Who Discovered Penicillin, How is Penicillium used to Make Cheese, and Why is Cheese Aged?

who discovered penicillin how is penicillium used to make cheese and why is cheese aged

First, we have to straighten out some terminology: • Penicillin (not penicillium) is the name of the drug. • Penicillium (not penicillin) is the genus of the mold that produces the drug. • Listeriosis and brucellosis are diseases caused by bacteria, not the names of the bacteria themselves. The drug. The oft-told story of the … Read more

What does the percentage sign on the label of a Brie cheese mean?

what does the percentage sign on the label of a brie cheese mean

The percentage sign on the label of a Brie cheese is the percentage of fat in the cheese, but expressed on what a chemist would call a dry weight basis, which is the percentage of fat in what would remain after all the moisture were removed. The famous and ancient (eighth-century) French soft cheese called Brie, … Read more

How Does Eating Ice Cream in Hot Weather Cool You Off?

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Most people seem to think so that eating ice cream in hot weather cools you off. At the local Dairy Queen there is always a long line of people seeking cool after-dinner desserts in the summer, but starting the day after Labor Day, the place is virtually “desserted.” The answer to the question is in … Read more

Why does Dairy Queen Soft-Serve Ice Cream become hard in the freezer and What is Ice Cream Made of?

why does dairy queen soft serve ice cream become hard in the freezer and what is ice cream made of

As (chocolate) Dairy Queen aficionado myself, we conducted an investigation. I bought a quart container of soft-serve ice cream and measured its temperature by plunging an instant-read thermometer into the middle and waiting for a couple of dozen “instants” until it reached its final reading. On the two occasions it measured 14 and 16°F (-10 … Read more

What is the Difference between Whole Milk, Skim Milk, 2 Percent Milk, and 1 Percent Milk?

what is the difference between whole milk skim milk 2 percent milk and 1 percent milk

Remember when true skim milk was blue-white, and the edge around the glass was translucent? Why can’t we have good old skim milk back again? When a billboard asks, “Got milk?,” we may be tempted to reply, “Can you be more specific, please? Are you asking about raw milk, pasteurized milk, homogenized milk, aseptically packaged … Read more

Why do people have different reactions to Alcohol and Does Alcohol effect everyone the same way?

why do people have different reactions to alcohol and does alcohol effect everyone the same way

Having spent decades on a university campus (no, it didn’t take me that long to graduate; I was on the faculty), I have heard more than a little about what the students call “hearty parties.” Translation: binge drinking. But the college crowd doesn’t have a monopoly on binging, whether deliberate or accidental. For us in … Read more

Why does frost form on the outside of the glass of a Mint Julep after it’s mixed?

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Any dyed-in-the-cotton Southerner knows there is “plenty” in mint juleps. When sipped at the speed of a Southern drawl on a hot summer’s eve beneath a fragrant, blooming magnolia, few beverages are more refreshing than a mint julep, or more insidiously intoxicating, because its seductive sweetness masks the fact that it is virtually straight bourbon. … Read more

What is the Difference Between Kentucky Bourbon and Tennessee Whiskey and How is Bourbon Made?

what is the difference between kentucky bourbon and tennessee whiskey and how is bourbon made

What sets Kentucky bourbon and Tennessee sour mash whiskey apart is largely local pride, but virtually identical whiskey can be made anywhere. They just can’t use those state names if they were made, for example, in North Dakota. First, what is it that makes bourbon bourbon? Bourbon is officially defined by the federal Alcohol and Tobacco … Read more

Where does Sherry come from and How is Sherry made?

where does sherry come from and how is sherry made

There are some five thousand varieties of wine grapes that could be used in almost one hundred appellations d’origine in France alone, plus seventy-four appellations in California, not to mention Australia, Chile, and dozens of other wine-producing countries. Multiplied by perhaps ten years of vintages, that amounts to over 37 million possible bottles of decent … Read more

When is the best time to add Cream to Coffee, when it’s made or when you’re ready to drink it?

when is the best time to add cream to coffee when its made or when youre ready to drink it

I doubt that the ancient Greek philosophers spent much time on this (especially since they didn’t have coffee), but it’s a challenging question, if not an earthshaking one. You could settle it with an accurate thermometer, but you’d have to measure out exactly the same amounts of coffee and cream into exactly the same type … Read more

What is an Enzyme and What do Enzymes do?

what is an enzyme and what do enzymes do

Enzymes have been misunderstood almost as much as instruction manuals for VCRs. Everyone know that enzymes play essential roles in all living things, but what exactly are they? Are they alive, like bacteria? No. They’re chemicals, almost all of them proteins, that accelerate the complex chemical reactions essential to living things, both plant and animal. … Read more

What is the Difference Between Black Tea and Green Tea and How Many Different Types are there?

what is the difference between black tea and green tea and how many different types are there

All tea comes from the same, one-and-only tea plant, Camellia sinensis, whose leaves certainly were chlorophyll-green on the living plant. But based upon how the leaves are processed, there are three types of tea: green, which is consumed mostly in the Far East; black, the favorite of the British and other Westerners; and oolong (“black … Read more

What were Isaiah Berlin’s Two Concepts of Liberty?

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Isaiah Berlin developed the distinction in his 1958 inaugural address as Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory at Oxford University. Negative liberty is the absence of constraints or interference with individual action, as in a person being free to vote, write a book, or study ballroom dancing. Positive liberty is the human capacity for … Read more

How Does the Mark-Recapture Method Estimate a Wildlife Population?

how does the mark recapture method estimate a wildlife population

Researchers set traps to capture a population sampling in a given area. The captured animals are “marked” (or tagged) and then released. After a certain amount of time the traps are set again. The second time, both marked and unmarked animals will be captured. The proportion of marked to unmarked animals gives an estimate of … Read more

How Did the Orchid Get Its Name and What Does the Word Orchid Mean In Greek?

how did the orchid get its name and what does the word orchid mean in greek

Despite its perceived resemblance to the outer female reproductive organs, apparently noticed by very lonely gardeners, the orchid was actually named after male genitalia. The name orchid comes from the Greek orkhis, meaning “testicle.” It was adopted because of the orchid’s testicle shaped root. This resemblance may have led to the belief that orchids were … Read more

How Many Different Varieties of Corn Are There In the World?

how many different varieties of corn are there in the world

There are thousands of corn hybrids, but almost all fall into six general groups. The most common variety grown in the United States is dent corn, used for chemicals and animal feed. Sweet corn is the kind most people consume, on or off the cob; its sugar doesn’t convert to starch, so it is sweeter … Read more

What Is the Order of the Colors In a Rainbow From Top To Bottom?

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The order of the colors in a rainbow from top to bottom are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. However, if you see a double rainbow, with a larger but fainter secondary rainbow outside the main rainbow, the colors will be reversed in the second rainbow. A supernumerary rainbow, also also known as a stacker … Read more

What Does the Word Calculus Mean and Where Did Calculus Come From?

what does the word calculus mean and where did calculus come from

The word calculus means “pebble” in Latin. Pythagoreans used pebbles, lined up to form various shapes, to represent numbers. The earliest ideas that led to integral calculus can be found in the Egyptian Moscow papyrus, and described calculations of volumes and areas, one goal of integral calculus. Historically, calculus was known as “infinitesimal calculus”. Archimedes … Read more

How Dangerous Are Microwaves and Can Microwaves Kill You?

how dangerous are microwaves and can microwaves kill you

Microwaves sure won’t do you any good. Even small doses of microwave energy might do long-term damage, and larger doses can cause a dangerous buildup of heat, especially in body parts like eyes, which don’t cool quickly. Having said that, though, it’s also true that people stationed at microwave towers used to stand in front … Read more

Why Is Francis Bacon Considered the Father of Frozen Food Technology?

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English author and philosopher Francis Bacon was the forerunner of the great frozen-food scientists of the early 20th century, such as naturalist and author Clarence Birdseye. Bacon did many experiments with meat and discovered the undeniable connection between meat preservation and subfreezing temperatures. Tragically, his experiments killed him. While on a joumey in March 1626, … Read more

What Is the Difference Between Paleontology, Archaeology and Anthropology and Why?

what is the difference between paleontology archaeology and anthropology and why

Once scientists realized that fossils were a key to uncovering Earth’s past, the search was on for more, older fossils. Three main new sciences grew out of these studies, paleontology, archaeology, and anthropology. Paleontology is the study of fossils, including those of humans, animals, and plants. Archaeology is the study of past human culture and … Read more

What Did Louis and Mary Leakey Discover About Human and Hominid Evolutionary Development In Africa?

what did louis and mary leakey discover about human and hominid evolutionary development in africa

There are four main developments in human evolution that led to today’s Homo sapiens: walking on two legs instead of four; a larger, more complex brain; the making of tools; and language. The development of all but language could be revealed by studying fossils of hominids, members of the family that include humans and apes. … Read more

Who Were Louis and Mary Leakey and What Were Their Contributions To Anthropology and Archaeology?

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In the nineteenth century, scientists discovered that Earth was much older than previously thought. Humans and other animals had been on Earth much longer also. Some animals had lived on Earth before humans and become extinct. This raised many questions. How old was Earth? When did life start? When did humans appear? In 1925, Australian … Read more

What Were Alfred Wegener’s Contributions To Meteorology and Climatology?

what were alfred wegeners contributions to meteorology and climatology

Just as Alfred Wegener was getting his degree in astronomy, the new science of meteorology was getting a boost from some new scientific advances. The telegraph, the laying of the Atlantic cable, and wireless communications were making storm tracking and weather forecasting much more accurate. Wegener became a meteorologist. He used kites and balloons to … Read more

How Did Scientists On the Challenger Expedition Measure Ocean Depth and Gather Ocean Floor Samples?

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Some of the instruments used by the scientists on the Challenger expedition were remarkably simple. Measuring the depth of water is called sounding. Their sounding device was simply a very long rope with a heavy weight (over 100 pounds) attached to the end. The machine lowering the rope had a counting wheel to record the … Read more

What Were the Findings of the Observations and Experiments On Charles Wyville Thomson’s Challenger Expedition?

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The H.M.S. Challenger returned to England on May 24, 1876. All the oceanographic findings of the Challenger expedition would take 20 years to compile into 50 volumes and almost 30,000 pages. Charles Wyville Thomson was able to complete a two-volume account of the main findings before his death in 1882. The most remarkable discovery of … Read more

Who Was Alfred Wegener and Why Was Wegener’s Theory of Continental Drift Not Accepted By Other Geologists?

who was alfred wegener and why was wegeners theory of continental drift not accepted by other geologists

In 1596, the Flemish mapmaker Abraham Ortelius proposed a strange theory. He suggested that all the continents of Earth were once joined together and had drifted apart over the course of time due to earthquakes and floods. He offered no evidence other than that the coastlines of Africa and South America seemed to fit together … Read more

How Was Alfred Wegener’s Continental Drift Theory and the Supercontinent Pangaea Finally Proven?

how was alfred wegeners continental drift theory and the supercontinent pangaea finally proven

Without the ultimate proof of the force behind continental drift, Alfred Wegener’s theory was rejected by most as a fairy tale. The first hint of proof came right after Wegener’s death, with the confirmation of the submerged mountain range called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge under the Atlantic Ocean and a central valley along its crest. Wegener … Read more

Who Was Georges Cuvier and What Was Cuvier’s Most Important Contribution To Paleontology?

who was georges cuvier and what was cuviers most important contribution to paleontology

People had some strange ideas about fossils when they were first discovered. Some thought that dinosaur bones were the remains of a race of human giants. Even when it became clear that the fossils were the remains of strange, previously unknown animals like mastodons, some thought these animals must still exist in unexplored areas of … Read more

How Could There Be More Than One Universe and How Do Wormholes Connect Different Universes To Each Other?

how could there be more than one universe and how do wormholes connect different universes to each other

Some cosmologists have taken Stephen Hawking’s work and proposed that the same black hole process that formed our universe may have occurred more than once to form other universes. They say that structures called wormholes might connect our universe to others. These same wormholes might connect different parts of our universe that are millions of … Read more

Why Does Stephen Hawking Believe There Is a Single Unified Theory That Explains Everything In the Universe?

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Like Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking hopes for “a complete, consistent, and unified theory of the physical interactions which would describe all possible observations”, a theory for everything. Sometimes there are contradictions in science’s greatest breakthroughs. For example, Newton’s theories explained gravity and motion, and Maxwell’s theories explained radiation, but the two could not agree on … Read more

Why Did Georges Cuvier Reject the Theory of Evolution and How Did Cuvier Show That Life Did Not Evolve?

why did georges cuvier reject the theory of evolution and how did cuvier show that life did not evolve

Before Charles Darwin came up with his theory of evolution in 1859, biologists debated how to explain the similarity and diversity among animals, and Georges Cuvier was right in the middle of the debate. Cuvier was brilliant at anatomy, but he made the mistake of dismissing evolution. Both of France’s other leading biologists at the … Read more

Who Was Sir Charles Lyell and When Did Lyell Publish His Book Principles of Geology?

who was sir charles lyell and when did lyell publish his book principles of geology

Charles Lyell was born into wealth in Kinnordy, Scotland, in 1797. His father was a skilled botanist, and Lyell, growing up on the family’s huge estate, acquired a love for the natural world. His family decided, however, that he would study law at Oxford because science was not considered a “gentleman’s” profession. Lyell completed his … Read more

Who Was James Hutton and Why Is James Hutton Known As the Father of Modern Geology?

who was james hutton and why is james hutton known as the father of modern geology

In 1795, the Scottish geologist James Hutton wrote a book called Theory of the Earth. Hutton had a new theory about how Earth formed. He said Earth was probably millions of years old. Hutton rejected Cuvier’s catastrophism and said changes had occurred slowly over these millions of years from simple forces, like erosion and sedimentation, … Read more

How Was the HMS Challenger Warship Modified For Charles Wyville Thomson’s Scientific Expedition In 1872?

how was the hms challenger warship modified for charles wyville thomsons scientific expedition in 1872

The British government provided Charles Wyville Thomson with the HMS Challenger warship for the Challenger expedition. It was a 200-foot sailing ship, but it was equipped with a 1,200-horsepower engine to power dredging experiments. All but two of the ship’s 18 guns were removed and replaced with scientific laboratories and storage space. The ship had … Read more

Who Was Sir Charles Wyville Thomson and How Did the Challenger Expedition Help Advance Oceanography?

who was sir charles wyville thomson and how did the challenger expedition help advance oceanography

Who Was Sir Charles Wyville Thomson and How Did the Challenger Expedition Help Advance Oceanography? For thousands of years, humans navigated the open seas with very little idea of what lay beneath them. By the late nineteenth century, humans knew more about the universe and the atom than Earth’s oceans. Early studies of the oceans … Read more

How Can Dinosaurs Be Cloned and Brought To Life From DNA Material Found In Fossils Like In Jurassic Park?

how can dinosaurs be cloned and brought to life from dna material found in fossils like in jurassic park

Charles Lyell’s most unusual idea in his book “Principles of Geology” was that the pattern of life on Earth might occur in cycles. Some fossil discoveries were already revealing evidence that huge reptiles, later named dinosaurs, roamed Earth long before humans had. According to Lyell’s idea of cycles of life, these reptiles might return one … Read more

What Experiments Did Charles Wyville Thomson and Other Scientists Conduct On the Challenger Expedition?

what experiments did charles wyville thomson and other scientists conduct on the challenger expedition

The scientists on board the Challenger were experts in biology, chemistry, geology, and physics, and Charles Wyville Thomson’s plan for the voyage was very ambitious. They would record data and collect samples at 362 observation stations around the world. Here’s a list of the observations and experiments that were performed at most stations: The depth … Read more

What Are Cepheids and How Did Edwin Hubble Use Cepheids To Show That Other Galaxies In the Universe Exist?

what are cepheids and how did edwin hubble use cepheids to show that other galaxies in the universe exist

The skies are full of variable stars. These are stars that go through a cycle of fading and brightening, so they look like they’re winking. Cepheid variables have very quick cycles, some as short as 12 hours. In 1912, American astronomer Henrietta Leavitt discovered a connection between a Cepheid’s cycle and its brightness: the slower … Read more

Who Was Edwin Hubble and What Were Hubble’s Most Important Contributions To Astronomy?

who was edwin hubble and what were hubbles most important contributions to astronomy

At the start of the twentieth century, the perception of the universe was still limited to Earth’s own Milky Way system, which scientists thought measured no more than 20,000 light-years across. William Herschel had theorized 100 years earlier that there were other separate systems far outside our own, but most astronomers doubted this. There were … Read more

What Is the Big Bang Theory of the Universe and When Did Alexander Friedmann Propose the Big Bang Theory?

what is the big bang theory of the universe and when did alexander friedmann propose the big bang theory

After Edwin Hubble’s galactic discoveries, many scientists felt that for the first time in history we understood the key elements of the structure of the universe. In 1922, the Russian mathematician Alexander Friedmann used Einstein’s theory of relativity and Hubble’s theory of an expanding universe to propose the big bang theory to explain the origin … Read more

What Was Edwin Hubble’s Classification System For Galaxies and Why Are Some Galaxies Irregular?

what was edwin hubbles classification system for galaxies and why are some galaxies irregular

Edwin Hubble’s study of galaxies led him to a classification system based on shape and composition into regular and irregular forms. He found that 97 percent of the regular galaxies had elliptical or spiral shapes. He divided spiral galaxies into two types: normal and barred. The arms of a normal spiral stretch out from a … Read more

What Was Edwin Hubble’s Most Amazing Discovery and How Did Hubble Discover That the Universe Is Expanding?

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In the nineteenth century, astronomers discovered that studying the light emitted from a star, a study known as spectrum analysis, revealed what elements stars are made of. Changes in a star’s spectrum indicate the movement of the star, and analysis could determine the star’s speed and direction. It was revealed that stars only appear fixed … Read more

What Did Vera Rubin Discover About the Distribution of Galaxies In the Universe and What Did It Prove?

what did vera rubin discover about the distribution of galaxies in the universe and what did it prove

The big bang theory states that the present universe was born in an incalculable explosion of matter and gas. Albert Einstein had proposed the idea early in the twentieth century, and Hubble’s discoveries about galaxies seemed to confirm it. Vera Rubin’s next discovery would raise questions about the theory. The big bang theory predicted that … Read more

What Was Vera Rubin’s First Discovery and How Did Rubin Discover the Galaxy Rotation Problem?

what was vera rubins first discovery and how did rubin discover the galaxy rotation problem

Rubin’s first discovery was amazing for several reasons. When she made it, she was still just a 22-year-old student from the virtually unknown graduate department at Cornell. When she presented her findings to the American Astronomical Society in 1950, she was practically booed off the stage. Several years after her presentation, however, her findings would … Read more

Who Is Vera Cooper Rubin and What Is Rubin’s Most Important Contribution To Astronomy?

who is vera cooper rubin and what is rubins most important contribution to astronomy

Vera Cooper Rubin was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1928 and knew from a very early age that she wanted to study the stars. She built her own telescope at 14 and attended Vassar College because her heroine, astronomer Maria Mitchell, had founded the astronomy department there. There were so few graduate schools that accepted … Read more

What Do Black Holes Have To Do With the Creation of the Universe and the Big Bang Theory?

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Hawking believes that the conditions in a black hole are the key to our entire universe and the big bang theory. In a black hole, matter collapses into an infinitely dense, infinitely small point. Hawking says that if you reverse the process, you have an infinitely dense, infinitely small point, surrounded by nothingness, exploding outward … Read more

What Are Black Holes and When Did Roger Penrose Come Up With the Idea of Singularity?

what are black holes and when did roger penrose come up with the idea of singularity

In the 1960s, English mathematician Roger Penrose came up with the idea of singularity. A singularity occurs when an object becomes smaller and smaller from being crushed but does not lose any matter. Even the atoms and subatomic particles are crushed. The process continues indefinitely until the object is infinitely small and infinitely dense. Astronomers … Read more

What Is Dark Matter and How Did Vera Cooper Rubin’s Work On Galaxies Lead To the Discovery of Dark Matter?

what is dark matter and how did vera cooper rubins work on galaxies lead to the discovery of dark matter

In the 1970s, Vera Cooper Rubin started what seemed like an innocent experiment with another American astronomer, Kent Ford. Rubin wanted to determine why spiral galaxies differ in structure. She decided to compare the movements of stars near the center of a galaxy with those in the outer reaches of the galaxy. Rubin chose the … Read more

What Is Wrong With the Orbit of the Planet Uranus and How Did the Planet Neptune Get Its Name?

what is wrong with the orbit of the planet uranus and how did the planet neptune get its name

After William Herschel’s discovery of Uranus in 1781, astronomers studied the new planet carefully, but something was wrong with its orbit. It went wildly off track, and some scientists even started to question Newton’s laws of gravity. The mystery remained unsolved until 1846, when another planet was discovered in orbit beyond Uranus. English astronomer John … Read more

What Were William Herschel’s “Island Universes” and What Does the Word Nebulae Mean In Latin?

what were william herschels island universes and what does the word nebulae mean in latin

It’s hard to top the discovery of the first planet since ancient times, but William Herschel’s next observation was so amazing that few astronomers believed it until it was proven 150 years later. As telescopes became more sophisticated, astronomers began to see misty objects much farther away that were definitely not stars. They came to … Read more

How Was Friedrich Bessel the First Astronomer To Use Parallax To Calculate the Distance To a Star?

how was friedrich bessel the first astronomer to use parallax to calculate the distance to a star

After William Herschel proposed his theory of “island universes”, or galaxies lying far outside our own Milky Way, astronomers became curious about measuring the distance to the stars. In 1838, the German astronomer Friedrich Bessel used improved telescopes and a technique called parallax to prove that the universe was much more vast than even Herschel … Read more

Who Was Galileo Galilei and Why Is Galileo Known As the Father of Modern Observational Astronomy?

who was galileo galilei and why is galileo known as the father of modern observational astronomy

In 1609, Jacques Badovere wrote a letter to his former teacher telling him of an amazing new instrument from Holland called a “Dutch cylinder.” With one convex lens placed in front of one concave lens inside the cylinder, the instrument made distant objects appear much closer. Ships miles away at sea could be seen approaching … Read more

Who Invented the Pendulum Clock and Why Was Christiaan Huygens’ Invention a Breakthrough In Timekeeping?

who invented the pendulum clock and why was christiaan huygens invention a breakthrough in timekeeping

As science moved toward experimentation to prove its theories, tools of measurement became vital. The measurement of time was probably the most important of all, but in Galileo’s time, scientists had not yet invented a dependable timepiece. Ancient humans could measure years, months, and days with the movements of Earth, the Moon, and the Sun. … Read more

Who Was Sir William Herschel and When Did William Herschel Discover Infrared Radiation?

who was sir william herschel and when did william herschel discover infrared radiation

By the late eighteenth century, the development of the telescope had made it possible for many amateur astronomers to search the skies. Most were content to view what was already known, while some dreamed of great discoveries. One 41-year-old musician in Bath, England, wanted to systematically catalog the whole sky. This amateur wound up making … Read more

Why Didn’t Enrico Fermi Know He Discovered Nuclear Fission When He Conducted His Experiment With Neutrons?

why didnt enrico fermi know he discovered nuclear fission when he conducted his experiment with neutrons

When Enrico Fermi was conducting his experiments with neutrons and the elements, he was looking for a better, artificial way to produce radioactivity, not nuclear fission. When he got to uranium, he was concerned that its very high level of radioactivity might harm his instruments. Fermi placed a sheet of aluminum foil between the uranium … Read more