What does quack mean and Where does the term “quack” come from?

what does quack mean and where does the term quack come from

The duck makes the same sound regardless of the country she is in and, with her waddle, she reminds one always of a pompous person, strutting along, and eternally quack quacking to himself. That is what the Dutch thought of the charlatans and mountebanks parading around through plague-ridden Europe in the sixteenth century, each proclaiming … Read more

Where does the word “preposterous” come from and What does preposterous mean?

where does the word preposterous come from and what does preposterous mean

When the Romans had occasion to express the notion that we have in mind when we use “putting the cart before the horse,” they did it by the compound word praeposterus. Freely translated, that means “the before coming after,” from pre, before, and posterus, following. The exact meaning of our word preposterous is, therefore, “inverted; … Read more

Where does the word “remorse” come from and What does remorse mean?

where does the word remorse come from and what does remorse mean

Our own language once contained an exact synonym of the word “remorse”, ayenbite, “again bite.” There was a fourteenth-century English book under the title, Ayenbite of Invwit, literally, “Again-bite of Inner Wit,” but which we would understand better if translated, “Remorse of Conscience.” Remorse came to us, through French, from the Latin remordeo, and its … Read more

Where does the word “rapture” come from and What does rapture mean in Latin?

where does the word rapture come from and what does rapture mean in latin

In its earliest use, rapture meant “an abduction,” especially the forcible kidnaping of a woman. It was formed, in analogy with “capture,” from rapt, at a time when rapt meant “abducted.” The Latin source was rapio, to snatch, seize, which became rape in English, and the Latin participle raptus, seized, was shortened to rapt. The … Read more

Where does the word “pariah” come from and What does pariah mean?

where does the word pariah come from and what does pariah mean

In prehistorical times much of southern India was occupied, apparently, by a black-skinned race of primitive people. Some time after the Aryan invasion, which may have been as early as 2000 B.C., these people were subjugated and forced into menial positions. Gradually, after the caste system was introduced, they became separated into different lowly classes. … Read more

Where does the word “photography” come from and What does photography mean?

where does the word photography come from and what does photography mean

Cameras and the production of pictures upon paper or glass had been made before the nineteenth century, but the first to produce permanent pictures by these means was Joseph Niepce of France, with the cooperation of his fellow countryman, Louis Daguerre. The process was first called heliographie, later dropped in favor of daguerreotype when the … Read more

Where does the word “piano” come from and What does pianoforte mean in Italian?

where does the word piano come from and what does pianoforte mean in italian

Unknown to each other, several men were working simultaneously upon the same problem in the early years of the eighteenth century. The harpsichord had been developed two centuries earlier from the older clavichord, a distinct improvement; but the instrument, with its tones produced by the action of quills plucking the strings, was still too soft … Read more

What does namby pamby mean and Where does the term “namby pamby” come from?

what does namby pamby mean and where does the term namby pamby come from

In 1725-26 the English poet, Ambrose Philips, chiefly noted for his pastoral poems, published some simple pieces addressed to the infant children of his friends, Lord John Carteret and Daniel Pulteny. These little poems, though charming, would probably have attracted little attention had it not been for Alexander Pope. Some years earlier Pope and Philips … Read more

Where does the word “peculiar” come from and What does peculiar mean?

where does the word peculiar come from and what does peculiar mean

From the same source as pecuniary, the Romans coined the adjective peculiaris, which, though originally referring to one’s property in cattle, acquired a broader reference to personal property in general. From this, even in Roman days, peculiaris took on the more specific meaning, “one’s own; belonging particularly to one’s self.” Thus, a Roman slave, although … Read more

Where does the word “mortgage” come from and What does mortgage mean in French?

where does the word mortgage come from and what does mortgage mean in french

Literally the Old French expression “mortgage”, introduced into the law courts of England after the Norman Conquest, meant a “dead pledge,” from wort, dead, and gage, pledge. The reason for calling the legal instrument a “dead pledge” was given by the great English jurist of the seventeenth century, Sir Edward Coke, in these terms: It … Read more