Who Invented the Pendulum Clock and Why Was Christiaan Huygens’ Invention a Breakthrough In Timekeeping?

who invented the pendulum clock and why was christiaan huygens invention a breakthrough in timekeeping

As science moved toward experimentation to prove its theories, tools of measurement became vital. The measurement of time was probably the most important of all, but in Galileo’s time, scientists had not yet invented a dependable timepiece. Ancient humans could measure years, months, and days with the movements of Earth, the Moon, and the Sun. … Read more

Who Was Sir William Herschel and When Did William Herschel Discover Infrared Radiation?

who was sir william herschel and when did william herschel discover infrared radiation

By the late eighteenth century, the development of the telescope had made it possible for many amateur astronomers to search the skies. Most were content to view what was already known, while some dreamed of great discoveries. One 41-year-old musician in Bath, England, wanted to systematically catalog the whole sky. This amateur wound up making … Read more

Why Didn’t Enrico Fermi Know He Discovered Nuclear Fission When He Conducted His Experiment With Neutrons?

why didnt enrico fermi know he discovered nuclear fission when he conducted his experiment with neutrons

When Enrico Fermi was conducting his experiments with neutrons and the elements, he was looking for a better, artificial way to produce radioactivity, not nuclear fission. When he got to uranium, he was concerned that its very high level of radioactivity might harm his instruments. Fermi placed a sheet of aluminum foil between the uranium … Read more

How Did the Discovery of Atomic Fission Lead To Nuclear Power After the Invention of the Atomic Bomb?

how did the discovery of atomic fission lead to nuclear power after the invention of the atomic bomb

Once the war was over, scientists could concentrate on other uses for this new source of tremendous amounts of energy. Nuclear power plants were built to use fission to produce electricity. There are now over 400 nuclear power plants in the world. France and Sweden produce nearly half their electricity with nuclear power. There are … Read more

Why Was Astronomy So Important In Copernicus’s Time and Why Did Ships Use Astronomical Tables For Navigation?

why was astronomy so important in copernicuss time and why did ships use astronomical tables for navigation

In the early 1400s, a new number system was introduced into Europe from Arabia. The old Greek and Roman systems made calculations very difficult. Using the new Arabic numerals, only 10 different digits were needed to express any number. People at that time still depended on celestial movements to determine medical treatment and to predict … Read more

How Is the Copernican System Different From the Ptolemaic System of Planetary Motion?

how is the copernican system different from the ptolemaic system of planetary motion

Around 270 B.C., the Greek astronomer Aristarchus proposed that Earth and the other planets revolved around a stationary Sun. He was dismissed as a madman, until Copernicus. Copernicus studied the movements of the planets in the 1,400 years since Ptolemy and found that Ptolemy’s idea of epicycles, secondary orbits within the main orbit, could not … Read more

Who Was Nicolaus Copernicus and What Was Copernicus’ Most Influential Contribution To Astronomy?

who was nicolaus copernicus and what was copernicus most influential contribution to astronomy

When Christopher Columbus sailed to the New World in 1492 and proved Earth is a sphere, astronomers started thinking differently about Earth’s place in the universe. For 1,400 years the Ptolemaic system, with Earth at the center of the universe and all other celestial bodies revolving around it in transparent spheres, had remained unquestioned. The … Read more

What Was the Price of Free Thought When Giordano Bruno Taught the Copernican System Throughout Europe?

what was the price of free thought when giordano bruno taught the copernican system throughout europe

The immediate reaction to Nicolaus Copernicus’s book on heliocentric cosmology was minimal. It opened the eyes of some scientists, but most people continued to believe in the Ptolemaic system, probably because it made humans seem more important. By the end of the 1500s, an Italian scientist and philosopher named Giordano Bruno started to teach the … Read more

What Did Nicolaus Copernicus Do With His Findings and Why Was Copernicus Reluctant To Publish His Book?

what did nicolaus copernicus do with his findings and why was copernicus reluctant to publish his book

Actually, Nicolaus Copernicus didn’t do much of anything with his experiments and findings. It took tremendous courage for him to conduct his experiments. He was defying Ptolemy, the church, and common sense. He did not want his discovery to cause any conflict, so when he had finished writing a book on his findings, he kept … Read more

Which Other Astronomer Was Instrumental In Johannes Kepler’s Discoveries On the Laws of Planetary Motion?

which other astronomer was instrumental in johannes keplers discoveries on the laws of planetary motion

When Kepler started his experiments, he knew he needed the most accurate measurements of the planets’ movements available. Tycho Brahe was a Danish astronomer who had his own observatory and the most advanced instruments of the time. He had giant sextants and quadrants and a tool called an equatorial armillary that measured the angles between … Read more

How Did Johannes Kepler Improve on Nicolaus Copernicus’s Theory of a Heliocentric Model of the Universe?

how did johannes kepler improve on nicolaus copernicuss theory of a heliocentric model of the universe

The problem for Copernicus was that even though the circle was accepted as the shape of celestial orbits, careful measurements did not support it. Copernicus was never able to solve the problem, but Kepler had some extra information to work with. In the 60 years since Copernicus’s death, astronomers had continued to study the planets’ … Read more

What Was Johannes Kepler’s Theory of Perfect Shapes and Numbers and What Was the Music of the Spheres?

what was johannes keplers theory of perfect shapes and numbers and what was the music of the spheres

Johannes Kepler had no trouble combining his belief in science with his belief in God. He believed that God made the universe according to a mathematical plan. This led to his theory of perfect shapes and perfect numbers, something he called “the music of the spheres.” Kepler, like the ancient Greeks, believed in five perfect … Read more

Who Discovered Neutrons At the Nucleus of the Atom and How Did Neutrons Get Its Name?

who discovered neutrons at the nucleus of the atom and how did neutrons get its name

In 1932, the English physicist Sir James Chadwick discovered that the nucleus of the atom consisted of another particle besides protons. He called the particles neutrons because they had a neutral charge, unlike the positively charged protons. At the time, the discovery did not make many headlines. Ernest Rutherford had predicted the neutron’s presence many … Read more

What Was the Manhattan Project and When Did the Manhattan Project Led By Enrico Fermi Take Place?

what was the manhattan project and when did the manhattan project led by enrico fermi take place

Enrico Fermi’s discovery of man made nuclear fission had two implications. If the reaction could be controlled, it would be a new source of tremendous amounts of power to produce electricity. Sustained fission could also produce the most destructive weapons ever made. The nuclear power plants would have to wait, World War II had just … Read more

How Did Enrico Fermi Split the Atom and How Did Fermi Discover Nuclear Fission Which Produced Energy?

how did enrico fermi split the atom and how did fermi discover nuclear fission which produced energy

Marie and Pierre Curie’s discovery of radioactivity was a breakthrough, but it was limited to a few elements. Enrico Fermi wanted to test all the elements, and he made one other key change. Fermi thought the newly discovered neutron would prove a better “bullet” than the positively charged alpha particles the Curies had used. He … Read more

How Did James Clerk Maxwell Determine the Composition of the Rings Around the Planet Saturn?

how did james clerk maxwell determine the composition of the rings around the planet saturn

One of the first questions James Clerk Maxwell tackled concerned the composition of Saturn’s rings. Are they solid or composed of countless separate particles? Maxwell first theorized that the rings could not be either uniformly solid or liquid because they would be unstable and would break up. He used mathematics to indicate that the only … Read more

How Did Nikola Tesla Beat Guglielmo Marconi To the Discovery and Invention of the Radio and When?

how did nikola tesla beat guglielmo marconi to the discovery and invention of the radio and when

James Clerk Maxwell’s findings about electromagnetism in the 1870s and Hertz’s discovery of radio waves in the 1880s made Nikola Tesla think that the possibilities of electricity were endless. Tesla’s next research was on high frequency electricity, but he had a problem. Even his advanced AC generators could only generate a current of about 20,000 … Read more

Who Was Nikola Tesla and Why Was the Inventor the Most Influential Misunderstood Electrical Engineer?

who was nikola tesla and why was the inventor the most influential misunderstood electrical engineer

Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest scientific minds in history and one of the most imaginative inventors. Many of his ideas were so far ahead of their time that they remained misunderstood and unstudied. Tesla invented the radio, but the Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi received credit for it. He discovered X rays, but German … Read more

What Did Ernest Rutherford Discover About Radioactive Bullets and Alpha and Beta Radiation From Uranium?

what did ernest rutherford discover about radioactive bullets and alpha and beta radiation from uranium

Ernest Rutherford agreed with Curie that radioactive rays came from the atom, but what was the nature of these subatomic rays? Rutherford’s early research would answer this question. He placed a tray of uranium near the poles of a magnet and placed a photographic plate beyond the magnet. The radiation particles moved quickly between the … Read more

Who Was Ernest Rutherford and Why Is Ernest Rutherford Known As the Father of Nuclear Physics?

who was ernest rutherford and why is ernest rutherford known as the father of nuclear physics

Science in the twentieth century was dominated by two pursuits: astronomers looked farther and farther into space to the very edge of the universe, and physicists looked deeper and deeper into matter at the smallest particles in the universe. Marie Curie gave the first hints of subatomic particles when she theorized that the atom was … Read more

What Were Some of Nikola Tesla’s Other Amazing Ideas and Discoveries Besides Alternating Current?

what were some of nikola teslas other amazing ideas and discoveries besides alternating current

Part of the reason Nikola Tesla has remained unappreciated as a scientist is that his ideas were so brilliant that they were far ahead of their time. Here are some examples. Tesla discovered the basic science behind radar, the electron microscope, and the microwave oven. Edison called his idea for radar “ridiculous,” so it was … Read more

What Does Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Mean and How Did the Theory of Relativity Originate?

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Much of Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity is baffling even to other scientists. However, the more they studied it, particularly the mathematical equations he offered as proofs, the more they saw how accurate it was. Here are some of its basic points. Around 1900, the Dutch scientist Hendrik Lorentz worked out a formula showing that … Read more

How Was Ernest Rutherford the First Alchemist To Convert Nitrogen Into Oxygen From a Nuclear Reaction?

how was ernest rutherford the first alchemist to convert nitrogen into oxygen from a nuclear reaction

In a way, Ernest Rutherford was the first successful alchemist. It started in 1901, when Rutherford noticed a strange property of the radioactive element thorium. As thorium gave off radiation, it also produced an invisible gas that was also radioactive. He studied the gas and devised a bold theory. Since radiation particles are coming from … Read more

How Did Ernest Rutherford Discover the Length of a Half-Life From the Radioactive Decay of Elements?

how did ernest rutherford discover the length of a half life from the radioactive decay of elements

Ernest Rutherford found that radioactive atoms release radiation in order to take on a more stable form. He called the process radioactive decay. As radioactive elements decay, they change into other elements until they are no longer radioactive, or are stable. Radioactive decay takes place at different rates in different elements. Rutherford called an element’s … Read more

How Did Ernest Rutherford Pioneer the Planetary Model of the Atom After Conducting His Gold Foil Experiment?

how did ernest rutherford pioneer the planetary model of the atom after conducting his gold foil experiment

In 1908, Ernest Rutherford conducted his greatest experiment. First, he directed alpha particles at several different materials and found that they passed through easily. Rutherford beat a piece of gold leaf into a thinness of one fifty-thousandth of an inch. He estimated that the gold leaf was now about 2,000 atoms thick. If atoms filled … Read more

When Did Michael Faraday Discover Electromagnetic Induction Which Led To the Invention of the Electric Dynamo?

when did michael faraday discover electromagnetic induction which led to the invention of the electric dynamo

In 1820, the Danish scientist Hans Christian Orsted was conducting an experiment with an electrical circuit. He noticed that when he turned the circuit on and off, a nearby compass needle jumped. He concluded that electricity produces magnetism, and the science of electromagnetism was born. The finding was interesting, but one English scientist realized it … Read more

How Did Isaac Newton With a Mind Like No Other Solve a Problem No One Else Could In One Night?

how did isaac newton with a mind like no other solve a problem no one else could in one night

In 1696, the Swiss mathematician Johann Bernoulli challenged the scientists of the world to solve a problem he proposed. It was a very difficult problem, so he allowed six months for the solution. At the end of the six months, there were no solutions. The German mathematician, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, who is given credit along … Read more

What Are Isaac Newton’s Three Laws of Motion and When Did Newton Publish Principia Mathematica?

what are isaac newtons three laws of motion and when did newton publish principia mathematica

Newton finally published his scientific breakthroughs in 1687 in a three volume set called Principia Mathematica. It took him three years to write down his vast store of knowledge, but the book was immediately recognized at the time as the most important scientific work ever written. It was also the beginning of the science of … Read more

How Did Michael Faraday Discover Electromagnetic Induction Which Converts Magnetism To Electricity?

how did michael faraday discover electromagnetic induction which converts magnetism to electricity

The experiment Michael Faraday devised in 1831 to bring about the conversion of magnetism to electricity, also known as electromagnetic induction, sounds very simple. In time, it led to the huge generators used today to make electric power. First, Faraday made a conductor for the electricity by winding 220 feet of copper wire around a … Read more

Who Was Michael Faraday and Why Is Michael Faraday One of the Most Influential Scientists In History?

who was michael faraday and why is michael faraday one of the most influential scientists in history

Michael Faraday was born in 1791 in Newington, near London, England. His father was a blacksmith and the family was very poor. There were times when the young Faraday had only bread to eat. Faraday’s family belonged to a small Christian sect called the Sandemanians. Its founder, Robert Sandeman, believed that the greatest achievement a … Read more

Who Was James Clerk Maxwell and Why Was Maxwell’s Work In Electromagnetism a Major Advancement In Physics?

who was james clerk maxwell and why was maxwells work in electromagnetism a major advancement in physics

The substance was different from all other matter. It couldn’t be seen or felt or even measured, but it was present everywhere. It existed throughout space and even in vacuums. It was stationary and all bodies in space traveled through it. Its basic property was that it was luminiferous, it could carry light. It was … Read more

How Were Michael Faraday’s Ideas On Magnetism Influenced By English Scientist William Gilbert?

how were michael faradays ideas on magnetism influenced by english scientist william gilbert

The beginnings of Michael Faraday’s ideas about magnetism started over 200 years before in a book titled Of Magnets by English scientist William Gilbert. It was published in 1600 and was probably the first great scientific work written in England. Gilbert was a remarkable scientist who was centuries ahead of his time in many fields. … Read more

What Was James Clerk Maxwell’s Kinetic Theory of Gases and How Did It Advance the Science of Thermodynamics?

what was james clerk maxwells kinetic theory of gases and how did it advance the science of thermodynamics

In 1798, the British scientist Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, proved that heat was a form of motion, not the weightless fluid of previous theories. By James Clerk Maxwell’s time, it was known that it was the atoms or molecules of the hot substance that were moving, but what was the nature of the movement? Did … Read more

How Did James Clerk Maxwell Turn Michael Faraday’s Field Theory Into a Map of the Universe?

how did james clerk maxwell turn michael faradays field theory into a map of the universe

Michael Faraday studied the lines that iron filings formed by magnets and saw lines of force spreading across the universe. He thought other forces, like gravity, electricity, and even light, all acted with these lines of force. He was right, but he could not work out the mathematical proof, or description, of his theory. James … Read more

How Do Bacterial Diseases Develop Antibiotic Resistance and How Does Antibiotic Misuse Create Superbugs?

how do bacterial diseases develop antibiotic resistance and how does antibiotic misuse create superbugs

A drug that kills bacteria is referred to as an antibiotic. Many antibiotics have been developed since Ehrlich founded chemotherapy and Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic, penicillin, in 1928. There is a growing problem, however, with the use of antibiotics. They have been overused. Just as humans develop immunity to diseases, bacteria develop immunity … Read more

How Did Paul Ehrlich Create the First Synthetic Antibiotic Drug and Who Coined the Term Chemotherapy?

how did paul ehrlich create the first synthetic antibiotic drug and who coined the term chemotherapy

The human body’s immune response, using its own antibodies, was still not enough for many diseases. Common diseases like malaria, sleeping sickness, and syphilis are caused by bacteria and other infectious germs that the body’s “magic bullets” cannot destroy. Paul Ehrlich set out to create chemical “magic bullets” that would cure these kinds of diseases. … Read more

How Did Antibodies Help Paul Ehrlich Discover His Magic Bullets and Develop His Side Chain Theory?

how did antibodies help paul ehrlich discover his magic bullets and develop his side chain theory

In 1890, another German researcher Emil von Behring, discovered that the blood of animals infected with different diseases contained chemicals that attacked the disease cells. He called these chemicals antibodies and found that they often provided immunity, or lifetime protection, against a disease after the first attack. Paul Ehrlich realized that this was how his … Read more

What Changes Have Been Made To Mendeleyev’s Periodic Table and How Many New Elements Have Been Added?

what changes have been made to mendeleyevs periodic table and how many new elements have been added

Considering all the discoveries that have been made since Dmitri Mendeleyev devised his periodic table, there have been few changes to his table. Fifty new elements have been added as they have been discovered, but the main change had to do with a new measure of the atom, the atomic number. Mendeleyev’s first periodic table … Read more

How Did Dmitri Mendeleev’s Periodic Table Enable Him To Predict the Properties of Undiscovered Elements?

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Dmitri Mendeleev was convinced he had uncovered the chemical “order” of the universe, but he had two problems. First, there were gaps in the table-places where elements were needed to complete the group. Mendeleyev simply said these were elements that had not yet been discovered. He said they would be discovered soon, and he predicted … Read more

What Are the Harmful Effects of Radium and Why Is Radiation Considered a Health Hazard?

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It was not until the 1920s that scientists became aware of the dangers of working with radioactivity. Radioactive rays hold an incredible amount of fast-moving energy and easily penetrate human tissue. Once inside the body, the rays damage or destroy cells at a rapid rate. Radioactive substances can affect human bodies in different, unpredictable ways … Read more

How Did the Unfinished Experiment of French Scientist Henri Becquerel Inspire Marie Curie to Discover Radium?

how did the unfinished experiment of french scientist henri becquerel inspire marie curie to discover radium

In 1895, the German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X rays, a radiation that could penetrate most solid materials and expose photographic plates. Also, any gas, such as air, became electrified when struck by these rays. The discovery eventually led to the use of X rays to take pictures of the inside of the human body … Read more

Who Was Paul Ehrlich and Why Is Paul Ehrlich Considered the Founder of Modern Hematology?

who was paul ehrlich and why is paul ehrlich considered the founder of modern hematology

Paul Ehrlich was born in Strehlin, Germany, in 1854. He received his medical degree from the University of Leipzig in 1878, but he was much more interested in research than opening up a practice. At the time, French chemist Louis Pasteur and German bacteriologist Robert Koch were each discovering the role bacteria played in disease, … Read more

How Did the Cell Theory Originate and How Did Physician Rudolf Virchow Help Pioneer the Science of Pathology?

how did the cell theory originate and how did physician rudolf virchow help pioneer the science of pathology

By the 1850s, people still didn’t know exactly what caused disease. There were many theories, but none were based on scientific principles. In 1858, the German physician Rudolf Virchow offered the first clue with his cell theory. He said the cell, which Dutch inventor Antoni van Leeuwenhoek had seen 200 years earlier, was the basic … Read more

What Were the Consequences of Marie Curie’s Discovery of Radium and Who Coined the Term Radioactivity?

what were the consequences of marie curies discovery of radium and who coined the term radioactivity

Marie Curie discovered that a small amount of radium would destroy human tissue. This meant it would be tremendously effective in treating many types of cancer by destroying cancerous tumors. Doctors immediately started treating cancer patients with radiotherapy, or Curie therapy as it was sometimes called. There was a problem, however. Many years later, it … Read more

How Did the Periodic Table of the Elements Originate and Who First Listed the Elements By Atomic Weight?

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The discoveries of chemists like Dalton, Lavoisier, and Avogadro concerning atoms and atomic weights made it easier for scientists to detect new elements. In 1808, John Dalton created a table of the 21 known elements. By 1860 there were 63 known elements and chemists were beginning to notice similarities in the properties of some of … Read more

Who Was Italian Chemist Stanislao Cannizzaro and How Did Cannizzaro Contribute To Avogadro’s Molecular Theory?

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The confusion over atomic weights could have been cleared up decades earlier than it was, but no one was listening. The main reason was that the theory depended on the idea that identical atoms may combine with one another to form a molecule. Chemists at the time could not believe this, so Avogadro lived out … Read more

How Did Dmitri Mendeleev Arrange His New Periodic Table of the Elements By Weight and Chemical Properties?

how did dmitri mendeleev arrange his new periodic table of the elements by weight and chemical properties

There were several reasons why Dmitri Mendeleev was able to put together a remarkably accurate periodic table. First, he used the new atomic weights calculated by Italian chemist Stanislao Cannizzaro. Cannizzaro had taken the new figures to the Karlsruhe Convention of chemists in 1860 to defend the still-unknown Avogadro and his molecular laws. Then, Mendeleyev … Read more

Who Was Dmitry Mendeleyev and When Did Mendeleyev Create the First Version of the Periodic Table of Elements?

who was dmitry mendeleyev and when did mendeleyev create the first version of the periodic table of elements

Dmitry Mendeleyev was born the youngest of 14 children in Tobolsk, Siberia, in 1834. His family had been pioneers in desolate Siberia, starting the first printing press, the first newspaper, and the first glass factory. Russia had been under the strict rule of monarchs called czars, since the sixteenth century and revolutionaries were starting to … Read more

How Many Molecules Are There In 22 Liters of Gas and Who Is Avogadro’s Law Named After?

how many molecules are there in 22 liters of gas and who is avogadros law named after

After Avogadro’s law finally was accepted, some scientists tried to calculate how many molecules might be present in a specific weight of a substance. Eventually, they calculated that 22 liters of gas contains 602 billion trillion molecules. This is usually written as 6.02 x 10^23 (to the twenty-third power) and is referred to as Avogadro’s … Read more

How Was John Dalton Wrong About Molecular Theory and When Was the Chemical Composition of Water Discovered?

how was john dalton wrong about molecular theory and when was the chemical composition of water discovered

Many scientists who make great leaps forward in their discoveries generate as many questions as they answer, like John Dalton and his atomic theory. Dalton had proven the existence of the atom, and his relative atomic weights were a brilliant start to measuring the atom, but questions remained. Scientists were still puzzled by the true … Read more

Who Was Amedeo Avogadro and Why Is Avogadro Considered the Founder of Atomic Molecular Theory?

who was amedeo avogadro and why is avogadro considered the founder of atomic molecular theory

There are many examples of a scientist’s theory being rejected in his lifetime despite its accuracy. Sometimes, fellow scientists want to see a theory proven before they accept it. Louis Pasteur constantly had to prove his theories to his fellow scientists. Often, believers in organized religion feel threatened by findings that oppose their beliefs. Galileo … Read more

What Are the Five Points of John Dalton’s Atomic Theory and How Did Dalton Discover Color Blindness?

what are the five points of john daltons atomic theory and how did dalton discover color blindness

John Dalton was now convinced he had enough proof to back up an atomic theory. By 1803 he was lecturing on his theory, and by 1808 he had published his findings. His atomic theory states the following: All matter is made up of small, indivisible particles called atoms. Atoms of different elements have different properties, … Read more

How Did Jöns Jacob Berzelius Create a Notation System For Chemistry By Improving On John Dalton’s Work?

how did jons jacob berzelius create a notation system for chemistry by improving on john daltons work

John Dalton published his findings on atomic weights and his atomic theory in 1808 in A New System of Chemical Philosophy. The book also included a set of symbols for the elements to help explain his findings. In 1814, Swedish chemist Jons Berzelius improved on Dalton’s findings. He made some of the atomic weights more … Read more

How Did John Dalton Weigh Atoms and How Did Dalton Figure Out the Relative Atomic Weights of Elements?

how did john dalton weigh atoms and how did dalton figure out the relative atomic weights of elements

John Dalton couldn’t actually weigh atoms. The technology to do that was still over 100 years in the future, but he could do the next best thing. He could measure their relative atomic weights. Dalton first turned to the results of past studies. In 1799, the French chemist Joseph-Louis Proust followed the lead of Antoine … Read more

How Did John Dalton’s Study of Meteorology Lead To the Discovery of His Atomic Theory?

how did john daltons study of meteorology lead to the discovery of his atomic theory

John Dalton was fascinated by Earth’s atmosphere. He called air “elastic fluid” and made his own weather instruments, barometers, thermometers, and rain gauges, to study it. Dalton made daily readings of the air for 57 years and recorded his findings in notebooks. In all, he recorded over 200,000 observations on the weather in these notebooks, … Read more

Who First Proposed the Theory of the Atom and What Does the Word Atom Mean In Greek?

who first proposed the theory of the atom and what does the word atom mean in greek

The Greek philosopher, Democritus was called “the Laughing Philosopher” because he said the purpose of life was “to be cheerful.” Around 470 B.C., he proposed a theory that made others laugh at him. Democritus argued that all matter was made up of invisible particles he called atoms, from the Greek for “indivisible”, and that the … Read more

What Is the Law of the Conservation of Matter and How Did Antoine Lavoisier Discover the Theory?

what is the law of the conservation of matter and how did antoine lavoisier discover the theory

By 1770, Antoine Lavoisier was carefully studying how combustion worked. How did things burn and how did they rust? Stahl’s phlogiston theory was still accepted, but Lavoisier had a problem with it: the theory had never been proven with measurements. Two hundred years before, Galileo had stressed the importance of measurement in astronomy. Lavoisier wanted … Read more

How Did Antoine Lavoisier Devise a Systematic Chemical Nomenclature and What Was the First Chemistry Textbook?

how did antoine lavoisier devise a systematic chemical nomenclature and what was the first chemistry textbook

Antoine Lavoisier was a great admirer of the Swedish scientist Carolus Linnaeus, who started a classification system for biology. Inspired by Linnaeus, Lavoisier, and three other French chemists set up a new chemical naming system. An exact system of prefixes and suffixes would now clearly describe chemical compounds. For example, carbon dioxide contained twice as … Read more

Why Was Joseph Priestley Forced To Leave England and Emigrate To America After a Mob Burned Down His Home?

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\Joseph Priestley’s upbringing as a Dissenter stuck with him throughout his life. Priestley was a freethinker with bold ideas on science, theology, and politics. Despite his interest in experimental science, he remained a pastor his entire life. He wrote often on religion, including his very controversial History of Corruptions of Christianity. In this work, he … Read more

How Many Gases Did Theologian Joseph Priestley Discover and Who Really Discovered Oxygen?

how many gases did theologian joseph priestley discover and who really discovered oxygen

In all, Joseph Priestley discovered nine gases. He did not know what these gases were, but he isolated them and described their properties. One of these discoveries could have disproven an incorrect theory called the phlogiston theory of fire, but Priestley drew the wrong conclusion from a successful experiment. The phlogiston theory was developed in … Read more

What Was Alchemy, Where Did the Ancient Practice Come From, and What Does the Word Alchemy Mean In Arabic?

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Modern chemistry had its beginnings in the strange practices of alchemy. Alchemy got its name from an Arabic word meaning “Egypt” because at first it was a secret cult of Egyptian priests. From their studies, the priests learned glassmaking, metalworking, and methods of preserving mummies. By the time alchemy reached Europe centuries later, alchemists had … Read more

Who Is Birute Galdikas and How Did Galdikas’ Work With Orangutans Help Advance Environmental Science?

who is birute galdikas and how did galdikas work with orangutans help advance environmental science

Birute Galdikas was born in Wiesbaden, Germany, in 1946. She also had an interest in animals from an early age and was especially fascinated by orangutans. Along with chimps and gorillas, orangutans are humans’ closest living relatives. Galdikas’s family moved from Germany to Canada and then to the United States, and Galdikas studied anthropology at … Read more