Where do the words “agony”, “antagonist” come from and What do they mean?

where do the words agony antagonist come from and what do they mean

Although we have since extended the meaning of the word “agony” to include intense physical suffering, such as we experience when in great pain, its original meaning in English referred to intense mental suffering or anguish, specifically that experienced by Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, for it was in the English translation of the … Read more

Where does the word “alcohol” come from and What does it mean?

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From very early times the women of East Asian countries, desiring to enhance their beauty, have stained their eyelids with a very fine dark powder. This they call koh’l. The cosmetic is usually obtained from antimony. English writers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in describing this cosmetic, thinking the definite article to be part … Read more

Where do the words apron, adder, auger, umpire, orange come from and What do they mean?

where do the words apron adder auger umpire orange come from and what do they mean

Strangely enough, even as recently as the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, our ancestors were accustomed to speak of this protective garment as “napron.” The word was adapted from the French naperon; in modern French, napperon, now meaning “napkin.” But our forefathers were careless, even as we are, and “a napron” became slurred in speech into … Read more

Where does the word “arena” come from and What does it mean?

where does the word arena come from and what does it mean

The amphitheaters of ancient Rome were structures that resembled in many respects the stadiums in many of the colleges and cities of the United States. The structures, both ancient and modern, were erected so that spectators could easily see and enjoy the contests in the large open spaces which they surrounded. But the great difference … Read more

Where does the word “arrant” come from and What does it mean?

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We use the word “arrant” now to mean downright, out-and-out, unmitigated; as, an arrant coward, an arrant scoundrel. But it was formerly just another spelling of “errant,” and it meant wandering, vagabond, nomad. Thus a “knight errant,” in the Age of Chivalry, was a knight, usually young, who roamed the countryside, seeking an opportunity to … Read more

Where does the word “anthem” come from and What does it mean?

where does the word anthem come from and what does it mean

Originally “anthem” was the same word and had the same meaning as antiphon, a response, sung or chanted. Introduced into Christian worship, the Greek antiphon, in the speech of the priests, became Old English antefne. Then and for many centuries thereafter it referred to a composition for two voices or two choirs sung or chanted … Read more

How did the word “abominable” originate and What does it mean?

how did the word abominable originate and what does it mean

The Romans were intensely superstitious. Any chance event or chance remark that occurred on the eve of an undertaking was carefully examined to determine whether it might indicate good luck or bad luck. Thus Cicero tells us that Crassus, when about to embark upon his ill-fated expedition against the Parthians, should have turned back. At … Read more

Where does the word “abet” come from and What does it mean?

where does the word abet come from and what does it mean

The so-called sport of bear-baiting was widely known among the Teutonic countries a thousand years ago, but it became nowhere more popular than in England, especially after the fourteenth century. For the pleasure of the spectators, a bear, freshly caught and starved. enough to make it vicious, was fastened to a stake by a short … Read more

Where does the word “acre” come from and What does it mean?

where does the word acre come from and what does it mean

The Old English word for “acre” was ecer. In the Middle Ages, however, it was adapted to the Latin of the period and became acra, which gave rise to our present spelling. The word originally meant unoccupied country, whether field or woodland. But through increased interest in agriculture, the meaning became limited to land that … Read more

Where does the word “admiral” come from and What does it mean?

where does the word admiral come from and what does it mean

Abu-Bekr, the first successor to Mahomet, who died in A.D. 632, had been his faithful follower for many years. Upon taking the new title, Caliph, or “successor,” he relinquished his former title, “The Faithful.” This latter title was then taken by Omar, the man appointed to succeed him, who announced himself to be “Commander of … Read more

Where did the word “academy” come from and What does it mean?

where did the word academy come from and what does it mean

Helen, who later became noted as the owner of the “face that launched a thousand ships,” was the fabled Grecian queen whose abduction by Paris brought on the Trojan War described by Homer almost three thousand years ago. As a little girl in Sparta her beauty was even then so remarkable that, according to legend, … Read more

How did the Greeks know the size of the earth over 1,700 years before anyone sailed around it?

how did the greeks know the size of the earth over 1700 years before anyone sailed around it

In the third century B.C., Eratosthenes needed no more than a gnomon, or shadow stick, to measure the whole earth, and his answer missed our contemporary, sophisticated measurements by only 5 percent. On the summer solstice, Eratosthenes stood at Alexandria with his gnomon. When the sun reached its zenith over Syene, a city 5,000 stades, … Read more

How and why did the people of France kill Marie Antoinette?

how and why did the people of france kill marie antoinette

On October 16, 1793, Marie Antoinette, former Queen of France and Navarre, mounted an open tumbrel led by cart horses, her hands bound behind her. With a constitutional priest beside her, she was driven through the chill autumn morning from the Conciergerie, where she had been held prisoner, over the Pont au Change, toward the … Read more

Where did cigarettes come from and Who invented the first cigarettes?

where did cigarettes come from and who invented the first cigarettes

The Aztecs smoked tobacco through a hollow reed or cane tube, and elsewhere in Central and South America the indigenous population rolled shredded tobacco in corn husks and other vegetable materials. The conquistadores who witnessed this returned to Spain with something resembling our present day cigar. Wealthy Spaniards smoked these cigars and often tossed the … Read more

How did America get its name and Where did the name America come from?

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When Christopher Columbus died in 1506, he adamantly believed that the scene of his adventures and exploration was eastern Asia. This conviction prevented his assigning a new name to the vast continents that by rights should bear his name. His error was the first in a chain of quirky occurrences through which a counterfeit letter … Read more

How did Marie Curie discover radium and Where did radium come from?

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The story of the search for radium is a romantic and stirring one. Behind it is a woman who was passionately curious, daring in her convictions, and determined to work in an age hardly encouraging to professional aspirations among those of her sex. From a dilapidated shed, described by one German chemist at the time … Read more

How did Warren Harding become the Republican presidential nominee in 1920?

how did warren harding become the republican presidential nominee in 1920

With his genial disposition, lack of political drive, and tastes for wine, women, and poker, Warren Gamaliel Harding was not only a startling choice in 1920 but one of the least qualified candidates ever nominated by the Republican or Democratic party. But the young politician from small town America, Blooming Grove, Ohio, had good looks, … Read more

Who Invented the Model T and How did Henry Ford design the Model T?

who invented the model t and how did henry ford design the model t

As simply as possible, for the most economical and efficient production to date. The Model T was the car for the masses, the car that revolutionized the industry in its early days, that ten years after its appearance sold for an average of $400 retail while Ford netted over $80 million annually. “You can have … Read more

How did Lavinia Dickinson find the poems of Emily Dickinson?

how did lavinia dickinson find the poems of emily dickinson

Emily Dickinson was born in 1830 in the quiet, respectable town of Amherst, Massachusetts, and died there 56 years later, her genius as yet unrecognized, her manuscripts, like her life, safely hidden from the world. As daughter of the treasurer of Amherst College, Emily might have taken part in society but chose not to, turning … Read more

How did Eliot Ness and the Feds put Al Capone in jail?

how did eliot ness and the feds put al capone in jail

When Al Capone’s armor plated Cadillac with its bulletproof glass and tail gunner’s movable back window cruised along the streets of Chicago, people spilled into the streets hoping to catch a glimpse of Scarface. Inside, the king of the underworld reclined on silk cushions and puffed on a fat cigar, while his bodyguard, armed with … Read more

Where did maps come from and Who made the first accurate map of the world?

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Attempts to map the earth began thousands of years before the birth of Christ. The first known maps were made by the Babylonians and the Egyptians, who transcribed information gathered from direct measurement of the ground. Babylonian ground plans, made for the purpose of taxing property, were inscribed on tablets of baked clay and date … Read more

How did Superman fly across the sky in the movies?

how did superman fly across the sky in the movies

When Superman speeds across the heavens to save Lois Lane or fearlessly dives and swoops around the skyscrapers of Gotham or over the San Andreas Fault, kids really believe he’s flying and many of the rest of us come close to believing, too. That’s because the moviemakers put a lot of effort into not only … Read more

When did Heinrich Schliemann discover Ancient Troy and How was Troy discovered?

when did heinrich schliemann discover ancient troy and how was troy discovered

Heinrich Schliemann, a self-made millionaire with a lifelong belief in the historical accuracy of the Greek classics, discovered ancient Troy, the site of the battles fought in Homer’s Iliad. Born in 1822 in Mecklenburg, Germany, Schliemann was introduced to the Iliad and the Odyssey by his father, a Protestant minister. As a boy Heinrich would … Read more

How did Scotch Tape get its name and Where did it originate?

how did scotch tape get its name and where did it originate

In 1925, when Detroit was alive and well with a burgeoning auto industry, some car manufacturers were producing two-tone models. Flashy, yes, but a nightmare to paint. So the car makers turned to the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company 3M for a sturdy tape they could run along a seam while painting to keep clean … Read more

How did Gutenberg print the Bible with the movable type printing press?

how did gutenberg print the bible with the movable type printing press

Fifteenth century Europe, at last stirring from the sleep of the Middle Ages, was a place of exploration and invention. Universities opened their doors; drama’ and poetry flourished; a wave of humanism peaked in Italy and spread northward; Prince Henry the Navigator and Christopher Columbus set sail for new shores. In Germany, the city of … Read more

Where did the Parachute come from and When was the first parachute invented?

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Although the principle and construction of the parachute might seem pretty elementary in these days of advanced aerodynamic technology, early experiments with the devices were feats of considerable daring, usually performed before breathless crowds at country fairs. Louis Sebastien Lenormand of France was the first to demonstrate his rustic canopy parachute in action when, in … Read more

How did Harpo Marx learn to play the harp?

how did harpo marx learn to play the harp

When the five Marx brothers and their parents, grandparents, and miscellaneous relatives lived crammed together in a tenement on East 93rd Street in New York, it was Minnie, the boys’ mother, who was always plotting and scheming to get them onto the stage. A legend in show business, she had the energy and inspiration to … Read more

Where did the Great Wall of China come from and How did slaves build the Great Wall of China?

where did the great wall of china come from and how did slaves build the great wall of china

The largest man-made construction on earth, and, it is often said, the only one visible from the moon, the Great Wall of China began as many different walls linking already existing fortifications and watchtowers. During the period of the Warring Kingdoms (c. 500-221 B.C.), myriad principalities were subsumed under huge kingdoms, which inevitably fought and … Read more

How did Beethoven compose music when he was deaf?

how did beethoven compose music when he was deaf

Beethoven noted the first signs of deafness as early as 1801, when he was only 28, with numerous piano and chamber works behind him but only one symphony yet created. “Let me tell you,” wrote the young composer to Karl Friedrich Amenda, “that my most prized possession, my hearing, has greatly deteriorated.” He commented parenthetically, … Read more

Where did neckties come from and How did men decide to wear neckties?

where did neckties come from and how did men decide to wear neckties

In this century convention appears to have the upper hand with men’s clothes. The standard, acceptable uniform is dutifully worn by legions of businessmen pouring into offices five days a week, despite the buttoned collar that grows smaller with passing hours, despite the choking necktie cramping one’s style. For some, fumbling with a necktie at … Read more

How did the Chicago fire of 1871 start and Where did it originate?

how did the chicago fire of 1871 start and where did it originate

In the popular legend, poor old Mrs. O’Leary’s cow takes the rap for the devastation of downtown Chicago, with a loss of 17,000 buildings and $200 million. The accused allegedly kicked over a lantern, which ignited the straw, the cowshed, and three and a half square miles of the city. No one else shouldered the … Read more

How did factory workers unionize the Ford Motor Company and When?

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No one was more vigorously opposed to unions than Henry Ford. As waves of strikes disrupted factories across the country in the late 1930s, as General Motors and Chrysler made concessions, Ford stood firm, convinced to the bitter end that unions were controlled by “predatory money interests in New York.” The recalcitrant tycoon, by then … Read more

Where do Hot Dogs come from and How did the hot dog get its name?

where do hot dogs come from and how did the hot dog get its name

Although “wiener” and “frank” and “hot dog” are interchanged quite freely today, old-time sausage makers insist that originally Vienna’s wiener and Frankfurt’s frankfurter were two distinct breeds, the latter being more coarsely ground and highly seasoned. To confuse matters even more, the hot dog’s antecedent is called a wiener Wurst in Frankfurt and a Frankfurter … Read more

How did Lauren Bacall meet Humphrey Bogart and When?

how did lauren bacall meet humphrey bogart and when

While moviegoers across the country flocked to the films of Humphrey Bogart to swoon over his aloof machismo or be dazzled by his daring, teenaged Betty Bacal stood in the shadows of the streets of Brooklyn, as yet unknown. Hanging out in front of Sardi’s, she sold a theatrical sheet, Actor’s Cues, and brazenly introduced … Read more

How did atomic physicists split the atom and When?

how did atomic physicists split the atom and when

In the early days of atomic physics, the overriding concern was the search for knowledge, pure and simple, unencumbered by the controversial moral and political ramifications that since 1945 have surrounded the atomic bomb. In the forefront of the drive to reveal the secrets of the atom was one of the greatest physicists of all … Read more

Where do Stradivarius Violins come from and How did Stradivari make his violins?

where do stradivarius violins come from and how did stradivari make his violins

The violins of Antonio Stradivari are renowned throughout the world for their perfect proportions, vigorous and bright tonality, responsiveness, and remarkable flexibility in the hands of different musicians playing continually new music throughout the ages. The gifted instrument maker, who lived in the town of Cremona in northern Italy, did not, however, spring out of … Read more

How did scientists determine the age of the earth?

how did scientists determine the age of the earth

For many years James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh, was the authority on the age of the earth. Calculating from the genealogy of patriarchs in the Old Testament, the Irish prelate pronounced in 1648 that the world was created in 4004 B.C. So convinced was he and nearly everyone else of the divine origin of the … Read more

How did Mae West’s secret husband like married life?

how did mae wests secret husband like married life

Marrying the notorious blonde with the gargantuan ego was probably the worst move Frank Wallace of Long Island ever made. Mae West was decidedly unfit for monogamy. Wallace, on the other hand, was blinded by her skirt-swishing dance numbers and her imagination in the sack. He didn’t realize why she agreed to marry, and even … Read more

How and When did Dylan Thomas die?

how and when did dylan thomas die

At about 3:30 A.M. on November 4, 1953, Dylan Thomas staggered from the White Horse Tavern to his hotel room in the Chelsea section of New York and announced to his girl friend, Liz Reitell, “I’ve had eighteen straight whiskeys. I think that’s the record.” That, at any rate, became the legend. Today students, writers, … Read more

How did assassins kill Leon Trotsky in 1940 and Why?

how did assassins kill leon trotsky in 1940 and why

The first attack came on May 24, 1940. Leon Trotsky, the powerful revolutionary and political strategist, Lenin’s comrade and appointed successor, had been living in exile for 11 years. Though his health was failing, he continued to work feverishly from behind the high walls of his villa in Coyoacan, Mexico, writing and plotting worldwide revolution. … Read more

What is the story of El Dorado about and Where did El Dorado come from?

what is the story of el dorado about and where did el dorado come from

Nestled in the mountains surrounding Bogota, Colombia, lies a rather unspectacular lake called Guatavita. But a very strange ritual was once performed here, one that caused Spaniards and Englishmen alike to forsake the comforts of home, battle alligators and jaguars and cannibals, suffer scurvy and starvation, and lose their way in the torrid jungles, all … Read more

How did Howard Hughes find his women?

how did howard hughes find his women

With the demise of his first marriage in the early 1920s, Hughes abandoned himself to 30 years of rampant promiscuity—bizarre and often underhanded. Enamored of Hollywood, he was equally smitten by its leading ladies. Marian Marsh, Jean Harlow, Ava Gardner, Lana Turner, Ida Lupino, and Carole Lombard were all associated with the tall and mysterious … Read more

Who invented coffee and How did people learn how to make coffee?

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According to Arab legend, a lone shepherd named Kaldi was roaming the hills with his herd of goats sometime around A.D. 850. One day he found his usually quiet herd behaving very strangely: old and young alike frolicked and cavorted, scampered up and down the rocky slopes bleating excitedly. The bewildered shepherd hid and watched … Read more

How did Napoleon Bonaparte escape from the island of Elba in 1815?

how did napoleon bonaparte escape from the island of elba in 1815

Napoleon Bonaparte abdicated on April 6, 1814, and the Allies attempted to determine his fate, according to the Treaty of Fontainebleau, signed six days later. The Emperor (who might still call himself that) was to assume sovereignty not over an empire but over the little island of Elba, lying between Corsica and the western coast … Read more

How did the crew on the Titanic discover that the Titanic was sinking?

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On April 10, 1912, the magnificent Titanic, called unsinkable, steamed slowly away from Southampton on her maiden voyage with her cargo of aristocrats, her lavish dining rooms, suites, and cafés. She picked up passengers at Queenstown, then turned her bow westward toward New York, with 1,316 passengers and 891 crew members. Nearly 900 feet long, … Read more

How did France set the price of the Louisiana Purchase?

how did france set the price of the louisiana purchase

“Quickly” is the answer to this question, before Napoleon could change his mind. In the early 19th century, New Orleans was already a vital port, strategically located at the mouth of the long Mississippi. Early settlers in the West shipped nearly a third of their produce in flatboats along its tributaries and down the river … Read more

How did archaeologists excavate Delphi in Greece and When?

how did archaeologists excavate delphi in greece and when

Hovering over the steep Pleistus Valley and shielded by rugged Mount Parnassus is the ancient sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi. Here at the crossroads of several trade routes, men of the mercantile world would meet and exchange wares. Others would come to seek the wisdom of the fabled oracle, the frenzied prophetess through whom Apollo … Read more

How did astronomers discover the planet Neptune and When?

how did astronomers discover the planet neptune and when

It was not the searching eye of an astronomer but the enormously complex calculations of mathematicians that made Neptune known to the world. If skeptical at first, people were dazzled when the new planet was finally seen and the computations thus confirmed. This was the first planet to be discovered mathematically, and the method seemed … Read more

Why did Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon draw the Mason-Dixon line a century before the Civil War?

why did charles mason and jeremiah dixon draw the mason dixon line a century before the civil war

Since the 19th century, the Mason-Dixon line has represented the demarcation between North and South, the front where opinions clashed on the incendiary issue of slavery. In Civil War days, the line ran along the Maryland-Pennsylvania border and westward along the Ohio River to the Mississippi. But Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon actually had no … Read more

How did the whooping crane learn to reproduce in captivity?

how did the whooping crane learn to reproduce in captivity

The fight to save the endangered whooping crane began as early as the 1930s. Since then the struggle has acquired a certain mystique, exemplifying the recent awareness that man cannot live at the expense of other creatures. The United States government and the National Audubon Society initiated studies and programs to aid the majestic cranes, … Read more

What did King Louis XIV of France Eat and How did the Sun King Dine?

what did king louis xiv of france eat and how did the sun king dine

From the moment the Sun King arose from his sumptuous gold bed, aligned with the rising sun at the centerpiece of his beloved Versailles, the château was alive with activity. The life of every courtier, minister, lovely lady, doctor, and cook was finely tuned to the rituals of the King, his dressing, shaving, dining, meetings, … Read more

Where did the mile come from and Who decided the length of a mile?

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The statutory mile (as opposed to the slightly longer nautical mile) has an unlikely and seemingly arbitrary length of 5,280 feet. The measurement derives from ancient Rome. As walking was then the primary mode of transportation, the Romans measured a distance in paces-2 steps to the pace, a pace spanning about 5 feet, thus milia … Read more

How did the ancient Egyptians build the Great Pyramid at Giza?

how did the ancient egyptians build the great pyramid at giza

No one throughout the ages has enjoyed so sublime a tomb as that of King Khufu, builder of the magnificent Great Pyramid of Giza. The son and successor of King Snefru and Queen Hetepheres, Khufu reigned for 23 years, a period marked by economic stability and artistic progress. The able and energetic King erected several … Read more

Why did Willie Sutton decide to rob banks and How did he do it?

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“That’s where the money was,” quipped Willie. At dawn on March 9, 1950, the most notorious criminal in the country, number one on the FBI’s “Most Wanted” list, Willie Sutton, was getting ready for work. In his refuge on Staten Island, the Actor stood before the mirror staining his skin a dark olive, thickening his … Read more

How did the McDonald’s drive-in restaurant in San Bernardino become an international chain?

how did the mcdonalds drive in restaurant in san bernardino become an international chain

Obviously, somebody wanted to get rich. And that somebody was not the McDonald brothers, who lived a quiet, comfortable life in southern California, content with their pretty white house and its pleasant view. A man of a different ilk proved the dynamo behind the scenes, the relentlessly driving entrepreneur who would see those now familiar … Read more

How did Friedrich Miescher discover DNA and When?

how did friedrich miescher discover dna and when

DNA is virtually synonymous with James Watson and Francis Crick in popular belief, largely because their contribution to its study was momentous and relatively recent. But Watson and Crick were not the discoverers of the miraculous substance that embodies the secret code of genetic characteristics. These two, who fathomed the complex structure of DNA, were … Read more

How did Steven Spielberg build the Mother Ship in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind?

how did steven spielberg build the mother ship in the movie close encounters of the third kind

During the summer of 1977 many Americans walked the streets with a distracted look in their eyes and glanced frequently, apprehensively, at the sky. That was the summer aliens hovered overhead in a chandelier spaceship, sounding a sacred chord for mystified mortals. More spectacular than an oil refinery seen from the air at night (that … Read more