Why Is Wisconsin Called America’s Dairyland and How Much Dairy Does the State of Wisconsin Produce?

why is wisconsin called americas dairyland and how much dairy does the state of wisconsin produce

Wisconsin, is the leading milk producer in the United States. Its 1.6 million dairy cows produce a year’s supply of milk for 42 million people. Wisconsin also leads the states in butter and cheese production, supplying about a fourth of the nation’s butter and a third of its cheese. In 2009 Wisconsin had about 5.6 … Read more

Who Are the Pennsylvania Dutch People and Where Did the Pennsylvania Dutch People Come From?

who are the pennsylvania dutch people and where did the pennsylvania dutch people come from

The people called Pennsylvania Dutch are not Dutch at all, but rather descendants of the many German immigrants who settled in the central part of the state beginning in the 1700s. The German word for German is Deutsch, which was mispronounced as “Dutch.” Today, many Pennsylvania Dutch people still live in the central part of … Read more

Why Don’t the Old Order Amish People In Pennsylvania Believe In Driving Cars Or Using Electricity?

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About 18,000 of the Old Order Amish (pronounced Ab-mish) people in the United States live in and around Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The Amish religion is an offshoot of the Mennonite faith. People of both these denominations came to America in the early 1700s, with many settling in Pennsylvania, to escape religious persecution in Europe. The Amish … Read more

How Did the Delmarva Peninsula Get Its Name and Which Towns Are Named After Delaware?

how did the delmarva peninsula get its name and which towns are named after delaware

A few interesting geographic names have come from combining Delaware’s name with those of its neighbors. The strip of land that extends between the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean contains all of Delaware and parts of Maryland and Virginia. The popular name for the entire area is the Delmarva Peninsula, formed from DELaware, MARyland, … Read more

Why Is Delaware Called the First State and When Did Delaware Ratify the United States Constitution?

why is delaware called the first state and when did delaware ratify the united states constitution

Delaware was the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution, which it did on December 7, 1787. That’s why Delaware is represented first in presidential inaugurations and other national events. Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia share the Delmarva Peninsula. If you look at a map, you’ll notice that Delaware’s northern boundary with Pennsylvania is formed by … Read more

Who Were the First Europeans To Settle In Delaware and When Was the New Sweden Colony Established?

who were the first europeans to settle in delaware and when was the new sweden colony established

People from Sweden and Finland settled near present-day Wilmington, Delaware in 1638, calling their colony New Sweden. These settlers built log cabins much like those they had in Scandinavia. Later that century, the Dutch and then the English took over the colony. Since local forests offered a plentiful supply of logs for building, the log … Read more

How Did the Chesapeake Bay Get Its Name and Where Does the Name “Chesapeake” Come From?

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The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States, and lies off the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by Maryland and Virginia. The Native Americans who once lived along the bay gave it an Algonquian name, Chesepiook, meaning “great shellfish bay.” It is the seventh oldest surviving English place-name in the U.S., and was explored … Read more

How Many U.S. Presidents Were Born In Ohio and Why Is Ohio Called the Buckeye State?

how many u s presidents were born in ohio and why is ohio called the buckeye state

Seven U.S. presidents were born in Ohio, more than any other state except Virginia. They were Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, William Howard Taft, and Warren G. Harding. Although he was born in Indiana, William Henry Harrison was living in Ohio when he became president. Ohio’s nickname, … Read more

Why Has Aquaculture Supplemented Traditional Fishing In Chesapeake Bay Maryland Over the Past Few Decades?

why has aquaculture supplemented traditional fishing in chesapeake bay maryland over the past few decades

Traditional fishing is being supplemented by the practice of aquaculture in Maryland. Aquaculture is the practice in which growers use ponds or special tanks to raise millions of pounds of trout, striped bass, catfish, and tilapia, and lesser amounts of oysters and soft crabs each year. Overfishing and pollution have resulted in smaller fish and … Read more

Why Do Buffalo and Other Cities In Upstate New York Always Seem To Get So Much Snow?

why do buffalo and other cities in upstate new york always seem to get so much snow

Buffalo, Syracuse, and Rochester do receive much more snow than most U.S. cities, only Juneau, Alaska, and Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, have averaged more snow than Buffalo over the past half century. The reason is upstate New York’s proximity to the Great Lakes, whose huge expanses of open water provide ample moisture for snow and … Read more

Why Are There Skyscrapers In Lower Manhattan and Midtown But Very Few Tall Buildings In Between?

why are there skyscrapers in lower manhattan and midtown but very few tall buildings in between

There are very few tall buildings in between Lower Manhattan and Midtown because of the geology of Manhattan Island. Very tall buildings need a very solid foundation, and Manhattan Island’s bedrock of schist, which is a granite-like rock, is particularly solid and stable. In lower Manhattan the schist is about 80 feet (24 m) below … Read more

What Are the Names of Five Boroughs In New York City and Which Borough Is the Largest In Population?

what are the names of five boroughs in new york city and which borough is the largest in population

The five boroughs in New York City are also counties. The names of the five boroughs are: Bronx (Bronx County) Brooklyn (Kings County) Manhattan (New York County) Queens (Queens County) Staten Island (Richmond County) Queens is the largest borough in area, with 108 square miles (281 sq km), while Brooklyn (Kings County) is the largest … Read more

What Is the Indian Name For Lake Webster In Massachusetts and What Does It Mean?

what is the indian name for lake webster in massachusetts and what does it mean

The Indian name for Lake Webster in Massachusetts is Lake Chaubunagungamaug. And that’s the short form. The long form is Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaug. Translated, it means “You fish your side of the lake. I fish my side. Nobody fishes the middle.” About half the cranberries grown in the United States come from southeastern Massachusetts, Cape Cod, and … Read more

Which U.S. State Was the First To Enter the Union After the Original 13 States?

which u s state was the first to enter the union after the original 13 states

Vermont was the first state to enter the Union after the original 13 states. It was an independent republic until 1791, when it joined the Union. The original 13 states were New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The original 13 colonies … Read more

Why Is Massachusetts Called a Commonwealth and What Is the State Fish of Massachusetts?

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Massachusetts and three other states, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, are called commonwealths, but they are also states of the United States. There is no legal difference between the terms “commonwealth” and “state,” and they are used interchangeably. The only true U.S. commonwealth, meaning a self-governing, autonomous political unit voluntarily associated with the United States, is … Read more

How Did Rhode Island Get Its Name and Why Is Rhode Island Known As the Ocean State?

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The smallest U.S. state has the longest official name: “Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.” Providence Plantations refers to the towns on the mainland. The island of Rhode Island, now more commonly called Aquidneck, is the largest of thirty six islands, most of which are in Narragansett Bay, that also make up the state. The city … Read more

Why Is Connecticut Known As the Insurance State?

why is connecticut known as the insurance state

Connecticut is often called the Insurance State because it is the headquarters for more than 100 insurance companies. In the 1790s companies there began insuring ships and cargo that left its ports. These companies prospered, and by 1810 people could buy insurance that would cover them for “loss of life or personal injury while journeying … Read more

What Do You Call a Person From Connecticut and Why Is Connecticut Known As the Nutmeg State?

what do you call a person from connecticut and why is connecticut known as the nutmeg state

A person from Connecticut is called a “Connecticuter,” says Webster’s New International Dictionary, although there is no official state term to describe a person who was born in or lives in Connecticut. In the 1700s two other words were seen in print: “Connecticotian” and “Connecticutensian.” At one time, “Nutmegger” was used to refer to a … Read more

How Much Electricity In the United States Is Generated From Geothermal Sources?

how much electricity in the united states is generated from geothermal sources

Less than 1 percent of the electricity in the United States comes from harnessing power from natural steam sources below the Earth’s surface. The United States led the world in geothermal electricity production in 2010 with 3,086 MW of installed capacity from 77 power plants. Geothermal power requires no fuel, and is therefore immune to … Read more

Where Is the Easternmost Point In the United States?

where is the easternmost point in the united states

A small peninsula near the town of Lubec, Maine, called West Quoddy Head, lies the farthest east of the conterminous 48 U.S. states. West Quoddy Head overlooks Quoddy Narrows, a strait between Canada and the United States, and is the closest point to Africa from a point in the fifty States. But the U.S. Virgin … Read more

Why Are People From New England Called Yankees?

why are people from new england called yankees

No one knows for sure why people from New England called Yankees. Some think “Yankee” may have been derived from Janke, the Dutch nickname for Jan, meaning “John” in English. Janke was considered to be an insulting name during the 1600s. By the mid-1700s, the British were using the word to refer to New Englanders … Read more

Which States Make Up the Region Called New England and How Did New England Get Its Name?

which states make up the region called new england and how did new england get its name

New England consists of six states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Captain John Smith named the region New England while exploring the northeastern coast in 1614. In 1686 the English government formed a province they also called New England that consisted of the colonies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts (which then included … Read more

What Is the Highest Mountain In New England and What Are the Names of the 5 Monadnocks In New Hampshire?

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Mount Washington, in New Hampshire, is the highest peak in New England, at 6,288 feet (1,917 m). It is part of the Presidential Range, which has mountains named for Presidents Adams, Jefferson, Monroe, and Madison. New Hampshire’s mountain areas include five monadnocks, which are mountains or hills that sit alone on a flat plain because … Read more

Which of the Six New England States Lie Along the Atlantic Coastline and Which Is the Most Rural?

which of the six new england states lie along the atlantic coastline and which is the most rural

All six New England states lie along the Atlantic coastline except Vermont. However, Vermont’s west and east borders are mainly water, Lake Champlain forms a good part of its western border with New York, and the Connecticut River forms Vermont’s entire eastern border with New Hampshire. Vermont is the most rural of all the states. … Read more

Which U.S. State Has the Shortest Coastline and Why Is New Hampshire Called the Granite State?

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New Hampshire, like several other New England states, contains large deposits of granite, a very hard and durable igneous rock used as building material. It was once a major supplier of granite to other states, and several granite quarries continue to operate there. New Hampshire has just 13 miles (21 km) of coastline on the … Read more

What Was the First Federal Highway Built In the United States and Why Was the National Road Important?

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The first federal highway had several names: the National Road, the Cumberland Road, and the National Pike. It was begun in 1811 in Cumberland, Maryland, and by 1841 it ran almost 800 miles, to Vandalia, Illinois. This road was important because it provided a route over the Allegheny Mountains and linked the Potomac and Ohio … Read more

What Is the Busiest Airport In the United States and Which Is the Second Busiest Airport?

what is the busiest airport in the united states and which is the second busiest airport

Atlanta, Georgia, has the busiest airport in the United States, no matter how you measure it, either by number of passengers getting on or off a plane, or by the number of takeoffs and landings. Passengers who are just passing through don’t count Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport comes in second, followed by the Los Angeles … Read more

Where Is the Cumberland Gap Located and Does Cumberland Road Pass Through the Cumberland Gap?

where is the cumberland gap located and does cumberland road pass through the cumberland gap

Cumberland Road does not pass through the Cumberland Gap. The Cumberland Gap is near the place where Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee meet. It’s a natural cut in the Cumberland Mountains that was formed millions of years ago by water cutting through the Cumberland Plateau. In 1775, Daniel Boone blazed the Wilderness Trail, which runs through … Read more

What Kinds of Fish Are Raised In Fish Farms In the United States and Which State Has Large Catfish Farms?

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The United States has lots of fish farms, in fact, every state in the nation has at least a few fish farms. Salmon is raised in the waters off Maine and Alaska. Arkansas and Mississippi, in particular, have many large catfish farms. Idaho’s trout farms produce 80 percent of the world’s farm raised trout. Louisiana, … Read more

What Are the Biggest U.S. Farm States and Which State Produces the Most Wheat and Corn?

what are the biggest u s farm states and which state produces the most wheat and corn

California leads the country in agricultural production, followed in order by Texas, Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska. North Dakota produces the most wheat, followed by Kansas. Iowa produces the most corn, followed by Illinois and Nebraska. Texas produces the most cotton, followed by California and Mississippi. Texas produces the most cattle, followed by Kansas and Nebraska. … Read more

Which U.S. States Produce the Most Energy Resources and How Much Electricity Is Generated Using Coal?

which u s states produce the most energy resources and how much electricity is generated using coal

Wyoming, West Virginia, and Kentucky produce most of the coal in the United States. Natural gas comes mainly from Texas, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Oklahoma as well as from federal offshore sites in the Gulf of Mexico. There are huge reserves of natural gas in Arkansas and Oklahoma. More than half of U.S. electricity is … Read more

How Much Safer Is It To Drive On Interstate Highways In the United States Than Other Types of Roads?

how much safer is it to drive on interstate highways in the united states than other types of roads

Statistically speaking, it is safer to drive on interstate highways than on other kinds of roads in the United States. The fatality rate on interstates is 50 percent lower, and the injury rate is 70 percent lower. Interstates were designed with safety in mind. There are no intersections and no railroad crossings, curves are engineered … Read more

Where Did the Two Tracks of the United States’ First Transcontinental Railroad Begin and End?

where did the two tracks of the united states first transcontinental railroad begin and end

From the west, the Central Pacific Railroad began building track in Sacramento, California. From the east, the Union Pacific began construction in Omaha, Nebraska. Railroads running from the East Coast to Omaha had already been built. It took about six years of backbreaking labor until the two tracks met at Promontory Point, Utah, in 1869. … Read more

What Is the Longest Bridge In the United States and How Long Is the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway?

what is the longest bridge in the united states and how long is the lake pontchartrain causeway

The longest bridge in the United States is also the longest over-water bridge in the world: the 24-mile (38-km) long Lake Pontchartrain Causeway near New Orleans, Louisiana. The Verrazano Narrows Bridge in New York City is the longest suspension bridge in the United States, with a span of 4,260 feet (1,298 m). Close behind is … Read more

What Do the Numbers of Interstate Highways In the United States Mean?

what do the numbers of interstate highways in the united states mean

You can tell whether an interstate highway runs north–south or east–west by its one or two digit number. Odd-numbered interstates run north–south, and the numbers increase as you travel from the West Coast (I-5) to the East coast (1-95). Even-numbered interstates run east–west, and the numbers increase as you go from south (I-10) to north … Read more

Which U.S. State Has the Most Miles of Coastline?

which u s state has the most miles of coastline

Alaska has the most coastline, but Michigan, not Florida or California, as you might think, comes in second, because of its 3,288 mile (5,290-km) shoreline along the Great Lakes. More than half of the people in the United States live within 50 miles (80 km) of a coastline. Alaska is the largest state in the … Read more

Which Metropolitan Areas In the United States Have Been Declining In Population?

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Most metropolitan areas in the United States that have been losing people are in the North or East. The areas shrinking fastest in the 1990s were Utica-Rome, New York; Binghamton, New York; Steubenville-Weirton, Ohio-West Virginia; and Grand Forks, North Dakota-Minnesota. A metropolitan area is also sometimes known as a commuter belt or a labor market … Read more

What Is the Difference Between a Town and a City and What Is the Most Common Name For a Town?

what is the difference between a town and a city and what is the most common name for a town

A town is often defined as having between 2,500 and 20,000 residents, but there are no strict guidelines. Historically, in Europe, a city was understood to be an urban settlement with a cathedral. The word “town” comes from the Old Norse word “tun” which means “a grassy place between farmhouses”. The most common name for … Read more

What Is a Megalopolis and What Does the Word Megalopolis Mean?

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The word Megalopolis originally referred to the largely urban East Coast area that spreads from Boston to Washington, D.C. But now it means any multicity urban area of more that 10 million people. The term Megalopolis was used by Lewis Mumford in his 1938 book, The Culture of Cities, which described it as the first … Read more

Where Are the Most Dangerous Places To Live In the United States?

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If you want to avoid earthquakes, landslides, wildfires, and volcanoes, don’t live in California, according to geographer Mark Mercer. Other risky places to live include Seattle, Washington, with its nearby active volcanoes and vulnerability to earthquakes. Coastal areas of Hawaii and Alaska are unsafe because of possible tsunamis. The southern United States can be dangerous … Read more

What Are the Most Common Surnames In the United States?

what are the most common surnames in the united states

The most common surnames in the United States in order, are Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, and Brown. A surname is a name added to a given name and in many cases, a surname is a family name. In Western countries, a surname is also known as a “last name”, but in many countries in Asia, … Read more

What Is the Largest Church Group In the United States?

what is the largest church group in the united states

By far, the Roman Catholic Church, which has 62 million members in the United States, is the largest church group in the United States. Next in line are the Southern Baptist Convention, with 15.7 million; the United Methodist Church, with 8.4 million; the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc., with 8.2 million; the Church of God … Read more

What Is the Most Common Street Name In the United States and What Is the Most Popular Proper Name?

what is the most common street name in the united states and what is the most popular proper name

If you guessed that Main Street is the most common street name in the United States, you’d be wrong. It’s Second Street, mainly because many former Main Streets and First Streets were later given other names. In second place is Park Street, followed by Third, Fourth, and Fifth Streets. The most popular street name with … Read more

What Are the 10 Largest U.S. States In Population?

what are the 10 largest u s states in population

The 10 largest U.S. states in population as of the 2000 Census were: California 33,871,648 Texas 20,851,820 New York 18,976,457 Florida 15,982,378 Illinois 12,419,293 Pennsylvania 12,281,054 Ohio 11,353,140 Michigan 9,938,444 New Jersey 8,414,350 Georgia 8,186,453 U.S. Census Bureau experts predict that by 2025, Florida will become the third largest state, bumping New York to the fourth spot. More than twice as many people live in … Read more

When Did Puerto Rico Become a United States Territory and When Was the Treaty of Paris Signed?

when did puerto rico become a united states territory and when was the treaty of paris signed

Puerto Rico, an island in the Caribbean Sea southeast of Florida, is a United States territory, with about 3.8 million people. Puerto Rico became a U.S. territory, along with the Pacific island of Guam, when the Treaty of Paris was signed after the Spanish-American War in 1898. Puerto Rico became a commonwealth in 1952, meaning … Read more

What Is the Largest Minority Group In the United States and What Percentage Are African Americans?

what is the largest minority group in the united states and what percentage are african americans

African Americans make up the largest minority group in the United States, but Hispanics are not far behind. In 2000, African Americans made up 12.8 percent of the U.S. population, while Hispanics represented 12.5 percent, Asians and Pacific Islanders about 4.1 percent; and Native Americans 0.9 percent. By 2015, the U.S. Census Bureau predicts, Hispanics … Read more

How Many People Living In the United States Do Not Speak English As Their First Language?

how many people living in the united states do not speak english as their first language

More than 30 million Americans are non-native speakers of English. Spanish speaking people lead the list, followed by native speakers of French, German, Italian, Chinese, Tagalog, Polish, Korean, and Vietnamese. English is the de facto national language of the United States, although there is no official language. In 2007, about 80% of the population aged … Read more

What Is the Difference Between a City and a Metropolitan Area and Where Are the Largest Metropolitan Areas?

what is the difference between a city and a metropolitan area and where are the largest metropolitan areas

A metropolitan area is much larger than the area within the official city limits. A metropolitan area includes the central core city as well as the nearby communities that are tied to that city in terms of business and social activities. The U.S. Census Bureau defines these metropolitan areas. In land area, Juneau, Alaska, is … Read more