Where does the word “gossip” come from and What does gossip mean?

where does the word gossip come from and what does gossip mean

Sponsors for infants in the rite of baptism were, at one time, held to contract a spiritual kinship with the infant in whose name they took the vows. We still observe that kinship by the terms we use for sponsors, “godparents,” parents in God; “godfather,” “godmother.” Such godparents thus were held to be spiritually related … Read more

What does hermetic mean and Where does the word “hermetic” come from?

what does hermetic mean and where does the word hermetic come from

The ibis-headed god Thoth, in Egyptian theology, was the god of wisdom, science, magic, religion, and art. The Greeks identified him with Hermes, and he was therefore often known as Hermes Trismegistus (Hermes Thrice-greatest). He was the reputed author of the 42 books that constituted the sum of Egyptian learning, books which were therefore known … Read more

Where do the words gregarious aggregate, segregate, congregate, egregious come from and What do they mean?

where do the words gregarious aggregate segregate congregate egregious come from and what do they mean

Among any primitive people the care of one’s livestock is, next to oneself, the most important duty. Such people therefore become very familiar with the ways of their livestock and, naturally, compare the actions of their fellowmen with the actions and habits of dumb creatures. So it was among the Romans, and so did they … Read more

Where does the word “hectic” come from and What does hectic mean?

where does the word hectic come from and what does hectic mean

The Greek physician Galen, who lived in the second century B.C., discovered that the cheeks of certain of his patients were continuously flushed as if by fever. He described that condition as hektikos, which meant “habitual.” Later the condition was recognized as a disease, and the physicians of the fifteenth century, using Galen’s term, called … Read more

Where does the word “fudge” come from and What does fudge mean?

where does the word fudge come from and what does fudge mean

There is, unfortunately, no certainty about the origin of this word. But Isaac D’Israeli (the father of the statesman, Benjamin Disraeli), in Curiosities of Literature, published in 1791, quoted a story that went the rounds of the British navy in 1700 which was then thought to explain the source. The quoted explanation ran: “There was, … Read more

How Did Frankenstein Get His Name?

how did frankenstein get his name

In 1818, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, second wife of the romantic young poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley, published her first piece of writing. It is said that she had undertaken such authorship two years before when she, Shelley, and Byron had agreed that each was to undertake to write a tale dealing with the supernatural. Mrs. Shelley … Read more

Where does the word “filibuster” (freebooter) come from and What does filibuster mean?

where does the word filibuster freebooter come from and what does filibuster mean

Piracy flourished in the seventeenth century, probably more successfully and openly than ever before or since. Spain had secured all of the rich new countries bordering the Caribbean Sea, and, although nominally at peace with the other maritime nations of Europe, France, Holland, and England, rigidly excluded those nations from establishing colonies in her domain. … Read more

What does fib mean and Where does the word “fib” come from?

what does fib mean and where does the word fib come from

“Fable,” from the earliest appearance of the word in English, six hundred years ago, not only meant a pleasant narrative, but also meant a downright lie, and we still use the word in either sense. Some three or four hundred years ago, however, an unknown parent thought to soften the word, probably, by accusing her … Read more

What is a gorgon and Where did the gorgon sisters come from?

what is a gorgon and where did the gorgon sisters come from scaled

Three hideous sisters, according to Greek mythology, lived in the region of Night at the extremity of the Western Ocean. They were known as gorgons; their separate names were Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa. The latter, the only one of the three who was mortal, had once been a beautiful girl, but having had the misfortune … Read more

How did Easter get its name and Where did the Easter holiday come from?

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Early Christian missionaries, spreading out among the Teutonic tribes northward of Rome and Italy, found many pagan religious observances. Whenever possible, the missionaries did not interfere too strongly with the old customs, but quietly transformed them into ceremonies harmonizing with Christian doctrine. Thus they found that all the Teutonic tribes did homage about the first … Read more

Where does the word “enthusiasm” come from and What does enthusiasm mean?

where does the word enthusiasm come from and what does enthusiasm mean scaled

Annually, in ancient Athens, groups of play-writers, poets, musicians, and other skilled artists competed with one another among their group for the plaudits of the populace. In their day the men of greatest renown thus had their work reviewed by the great throngs attending these festivals. A successful contestant or one who showed remarkable attainment … Read more

Where does the word “epicure” come from and What does Epicurean mean?

where does the word epicure come from and what does epicurean mean

The Greek philosopher, Epicurus, who was born in 342 B.C., held that pleasure constitutes the highest happiness. He argued, however, that pleasure was not a transitory or momentary sensation; it was rather something lasting and imperishable. It was attained chiefly by pure and noble thoughts. Freedom from pain and from all influences which disturb the … Read more

Where does the word “faro” come from and What does faro mean?

where does the word faro come from and what does faro mean

In the early eighteenth century various card games which became popular at the gambling tables were introduced into England from France. Little is now known about some of these, and others, such as basset (or bassette) and lansquenet, lost their popularity many years ago. But among these was the game now known as faro, although … Read more

What does farce mean and Where does the word “farce” come from?

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In the churches of medieval France and England, back in the thirteenth century, it became customary to insert various phrases in the litanies sung by the monks between the words Kyrie and eleison in the supplication, Kyrie eleison! “Lord have mercy!” Such an insertion, borrowing a term already used in cookery, was called a farce, … Read more

Where does the word “etiquette” come from and What does etiquette mean?

where does the word etiquette come from and what does etiquette mean

Elsewhere it has been shown how the expression, “That’s the ticket,” arose from a mispronunciation of etiquette. But the French word itself means “ticket,” among other things, and in Old French was used to designate the ticket that prescribed a soldier’s lodging place, his billet. Just how the sense became transferred to prescribed conduct is … Read more