minister mean and why are church leaders and cabinet chiefs called ministers

The notion of the “prime” or first minister as the leader of government was introduced to Great Britain in 1646. Cabinet members or departmental ministers have been selected from elected representatives within that parliamentary system since 1625, but the reference to those holders of high office of the state as “minister” began in 1916. In … Read more

What Does “It’s All Over But the Shouting” Mean and Where Did the Expression Come From?

what does its all over but the shouting mean and where did the expression come from

If the outcome of a circumstance is known during a procedure is ended, we say “it’s all over but the shouting.” The expression comes from a wide-spread practice in early England. For centuries, when a straightforward public issue was to be decided, an assembly of townspeople was called for an informal election that was settled … Read more

What Is a “Sphinx”, Where Did the Female Winged Creature Come From, and What Does it Mean in Greek?

what is a sphinx where did the female winged creature come from and what does it mean in greek

Although the statue at Giza in Egypt is the most famous Sphinx, there is another. According to Greek mythology, the original Sphinx was a female winged creature with the body of a lion that attacked travellers near Thebes and then strangled and devoured those who couldn’t answer her riddle: “What creature has one voice yet … Read more

What Is the Difference Between Bickering and Dickering and What Do the Words Mean?

what is the difference between bickering and dickering and what do the words mean

Even though they both involve a disagreement, there is a dramatic difference between bickering and dickering. Bickering now means to quarrel, but the word began as bicken, Dutch for “an attack involving a misunderstanding by slashing or stabbing.” Dickering came from the Roman habit of packaging units of ten hides for bartering or haggling with … Read more

Why Do People Throw Coins Into Fountains and Make a Wish and Where Did the Superstition Come From?

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There are thousands of fountains around the world inviting passersby to toss in coins for good luck. They have all been inspired by the romance of the legend behind Rome’s famous Trevi Fountain (Fontana di Trevi). Built over a thirty-year period in the mid-eighteenth century, the Trevi became the focus of a legend that said … Read more

What Does the Expression “Don’t Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch” Mean and Where Did it Originate?

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The expression “Don’t count your chickens” is a commonly used saying similar to New York Yankees catcher Yogi Berra’s warning that “it ain’t over till it’s over.” First written in the sixth century BC, it is a quotation from one of Aesop’s fables, called “The Milkmaid and Her Pail.” It means “don’t get ahead of … Read more